Transcendent David

Chapter 983: CH 981

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Under the control of David, the blood power of level 5 Black Dragon gathered by 13 level 5 Temple Knights was bound into a 20 meter long white sword light.

Although David, a fake knight, has changed his training methods and has no relationship with knights, and all the blood power in his body has been transformed into the power of black dragon, he can still mobilize these five level blood power by relying on his master level "Knight battle array" ability and 13 level 5 Temple Knights.

He activated the "sword" talent ability, with himself as the arrow of Knight battle array, launched a charge in the insect tide.

The 20 meter white sword light in David's hand cuts the Zerg in front of him in the most simple way.

The white sword light is like the most sophisticated scalpel. Each move will accurately cut into the key points of the Zerg, and then leave the dead Zerg with the shortest distance and continue to attack the next Zerg.

The 20 meter white sword light is still the first barrier, and the second barrier is the six artifact "chains of death.".

David did not intend to hide the case, this from the God of death terror artifact, on the battlefield showed a ferocious effect.

Almost all long-range special energy attacks are blocked by six "death chains". Even if a small number of special energy attacks fall on the knight battle array, they will also be blocked by the level 5 blood force shield outside the knight battle array.

Twenty meters away from David, it was like a place of death, where the tide of insects was stopped.

Fifty meters away from David's knightly battle line, it's all explosive.

If the swarm does not target David, but the defense line of the garrison star, then the number of the swarm will be enough to cause a lot of damage to the defense line.

But David is here, the hatred from the depths of his genes, coupled with the orders issued by Zerg gods to kill him, make the insect tide lose its basic judgment ability and pursue him crazily.

You know, it's only 10 kilometers away from the defense line. Both the federal fleet and the guard star defense system can launch attacks.

The main gun, defense missile, laser gun, Gauss gun and even air defense rapid fire gun can attack the insect tide at this distance. If the insect tide stops at this position, it gives the federal army the best opportunity to attack.

"Lord Daryl, Lord Arthur's swordsmanship is unusual!" Lord Ludwig of golden dragon blood said to Lord Daryl of blue dragon blood not far from him.

As the inheriting family of the golden dragon, Lord Ludwig likes to use the sword because of his blood, and his research on swordsmanship is also very deep.

Lord Ludwig can even say that in terms of knowledge of swordsmanship, he can be ranked in the top three in the God's world.

But with his insight, he did not think that Lord Arthur used any swordsmanship.

Lord Arthur's swordsmanship is like a child's play. It's extremely casual, but it can always be better than the orthodox Knight's sword.

"I can't judge. It's similar to your feeling. It's a little unusual!" Lord Daryl replied in a deep voice.

They are knights who have been using long swords for nearly a hundred years, and their swordsmanship has reached their highest level. However, Lord Arthur shows them another realm of swordsmanship today.

They just feel a little weird at the moment and haven't realized it.

However, when a level 5 Zerg rushed to David from the insect tide, and was killed by David with the same casual sword, and even after they had just entered the 20 meter range, they realized that they had seen a very wonderful thing.

Even if it is a knight battle array composed of 14 level 5 Temple knights, it also represents that the level 5 Zerg can be suppressed in terms of energy and strength, which does not mean the improvement of skills.

David didn't use energy and strength to suppress the level 5 Zerg from its appearance to being killed. He just used the 20 meter white sword light to stagger the strongest defense position of the level 5 Zerg and cut into the heart from the weakest position.

David's only difference from the other Zerg is that after killing the fifth level Zerg, he throws the corpse into the knight battle array, and the Templars in the knight battle array collect the corpse.

"Do you remember the sword God 8000 years ago?" Lord Ludwig asked slightly.

In the world where God belongs to the big world, it is very difficult to get a title. In this world ruled by God, it is even more rare to have the title of "God" recognized by the temple.

"Sword God" is the only knight with the word "God" in the history of the great world. The temple and all knights at that time recognized this title.

The story of "sword God" is not widely spread in the world of gods, because it is a man who wants to become a true God and is killed by the temple for blasphemy.

However, this period of history is still recorded in detail in the Hopkinson family and the fish family.

At the age of 20, the "sword God" became a master of swordsmanship. In the next hundred years, the "sword God" challenged almost all the knights in the temple. Even some sword experts who did not become Temple knights were challenged by the power of the sword God.

During that period, he was nicknamed "sword madman", "sword devil" and so on.When the sword God was 150 years old, he disappeared for ten years. When he reappeared, his swordsmanship was written as a miracle in the records.

He slaughtered many bases of cult believers, and won the title of "sword God" in the temple with his great fighting achievements.

It's just that the purpose of the sword God to massacre the followers of evil gods is not simple. He just wants to become a new God. Unfortunately, he failed to achieve his goal and was killed by the temple. The records left only exist in the collection of a few top nobles.

"Do you mean Lord Arthur broke through that step?" Lord Daryl asked in disbelief.

However, Lord Daryl soon figured out that if he could kill level 5 Zerg with a single sword, what was the possibility of breaking through the limit of swordsmanship!

"When the war is over, I will go to Lord Arthur. Maybe this is the only chance in my life to get in touch with that realm." Lord Ludwig said with excitement in his eyes.

At this moment, he was no longer the Lord of Jinlong's blood, but a swordsman obsessed with "swordsmanship".

Lord Daryl did not speak any more. His eyes were fixed on Lord Arthur's battle, trying to find out the difference.

To tell you the truth, David's pressure is not great. Most of the insect tide is covered by federal artillery, which greatly reduces the number of insects that can get close to him, which is even easier than fighting at 10000 kilometers.

At 10000 km, only the long-range main gun can play a role in the federal army. Although the attack of the main gun energy beam is extremely strong, the attack times of the main gun energy beam are indeed limited.

At a distance of 10 kilometers from the line of defense, the federal army could use almost all the weapons it could use. This was a massacre.

Speaker Gould looked at the situation in the battlefield, and did not let the rest of the Templars join the battle, because the battlefield was stable at this time. As long as Lord Arthur did not retreat, the tide of insects would be killed sooner or later.

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As for the rest of the Templars, it would affect the federal attack, at least not until Lord Arthur showed signs of fatigue.

The war ended earlier than expected. After ten hours of fighting, David kept his killing effect efficient.

The fighting skills he showed made every paladin in the audience feel cold.

In the ten hours since the beginning of the battle, no Zerg could get David to use a second sword. There was even a bet among the Templars about when he needed to use a second sword.

Unfortunately, until the end of the war, the tide of insects completely disappeared, and David still maintained the record of killing with his sword.

No matter the level 4 Zerg or the level 5 Zerg, the Zerg with strong defense or the Zerg with special talent ability can not escape the 20 meter white sword light.

When everyone saw the fault behind the swarm, the seemingly endless wave of worms finally lost its follow-up support, and the faces of the federal soldiers and Knights of the temple world showed a relaxed look.

"Invincible Knight!" In the silence of the federal communications channel, Admiral Francis said in a deep voice.

"Invincible!" Then there were countless federal soldiers responding on the communications channel.

The interstellar Federation does not believe in gods, but they worship heroes. A God with a deep relationship with the interstellar Federation is an invincible knight in the big world, worthy of the admiration of federal soldiers.

David was standing in the bloody space. His body was clean and protected by the five level blood power shield of Knight battle array. The green blood was not able to get close to him.

Among the Zerg corpses, the most valuable were collected by him into the space items.

Of course, David is most concerned about the amount of soul energy. He exposed so much strength, not just for the sake of soul energy.

But now he is in space, under the eyes of countless eyes, he is not easy to check the situation.

However, in David's opinion, his harvest this time will not be less. We should know that there were 5 billion Zerg in the vicinity of the space gate at that time. In addition, the number of those who joined later will certainly exceed 5 billion.

On the flagship of the aircraft carrier of the federal fleet, there were regular lights flashing, which was the victory signal of the Federation, and then all the warships on the battlefield lit up the same regular lights.

"Clean up the battlefield now!" General Francis gave the order.

Although the weapons used by the federal army destroyed a large number of Zerg bodies, this time there were too many Zerg, leaving a large number of remains.

Especially the Zerg killed by Lord Arthur, one strike is fatal, leaving the body intact.

According to the spoils distribution agreement reached in advance, the federal government has made a lot of gains this time.

Lord Arthur doesn't look up to the corpses of level 4 Zerg, but the Federation regards the corpses of level 4 Zerg as a treasure. After possessing level 4 weapons and equipment, he has the ability to kill Level 3 Zerg and even threaten level 4 Zerg.

David left the battlefield with thirteen level five Templars. Ten thousand small spaceships approached the battlefield and began to clean up the battlefield."See Lord Arthur, the knight of invincible!" When returning to the temple knights, all the Templars saluted David in space and said respectfully.

David returned the salute with a smile, followed by the thirteen Templars behind him.

After fighting for a day in a row, although David did not show fatigue, the Templars did not disturb him. They just told him to return to the guard star after the ceremony. The 13 Templars still stayed here, waiting for new orders with the Templars.

"Lord Arthur, may I speak to you?" Asked Lord Ludwig, catching up with David.

David turned around strangely and saw Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl catching up.

"Lord Ludwig, please speak!" David stopped flying and said with a smile.

"Did you break through the master level in swordsmanship?" Lord Ludwig asked directly.

When asked this question, Lord Ludwig looked into David's eyes full of inquiry, and he was looking forward to David's answer.

In fact, Lord Ludwig's question is very impolite. In God's world, unless he is a close friend or apprentice, the fighting ability of knights is a secret.

Not to mention that such a major breakthrough in strength is top secret to anyone.

David was also stunned. He did not expect Lord Ludwig to ask.

"Lord Arthur, Lord Ludwig has no other ideas. He's just obsessed with swordsmanship!" Lord Daryl quickly explained to Lord Ludwig.

"Lord Ludwig, you're right. This war has made me understand swordsmanship. My swordsmanship has really gone to a higher level." David replied with a smile.

David and these five level Templars are no longer in the same level of strength, so he has no sense of threat to the two lords' inquiries, and answers the questions according to his own ideas.

With his current strength, there is no need to hide this matter. In particular, the promotion of "swordsmanship" this time is his own improvement and the first talent he has mastered.

It was confirmed by David that Lord Ludwig and Lord Daryl were breathing a little.

"Lord Arthur, can you give me some guidance on my swordsmanship when you are free? You can ask for anything you want! " Said Lord Ludwig, bowing.

Lord Ludwig can't blame for his recklessness. It's really hard to find David's trace. He missed the chance to meet David. It's still unknown when he wants to meet David again.

Lord Ludwig does not belong to the power of speaker Gould, and even his power is in conflict with that of speaker Gould. This demand is more abrupt than asking about David's strength.

"When the war is over, welcome to Jamie. As for swordsmanship, we can discuss with each other." David didn't refuse. His insistence on a matter deserves his respect.

"I will take all my family's ancient swordsmanship books and go to garmi star and follow your guidance!" Lord Ludwig said, bowing with joy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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