Transcendent David

Chapter 994: CH 992

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As fifth level Templars trained by the temple, they know more about the power of the "Holy Spirit Knight" than any level five Templar.

The way to break through the Knights' battle line easily is more powerful than the legendary level, which makes several level five Temple Knights think of the word "demigod" at the same time.

This is why some level 5 Templars did not choose to escape, but chose the extreme way of self explosion, because they could not escape in front of the demigod.

The suicide attack of five level five templars is only for the last level five Templar. The spirit of the fifth level Templar connects his contact array and sends a message.

"There's a little trick!" The knight of the Holy Spirit said.

The "holy knight" is not familiar with many things today, which is why the last level 5 Templar can send a message. Otherwise, with the strength of the "Holy Spirit Knight", such a thing would not have happened in his "Holy Spirit Realm".

Even if there are five level five Templars who blow themselves up, they can't get the news out.

"Holy word: evil will bite back!" "Knight of the Holy Spirit" said lightly.

The four level five Templars, who were preparing to blow themselves up, suddenly stopped rushing forward. They all turned to look at the last level five Templar.

Finally, the fifth level Templars saw the strange holiness on the faces of the four level-5 Templars. The four Templars who had been in contact for many years turned against each other at this time.

"Why?" The last level 5 Templars did not understand why the four level 5 Templars would turn around and die with him.

The final expression of the four knights of the fifth level Temple seems to be to accomplish something given by the gods, sacred and solemn, great and noble.

Even before the explosion, the faces of the four fifth level Templars all showed a look of relief, which was a satisfaction of returning to the small world of God of faith.

In the explosion, the bodies of the four level five Templars were detonated by the bodies of the level five Templars they held, and the five powerful level five Templars were reduced to pieces.

This is the real horror of the "Holy Spirit Knight". He does not need to use the "demigod" combat power. He only needs to use the "holy word rule" of the "Holy Spirit Realm" to easily kill enemies as powerful as level 5 Templars.

In addition, this kind of killing can be described as killing and killing heart. From the soul, level 5 Templars are manipulated and become the tool people of "Holy Spirit Knight".

In the small world, the God of death, through his spiritual connection with the "Knight of the Holy Spirit," sensed what had just happened.

The God of death shook his head slightly. He knew that the temple must know the power of the "Holy Spirit Knight", and then he would send an envoy. He absolutely did not want to let the "Knight of the spirit" contact with the emissary at this time. The last one he wanted to contact was the envoy of the God of war.

This is not to say that the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" can be threatened by the use of God's descending. The physical condition of the envoy needs to be taken into consideration. The body of the envoy has the maximum bearing capacity, which limits the divine power that the God can exert when he descends.

This upper limit will greatly reduce the fighting power of the gods. If you want to kill a demigod like the "Holy Spirit Knight", you will not be able to do so.

However, this does not include the envoys of the God of war, because the "Holy Spirit Knight" has a devout belief in the God of war. When the "Holy Spirit Knight" meets the God of war face to face, it is very likely that the "Holy Spirit Knight" will be out of the control of the God of death.

Death's research on the soul gives him absolute control over the soul of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit", which is based on the pious belief of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

However, it is precisely because of the pious belief of the "Holy Spirit Knight" that when the "Holy Spirit Knight" contacts with the God of war, the God of war will probably use the connection of faith to make the "Holy Spirit Knight" wake up.

This is something that death absolutely does not want to see. Once the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" wakes up, it means that his action has failed.

This may be the last struggle of the God of death. If he fails, he may not have another chance.

In order to take advantage of the Zerg invasion, the God of death can be said to have thrown all the cards in his hand.

This time, there was no star level portal. His body suddenly soared into the sky, getting faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Two Templar Knights fall!" Said bishop McKinley, looking ugly.

Just now bishop McKinley sensed that from his space ring, two "life cards" were broken.

The "life card" is widely used in the divine world, but it is rarely used by powerful Templars.

Because the "life card" requires its owner to keep his blood and spirit in the life card. This kind of behavior of keeping the blood and spirit in the hands of others is very dangerous.

However, the temple's fifth level Templars are an exception. They can give everything for the temple, not to mention blood and spirit in the life card.

The breaking of the "life card" means the death of its master. When the master dies, the life pattern will judge the real-time state of the owner of the blood and spirit. The blood and spirit will dissipate after the master's death. If the life card loses the blood and spirit, it will immediately break up.Two level five Templar Knights are also very important for the war temple. It is very difficult to cultivate a level five Templar Knight.

Because the two fifth level Templars were sent by Bishop McKinley, he must be held responsible for what happened.

"The Knights of the Templars I sent have also fallen!" Continued bishop Boleyn in a deep voice.

"The Knights of the Templars I sent also fell!" The other three bishops also said.

The five bishops looked at each other. The knightly battle line composed of six fifth level Templars took no more than 10 seconds from the attack to the rupture of the "life card".

In ten seconds, if you want to kill six level five Templars, and they are still the six level five Templars who constitute the knight battle array, what is the strength of the murderer?

"I've received the news from the Knights Templar before they die!" Bishop boliva sensed the news of the contact phalanx and said quickly after the spirit swept.

Although it was a message sent by the fifth level Templars of the temple of knowledge before he died, bishop boriva knew that it was not so easy to send such a message back to a strong man who could kill six level five Templars in a few seconds.

It should be the rest of the five Templars under the cover of desperate, can achieve this.

As for the reason why the five level Temple Knights of the temple trust each other and pay their lives for each other at any time, this is because the five temples are closely related, and the Knights often train together to cultivate their friendship.

When they train, they have the reaction when they encounter super strong enemies. They use the efforts of other knights to send messages to the knights with the most favorable conditions.

So instead of checking the news for the first time, bishop boriva sent it back to the other four bishops.

The content of the message is a picture and a sentence. The picture is a portrait of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit". The other sentence is "super combat power, doubt is a demigod!".

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"Demigods, how can there be demigods?" Said Domini, bishop of the temple of wealth, shaking his head.

For nearly ten thousand years, no demigod has appeared. How could a demigod appear at this time.

"Can it be legendary, they misjudged the strength?" Said bishop Bolivar, shaking his head.

"No, he's a demigod, and he's the most powerful demigod in the world!" Bishop McKinley's look changed rapidly in a short time, from surprise to disbelief, to helplessness and fear. After hearing the discussion of several bishops, he said.

Bishop McKinley recognized the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" in the portrait, which was painted by the Last Templar of the temple of knowledge.

The fifth level Knight of the temple of knowledge has a strong talent for painting, which is also normal in the temple of knowledge. Many Knights have their own non combat ability, which is also the means of knowledge temple to promote knowledge.

At the last moment, the Knights of the temple of knowledge copied the appearance of the knight of the Holy Spirit with spirit, and then only came and left a short word.

It is also because of the talent of the knights in the temple of knowledge that they not only paint the appearance of the knight of the Holy Spirit, but also the holy momentum of the knight of the Holy Spirit.

Bishop McKinley did not worship many people. The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is one of them, and he has been an idol from small to large.

Although he did not follow the path of knighthood, it did not affect his worship of "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

As for the legend of "the knight of the Holy Ghost", bishop McKinley is quite familiar with his appearance.

In the war shrine, there is a portrait of the "Holy Spirit Knight", which was done by the master of painting at that time, and drew the temperament of the "Holy Spirit Knight".

When bishop McKinley first saw the images in the intelligence, his first feeling was that they were too consistent with those of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

In addition to the "demigod" power mentioned in the intelligence, the "Holy Spirit Knight" is the "demigod" strength.

"Bishop McKinley, do you recognize him?" Asked bishop Evans, with a look in his eyes.

"It's him. There must be a mistake!" The knowledge he taught was very complicated, and he recognized that the owner of the portrait was probably the legendary one.

"Tell us, who is this man?" Asked bishop Boleyn in a deep voice.

"If there is no problem with intelligence, then this is the" Knight of the Holy Spirit "before the establishment of God's great world. His specific name has not been recorded for a long time." Replied bishop Bolivar.

Many people do not remember the title of "Knight of the Holy Spirit" when it is not mentioned.

However, after being reminded of the existence of the demigod in human history, how could the bishop present forget it.

No wonder the six fifth level Templars joined hands and killed them almost instantly.

The gap between demigod and level 5 is not a simple gap. The "Holy Spirit Knight" can threaten level 5 Templars with one hit at will.

"It must be the God of death. Death has desecrated the knight of the Holy Spirit!" Exclaimed bishop McKinley.The biggest thing that happened recently was the awakening of death. Death opened the door of space. At this moment, the knight of the Holy Spirit appeared again and swept many planets with invincible power.

If you think about the terrible existence of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", the most doubtful one in the God's world is death.

But even with this doubt, it does not work. Death is more difficult to deal with than the knight of the Holy Spirit.

"Demigod, how to win?" The bishop of Dominica heard the confirmation of bishop boriva and Bishop McKinley and believed their judgment.

The key is that the matter has come to this point, and it is most important to remove the threat of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

"Sending more level 5 Templars will not be able to deal with" Holy Spirit knights ", but will increase casualties Said bishop Boleyn, shaking his head.

"According to the latest information, the Holy Spirit Knight didn't use the star gate to leave Dila!" The bishop of bolia checked the information from the contact phalanx and provided the intelligence department with a lot of information, which was more detailed. He found an important point and said.

The absence of a planetary portal means that the Holy Spirit knight is still on dirah.

"Please come to Annabella Templar!" Said bishop McKinley in a deep voice at the door.

The rest of the bishops immediately understood bishop McKinley's mind.

In the god world, the status of ANABELLA knights is the most detached. Even the Archbishop of the temple should pay attention to the attitude of the Knights.

Anabella Templar's strength is limited, but she has undergone two divine falls, so that she can ask the God of war for divine surrender anywhere.

The meaning of bishop McKinley is that the Knights of the temple of Annabella will descend to deal with the terrible "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

The Knights of the temple of Annabella, who was originally in Tula, soon came here.

"I'll find out the knight of the Holy Spirit!" After learning the story, Anabella Templar said without any hesitation.

She had faith not in herself, but in her God.

Recently, the cultivation of Annabella Templar knights is not far from the peak of level 5 Templars. If she can get another divine descent at this time, the benefits of divine descent can make her strength further.

"Be careful. When you find the" Knight of the Holy Spirit ", you should start the divine descent immediately Bishop McKinley cautioned.

"I believe my Lord will save the knight of the Holy Spirit, let him return to my Lord's arms, and ruin the plot of death!" Said the knight of the temple, with a smile.

ANABELLA Temple Knight said relaxed, but when she came to the star level portal and was ready to transmit to "Dila", she had already prepared the preconditions for divine descent and was in the active state of divine descent at any time.

She walked into the planetary portal, and then appeared on Dila. Her eyes were constantly searching everywhere. She had only two seconds of space protection time to find out the "Holy Spirit Knight" and inspire God to descend. Unfortunately, she did not find the shadow of "Holy Spirit Knight". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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