Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 19: 19

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Chapter 19: Empathy

Chang Qing didn’t know how many things were involved in what he did to Qin Lang. He’d given him a considerable kick. He’d only clap his hands and laugh if that kick had crippled him.

Also because he knew how strong he was, he always felt that Qin Lang would retaliate, so he borrowed a bodyguard from Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng felt that this was unnecessary. Because he had already asked people to watch Qin Lang’s every move, and if there was anything unusual, they would report to him immediately.

Chang Qing didn’t think it was safe. “If you can monitor him, you can still have some protection.”

Lu Zheng said thoughtfully: “Put it on the agenda.”

Chang Qing realized that Lu Zheng seemed to prefer to torture Qin Lang slowly, like a cat playing with a mouse.

However, he had no intention of dissuading him, even though Lu Zheng still hadn’t figured out anything yet.

The efficiency was too slow. Chang Qing really thought that the Lu family was such a force that it would only take minutes to check everything, but it seemed that it was not.

Chang Qing still went to work at Tianxing company. He didn’t know whether it was because he’d seen him beating Qin Lang but Chang Qing found that whenever Zhang Xinyu saw him he couldn’t help but clamp his legs closed.

He felt quite happy and said politely to Zhang Xinyu, “I don’t often treat people like that.”

Zhang Xinyu, with a wooden face, gave a soft “Oh”.

At this time, it was lunch break. Each assistant had a separate small office, separated only by a window.

Zhang Xinyu was probably too strict and meticulous. His assistants were never close to him. He has always been alone and maintained such a cold attitude.

But for Chang Qing, he wasn’t so strict. If anything he was a bit too gentle. The assistants all gossiped that Chang Qing had some background and had come in through the back door so Zhang Xinyu was trying to curry favor with Chang Qing.

Actually, it wasn’t like that. People like Zhang Xinyu who were experienced in the workplace were also quite accurate in judging people. Some people were suitable for being subordinates, but weren’t suitable for being friends. Some people were indeed suitable for being friends and subordinates.

Those who won’t resent the sternness later because of the closeness of the moment. Although private affairs and public affairs have to be separated, when it’s always like this, you can’t help but feel lonely.

Also, he had more female assistants than male and they weren’t suitable for closeness.

Chang Qing was a more suitable person. Zhang Xinyu always felt that even if he was strict with him, he wouldn’t have any complaints. His beautiful face was clearly defined, with the words ‘enduring hardship’ on the left and ‘hard-working’ on the right.

In fact, the work done by the president of Tianxing didn’t keep him that busy. Now that there was a new boss, Zhang Xinyu is even less busy.

He still had some time to play games with Chang Qing. The assistant beside him was also surprised to see this scene. Thus, Secretary Zhang’s assistants in this sector began to scatter.

Zhang Xinyu didn’t care, but said to Chang Qing, “Before I couldn’t waste time at work. Now I have a lot of free time all at once.”

Chang Qing smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Xinyu was very good at playing games. He raised Chang Qing to a diamond, and he took him up with the trump card, which made Chang Qing extremely happy.1 He went to work every day and waited to gang up on Zhang Xinyu.

All such changes fell into Lu Zheng’s eyes, and he suddenly became suspicious. At dinner, he seemed to casually say, “Let’s go visit the grave together the day after tomorrow.”

Chang Qing responded unconsciously, and paused again, “Isn’t Lu Shi coming back?”

Lu Zheng said calmly: “It’s only been three days since he was locked up. If he comes back, he’ll make trouble again, and I’ll be annoyed to death. If my mother hadn’t given birth to him the world would be more peaceful.”

Lu Hua held her chopsticks, tears rolling down her eyes, “Second brother, you dislike us so much, why don’t you throw me into the military academy?”

Lu Zheng really thought about it.

Lu Hua hurriedly said, “I’m not going to the military academy! If you really send me then, I’ll run away from home!”

Lu Zheng furrowed his brows. “You’re so successful. You can even run away from home.” He said with a cold face, “If you dare to run away from home, don’t come back. You’ll save me a bite of rice.

Lu Hua: “…”

Her tears rolled even harder. “I’m not eating!” She said, getting up to leave.

Lu Zheng slammed his hand down on the table. Lu Hua was startled and sat back down.

Lu Zheng said, “Finish your meal.”

Lu Hua: “…”

She picked up the chopsticks with tears in her eyes.

Chang Qing: “…”

He always felt that Lu Zheng’s way of educating his sister was very much like raising a dog. From this look, she really had to be as obedient as possible.

Chang Qing thought that in the past, Lu Zheng didn’t care when his siblings made a fuss. Now that he cares about it, he can manage them well.

Is this also a talent?

When Lu Zheng was interrupted by Lu Hua, he forgot to continue talking to Chang Qing. He didn’t really want to see Chang Qing marrying a new love so soon after his older brother had left.

According to his idea, it would be more appropriate for Chang Qing to wait for his older brother for at least three years before looking for a partner.

Lu Zheng pondered for a moment then casually asked, “Are you in a good mood?”

Chang Qing froze for a moment, “Are you talking to me?”

Lu Zheng frowned, “Does it look like I’m talking to Lu Hua?” He glanced at Lu Hua, who wept silently, and snorted coldly.

Chang Qing made an “oh” and answered the previous question, “Yes.”

Lu Zheng asked, “Happy at work?”

Chang Qing’s lips curled up into a smile, “Well, very happy.”

Lu Zheng thought for a moment. He remembered that he had hired a senior manager to manage Chang Qing’s subsidiary company with an annual salary of millions. He just wanted that man to manage his eldest brother’s latest effort.

He tried to think about the senior manager again, and finally remembered his appearance. Gold-rimmed glasses, tall, not bad-looking, Ivy league elite …

It’s a little dangerous, Lu Zheng thought to himself.

Chang Qing was young. According to his big brother, he hadn’t been in school for many years and had dropped out of high school. Such people are easily attracted by highly educated scholars, and thus have a feeling of admiration and longing. This kind of emotion was a breeding ground for…

Lu Zheng pursed his lips, and said casually, “Do you have any plans to continue studying?”

Chang Qing was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, “Me? Shall I go to study?”

Lu Zheng nodded, “I remember your high school grades were good. If you continue to study, it’s not a problem to get into a school, right?”

Chang Qing thought for a while, but he didn’t have that intention. “No, I don’t miss it.”

The most important thing is that after experiencing society, it’s difficult to re-integrate into the simple atmosphere of the school, and it’s difficult to get used to it.

Seeing his refusal, Lu Zheng closed his mouth.

Chang Qing said, “Are you addicted to sending people to school? You also want to send me to school.”

His words were somewhat joking.

Lu Zheng said, “I’m thinking about you. Don’t be coaxed into giving money to others. You have such a face and always do things that only fools do.”

Lu Zheng was such a person. When it’s time to be sarcastic, there’s no shortage of irony. His sarcasm is off the charts. If he glances at someone with his narrow eyes then, it’s simply □□ level.

Chang Qing was immediately dumbfounded, and just like Lu Hua, he lowered his head to eat rice.

Lu Zheng didn’t ask why Chang Qing was in such a good mood that day. It wasn’t easy to ask. He was thinking about that Qiao Ran,2 he really had to beat him.

Lu Zheng went to the study to make a phone call after he was finished eating, regardless of how confused Qiao Zhenran was.

Only Chang Qing and Lu Hua were left in the dining room.

Lu Hua’s always whiny temper changed but her ability to cry became more and more brilliant. At this time, she was still crying in a detached way with her face expressionless.

Chang Qing lowered his head and gave her a chicken wing. “Don’t you like it?Eat some more.”

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Lu Hua snorted, “Don’t worry about it.”

Chang Qing sighed and said, “Why are you so hostile to me? What have I done to you?”

Lu Hua wiped her tears and said, “You’re a fox spirit.”

Chang Qing said, ” “Yes, yes, yes, I am. Have I done anything wrong to you?”

Lu Hua said: “You are a fox spirit.”

Chang Qing laughed, “Do you know what the nature of human beings is?”

Lu Hua glanced at him and said indifferently: “I don’t know.”

Chang Qing said: “The nature of human beings, Is the broken record. I’m the fox spirit, you’re the broken record.”

Lu Hua: “…”

She took a few tissues, and blew her nose loudly, before she said slowly, “Fox spirit.”

Chang Qing: “Broken record.”

“Fox spirit!”

“Broken record!”

“Fox spirit!!”

“Broken record!!!”

“…” Lu Hua raised her head arrogantly and said, “I don’t care about you anymore.”

Chang Qing said: “Then I really thank you.”

Lu Hua was silent for a while, then sighed: “Actually, we’re both pitiful. My second brother isn’t human at all.”

At this time, her attitude towards Chang Qing was a little more relaxed. She doesn’t really hate Chang Qing, it’s just the situation. These days, she felt that Chang Qing, like her, was being oppressed by Lu Zheng.

This also gave rise to a revolutionary friendship of sympathy.

Chang Qing also sighed, “Indeed.”

Lu Hua’s eyes lit up, the comradeship became more and more intense. She wiped away her tears and said sadly, “He’s not good at all. He has been very bad to me and my third brother since we were young. At that time, big brother was in charge of him. Now that he’s gone, he really does whatever he wants.”

Chang Qing didn’t like her saying the words “big brother”. He was in a good mood, and immediately felt as if a switch had been flipped, and his good mood collapsed.”… he did it for your own good.”

Lu Hua pursed her lips and said, “I know him. My brother3 said my father had mentioned second brother.”

Chang Qing’s ears moved and he looked up, somewhat curious. “What did your dad say about him?”

Lu Hua said, “My dad said that he had no sense of morality, no empathy, sociopathic, and was born bad.”

“…” Chang Qing became more curious, “How so?”

Lu Hua licked the corners of her lips. Seeing that he was interested the energy of gossip completely overshadowed her dissatisfaction with the vixen, ”Well, I’ll tell you. He’s really bad. When he was a child, he often caused trouble, always causing big brother to be beaten for him. He didn’t remember well, but he still caused trouble all the time. There’s one thing that my third brother told me. He said that Miss Du came to our house to play and brought a little Doberman Pinscher over. She brought it over without a leash, and the little Doberman Pinscher went crazy, barking at my second brother. It didn’t bite him but my second brother beat the dog, beat him half to death. The Du family cried and called an ambulance, but before it arrived, my second brother grabbed its neck and broke it with a crack.”

Chang Qing couldn’t help urging: “Then what?”

Lu Hua saw his thirst for knowledge. Her heart felt proud, and a smile appeared on her lips, “Then ,ah, then the Du family was very angry and asked him why he killed it. My second brother said: That it would be better for it to die rather than to let it suffer. The Du family was so angry that they sued my second brother, and my father beat him half to death.”

“At that time, my third brother heard my father say he couldn’t control my second brother.” She shook her head and said, “He doesn’t have any empathy at all. How could he put himself in someone else’s shoes? Look at him. His delicate sister cried at him like a pear blossom in the rain.4 And he’s still fine. He didn’t react at all and doesn’t feel sorry for me at all.” Even when he does coax her, most of it’s perfunctory.

Chang Qing looked at the ceiling, then looked down at her, “How old was he then?”

Lu Hua frowned and thought for a moment. “He was about 10 years old.”

Chang Qing didn’t speak. After a while, he said, “It’s a bit excessive.”

After Lu Hua got approval, she couldn’t help but feel more proud. She was elated, but she also felt like she was born under an unlucky star. “Now he’s the one who has a say in this family. It’s too miserable!”

“I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for my third brother, an undisciplined otaku, to go to military school.”

“He doesn’t care about us! He doesn’t care about us! He doesn’t care about what we want! He’s a tyrant! He won’t be a good father in the future! My future nephew or niece will really suffer!”

Lu Hua cried bitterly again.

Chang Qing couldn’t help laughing. After laughing, he said the truth: “Lu Shi’s temperament can really be honed by going to the military academy.”

Generally speaking, he couldn’t tell Lu Hua the truth. As soon as she heard this, her face immediately changed, “You, you!” She angrily pointed at Chang Qing and said, “Well, I knew it. You’re not a good person either. How dare you speak up for second brother?”

Chang Qing said: “I’m telling the truth.”

Lu Hua said angrily: “What’s the truth? Do you know how delicate my brother is? In a family like ours the boys and girls are delicate. Who goes to military school? It’s all peasants! Farmers! How can my brother go to a place where poor people who can’t read go? “

Chang Qing felt that it was hard to change this girl’s arrogant personality. He couldn’t help but retort, “I was thinking that your brother doesn’t know how to study.”

Lu Hua yelled: “Fuck! My brother is rich! Do you know that we all own shares and all kinds of real estate? We are all rich! “

Chang Qing said, “You’re underage. You can’t use it even if you have money. That doesn’t count as your money. Lu Zheng doesn’t want to give it to you, so you’re poor.”

Lu Hua was at a loss for words, and her arrogance disappeared in an instant, “It will be our money sooner or later.”

Chang Qing said: “Then it’s really not your money now. Is there a problem?”

Lu Hua: “…”

Chang Qing said, “Lu Shi can’t study, and he’s a poor man. Is there a problem with going to military school?”

Lu Hua burst into tears, “You’re twisting my words! I won’t talk to you anymore!!”

Chang Qing said spread out his hands: “OK, I won’t talk about it with you. I wanted to ask you, what happened to the competition to be your school flower? After spending five million dollars, did you not get it? “

Lu Hua froze. Her tears flowed faster, but this time she was really upset, “I…”

Chang Qing looked at her face, sighed and said softly, “Anyway, I’m your sister-in-law and your elder. Your second brother doesn’t have time to care about you. If you have something on your mind, you can tell me.”

Lu Hua awkwardly said, “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

Chang Qing said, “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me?”

Lu Hua said nothing.

Chang Qing said, “Then forget it.”

He made a gesture to get up and leave, but Lu Hua shouted, “You’re not sincere at all! You said you wanted to help me but now you’re going to leave like this?”

Chang Qing came back and said softly, “How are you my sister-in-law? You’re clearly my ancestor. Ancestor, is that all right? Is it sincere enough?

Lu Hua wiped her tears and said awkwardly: “You’re not allowed to laugh at me.”

Chang Qing gestured as though he was swearing an oath, “If I laugh at you, then may I be unable to eat and trip and fall whenever I walk, ok?”

Lu Hua breathed a sigh of relief. She stammered: “The money…was swallowed. He won’t pay me back. “

Chang Qing: “…”


1.I’m not sure about this sentence so here it is in Chinese: 带着常清上到了钻石,又带着他上到了王牌. I first thought they were playing card games at the office but later in the story they’re playing video games together. So now I’m even more confused.

2. Qiao Zhenran- not sure if Qiao Ran is a nickname or if the author made a typo.

3.Her third brother

4. What she says here is: 梨花带雨   -like raindrops on a pear blossom (idiom) / fig. tear-stained face of a beauty. She’s so dramatic, it’s hilarious.

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