Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 4: 4

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Chapter 4 A Touching Brotherhood

No one cared about Lu Hua’s mood at this time.

Lu Zheng pitted his sister, with no shame on his face. He withdrew his gaze that fell on Chang Qing and said, “It’s time for dinner. Let’s eat.”

Lu Shi can leave now. It would be best to say the same as before: “Eat shit! Just looking at a certain face will make me throw up last night’s meal!”

If you have a glass at hand – the sound of the glass breaking is the loudest. Grab one to throw down to boost your momentum, and then run quickly before big brother gets angry – no, not running. This kind of protest, which ends with a disdainful and arrogant back, is the most perfect.

Lu Shi has done this whole process of protest seven or eight times, and he was already very skilled. But every time he did it, he became more and more dissatisfied with the fox spirit. He had already reached this point, yet big brother didn’t waver at all. He was so enchanted by that vixen that he didn’t even know his own last name!

Lu Shi glanced at the coffee table and became more and more dissatisfied. Mother Zhang had replaced the glass cup with a plastic cup at some point.

Since he didn’t have any cups in hand, he would give this damned fox spirit a bit of face, and condescend to sit down with him at a table for dinner— just to see what kind of medicine the fox sells in it’s gourd.

He never believed such things as prostitutes leaving their trade!1

Soon the family of five was seated at the table.

The Lu family doesn’t like western cuisine, and Mother Zhang doesn’t know how to cook it either. She only makes home-cooked meals. It happened that Lu Shi and Lu Hua were both in puberty and their bodies are developing and need a lot of nutrition. Therefore, the dishes were especially rich, with meat and vegetable dishes, there were also several kinds of tonic soup. The large table was full.

Chang Qing wasn’t a picky eater. He eats everything, even chili and ginger.

Lu Hua sat next to Chang Qing, always keeping a close eye on the vixen’s eating style, and immediately noticed that he actually ate chili peppers. Her face couldn’t help but show a disgusted expression. She was a noble lady. She would never eat chili peppers like a refugee who had never eaten anything good like him.

Liu Hua, who felt that she had found something embarrassing about the fox spirit, was finally happy. She took a few grains of rice and ate them like a bird, and pursed her lips to pat them with a handkerchief pretending to be elegant. Then glanced at the fox spirit, but the fox spirit didn’t look at her at all, but hypocritically picked up food for her eldest brother!

Lu Hua was full of anger when she saw it. Hypocrite! Fake! Vixen!

Chang Qing had paid a lot of attention to Lu Xuan. After a few days’ contact with Lu Xuan, he has a good impression of Lu Xuan and wanted to live with him. After all, Lu Xuan was impeccable in all aspects of appearance, figure and personality. As long as you were gay, you will probably be tempted.

Of course, he hadn’t gotten to the point where he was emotionally affected. He just had some good feelings.

Chang Qing wanted to develop the relationship between them, so he didn’t hesitate any longer. He picked up dishes for Lu Xuan from time to time, “Today’s cabbage is very tender, you can try it.”

Previously, Chang Qing would also serve him food. Lu Xuan didn’t think too much about it. He also served Chang Qing the food that he liked to eat.  With this kind of back and forth there a little more of a sticky feeling.

Lu Shi saw it and gave a heavy “hum”.

Without lifting his eyelids, Lu Xuan neatly rolled up his cuffs, revealing a small part of his arms. Then stretched out his arm, picked up a spoon, scooped up half a bowl of white jade mushroom soup for Chang Qing, and thoughtfully delivered it to his right hand.

Chang Qing also pretended not to hear the “hum.” He took a sip of the soup to save face, and a smile spread across his lips, “Although we don’t drink this soup every day, I’m getting tired of it.  It’s just that this small bowl today, I don’t know why, but somehow it tastes particularly good.” He paused, glanced at Lu Xuan, and his eyes curved into a smile, “I suppose it’s because it passed through your hands.”

Fuck! Lu Shi gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at Chang Qing in disbelief, and cursed his mother in his heart. Is this what people say?!!!? He’s more and more worthy of being called a fox spirit!

Lu Xuan’s skin is white, and his emotions are more obvious when he’s a little excited. At this time, his white jade like cheek had already been covered with a thin layer of red, but fortunately, the redness has not reached the base of his ears, so he won’t look too embarrassing. He tried not to show any other expressions, and maintain his serious expression. He stuttered a little when he opened his mouth. He quickly coughed and said: “…then I’ll serve it to you from now on.”

Chang Qing looked at him, lowered his eyes and smiled. His tone was light and shallow as he said, “Okay.”

It was different from the previous atmosphere, with a gentle and quiet feeling.

Lu Zheng, who sat opposite and watched the theatre for a short time, saw this kind of Chang Qing, and the originally careless expression on that handsome face slowly disappeared.

He also lowered his eyes, feeling a little bit of inexplicable irritability in his heart.

Here, Lu Xuan calmly took a sip of the soup and put it down after only one sip. He felt that the taste was not as good as before. If Chang Qing could also serve him a bowl, the taste should be better. It’s just that he was thin-skinned and self-sufficient, and it was difficult to ask such a request, so he had to let go of this idea regretfully. He thought, there will be plenty of time in the future. Take your time.

Everyone had different thoughts during this dinner. Lu Shi was irritable and dissatisfied. Anyone with a sharp eye could tell that big brother was being coaxed by the vixen. This vixen was no longer the coquettish little duckling that he used to be. Unexpectedly, he’d turned into a soft little goblin.2

Others will find the former very boring and disgusting, but the latter… to be honest, men probably like the little minx3 style…

Lu Shi looked at his big brother who had been coaxed into place one step at a time, and in his heart, he had a little bit of helplessness and sadness. The enemy had not yet attacked, and his own side had taken the initiative to push himself upside down.

So fucking fucked up! Damned vixen! Lu Shi ran away with a sad and indignant face. He didn’t even want to throw a cup.

Lu Hua, on the other hand, was scowling miserably, and under the urging of her elder brother’s gaze, she said to Mother Zhang, “Mother Zhang …… I, I’ll wash the dishes.”

Mother Zhang sighed at once, and said with distress, “You haven’t washed the dishes before. What’s to be done?”

Lu Hua’s eyes lit up and a bit of hope was rekindled. Mother Zhang was an old servant of the Lu family so she could voice her opinion. She opened her mouth, and just as she was about to speak, Mother Zhang said, “You grab the dishes first and bring them into the kitchen. I’ll teach you how to wash the dishes. Knowing how to wash dishes is important. “

Lu Hua: “…”

Bye! ! QAQ

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Chang Qing didn’t say a word to Lu Zheng again, and he hardly even looked at Lu Zheng. In fact, it wasn’t only Lu Zheng. He didn’t even look at Lu Hua or Lu Shi, as if all his mind was on Lu Xuan.

Lu Zheng felt that the sister-in-law was coquettish and always liked to peek at him. He didn’t care about it at all—and didn’t dare to think about it. Although he didn’t like him, he politely called him “sister-in-law”. What was the scene at that time? Lu Zheng thought back and soon remembered it.

“Brother, you sound so nice when you call me sister-in-law.” Chang Qing was quite serious back then. His clothes weren’t that revealing, and he didn’t wear such bewitching make-up. His face was bare and plain, apart from staring straight at him, his voice was still a little dazed and gentle, as if rolling on the tip of his tongue, before he spat it out in a sticky manner. It matched with the look in his eyes that was staring at him unwilling to leave, he almost directly put a green light on his eldest brother’s face.

However, his stupid eldest brother had no self-awareness at all, and his eyes were as if he was blind—even if Lu Zheng didn’t say it, he was still dissatisfied with his elder brother’s choice. Lu Xuan’s character was more suitable for a gentle and well-behaved wife, but instead he chose this kind of wife.

Lu Zheng was dissatisfied and resentful, but his dissatisfaction and resentment never showed on his face. He respected Lu Xuan from the bottom of his heart, so he could accept any choice he made, even if he chose Chang Qing.

A shrewd person like Lu Zheng could see Chang Qing’s flirtatious intentions at first glance. After that, he hid as far away as he could.  When he was alone in a room with Chang Qing, he could not wait to stick to the wall and never give Chang Qing a chance to hook up with him.

At that time, Chang Qing didn’t spell it out clearly. He just spoke slowly and shot him meaningful glances. Other than that, he didn’t cross the line. It was also possible to understand Chang Qing’s words as that of a considerate sister-in-law who cared about his brother-in-law. Moreover, Chang Qing was a man, unlike women, who have so many taboos. Lu Zheng was also not good at warning, so he could only lie low for a while.

However, the way he was lying on his bed yesterday with his clothes half-removed really touched his tightest thread. He was really angry. He only took one look, and all of the blood in his body rushed up to his head, and even the veins popped out. He clenched his fists and his sanity completely disappeared.

Lu Zheng respected Lu Xuan from the bottom of his heart. He liked this brother the most since he was a child. He was seven years younger than Lu Xuan. In his earliest memories Lu Xuan was already in junior high school. He used to smile a lot. He was gentle and careful. He would accompany him to make hand-made ponies, do his homework with him, talk to him in a soft voice, and even read bedtime stories to him. At that time, Lu Zheng was still a child, and he did a lot of wrong things, such as breaking the antique vases collected by his father, burning down the flower house where his mother cultivated a lot of expensive exotic flowers and plants, etc. Lu Xuan took the blame for almost all of these serious mistakes.

Even though Lu Zheng was a bear child, he still felt distressed about his brother. Lu Xuan took the blame again and again and he watched his brother be whipped all over his body. Lu Zheng’s natural contrariness was squashed.

In fact, at that time, Lu Chenghui, their father, didn’t know that it was his fault. Before, Lu Zheng didn’t understand. When he saw Lu Xuan admit that he had made the mistake, his conscience was troubled and he took the initiative to admit it was his fault. Lu Chenghui turned a deaf ear to Lu Zheng and continued to beat him, right under Lu Zheng’s eyes, he beat Lu Xuan until he couldn’t stand up. At that time, Lu Zheng was so scared that he cried. He hugged Lu Xuan and wanted to take the beating for him. Lu Xuan was in pain, but he still had to gently comfort him and tell him that it didn’t hurt, to go back to his room, and not to look.

With so much blood and so many wounds, how could it not hurt? At that time, Lu Zheng hated Lu Chenghui to death, and even suspected that Lu Xuan was picked up by Lu Chenghui from the trash can. He felt sad for his brother for a long time. Because he felt sorry for his brother, he didn’t dare to be a bear child anymore, and he had a peaceful childhood. He only hoped that his brother wouldn’t carry the pot for him anymore.

At the age of twelve, when Lu Chenghui died. Lu Zheng seemed to have grown up overnight, and he suddenly understood Lu Chenghui’s intentions.

Lu Xuan was not talented enough in business and had no intention of taking over the family business. Lu Chenghui’s favorite heir was Lu Zheng from the beginning. However, Lu Zheng was naturally rebellious and forced discipline would be counterproductive. Lu Xuan’s gentle personality became Lu Zheng’s shackles to keep him honest.

Lu Zheng had always known how difficult it was for Lu Xuan. Ever since their parents passed away when he was 19 years old, Lu Xuan had never had such a gentle smile on his face. He became the decision-maker and leader of the entire Lu group. He could not be gentle and kind. He could not be weak. That would only make others belittle him and bully him more.

Lu Zheng understood that all he could do was madly absorb knowledge so that he could control the entire Lu Group. He wanted to grow up quickly so that he could take the baton from Lu Xuan and let Lu Xuan have a good rest and do what he wants to do.

Lu Zheng was such a person. He would treat the person who entered his heart wholeheartedly. Even if he gave his whole being away, it didn’t matter.

Lu Xuan was the only one who held this position in Lu Zheng’s heart. Only him. You could imagine how angry he was when he saw Chang Qing lying on his bed.

Chang Qing insulted Lu Xuan’s trust in him, his love for him, his indulgence and everything.

He hated and despised this kind of Chang Qing. He was very angry at that time, and there was only one voice in his heart, that is – teach him, teach him severely!

It was only at the last moment when his reason disappeared that Chang Qing opened his eyes and looked at him. His face was a bit dazed, then he looked at him, stunned for a moment, and said, “…I just went to the wrong room and slept in the wrong bed. Do you believe it?”

The corner of Lu Zheng’s mouth twitched, and the words “Haha” spilled out from his throat.

His anger finally extinguished the last trace of reason, driving him to clench his fists and stride towards Chang Qing.

Chang Qing quickly gathered his clothes and rolled to the side trying to hide. However, his posture must have been wrong because his head hit the edge of the sharp bedside table, and a wide, bloody cut was made. The blood covered his entire head and face, but he pretended to be calm and stepped back, and said to Lu Zheng, “Calm down. I really just walked into the wrong room.”

Lu Zheng couldn’t hear what he said, but the dazzling color of the blood was very stimulating to his senses. He was clear headed for a few minutes and didn’t beat Chang Qing to death.

Lu Zheng’s memories came to an abrupt end here. He remembered what Chang Qing had said to him this morning, and Lu Zheng’s dark eyes flashed a fierce look.

Look again, look again. If you relapse in a few days … We’ll think about it then.

The author has something to say:

Update the character information card:

Lu Xuan: 27 years old, height 182, keywords: gentle at home, shy virgin

Lu Zheng: 20 years old, height 185, keywords: big brother complex

Lu Shi: 17 years old, height 175, Key words: Rebellious boy from a good family in the second year of middle school

Lu Hua: 13 years old, height 162, Key words: a noble lady with strong desire for performance.

Chang Qing: 22 years old, height 178, Key words: good stay at home wife (fox spirit or little goblin)


1. basically: a leopard doesn’t change its spots

2. 妖精 yāo jing- the word used can mean hussy, floozy, goblin, alluring woman. “Goblin” here because he’s thinking about the huli jing/fox spirit in this paragraph

3. yāo jing again but this time I chose to use “minx” as a stand-in for floozy/hussy

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