Transcendent David

Chapter 97: CH 97

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On the one hand, David endured the constant spiritual impact of the bewitching brain worm. On the other hand, he looked at the bewitched brain worm through his shadow servant's eyes. On the one hand, his thinking was unsustainable, on the other hand, he was extremely sober.

This strange feeling made him think whether he was divided into two people.

Unfortunately, this time, he had very little mind left at the shadow waiter's side. He could only observe and judge. He wanted to let the shadow servant operate the long-range sniper gun as he did when he killed Jeremy's trainer.

Because that requires calling the mind of the ontology, and the current state of the ontology is on the verge of collapse.

The two beetles beside the bewitching brain worm stepped forward, and the first grade heavy axe in their hands fell towards the gate of No. 5 sniper control room.

Even if this is a control room built at the level of a military fortification, it will not be able to block the attack of the first-class heavy axe. It is estimated that the gate will be broken by several times at most.

There was not much time left for David, and David was very anxious.

He can't help but think about the preference of bewitching brain worms in the materials. This is a kind of insect that likes to eat the brain of intelligent life. If he doesn't think of any way, his brain will become the food of brain worm.

It was at this time that the psychic attack of the bewitching brain bug struck a special presence in David's soul, where there was a seedling.

It seems to feel the impact of the outside, the seedlings emit a dazzling light, will not be prepared to bewitch the brain insect spiritual impact.

Although it was just a moment's counterattack, it only gave David a breath, but it also gave him a chance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, David regained his own ontological thinking. Under his command, the strong and tough spirit like an arrow in the seedling shot past in the direction of bewitching the mental power of brain worms.

If the spirit of bewitching brain worms is like the tide, then David's spiritual arrow is Fenshui stab, which still goes upstream at a very fast speed in the tide.

The spirit of bewitching brain worm is very strong. In terms of numerical value, it is at least several times that of David. However, it is controlling all life within the range of 5000 meters, and it is also constantly destroying the spirit of more than 100 beetles outside, which costs most of its spirit.

There is very little spirit to deal with David, especially the bewitching brain worm. If the brain worm wants to use David's brain as food, it has no intention to kill David immediately with spirit. The brain of living life is delicious.

In addition, it is not easy to encounter an intelligent life that can resist in spirit. It is more interesting to bewitch brain worms.

It is in this situation that David's spiritual arrow successfully impacts the bewitching brain worm.

The bewitching brain worm suddenly feels a small thorn into its brain, which makes it feel a pain in its soul. The pain in the soul makes it lose control of all the souls around it.

Normally, even if it is a short time to lose control of the soul of the previously controlled intelligent life, these intelligent life can not resist at this time, because the soul damage is not so quickly recovered.

But there is an accident here, and David is the accident.

Just after shooting the spirit arrow in the seedling of his soul, he immediately transferred all his mind and spirit to the shadow body.

Just after he transferred his mind to the shadow body, the bewitching brain worm woke up, and his powerful spirit made it easy to get rid of the impact on the soul.

The bewitching brain worm angrily sent out a mental shock to David's body, which directly increased the intensity by twice. It no longer wanted David to keep his soul intact.

If David's mind is still in his body, and he is directly hit by the spirit, then his spirit will be fatally hit and his soul will be severely damaged.

However, the unreasonable explanation is that David's mind and spirit are all in the shadow servant's body, and there is no spiritual impact at all. In this way, David's soul can not be destroyed.

The soul is immaterial, and its channel is spirit, and the spirit in David's current state, the external performance is the mind.

Just like facing a dead object without soul, the continuous mental shock of bewitching brain worm has not received any response.

This makes it not strange, but its telepathy, the human in the control room is still alive.

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It once again took control of the two heavy axe beetles and began to chop down the gate again.

At this time, no one found that the long-range sniper gun No. 7 was adjusting its barrel. In the control room, the shadow attendant's hands were on the controller, and David manipulated the long-range sniper gun No. 7 in this way.

With a heavy axe beetle's hard chop, the door of the control room was opened, and the heavy door hit the ground heavily.

But the sound of the gate hitting the ground was too loud, like thunder, accompanied by the trembling of the wall.

The bewitching brain worm feels extremely dangerous, but its body movement needs the front action. At this time, if it wants to move, it needs to twist its body first. By then, it will be late.

Bewitching brain worm also has its own way of defense. Two folk beetles under his control suddenly jump up and block its head.The brain bug is very clear, where its weakness is, and when it senses the danger, nature knows where to protect.

The ammunition in the 7th long-range sniper is secondary ammunition. The external skeleton armor of two armour is in this secondary ammunition, and the strong impact of the long-range sniper is added to hold, all the defense is as thin as paper.

The second sniper penetrates two beetles, and its potential does not slow down, and it hits the center of the head of the brain insect.

The light of the dark blue flashes, and the second sniper is not in the head of the brain insect.

The first thing to hit was the recent 33 folk beetles who were bewitched and stood beside the brain bug. Of course, there should be two. But the two were shot through by the second level sniper and killed directly.

As spiritual as the essence of the root prickles, the brain of the brain that bewitches the brain insects as the center, shoots around.

This completely substantive spirit has lost the intangible and qualitative advantages of spirit, but its fatal has not been reduced at all.

Spiritual sharp through the folk armor, the inside of the Oracle through, the most terrible is not the external wound of the spiritual spines, but spiritual spines into the body, to destroy the spirit of intelligent life.

This is the last blow to the brain bug, and all its spirit is completely erupted, forming a circle of death within tens of meters around its body.

All life in this circle of death is pierced by the spirit tip, and the spirit is destroyed and died.

The only exception is David, whose control room walls have been shot through more than a dozen holes, and unfortunately he was shot by two spiritual spikes.

Fortunately, the injured part is only the left shoulder and right leg. The spirit destruction power contained in the spiritual spike does not hurt him.

David did not notice his own body injury at this time, he was in a kind of ecstasy in a kind of extreme enjoyment.

Because the shadow waiter he attached absorbed two weak souls first, then absorbed a huge soul. This is a kind of comfort David never experienced. The feeling of shadow waiter has made David lost a little.

Fortunately, after the feeling came fast, went fast, and after the huge soul was absorbed, David thought it was over, but with the weak souls entering, he felt the comfort of shadow service soul.

It took him a long time to wake up.

The shadow waiter flew out of the control room and saw the bewitching brain worms falling on the ground, flowing white brain pulp and green blood water from the center of the head.

And within a few tens of meters around the brain bug, all the ground, including the beetles, was covered with holes.

The small hole in the oracle was red blood flowing out. The shadow waiter had a strong sense of life. David only glanced at it and knew that there was no life in this area.

He saw the opening in the wall of the No. 5 sniper control room. He was not surprised. Was his body in trouble.

He tried to recover the mind God from the body, and with the spirit returning to the body, he felt a strong pain.

David has not suffered much damage in his past or now. In the past, he was only cut by his hand. He felt before he was hit and killed. After he came to the world, he was not hurt. This pain made him think he was dying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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