Transcendent David

Chapter 973: CH 971

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General Francis did not mean to evade the number of gods in the big world. This kind of command system can not be learned by looking at it. Without corresponding knowledge system and corresponding technical support, it can not be realized at all.

In addition, God belongs to the big world is not good at space war, there is no super long range attack means.

"Six thousand meters lost!" General Francis, looking at the battlefield data on the screen of light, announced in a deep voice.

Just in the time when he went out to meet the guests of God's big world, the Zerg advanced another two thousand kilometers.

"The interstellar Federation's long-range attack is worthy of its reputation. How could it destroy the Zerg's living power at such a distance?" Speaker Gould could not help praising.

Although speaker Gould led the knights to kill a large number of Zerg near the space gate, there will be casualties at any time in that kind of attack. How can he not be envious of killing the enemy at a distant distance, beyond the perceptible and visual distance, like the interstellar Federation fleet.

If God belongs to the big world and has this ability, how can he lose 2000 level 4 sky knights and many level 5 Temple knights.

It also doesn't have to be attacked passively when you are attacked by Zerg super long range.

"The federal warships can maintain their superiority only when they attack at ultra long range. Once they are close to warships, their power will be greatly reduced. In close combat, I still appreciate the Knights of God in the big world!" General Francis said with a smile, glancing at the smiling David.

With David here, general Francis will be able to rest assured that there will be a level 5 Zerg raid.

The warriors and the supernatural of the interstellar Federation are not able to fight back in front of the level 5 Zerg, or even have the qualification to block the level 5 Zerg.

"This time, we will cooperate with each other. Our Knights will defend us closely, and the federal warships will attack from a long distance, so that the Zerg will not be able to move in." Speaker Gould said.

"We welcome knights to enter the battlefield, and I will arrange special personnel to coordinate with the Knights." General Francis replied with a smile.

A cooperation of great significance was so simple that no contract was signed and no ceremony was held. In the light of the main guns of the federal warships, the cooperation officially began.

David watched all the time. Like the five bishops, he did not speak out. This kind of diplomatic affairs should be dealt with by speaker Gould.

General Francis arranged for a lieutenant general to follow speaker Gould. This lieutenant general was an extraordinary one. His task was to lead dozens of extraordinary military officers to participate in the coordination of Knight action.

Only extraordinary can barely keep up with the speed of knights in space. To know that the knights who can fight in space are at least level 4 sky knights. Ordinary federal beetles can hardly keep up with their speed with flying exoskeleton armor.

"Bishop McKinley, what is the layout of the temple for guarding the stars?" David did not take care of the fighting. He took the five bishops to rest. On the way, he asked casually.

Of course, David didn't really ask casually. If the temple made a small war temple in the garrison star, how far would he run? Anyway, with the support of the temple and the Supreme Council, there would be no problem with the close defense of the garrison star.

"The temple will not send any more people here. We just come here to have a look. We are going to return to tura soon. Speaker Gould will lead the knights to participate in the battle here." Said bishop McKinley, shaking his head.

"There are too many non believers here and they are all allies. It's not convenient for the temple to intervene!" Bishop Boleyn then explained.

David nodded. The temple should consider that the soldiers of the interstellar Federation are all non believers. Once the gods perform their magic, they may affect all the non believers, not to mention that many of the federal soldiers are ordinary people, and even the Oracle is hard to resist in front of the magic.

It's no wonder that there are almost no deities in Zhanxing, which is probably the reason.

Without waiting for speaker Gould, David entertained five bishops in the dining room of his room. As for speaker Gould, he was too busy to have dinner at this time.

The battle is in progress. Speaker Gould needs to mobilize knights to guard the star. However, the transmission speed of the small one-way portal is very moving. In order to form combat effectiveness, he can only first mobilize level 5 Templar Knights.

The first to be mobilized was David's thirteen fifth level Templars, which were also the legitimate power of Chancellor Gould. The priority transfer could also lead to the rest of the Templars.

The course of the meal naturally satisfied the five bishops, especially the bishop of Dominica and Bishop Bolivar, who tasted the delicious food that they could not forget, and the smile on their faces became more sincere.

"Lord Arthur, Zerg have been cleared. The nearest distance Zerg can push is 3000 kilometers!" At the end of the meal, general Francis sent the latest war report.

"Good news, this group of Zerg has been eliminated!" David said to the five bishops with a smile.

"The next Zerg will be very difficult to deal with, there will be a large number of level 4 Zerg to participate in the attack!" Bishop Evans warned.

David took a look at bishop Evans, and he felt a little dispirited by the breath of bishop Evans. At this time, bishop Evans reminded him that he should have detected the Zerg movement by some means."Bishop Evans, where did you get the news?" David asked in a voice.

You know that Zerg has pushed the distance between Zerg and fleet to 3000 km, although this distance is still far away, but if it is a level 4 Zerg, the main gun of a warship can't kill a piece of it like killing a low-level Zerg. The distance of 3000 km can only be passed in a short time.

Level 4 Zerg with strong defense can even survive the main guns of warships.

"Bishop Evans used a" prophecy "in order to explore the situation of Zerg, which hurt him a lot Bishop Boleyn answered for bishop Evans.

David was surprised. Although he didn't know much about divinity, there was a saying about the target of this kind of spiritual means.

With the strength of bishop Evans, he used the "prophecy" to explore the Zerg actions involving Zerg gods. It was a good thing that no one died on the spot.

"Bishop Evans, I thank you on behalf of all who have participated in the war!" David bowed down and saluted bishop Evans sincerely.

"Lord Arthur, you're welcome. I try my best. Compared with your contribution, I'm nothing!" Bishop Evans replied with a smile.

"You're welcome, Lord Arthur. Let's leave first. If it wasn't for your food, we should have returned long ago. We still need to maintain turashin!" Bishop McKinley said to David, laughing.

David sent five bishops to the underground portal, and saw that more than 30 level 5 Templars had gathered at the portal. This should be the Knights of the temple who had just been mobilized.

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And the portal doesn't stop, it's still running, it's going to take a knight.

Among the more than 30 level 5 Templars, David's 13 level 5 Templars are among them.

Instead of using the portal immediately, the five bishops stopped to see the first meeting between Lord Arthur and Lord Harlow.

Of course, the five bishops had no malice. Anyone knew that Lord Harlow would never have fallen out with Lord Arthur as long as he was not crazy.

They just wanted to see how Lord Harlow would behave when he reached the same position as Lord Arthur.

"Yes, Lord Arthur!" What they didn't expect was that when they saw Lord Arthur, the thirteen Knights of the fifth level Temple all seemed to forget their knighthood and identity and bowed down to Lord Arthur.

David nodded slightly and waved to lay the thirteen level five Templars flat.

His casualness surprised the five bishops, speaker Gould and all the Knights of the fifth level temple. How much leadership could it take to make the thirteen level five Templars so respectful.

You should know that the identities of these 13 level 5 Templars are quite different. Their lowest rank is count. Besides Harlow Templars becoming lords, four Templars become Marquises and own their own territories.

In other words, the five Templar Knights can build their own families, and even the families established by Lord Harlow are directly the top nobles.

The thirteen fifth level Templars stood up and then stood behind David.

David also looked at the eyes of all the people present. There was no way for him to let the 13 level 5 Templars do this show.

The thirteen Knights of the fifth level temple are his own body, which can be said to be one with him and not separate from each other.

"Lord Arthur, Chancellor Gould, Knights Templars, this is your defense. Let's leave first!" Bishop McKinley said, with a smile and a bow.

Single directional portal stopped for a while, giving priority to five bishops to leave.

The number of the first batch of templars to be transmitted was finally set at 50. Of course, this did not include speaker Gould and David, as well as the two Templars who had been stationed on the guard star.

"Everyone, I think you already know why I called you here. You are lucky to use this portal which has not been activated for thousands of years to participate in a space defense war cooperated by the interstellar Federation fleet and the great world knight. This war will be recorded in history. The achievements of this war will make history praise us or make us a joke!" Speaker Gould looked at the Templars present, and he said in a deep voice.

All of the Knights' faces are excited, and they believe that they will leave a strong mark in history, rather than become a joke.

"Our mission is to kill any Zerg close to the fleet, which requires the cooperation of the interstellar Federation. You should protect the Federation supernormal that cooperates with you, and do not let the supernatural participate in the battle." Speaker Gould continued.

It's not that Chancellor Gould was too careful, but his extraordinary fighting power was too low to provide any help to the fifth level Templars.

These five level Templars also need to be extraordinary to communicate with the federal fleet, otherwise they cannot maximize effective defense.

Don't look at the 50 level 5 Templars, but they need to defend a huge area. Tens of thousands of warships are distributed in a very wide area. In addition, the garrison stars also have to defend. Without the assistance of federal intelligence, it is almost impossible for them to defend such a large area."Don't worry, we will take good care of the extraordinary!" Said the fifth level Templar with a smile.

The dozens of federal supernatural standing on the side have no inferiority complex because they have been protected. No one will be dissatisfied with the contempt of the Templars. These military supernatural have a very clear understanding of the power of the Templars.

Any Templar here, as long as he is close to any fleet, can cause great damage to the fleet, and even destroy a fleet is not a problem.

They are extraordinary, in front of the Templar knights, life and death can not be mastered.

The lieutenant general, who was responsible for the cooperation, began to assign the supernatural to the Templars one by one. When the Templars were around, they flew to the sky with the supernatural.

"Lord Arthur, do you want your thirteen Templars to stay on the guardian star?" Speaker Gould came to David and asked softly.

"No, let them fight like any other Templar." David said, laughing and shaking his head. Then he asked, "I'll arrange my fight. Is that ok?"

"You have the strongest combat power, and you can directly contact the Federal Military, so you can move freely!" Speaker Gould also understood that David's scope of action could not be suppressed, not to mention the relationship between them. In order to maximize David's role, David needs to be allowed to act on his own.

David nodded with a smile. He summoned the "silver pterosaur" and jumped up. The "silver pterosaur" flew to space.

There is a reason why he is so anxious to go to space. The power of faith around him suddenly decreases a lot.

If the Zerg didn't stop the Zerg from offering faith to him, then the Zerg could only start the general attack. If the Zerg could not pray, they would not be able to provide him with the power of faith.

"Admiral Francis, I'm going 10000 kilometers to try to stop the Zerg for a while!" David sat on the back of the silver pterosaur, opened his identity bracelet and said.

When general Francis received this news, he was stunned and immediately understood what David meant. He wanted to delay the deployment of scouts for the federal army.

"Lord Arthur, please go to the flagship to get the detection equipment first. Our long-range main gun can support you at any time!" General Francis immediately thought of the best way, he replied.

"I'll be right there!" David answered.

He turned to fly toward the carrier's flagship, and Admiral Francis had a good idea. He would install a detector on him and use it to send back information from the far end.

This allows the warship's long-range main guns to help David attack Zerg if necessary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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