Transcendent David

Chapter 996: CH 994

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God belongs to the great world for many years without such chaos. There are Zerg invasions outside and destruction by "holy knight" inside.

"The alarm of the Alliance Star is false again. Two cult followers attacked a manor and killed all the people in the manor. The Knights of Annabella Temple went for nothing again!" Said bishop McKinley wearily.

Bishop McKinley and the other four bishops have not slept for three days, and intelligence alerts come in at regular intervals.

However, the intelligence department can not distinguish the difference between the demigods and the followers of the third or fourth level evil gods. For ordinary people, both the believers of the third or fourth level evil gods and the half gods are fatal to ordinary people.

The intelligence department does not have the strength to detect the strength of the target. Of course, the temple will not require the intelligence department to do so, as long as the intelligence department reports the situation found in time.

Annabella Templar is very active, perhaps because she is a devout believer in the God of war and has a deep hatred for the knights who betrayed the God of war.

The greater reason is that the Knights of the temple of Annabella have always regarded "the knight of the Holy Spirit" as their idols. The destruction of the idols makes the Knights of the temple of Annabella go crazy.

Therefore, every time there is a police situation, Annabella Temple knight is the first to go, and no other deity dares to fight with her.

However, in fact, none of the warnings were made by the "Knight of the Holy Spirit". Believers of evil gods kept doing things all over the world of God, and took this rare opportunity to take action on some things that they had not dared to do before.

Every time Annabella Temple Knight goes to the sky, he will meet the low-level cult believers at most.

"We can't go on like this. The wrong information is too much to do with our energy." Said bishop Boleyn in a deep voice.

"If we don't, how can we find the" Knight of the Holy Spirit " The bishop of Dominica also said helplessly.

Just the day before yesterday, the five gods respectively sent out divine metaphors to find out the "Knight of the Holy Spirit". The five gods would respond to the request of God's coming at any time.

This has never happened before. We should know that although Shenjiang is the external Assassin's mace of the temple, it is not necessary to respond to requests.

The gods will not be sent out by any application. Except for the gods who are loved by the gods like Annabella Templar knights, the rest of the gods are not sure that they will succeed.

However, the five gods would directly respond to God's surrender. It can be seen that the five gods also attach importance to the "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

The attention of the five gods made the temple more afraid to relax. They almost mobilized all the forces that could be mobilized.

It's just that the "Holy Spirit Knight" is in space at this time. No matter how powerful the intelligence department is, it can't investigate the space.

"If you can't, I'll predict the goal of the Holy Spirit Knight!" Said bishop Evans, standing up.

"This is too dangerous. The knight of the Holy Spirit is a demigod." Said bishop McKinley, shaking his head.

"That's OK. I'm trying to predict the next attack point for the Holy Spirit Knight!" Said bishop Evans firmly.

"Wait a minute. I'll give you the magic of healing first." Bishop Boleyn waved and interrupted the divinity that bishop Evans had begun to prepare.

As the bishop of the earth temple, bishop Boleyn has high attainments in the treatment of divinity.

He spent ten seconds chanting, his staff drawing complex divinity patterns in the air, and then a white light fell on Bishop Evans.

"Grand healing" is a high-level healing magic skill. In the blessed state, it can counteract the effect of a serious injury attack.

Bishop Evans felt the faint white light and warmth on his body, and nodded gratefully to bishop Boleyn. This kind of high-level therapy, which consumes a lot of himself, is not used as much as possible unless it is in a critical moment.

In the short course of grand cure, bishop Boleyn spent three months of prayer and some precious magic materials.

Although Shenshu is very convenient, it depends on various conditions.

With the blessing of "grand cure", bishop Evans was more confident in the application of divinity.

Of course, the most important thing is that bishop Evans successfully predicted things related to Zerg deities, but he was badly hurt and did not suffer fatal injuries, which gave him a new understanding of divinity.

Although demigods have gods in their names, there is still a gap between them and the real gods.

Bishop Evans sang, and the array in his hand was waving constantly. His face became paler and paler as the chanting proceeded.

However, at the moment when his face became worse, the pale white light of "great healing" on his body was dimmed, and his face was ruddy again.

"Poof!" Three seconds after the "prophecy" was successful, bishop Evans gushed blood from his mouth, and others became depressed. The light of "grand cure" was consumed long before.

Bishop Boleyn, who had been prepared for a long time, showed his "healing" over bishop Evans.

The bishop of Dominica took out a bottle of top-level healing potion and offered it to bishop Evans.Bishop McKinley looked at the temples of bishop Evans, where several hairs turned gray.

We should know that these five bishops, who are favored by God, will not have white hair until they are 200 years old.

Bishop Evans is only in his early 100's, and his gray hair on his temples can only be attributed to "prophecy.".

"Contact Lord Arthur immediately. The next target of the knight of the Holy Spirit is garmi!" Bishop Evans slowly opened his eyes under the influence of "therapy" and top-level therapeutic drugs. He said immediately after he woke up.

After activating "prophecy", bishop Evans found that he underestimated the horror of demigod. If it had not been for the blessing of "grand cure", he might have been seriously injured in the beginning, and the prophecy had failed.

You should know that the last time he used "prophecy", bishop Evans completely avoided the existence of Zerg gods, only predicted the trend of ordinary Zerg.

This time, bishop Evans directly predicted the future goal of the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit", which was equivalent to his confrontation with the demigod "Knight of the spirit" on the spiritual level.

The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" almost caused the "prophecy" to collapse when it finally came into being. Bishop Evans consumed his vitality and forced the "prophecy" forward.

"What? I'll inform Lord Arthur at once Said bishop McKinley in surprise when he heard what bishop Evans had said.

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Not only bishop McKinley, but also bishop Boleyn, bishop Dominica and Bishop Boris all put forward their respective contact matrixes at the same time. How could they miss this opportunity to make friends with Lord Arthur.

Of course, bishop Evans made the first contribution in this matter, but as long as they informed Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur must accept their favor.

It is of great benefit to them to let a powerful "invincible Knight" owe their favor.

The knight of the Holy Spirit is flying in space. He does not fly aimlessly.

Although he has no space ability, the Strange Oracle rules can connect two space coordinates together, making him have the space ability of "instant movement".

In space, the figure of the "Holy Spirit Knight" appears and disappears from time to time. Every time he appears and disappears, his figure will travel a distance of kilometers.

The knight of the Holy Spirit slowed down. Instead of using the holy word rules, he only flew toward the desolate planet that appeared before him.

The fifth Archbishop of the God of fire stood in front of a dilapidated ancient temple. He received a divine metaphor from the God of death, and asked him to send an updated map and information for the "Holy Spirit Knight" here, and act together with the "Holy Spirit Knight".

Originally, the fifth level bishop of einside didn't want to participate, but when he prayed to the God of fire, he got a response from the God of fire, and then he agreed to the arrangement of the God of death.

There was a certain uneasiness in the fifth Archbishop of einside, which was a rare emotion for him.

As a believer in the God of fire, who is famous for his offensive power, the fifth level bishop of einside is also extremely strong. He is also one of the top three in the "doomsday Twilight" organization.

But what he wants to see today is a demigod, or a "Knight of the Holy Spirit" who worships the God of war and is famous for killing evil.

In the records of the flame God sect, the "Holy Spirit Knight" is an extremely terrifying existence. At that time, the evil god believers were very powerful, because the "Holy Spirit Knight" almost killed the evil god believers.

"Coming!" As the fifth Archbishop of einside was thinking about it, he saw a figure coming down from the sky.

He didn't need to look at it. He knew that this was the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" because of the holy breath that made him suffocate.

"Knight of the Holy Spirit", the most trusted Knight of the God of war, even the God of war is ready to cultivate him into a subordinate God.

At that time, the situation was completely different from the situation in which the gods belonged to the big world. At that time, the ancient gods were still very active. The God of war and the other four gods had to fight with the ancient gods from time to time. It was in line with the needs of the time that one more God could threaten the ancient gods.

It is for this reason that the God of war passed on the holy word rules that the gods could master to the "Holy Spirit Knight". Who knows that the "Holy Spirit Knight" has a unique talent in the holy word rules.

It is easy to master the rules of the holy word, and with the help of the rules of the holy word, he formed his own "Holy Spirit Realm", reached the peak of legend, and then successfully promoted to demigod.

Of course, the God of war's constant divine gift is also an important reason. The "Holy Spirit Knight" has gained too much combat merit, and the ultimate sanctity almost makes the "Holy Spirit Knight" the most perfect knight.

It is just how the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" finally fell into the hands of the God of death, which is supposed to be known only by the God of death.

Sometimes Archbishop aensside's fifth order bishop sometimes wondered whether it was the God of war. Because the end of the war, there was no need for the "Holy Spirit Knight", leading the "Holy Spirit Knight" into the trap of the God of death.

This is just the wishful thinking of Archbishop einside. The truth of the facts has long been submerged in history."See the knight of the Holy Spirit!" The fifth bishop of einside bowed forward and saluted.

"The knight of the Holy Spirit" looked at the fifth level bishop of einside who was full of holy breath and nodded. Although different from his belief, it was also an alliance.

"I need all the information about the evil Lord Arthur, especially his current position!" The knight of the holy spirit still remembers the last confession of death. Lord Arthur is the most evil existence in the big world, so he asks directly.

As for the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" said that Lord Arthur was the existence of evil, which was very much agreed by the fifth Archbishop of einside.

Sometimes the fifth level bishop of einside was depressed. He was not a very evil cult believer. He killed less than a fraction of the Knights killed by Lord Arthur. There were many fifth level Templars who died in Lord Arthur's hands.

However, Lord Arthur has the highest reputation in the god world, the title of "invincible Knight", and the status halo of the top aristocrat and Supreme Council member.

The fifth bishop of einside could only hide around and dare not expose himself to the public.

The fifth Archbishop of einside believed that Lord Arthur could do this, which was the real evil.

"Lord Arthur is currently in Gami. I have a map to garmi. Garmi is not open to the public. It can only be approached from space." The fifth Archbishop of einside gave a star map to the knight of the Holy Spirit.

"Good, evil must be cleansed!" "Knight of the Holy Spirit" said with sharp eyes.

Hearing the words of "Knight of the Holy Spirit", the fifth level bishop of einside felt cold all over his body.

"Lord Holy Spirit knight, I will go with you to serve you!" The fifth Archbishop of einside did not forget the arrangement of death, he said, bowing down.

"Let's go, then." The knight of the Holy Spirit is not polite. His consciousness has always been controlled by the God of death. He will not have any objection to the things arranged by the God of death.

The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" again soared, followed by the fifth Archbishop of einside.

The fifth level bishop of einside used fire as a driving force, especially the improved flame divinity for space movement, which made him very confident of his speed.

But after flying with the knight of the Holy Spirit, Archbishop einside saw the gap between the two sides.

The knight of the Holy Spirit didn't make any big moves, just a mental move. When the "holy word rule" was launched, his body appeared thousands of meters away.

In the beginning, the fifth Archbishop of einside could barely keep up with him through crazy consumption, but this consumption could not be sustained for a long time, and his speed soon slowed down.

The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" appeared next to the fifth Archbishop of einside, holding his body with one hand and flying him in a way that was extremely humiliating to him.

They are flying in the direction of garmi, which is not close to garmi's position in the chart, but it will not take long to move in the way of "Knight of the Holy Spirit". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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