Transcendent David

Chapter 948: CH 946

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Grand Marshal Andre likes to communicate with Lord Arthur, because Lord Arthur lived in the interstellar Federation and is familiar with many things in the interstellar Federation. Therefore, when talking about some things, he can communicate easily.

Lord Arthur was still very talkative and agreed to his request without any hesitation.

This made Marshal Andre very satisfied. He took the risk to meet Lord Arthur at warstar.

Grand Marshal Andre is very interested in level 4 materials. The reason is that the number of level 4 materials in the interstellar Federation is extremely rare, because only the space fleet has the ability to kill level 4 Zerg.

However, in the space fleet's energy weapons fire attack, the materials that can be retained are very limited, and a large number of materials are destroyed under the attack of energy weapons.

David also understands this. He hopes to enhance the strength of the interstellar Federation. If he can have enough grade materials and weapons, the Federation warriors on Battlestar will not be reduced to the point of consumable.

His spirit slightly coagulated, a spiritual wall wrapped up the entire conference room, making the internal voice can not be transmitted out.

David's action did not attract the attention of the eight extraordinary people in charge of security. For the eight extraordinary people, this legendary way of spiritual use is really too high-end, so high-end that they can't understand.

David didn't want to make any changes to marshal Andre, but wanted to say something secret with Marshal Andre.

"Marshal Andre, in order to thank you for your help, I personally provide you with a life prolonging potion!" David said with a smile, taking out an alchemy bottle and putting it on the table.

Grand Marshal Andre has also heard of the great world intelligence organization's action in the Federation, which is to use the "holy water of immortality" to tempt him to become an intelligence agent of the intelligence organization.

When he heard David's words, his first thought was that it was a bottle of "holy water of immortality". He had drunk the "holy water of immortality", and even some of it entered the research department through his hands.

However, Grand Marshal Andre quickly rejected the idea that "the holy water of youth" is indeed precious, but it is not impossible to obtain it in the interstellar Federation. I believe Lord Arthur knows this.

Marshal Andre's heart suddenly moved. He looked around, for he felt that there was no sound coming from outside, and the whole conference room suddenly became quiet.

"A little bit of a trick, because my life prolonging potion is some special, I don't want too many people to know it!" David saw Marshal Andre's discovery and explained with a smile.

Grand Marshal Andre looked at Lord Arthur seriously. He had been in high position for many years and read many people. He believed in his judgment of human heart.

When he saw the sincerity in Lord Arthur's eyes, he couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you, Lord Arthur Grand Marshal Andre took the alchemy bottle and drank it without hesitation.

Grand Marshal Andre is very clear that Lord Arthur has no reason to attack him, especially at this important juncture, when the divine world and the interstellar Federation are in the closest cooperation.

Just after drinking the potion, marshal Andre felt a long lost vitality surging in his body.

"I thought it would be the holy water of immortality, but I have drunk a lot of it!" Marshal Andre, feeling the vitality in his body, said frankly.

"This medicine is very special. I won't name it!" David took back the alchemy bottle which was originally in Marshal Andre's hand.

This makes Marshal Andre's eyes move. Lord Arthur's action shows that this kind of life prolonging potion is so precious that it can't be studied.

He felt as if he had gone back 20 years.

Of course, David brought out the "immortal vitality", which was the same as the dose given to Baron dwood, both of whom were 20 years younger.

Marshal Andre has always taken great care of him. Although it was General David's identity, he still kept it in mind. However, he could not repay Marshal Andrey before. Today, he took this opportunity to make Marshal Andre 20 years younger, which was to repay Marshal Andrey's kindness.

David doesn't want Grand Marshal Andre to know the details. He just needs to be at ease.

"I was right to come here this time." Grand Marshal Andre stood up, his momentum was more fierce, his young state made him very excited.

"You'd better pay attention and hide your status!" David reminded with a smile.

Marshal Andre didn't stop at Battlestar for a long time. Before the red matter reappeared, marshal Andre was escorted away by the energy of three level five Templars.

When leaving, the eight extraordinary looking at Marshal Andre's eyes were obviously a little surprised and happy. Marshal Andre's cover up can hide outsiders, but those who are around all year round can't hide it.

These people who rely on Marshal Andre naturally hope that the longer he is in power, the better.

The eight supernatural guessed that Grand Marshal Andre, who had received a good medicine from Lord Arthur of God's great world, was very famous even in the interstellar Federation.David also returned to the castle and, after entering the hall, stopped the count of Brooks who was about to leave.

"Count Brooks, I need some knights to enter the fleet of the interstellar Federation to be the liaison officers of the divine world. These are ten long-range contact arrays. You can assign the task." David told the count Brooks in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Arthur!" The count of Brooks replied respectfully.

In his heart, he knew that this was Lord Arthur's reward for his attentive service, which was a great contribution to the Zerg war.

Even the Earl of brooks, the commander, has higher achievements than the knight who does the task. Of course, the premise is that the Knights arranged must have no problem.

The count of brooks, of course, could guarantee that anything he could post to a knight he believed to be reliable.

The release of the mission is also a fat job. It is estimated that all Knights of warstar will rush to participate in the mission after hearing this news.

David did not know that the count of Brooks would think so much. As the leader of the war star, the count of Brooks knows the knight best. He needs the knight to act as the liaison officer, and the count of Brooks is the most suitable person in charge of this matter.

After David had finished his business and said goodbye to the stars, he summoned the "silver pterosaur" to rise directly into the air and fly to the sky.

He ignored the red matter in the sky and forced his way through.

In warstar's Zerg control area, several fifth level Zerg feel the strong breath away, Qi Qi Qi breathes a sigh of relief.

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If Lord Arthur stays in warstar for a long time, in order to maintain the balance of combat power, they are ready to apply to Zerg to send more powerful super-5 Zerg.

David pierced through the red material. When he entered the dark space, he could see the stars in the distance. That was the "defense line of doomsday" composed of ten man-made planets.

He took out an interstellar Federal Military star map, checked it, confirmed its position, and patted the "silver pterosaur.".

"Silver pterosaur" activated the ability of "instant movement" and made rapid progress in space.

After two hours of flying, David didn't have to look at the star chart to see that he had reached the rendezvous position, because he saw a warship that could not see the edge.

What is the concept of 20000 warships, let alone warships, is 10000 people standing together, which can also be said to be a sea of people.

As a complete fleet, there are only two "aircraft carriers" that can serve as a city. The rest of the destroyers, battleships, frigates, supply ships, etc. are large warships. The 20000 warships do not count the small warships responsible for investigation.

For the military's super large fleet, the small reconnaissance ship is only a subsidiary of the large warship.

In every cockpit of the 20000 warships, all the captains and crew were looking at the pictures sent back by the scanning device ahead. A human in a gray robe was sitting on a strange white mount.

Without any life support equipment, humans can move freely in space, which is enough to surprise any federal soldier.

For the soldiers in these warships, they have seen Zerg who can fight in space, but they have hardly seen human beings who can survive in space.

At the top of the flagship of the aircraft carrier, this is the command module. General Francis looks at the figure in the picture, and his eyes flash with complexity.

"Send a concierge ship to meet Lord Arthur!" General Francis turned to the adjutant.

The adjutant quickly took command, and soon took off a special warship from the flagship of the aircraft carrier. This is a small pure white warship. The warships of the normal military have nothing to do with beauty, but this warship is an exception.

This is the concierge ship specially prepared for the reception of important visitors. General Francis sent the concierge ship to express the welcome of Lord Arthur.

The concierge ship came in front of David, and general Francis's adjutant, wearing exoskeleton armor, flew out of the open hatch.

"Lord Arthur, on the orders of general Francis, please come on board!" The adjutant saluted in space.

David nodded, put the silver pterosaur away and entered the concierge ship with the adjutant.

To tell you the truth, as a general of the interstellar Federation, David has seen this kind of concierge ship for the first time. On weekdays, the concierge ships are all parked in the aircraft carrier. If you don't enter the aircraft carrier, you won't get a chance to see it.

He swept the concierge ship with great interest and found that it was absolutely not a real thing. In terms of attack power, it may not be strong, but its defense is far better than that of the same class of warships, and the escape system is more advanced.

David is studying that the concierge ship has entered the fleet and is passing through countless warships. Every time a warship passes, the warship lights up.

Illuminated by welcome lights, the concierge flew to the carrier's flagship and entered through a passage.

The first time David looked at the aircraft carrier closely, his first feeling was that it was huge. The aircraft carrier was so huge that it was even bigger than the space fortress.He couldn't imagine how terrifying the engines were needed to keep up with the speed of the fleet.

This is the most terrifying ultimate weapon that human beings can make. It is said that the full energy strike of the main energy gun on the aircraft carrier can easily destroy a planet.

This kind of power is also a fatal strike for the level 5 strong. Of course, the aircraft carrier is not without shortcomings. Each full energy attack requires a long time to accumulate energy, which is very long.

Aircraft carrier is also a war city. It is a place for the conversion of 10000 warship officers and soldiers. It has everything that a city should have, providing the fleet with the support that other warships can't have.

In front of such a huge war machine, David felt his own insignificance. Even the gods fell on the super space weapons of aircraft carriers in those years, and became the name of the Federation.

Only a few aircraft carriers can move slowly through the space gate.

The concierge ship docked at an airport inside the aircraft carrier, where admiral Francis had been waiting.

"Lord Arthur, the ninth fleet of the Federation welcomes you, and I am honored to fight with you." General Francis made a salute to David.

"Admiral Francis, it's my pleasure, too!" David returned with a knight salute.

After hearing about the ninth fleet, David also understood the origin of this fleet. This is the Reserve Fleet in the theater. It is stationed behind the sixth iron wall fleet all the year round. It is the reserve team of the sixth iron wall fleet.

But this is not to say that the ninth fleet is not strong. On the contrary, it can become the first barrier outside the theater. This fleet is also the elite fleet of the Federation.

"Please come with me. The whole fleet is waiting for you. You will guide the fleet into the divine world!" Said Admiral Francis, with a gesture of invitation.

With a smile, David followed general Francis into the command cabin of the aircraft carrier's flagship, between the two rows of protocol beetles and the melodious military music.

When you enter the command module, you will see a huge light curtain. In the light screen, you can see the location map of the entire fleet. Each of the 20000 warships is displayed on the light curtain.

David has received the knowledge of "space command" and "space war research", and his level is still very high. When he sees the light behind the scenes, he understands the role of this light curtain.

The commander can click on any warship to know all the conditions of the warship, or issue orders to the warship alone.

During the battle, the situation of all warships can be seen at a glance. Of course, to see the situation of 20000 warships clearly, a large number of professional officers are needed.

Many officers in the command module are responsible for this task. Each of them is responsible for a part of the warships, and reports the situation of each warship to the commander-in-chief of the fleet at any time and puts forward suggestions to the commander-in-chief.

In the history of the interstellar Federation, there were several super talented commanders who could command super large fleets alone. However, in David's opinion, this should be a commander with spiritual talent, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to handle such complicated information. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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