Transcendent David

Chapter 945: CH 943

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The military was very fast, and after talks with President Barnard were fruitless, it announced the entry into the war and the implementation of the war bill.

Meanwhile, a large number of military propaganda is also followed up, and the propaganda film of human union is circulating on various major media.

The recruitment order and the veterans recall order are issued at the same time.

All citizens of the interstellar Federation have felt the coming of war. The military frequently mobilized a large number of space fleets from various star regions, which also aggravates the atmosphere of interstellar Federation war.

In the short six hours of preparation, the terrorist interstellar federal military has been prepared for a super war from the aspects of war call, military mobilization, logistics supply, public opinion propaganda, etc.

Marshal Andre, who is in charge of all this, has a better reputation, especially if he knows who has passed president Barnard's fear of war out, and it has made the newly stable federal government lose its people's hearts.

Perhaps president Barnard, a professional politician, and the delamond staff, have no idea of harming the Federation, but they have different goals and want to make the Federation stronger.

But they chose the wrong way, which is the fault that the federal leaders can not make. Marshal Andrey can take other things or can take care of it. But in this matter of federal security, they are absolutely not allowed to make mistakes.

Marshal Andre is a professional soldier. When dealing with the enemy, he takes full force to fight. He needs a stable rear and a government that can provide sufficient logistics guarantee for the military.

It can be said that when Marshal Andrea took the hand, President Barnard had lost control of the government and lost his power.

David received more than ten visitors from the top nobles who had made good friends with him. The rest of the nobles and knights were not eligible to visit.

He was able to rest from his arrival at the Battlestar until dinner.

After dinner, David returned to the room, the castle of count Brooks, and when he entered, count Brooks moved out, and all the supplies were changed into new ones.

He came to the platform outside the bedroom, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, feeling the familiar atmosphere here.

David grew up in the war star and fought in the star. Now, the star has become a peaceful place in his eyes. All three worlds dare not use the fighting power of the five level strong. As long as the three worlds have no idea of destroying the star, he is invincible here.

His spirit swept through the space pendant, and saw the identity Bracelet belonging to David. He wanted to take out the information and see if there was any news.

The identity Bracelet fell into his hand. David put the identity bracelet on his wrist. Although his body had changed greatly, his genes did not change, and the identity bracelet was re certified soon.

Then there is a series of information flow on the identity bracelet, which is accumulated for a long time.

David scanned from the top to the bottom and found that it was basically from several industrial and intelligence organizations under his hands, which were reported to him on a date.

There are also some news about Emma, he bitterly smiles, as the only woman he loves, Emma in his heart is very important.

But what David can do for Emma at present is to protect her, and through his own financial group and his influence, no one dare to offend Emma.

And with Emma's own background, there is no need to worry about her safety.

David has been practicing to this extent and can not stay in the interstellar Federation for a long time. He needs to improve himself constantly.

In particular, he has offended the powerful God of death, and he does not want to bring the danger beyond imagination to Emma.

After Emma left a message to him, he returned a safe sentence, and he did not continue to think about it.

David soon noticed the latest news, which was the call of the war issued by the federal command, ordering all the soldiers to end their vacation, and the retired soldiers within ten years reported to the military conveners immediately.

David is familiar with this operation, which is a sign that the war will begin.

He also saw the request that he should return to the military department. He was still directly under the command of Marshal Andrea. Although Marshal Andrea allowed him to rest for a long time, such a war would require such a strong man to come to the fore.

David refused to call up. When could he take part in the army? For this war, he used Arthur as Lord Arthur.

While he was waiting for the response of the interstellar Federation, the group of star sky flying boats, which was the leader of President Gould, was also close to the target location in the chaotic star region of the world.

Twenty seven "starsky flying boats" lost one in the process of coming, and lost five five paladins and ninety four level sky knights. Although the loss was great, it was the same in the war.

Speaker Gould looked at the sea of insects, which was almost invisible from far away, and the looming space gate in the sea.

The Zerg people also saw them obviously, but neither side started fighting for the first time. This is not because the Zerg or God belongs to the world. However, the "star sky flying boat" on this side still keeps the speed. The Zerg can not keep the quantity suppression of the "star sky flying boat" group in space.Obviously, the level 5 of Zerg is much less than the level 5 of starboat group. If the level 5 Zerg gets too close, the result is that they will fall into the cavalry battle composed of level 5 Temple knights.

"Stop, all Knights form a battle line, defend for ten minutes!" Speaker Gould ordered in a deep voice.

More than 100 level 5 Templars, who had been ready for battle for a long time, flew out of the "star flying boat" as soon as they received the order, followed by level 4 sky knights.

The "star boat" has also been included in the space objects with super large space. There are only five "star flying boats" in the temple.

The Knights all know the value of time. As soon as they fly out, they form a cavalry battle array. The five level Temple knights are outside, and the fourth level sky knights are inside. In the space, a huge sphere is formed. In the center of the sphere are five Temple "star boats.".

This kind of space Knight battle array is rare, because the opportunity to use it is too few. You should know that only level 4 sky knight and level 5 Temple knight can have combat ability in space.

The minimum number of knights required to arrange the ball type Knight battle array must be more than 1000.

A thousand Knights' battle array must be at least level 4 sky knights. No single force can do it. Only space war needs such a knight battle array.

However, even if the ball type Knight battle array is rarely used, it is also the knowledge that high-level Knights must learn. None of the Knights here is not proficient.

In just a few seconds, the ball Knight battle array was also successfully arranged.

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The Zerg on the other side found that the group of "star flying boats" stopped. After a human came down, several level five Zerg made a sound, and then the insect sea surged towards this side like a wave.

"Hold on, ten minutes must be held!" Speaker Gould stood at the front of the cavalry battle, and he ordered all the Knights through the blood flowing in the battle.

At this time, the five "star flying boats" of the temple approached quickly. After approaching, the specially designed "star flying boats" were assembled in perfect harmony.

The deities in the "star boat" began to take out huge components from the space warehouse of the "star boat" and add them to the space architecture with the five Temple "star flying boats" as the core.

These deities acted in an orderly manner and were not affected by the approaching tide of insects.

There are a lot of patterns on each component, even divine patterns. Space architecture is also expanding.

The Zerg obviously saw the actions of the gods in the big world. Although they didn't know what the gods in the big world were doing, they also knew that they couldn't let it go.

Even in space, this kind of over frequency sound can still shake the hearing system of every Zerg.

The speed of the worm sea speeds up, and the Zerg in the front is approaching the round Knight battle array. They open their mouths, and their feet are shining with various lights.

"Chop!" The word "chop" resounded in the cavalry battle.

It is unimaginable that the cavalry battle is so powerful that it consists of 109 level-5 Templars and nearly 2000 level-4 sky knights.

And after a period of preparation, the knight battle array has played a complete effect, truly showing the fangs that the knight battle array should have.

A huge sword light of blood power is emitted from the knight battle array. Each sword light of blood force will plow out a channel of flesh and blood fragments in the insect tide.

Smart level 5 Zerg do not participate in the charge, and they will not enter the danger zone without consuming certain combat power of level 5 Templars.

Anyway, the number of Zerg is very large, just relying on the huge number of Zerg can kill these knights.

Speaker Gould is very calm. He observes the Zerg coming out of the space gate and constantly judges how many special Zerg there are.

To tell you the truth, ordinary Zerg want to threaten these knights with their numbers, which is not something that can be done in a short time. Instead, it is some Zerg with special talent and ability.

Of course, the Zerg with special talent is also valuable within the Zerg. Otherwise, after the elite "popcorn" has consumed energy, it will not even affect the Zerg to pass through the space gate, but also transfer the elite "popcorn" back to the Zerg.

Also, the Zerg didn't want to invest in the special Zerg at the beginning of the war. The swarm of insects was frantically attacking the knight battle array. Under the leadership of 109 level 5 Temple knights, the cavalry battle array was like a hard rock, which was allowed to be impacted again and again by the insect tide.

As time goes by, there are a lot of green blood and broken limbs of Zerg floating around the circle Knight battle array.

Zerg are very satisfied with this period of fighting, because they successfully let the Knights constantly consume a lot of blood power. Under this consumption, the knight's blood power may not last long.

Speaker Gould is also very satisfied that his first strategic plan will be achieved.

The understanding between Zerg and God is only in the contact with warstar. Under the environment there, it is extremely one-sided to know each other's situation.Just like now, the Zerg are just consuming the blood of the Knights. Although it is a threat to the building being arranged inside, as long as the knight is defeated, the building will have no effect at all.

Nine minutes later, a temple appeared inside the circle Knight battle array, and five bishops began to sing.

The surface of the temple emits Taoist light, and numerous patterns and divine patterns constantly appear on the surface of the temple, and then they are hidden in the temple.

If you look closely, you can see that this temple is a small war shrine.

After the mini war temple was activated, from the top of the small war temple, a golden light shot into the sky.

The golden light flashed by, and in a short period of ten seconds, it got in touch with the nearest war Temple sub hall and became part of the war temple system.

The small war Temple radiated white light and enveloped all the Knights.

One of David's spirits stayed in the Harlow Temple knight. At this time, he felt the white light shining on him, and the blood power he had just consumed was recovering rapidly.

And because of the loss of energy before, the soul damage of the body is also quickly healed in the white light.

After a few seconds, his five level five Templars, in addition to losing their energy, recovered to their full strength.

It's not just David's five level five Templars. All Knights here are the same. The small war shrine has made up for their losses.

The number of deities who came with the team was not large, but inside the small war shrine, a medium-sized portal was being activated, which was made entirely of divine patterns.

The gods forbid the transmission of chaotic astral domains, and only the gods themselves can break this restriction.

The most important function of the small war temple is to open a medium-sized portal so that the knights in front can get logistical support.

The medium portal was activated successfully. A war god came out of the medium portal. After they came to the battlefield, they stood in their respective positions and began to perform their magic arts.

"Light magic" lights up the whole battlefield. Once the body of a low-level Zerg is illuminated by the milky white light, it will emit bursts of black fog, accompanied by rapid erosion of the body.

Here is the world where God belongs to the big world. In this world, the function of divinity is great.

The gods have already referred to Zerg as evil, so under the light of the magic of light, low-level Zerg will be severely attacked.

A large number of deities perform the "light magic" at the same time. The effect is extremely strong. Zerg below level 4 will suffer different degrees of damage. The first and second level Zerg will melt and die immediately after being illuminated. The third level Zerg can still persist for a while. However, the duration of "light magic" is too long to support. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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