Transcendent David

Chapter 999: CH 997

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This is the first time that David has used "lethal sword" in a real sense. He has accumulated the strength and spirit of the black dragon. His level 5 light sword is far more powerful than the level 5 weapon.

In addition, the legendary level talent ability "fatal Sabre", once the blade is used, it will attack with rules.

In order to increase the degree of completion of this "fatal knife", David even used the "speed rule" to approach the "Holy Spirit Knight" close to achieve the best attack effect.

However, he did not expect that this "fatal knife" with 100% assurance was blocked.

It is not the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" who is holding back David's "fatal sword". It is the means of protecting his life left by the God of death. The God of death manipulates the divine consciousness and inspires a trace of divine power.

With the strength of David's legendary peak, even if he used the "fatal knife" to enhance the attack power, he was easily blocked in front of this trace of divine power.

Even, the level 5 light sword in David's hand broke. There were cracks on the level 5 light sword. Then he felt that his hand was light, and the level 5 light sword that had followed him for a long time was destroyed.

You know, the level 5 light sword in his hand has been strengthened by him. By means of "master of alchemy" and "master of forging", he strengthened the light sword of level 5 to the extreme of this level of weapon.

But even in this case, or can not withstand this collision.

As a matter of fact, David's "lethal sword" is to use the level 5 light sword over frequency. The level 5 light sword embodies the power and spirit of the legendary black dragon, which also makes the level 5 light sword extremely vulnerable.

Of course, this vulnerability is relative. If you are fighting a normal enemy, the energy in the level 5 light sword will release all the energy as it cuts into the enemy's body.

But this time the "fatal knife" was blocked by the power of the God of death.

The internal energy of level 5 light long sword cannot be released. Instead, the same reaction force is applied to block the level 5 light long sword completely.

"Garmi, Lord Arthur's domain, found the power fluctuation of death!" The temple investigation system, which spread throughout the whole god world, first discovered the presence of the God of death and sent reports to the five temples.

In the golden tent of Tula, five bishops also received reports.

"Damn it, how did death appear?" Said bishop McKinley, looking ugly.

"It should be the divine power left in the knight of the Holy Spirit." Said bishop boriva of the temple of knowledge.

His words made the rest of the bishops a little silent. They didn't know whether to boast about Lord Arthur's strength or lament his bad luck.

If the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" can force the use of the God of death in his body, it must be Lord Arthur who has forced the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" to a desperate situation.

The "Holy Spirit Knight" is a demigod, known as the world's invincible existence. Such a existence was forced into a desperate situation in the face of Lord Arthur. How powerful is Lord Arthur?

"Please come to Annabella Templar!" Bishop Boleyn suggested to bishop McKinley.

"It's no use. We can't transmit garmi. It takes days to fly from the nearest planet. It's too late." Said bishop McKinley, shaking his head helplessly.

"Try to contact Lord Arthur!" Said the bishop, pale, even if he had no hope.

Bishop Evans, who had not recovered, still insisted on coming to the meeting.

"All right." Said bishop Boleyn, nodding.

The five bishops knew that Lord Arthur's life would be lost after the power of death appeared.

While discussing the experience of Lord Arthur, the battle between David and the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" continues.

At this time, the "Holy Spirit Knight" was only two meters away from David, and his eyes appeared strange dark red, which made him feel extremely strange.

"Arthur and Alexis, I've found you. I'll make candles out of your souls, and you'll be tormented by fire forever!" The voice of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is completely different from that of the past. It is as harsh as metal friction.

David felt the hairs all over his body. He knew who it was. This was the God of death that he had been carefully avoiding.

Although this is not the real body of death, but death manipulates the body of the "Holy Spirit Knight", and its combat power must be far greater than that of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight".

Without waiting for David's reply, Alexis, the black dragon, did not return to his original state. The God of death manipulated the body of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" and swung a sword at David.

The dark gold power flashed on the fifth level sword. David felt the power of locking, which was several times stronger than that of the previous "Holy Spirit Knight" sword.

David couldn't move at all, let alone dodge the sword.

The distance between David and the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is only two meters. The sword controlled by the God of death can not be avoided.It takes at least a rest for Alexis, the black dragon, to recover from his kitten state. Death does not even get a tenth of the sword of the Holy Spirit knight.

Alexis, the black dragon, has some regrets. He should not think of talking nonsense with the God of death. He should just slap him to death.

But Alexis, the black dragon, was soon relieved and gave up the idea of restoring himself, because David closed the wings of his white energy feathers and blocked his body.

When David uses the energy feather wings to block the attack of the "Holy Spirit Knight", six artifact "death chains" are flying around the "Holy Spirit Knight".

At a distance of two meters, death can't avoid the attack of the six artifact "death chain", which is too close.

In fact, in a normal battle, it is impossible for David and the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" to fight so close. At such a close distance, life and death are long separated.

If death had not intervened, the knight of the Holy Spirit would have been killed by David with one sword.

Because of the distance of two meters, David and the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" controlled by God of death could not dodge each other's attack, which was equivalent to exchanging an attack.

Under normal circumstances, the defenses of demigods and legendary bodies are different. Under such close attack, especially when David's level 5 light sword is destroyed, it should be the "Holy Spirit Knight" who has the advantage.

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But before that, in order to use the "power of speed rules" to stimulate the energy of his feathered wings, he even put away the Black Knight's armor.

At this point, the energy feather wings play a decisive role.

The God of death manipulates the knight of the Holy Spirit and hits the wings of the energy feather with a stroke of divine power, and the divine power is easily bounced off the wings of the energy feather.

Of course, the main reason for this is that the God of death has too little power to use. It is enough to deal with David, but it is far from enough to break the wings of the energy feathers, even the threat.

In space, this force should have sent David far away, but the six artifact "chains of death" entangled the body of "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

The God of death felt that the half divine blood power in the "Holy Spirit Knight" was suddenly silent, and even the divine consciousness left by him was suppressed in the body of the "Holy Spirit Knight" and could not be felt outside.

It's death's mind to hold back and bend.

Originally, as a "Knight of the Holy Spirit", the strength of the demigod can be exerted to the peak of the demigod through the manipulation of death. It is not a problem to defeat David.

Even if there is no way out, with the help of Alexis the black dragon, David's leaving is not a problem.

As a weapon made by death himself, it is inevitable to restrain the gods.

David's strength is not strong, so he can't exert the power of his artifact "the chain of death", but death can't exert his own strength by borrowing the body of "Knight of the Holy Spirit".

It would be better if the distance was widened. The God of death controlled the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" to avoid the artifact "death chain". However, at a distance of two meters, it was almost a close fight. How could it escape.

"Death, I, Alexis, will come to you. You must live well and don't fall down early!" Alexis, the black dragon, looked at the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" who was unable to move.

"You won this time, but don't be too happy too soon. You will regret being against God!" The voice of death was spoken through the mouth of the knight of the Holy Spirit, and the voice became smaller and smaller.

The God of death's divine consciousness was completely suppressed by the artifact "death chain", and the remote control of death was also eliminated.

The knight's eyes returned to their original state, but his eyes were at a loss. It seems that he has not recovered from being manipulated.

Death's remote control of the "Holy Spirit Knight" is the last resort. We should know that the power of the "Holy Spirit Knight" that can be sealed is very limited. The God of death does not dare to leave too many marks in the "Holy Spirit Knight", which will be found by the temple.

After one shot, the mark left by death for remote control is almost exhausted.

Of course, the most important reason for this is that the belief of "the knight of the Holy Spirit" is so firm that death can not sign a contract of control with him like a master servant contract.

As a knight of the God of war, a firm faith is the best contract. "Knight of the Holy Spirit" can give his life to the God of war at any time.

Although the God of death deceives the "Holy Spirit Knight" through the soul level, it is not omnipotent. Otherwise, death would have completely turned the "Holy Spirit Knight" into his puppet.

In the final analysis, the "Holy Spirit Knight" is only a defective product, or a semi-finished product, not a real God puppet.

Only when death releases the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" who is still in the process of transformation, can these weaknesses exist.

However, there is no longer a sword in David's heart.The knight of the Holy Spirit, entangled in the artifact "the chains of death", senses danger with the knight's sense of danger, and instinctively wants to struggle, but all this is in vain.

The terrifying effect of the artifact "the chains of death" seals the half god blood force and super physique of the "Holy Spirit Knight", which he can't do even if he wants to twist his body.

David's level 5 light sword pierced the breastplate of level 5 armor, and felt strong resistance when touching the skin of the Holy Spirit knight.

He really felt the mightiness of demigod, but the defense of this skin was more than that of the armor of level five knights.

If it's a level 5 Templar here with a level 5 light sword in his hand, he can't break the skin of the "Holy Spirit Knight" with all his strength, let alone kill him.

This is also the case that the "Holy Spirit Knight" has not mobilized the demigod blood force in his body for defense. If the demigod blood force is mobilized, it is estimated that David can only harm the "Holy Spirit Knight" by using an attack similar to "lethal knife".

However, the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" is sealed with all the abilities and energies of the artifact "the chain of death". This kind of defenseless state makes David do not have to wait for a long time to prepare for the front of "lethal knife".

The light in David's eyes flashed, and the "rules of power" in the small world of soul space was mobilized. Then he borrowed part of the mass of the small world, and his strength increased sharply. The light sword of level 5 smoothly penetrated into the body of the "Knight of the Holy Spirit" and went straight into the heart.

The eyes of the knight of the Holy Spirit suddenly congealed. At the moment of death, he seemed to find himself.

Thank you The knight of the Holy Spirit had a relaxed look on his face, and he felt a complete relief.

At the moment of death, the deception of death disappears. The "Knight of the Holy Spirit" knows what he has done, which is unbearable for an extremely devout knight.

Perhaps the knight of the holy spirit still thinks that his soul can return to the small world of the God of war, where he will be saved.

Unfortunately, the last dream of the Holy Spirit Knight did not come true. After his death, the shadow servant flew to his body and sucked out his soul.

Just before the shadow attendant was ready to absorb the soul of the "Holy Spirit Knight", Alexis the black dragon took a step and sucked away a bit of dark golden light.

"Lord Arthur, this is the God of death's divinity. I'm afraid it's dangerous to the shadow attendant!" Said Alexis the black dragon.

David shook his head helplessly. He also knew that the God of death's divinity was useless to himself, but had a great effect on the soul recovery of Alexis the black dragon, so he didn't say anything about Alexis' behavior.

His eyes fell on the corpse of the knight of the Holy Spirit, and his heart was filled with fire.

No matter how powerful the demigod is, the knight of the Holy Spirit is a demigod. If David's strength has not made a breakthrough recently, he will not be able to fight with the "Knight of the spirit", let alone defeat the other side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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