Transmigrated As A Ghost

Chapter 72: 79 Light, Darkness, And The Administrator

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As the beam of light and darkness had fallen from the sky and enveloped Marcus the entire city was put on high alert from this mysterious phenomenon.

Hordes of people began running away from the area around where the beam of darkness and light had touched down and even the guards and knights on duty did not dare approach feeling the overwhelming power the phenomenon had.

At the same time, Marcus was completely enveloped by its power and felt as if his soul was begin torn apart and put back together multiple times. The pain he felt was indescribable as it nearly pushed him to insanity.

However, after everything he had been through since coming to this world and the slight hope, he may be able to see his family again on Earth, Marcus gritted his teeth and took the pain until the beam finally receded leaving him feeling completely spent.

Collapsing onto the ground his strength completely gone Marcus moved his head to towards Octavius and could see that he had passed out from the shock.

Marcus then looked over towards the egg he had just formed a bond with and remembered that while the beam had been tearing him apart, he had heard two voices that had told him 'Take care of them.'

That was when Marcus heard a ding in his head followed by a message saying, 'You have new mail.'

Groaning in displeasure Marcus opened up his status and looking at his log found the message and as he thought it was from the mysterious administrator of this world.

'Good day there Marcus, it appears that you are very lucky and unlucky to be the one that ended up with the little present I left. That egg happens to have the child of two of my good friends and they asked me to find someone exceptional to take care of and raise it for them. I left it so it could only be obtained by a reincarnation or transfer, but it appears that you are the winner. Make sure to take good care of her since if something bad happens you do not want to upset her parents.'

P.S her parents seem to have sent you a little present, make sure to take a good look at your status.

Sincerely, Your Favorite Administrator.'

Marcus groaned a bit more after reading the letter wondering what sort of mess, he had gotten himself into. He really had no idea who or what the administrator of this world is, but it is certain they are beyond powerful.

He also, now had to deal with some sort of child whose parents were beings of a similar level and if something bad happened to them who knew what they would do to him.

Shakely Marcus got back onto his feet and shook his head to snap himself out of his daydreaming and quickly looked over his status only to be blown away from what he saw.

Name: Marcus Ferrous

Age: 28

Race: Unbound Ghost (Great Spirt of Light and Darkness)

Level: 29

HP: 4340/4340

MP: 2270/2270

STR: 207

AGL: 206 (+10)

VIT: 207

INT: 227

SPR: 227

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 5

Unique Skills: Personal Status, #######, Master of Soul and Body, Soul Burst, Embodiment of Light, Embodiment of Darkness

Skills: Medium Item Box, Lesser Regeneration Lvl 1, Digging Lvl 1, Fighting Lvl 4, Magic Circulation Lvl 4, Iron Magic Lvl 4, Disassembly Lvl 4, Stealth Lvl 2, Lightning Magic Lvl 4, Creature Appraisal Lvl 3, Fire Magic Lvl 1, Danger Sense Lvl 3, Darkvision Lvl 3, Scythemanship, Superior Lvl 4, Healing Magic Lvl 2, Mana Regeneration Lvl 4, Speed Burst Lvl 4, Mana Body Lvl 4, Powerful Slash Lvl 4, Physical Resistance Lvl 3, Heighten Spells Lvl 4, Forge Lvl 1, Trap Sensing Lvl 2

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Blessing of Iron, Exalted Blessing of Light, Exalted Blessing of Darkness

Race Abilities: Invisible, Ethereal, Chill Zone, Float, Possession (Limited), Undying

Specter Powers: Ghost Sounds, Spectral Arm, Phantom Pressure

Looking over his status the first thing Marcus noticed was that his race had a new addition labeling him as a great spirt of light and darkness. This was followed by the discovery that every one of his stats had been increased by thirty points.

However, what came off as the biggest surprise was his unique skills. He now had two new ones and his solid soul unique skill had transformed into one called Master of Soul and Body which made it so that his solid and ghost forms were no longer separate. He could now seamlessly switch between being solid and ethereal with no time lag at all.

Unfortunately, he was cut short while reading the descriptions of his new unique skills when he heard the loud commotion coming from outside.

He heard the shouting of guards and knights as they approached the building and even heard multiple magical beasts landing on the roof of the building.

Realizing that if he stayed around any longer, he was going to be found out Marcus quickly grabbed his magical beast egg and stored it within his companion storage.

He then turned ethereal and invisible and slipped out if the building and once outside he could see a small army of guards and knights that had surrounded the building.

There were even a dozen gryphon riders that were circling around the building from the air led by none other than head knight Vensarious.

Luckily though, none of them noticed as Marcus slipped away floating past the lines of people until he was far away from the scene.

Once the building and congregation of guards and knights were out of sight Marcus found a quite corner to return to visibility.

'Well, I definitely left a shit show in my wake, and I think I will need to lay low for a while since there is a chance, they will connect this incident to me. I thought about killing that manager since he knows who I am but plenty of other people saw me there and killing him might have caused me even more trouble.'

Coming to the decision that his identity as Marcus was going to take a little break, he quickly switched his form over to that of Irene and started heading for the Silent Wave inn he had been staying at.

Once he arrived, he paid up for another room for three days and headed upstairs to his new room and sat down on the bed.

Now that he was in a quite place where he had all the time he needed, he once again opened up his status and began reading the details of his new unique skills.

Reading through them he found that they were both incredibly powerful skills. Each one of them would envelope his body with their respective element and increase all of his stats. However, unlike his soul burst that had a flat times two increase each of his new embodiment unique skills gave different boosts to each stat and unlike soul burst would increase in power along with him.

Currently his embodiment of light would increase his strength by eight percent, agility by forty percent, vitality by eleven percent, intelligence by sixteen percent, and spirt by twenty-two percent.

Conversely his embodiment of darkness would increase his strength by forty percent, his agility by eight percent, his vitality by twenty-two percent, his intelligence by sixteen percent, and his spirt by eleven percent.

Also, each skill has the added effect of allowing Marcus to manipulate the element enveloping his body and use it as a weapon while also increasing any ability that used the same element.

There was additionally no usage limit other than how much he could take before the ability started to overwhelm and cause damage to himself.

'While neither of them are quite as impressive as soul burst, their usability is way higher and all I need to be careful about is not to overuse them and cause damage to myself. On top of that the exalted blessing that gave me these new unique skills have the added benefit of increasing my stats at every level up like my blessing of iron. Except they are even more impressive increasing my agility by three at every level up for the light blessing and increasing my strength by three for the dark blessing.'

Once he had finished thoroughly investigating the details of his new abilities Marcus closed his status window and decided to try out one of his new unique skills.

Activating his embodiment of darkness first, Marcus felt a surge of strength come out of him as darkness enveloped his entire body and the energy flickered around like a flame.

He immediately could tell that he was being empowered but at the same time that a new pressure was being put on him.

Molding the darkness around him Marcus tested how far he could move it from his body finding that after it had gone more than three feet away it started to dissipate.

Happy with how the ability was working Marcus wanting to see how embodiment of light worked activated it but was in for a nasty surprise.

When he activate embodiment of light along with embodiment of darkness the force of the two fighting against each other started to crush Marcus. He could feel the two powers fighting each other and it took all of his focus to keep the two from harming him. After just around thirty seconds Marcus gave up trying to figure out how to use both abilities at the same times as his body and soul were reaching their limits.

Marcus then sat down on the bed in his room needing time to recover his stamina since he felt completely wiped after using both of his new unique skills.

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