Transcendent David

Chapter 960: CH 958

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On the night of the award ceremony, David, who was far away from the star guard, sat in his bedroom. He always felt that something was wrong since he got the title of "invincible Knight".

The third batch of reinforcements from the federal army arrived. This was another fleet of 10000 warships, and an aircraft carrier was the flagship. This greatly enhanced the defense capability of the garrison star.

At present, the Scouts of the interstellar federal army are rearranging their scouts. However, the star field that is too close to the space gate is obviously strengthened. The scouts can't get close to it. As long as they get close, they will be destroyed by Zerg.

David had nothing to do with the headquarters. He felt abnormal and went back to his room to have a good examination.

His spirit swept through his whole body, and then entered the small world of soul space. He also scanned his whole body again, and found nothing strange about his body, but he was 100% sure that something had happened to him.

"Alexis, you help me see what happened to me? I always feel something is wrong! " David can only turn to Alexis the black dragon.

Since the last time that Alexis, the black dragon, said that he had taught David to become a God, he often thought about relevant matters for a long time in order to help David.

Hearing David's words, Alexis the black dragon takes his mind back from his meditation and looks up at David.

"Why, Lord Arthur, how can you have so many beliefs around you?" Black dragon Alexis asked in surprise.

The reason why David just feels abnormal, but he can't find out where it comes from, is that the power of faith is hard to detect.

He did not believe in the inheritance of God, which made him unable to accurately discover the existence of the power of faith even if he had a legendary soul.

However, after hearing the words of Alexis the black dragon, David paid special attention to the energy around him. Under his attention, he finally found the difference. There was a trace of strange energy around him. The fluctuation of these energy was very weak. If it was not for special attention, it would be hard to find out.

This is the legendary level of David's soul. If he was the former one, even the fifth level Templars would not be able to perceive this belief energy.

"How can I be surrounded by faith?" David is also very strange, he did not do anything, how can he have more faith energy.

All of a sudden, David thought of the title of "invincible Knight", thinking that all this happened after the award.

"Alexis, the temple has given me the title of" invincible Knight ". Is it related to this David asked Alexis the black dragon.

"It is for this reason that the temple is an extension of the will of the gods. The title they recognize is, to a certain extent, the title recognized by the rules of the world. This title will make people who recognize this title have more or less the power of belief." Alexis the black dragon agrees with David's judgment.

It is also for this reason that knighthood is rarely given to the five temples, because the conferment of knighthood will produce a part of the power of faith.

In the secret records of the temple, shortly after the establishment of the god world, a powerful knight was awarded the title of glorious knight.

With this title, the powerful Knight made use of the belief captured from the evil god to become a God, and successfully promoted the legend and demigod.

When the "brilliant Knight" became a demigod, his breath was completely exposed to the perception of the five gods. Finally, the "brilliant Knight" was hanged by the God of war.

Since then, the title of "God belongs to the big world" has become less and less, and the temple has tried not to give Knights the title.

David can't imagine that the reason why his title of "invincible Knight" can be passed is not that there is no other reward to replace it, but red wine.

The red wine produced from gamisin has become an important enjoyment for the top five temples. Under this subtle influence, the top five temples naturally have a good impression on Lord Arthur, who brews garmicin red wine.

This kind of good will may not be seen at ordinary times, but in the study of awarding Lord Arthur, when someone put forward the title, out of this kind of good will, no one raised any objection, and thus passed the title Knight award.

Before the title of "invincible Knight", although David's fighting power was also recognized by the Knights of God's great world, this recognition could not be recognized by the world rules, and could not produce the corresponding power of belief.

However, after the temple officially granted the title of "invincible Knight", the Knights' recognition of David's strength turned into the power of faith.

Knight this profession is very keen on the strength, knights have a natural worship of the strong, and David is recognized as the strongest knight, and this worship is even more enthusiastic.

Moreover, with the spread of the title of "invincible Knight", all knights in God's big world will have the power of faith after they accept the title. This group is very large. Even when the title of "invincible Knight" is spread to the common people, those who want to have children to become knights and those who want to become knights will also have faith Power.

It is estimated that even the temple did not expect that the title of "invincible Knight" would bring considerable faith to David.It's a pity that David has not inherited the belief of becoming a God, and the power of belief that haunts his side can not be used at all.

Of course, he was not willing to. He tried to use the spirit, the power of the black dragon, the rules of power and other means, but he could not mobilize the strength of the belief around him.

David is helpless in his heart. The opportunity to improve himself is around him, but he can't make use of it.

All night, David kept trying. Alexis, the black dragon, did not study the power of faith, so he couldn't do anything about it.

In the morning, David washed himself up and went to the command room. As soon as he entered, he saw what Dexter and Nelson knights were saying to general Francis.

"Knights of Dexter temple and Knights of Nelson temple, good morning, how can you come here today?" David, smiling and waving, said that this is the headquarters of the Federation, and he did not use the tedious etiquette of the nobility of the great world.

This is to let him find the previous feeling in the interstellar Federation, he can be so relaxed, but the two level 5 Templars did not.

"I've met Lord Arthur, the" invincible knight. "Congratulations on winning the title of" invincible Knight " The Knights of the Dexter temple and the Knights of Nelson's temple bowed at the same time.

"You know that, too!" David grinned and bowed back.

"Of course, it's not just us. I believe that the name of" invincible Knight "will spread throughout the whole world of gods. You will become a new generation of idols of knights!" The Knights of Dexter's Templars seriously replied.

It was not until this time that David found that he underestimated the role of the title of "invincible Knight". It seemed that the title was not only to provide him with the power of faith.

Looking at the attitudes of Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars, we can see that the two level five Templars attach great importance to the title of knights.

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"Not only God belongs to the big world, but Lord Arthur is also the pride of the Federation. His story is widely spread in the Federation, and the title of" invincible Knight "will also be spread in the Federation General Francis said with a smile.

With the interstellar Federation warships entering the divine world to participate in the war, the corresponding propaganda was carried out on a large scale in the federal territory.

In order to promote the friendship between the interstellar Federation and the divine world, Lord Arthur's special existence has become the focus of publicity.

Lord Arthur grew up in the interstellar Federation, which can be said to be a member of the Federation. In a short period of two years, Lord Arthur became a five level Templar Knight in the divine world, a top nobleman, and a member of the Supreme Council, with two planet territories.

Lord Arthur's achievements spread all over the Union in a short time. Such inspirational stories, coupled with the need for war propaganda, were all over the world.

"Since you are here, don't go back in the morning and have dinner together at noon. I have a lot of prepared dishes here." David said with a smile to the two fifth level Templars, then turned to general Francis and said, "come with me when you are free."

"Then we will not be polite." The Knights of Dexter temple and the Knights of Nelson temple had a bright look in their eyes, and they quickly laughed.

"I have heard the Grand Marshal mention your cooking, saying that no one in the union can match it. I will have a good taste of it today." General Francis followed.

In the aristocratic circle of God's big world, it is estimated that there are very few people who do not know about David's "cooking" ability.

In the interstellar Federation, only a few of them, such as Grand Marshal Andre, have seen David's cooking, and this reputation is only rumored among the top ranks of the Federal Military.

It's OK in the morning. We all enjoyed lunch. Before the war, we could enjoy the ultimate delicacy. Even the war became relaxed.

At the end of lunch, the Knights of Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars return to their combat positions in space, while admirals David and Francis return to the command room.

"Report, the latest images are coming back from the front!" As soon as we entered the command room, the intelligence officer came to report.

General Francis looked as if he knew how much the military had paid to get images of the space gate.

Tens of thousands of UAVs have been sent out alone. With various auxiliary equipment, almost one of them has been damaged by Zerg, and the military will supplement one, fighting for this consumption from multiple lines to the direction of space gate.

This time the images were taken remotely, only 10 seconds before the detector was destroyed.

General Francis made a few drops on the big light screen in the middle, and the detection image appeared above the light screen.

In space, under the light of the space gate and the optical enhancement of the detector itself, the image is very clear.

Countless Zerg are still floating in space. The strange thing is that their heads are all in one direction. This is a good judgment. You can see it at the first sight on the screen.

At the point where all Zerg heads are concentrated, there is an extremely large Zerg.

"How could that be possible? How does such a body pass through the space door David saw the Zerg's height and figure, and said out loud.You know, although some Zerg are born with transport capabilities, such as the sonic Boomer beetle, when their space is opened, they can't pass through the space door.

Therefore, a space door with a diameter of 20 meters can only let the Zerg of 20 meters enter.

Judging from the height of the Zerg next to this giant Zerg, the height of the Zerg has reached an amazing 100 meters. Judging from the size of the Zerg's body, the strength of the Zerg may have exceeded level 5.

General Francis also understood the Zerg's strength, and his heart sank. If such Zerg attacked the defense line, could they resist it.

"Lord Arthur, are you sure you can deal with this Zerg?" General Francis turned to ask David.

General Francis doesn't have to ask Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars. The two fifth level Templars can only deal with one level five Zerg. This obviously stronger Zerg is not what they can deal with.

"I don't know. This Zerg is very strong. Can you make a copy of this image for me to study?" David asked, shaking his head.

"Of course, if it can help you, it will not be a waste of the efforts of the investigation team!" Admiral Francis made a copy of David without any hesitation.

Anyway, this powerful Zerg, if the long-range main gun doesn't work, it's Lord Arthur who will eventually deal with it.

David took out an identity bracelet, which he used when he was on a mission to the interstellar Federation last time. At this time, he was in the federal army, and the identity bracelet also re opened some functions.

After receiving the image with the identity bracelet, David went to one side and found a quiet place to sit down. He opened the light curtain of the identity bracelet and played the video.

He played the image normally, then zoomed in and looked up some details.

This image was taken by a military scout. Even if it was far away, it did not affect the shooting accuracy. When David zoomed in to see the details of the giant Zerg body, he could still see it very clearly.

Alexis, the black dragon sitting on David's shoulder, twists his body and looks at the image with David.

"Lord Arthur, this Zerg has reached the legendary level!" Alexis, the black dragon, just glanced at it and said with certainty through the master servant contract.

"How did such a large body appear here?" David looked at it and said his doubts.

"Don't you see that this legendary Zerg is not suppressed by the rules of the world?" Alexis the black dragon reminds.

David immediately zoomed into several parts of the legendary Zerg to confirm what Alexis said. It's not that he doesn't believe Alexis. Judging the strength of the legend with the strength of Alexis, it's impossible to make a mistake.

It's just that this is a rare learning opportunity. He can't rely on Alexis all the time. He has to find out the evidence of a legendary Zerg through his own way.

"Sure enough, the teeth and claws are almost dark gold!" David said, pointing to several places in the picture. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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