Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 40: 40

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Chapter 40: Escape

Mount Ge was some distance away from the Xicheng District. Because of its high forest coverage, the government had set aside a large area to sell to real estate developers to build villas.

This kind of place was the best place to develop villas. It was close to the forest, with good air, not too hot in the summer and the humidity was just right. It was very suitable for the comfortable life of the rich.

At this point, the villa area hadn’t yet been developed, and Chang Qing had been kidnapped here first.

Lu Hua was untied. Chang Qing asked her to untie him.

Lu Hua wanted to cry again, but she still held it in. With a little sob, she said. “What’s the deal with you taking care of Qin Lang?”

Chang Qing said, “I took pity on him.”

Lu Hua said angrily: “You pitied a bad guy like him?”

Chang Qing said softly, “When you didn’t know he was a bad guy, you promised Jenny that your second brother would let Qin Lang go. Have you forgotten?”

Lu Hua: “…”

Lu Hua cried out, “I really didn’t know… I thought…”

She couldn’t speak, and Chang Qing didn’t want to coax her anymore. “Help untie me quickly.”

Lu Hua sobbed, and it took some time for her to untie the rope, “Now what do we do?”

Chang Qing looked at her, then reached out to take off the diamond hairpin on her head.

“What are you doing with that?” Lu Hua wiped her tears and asked.

Chang Qing smiled and said, “This is the hairpin I gave you.”

“Why do you say that?” Lu Hua was puzzled and a little awkward, “I thought it was my elder brother who gave it to me.”

Chang Qing said, “Your brother wanted to buy you a hairbow at that time. I thought you would like sparkling diamonds better, so I chose this one for you.”

Lu Hua: “…Why are you talking about this right now!”

Chang Qing said, “Your brother is rich, so it’s all real diamonds.”

Lu Hua was still at a loss. Chang Qing didn’t explain more to her. He grabbed the diamond hairpin, and began to grind the wooden barrel behind him.


Qin Lang drank a glass of water in the tent to quench his thirst.

Fatty Wang began to get restless, “Why do I feel that Lu Zheng won’t come?”

Qin Lang lowered his eyes, “He’ll come.”

He slightly raised his lips, “He’ll come. He will definitely come.”

As he had told Chang Qing, if Chang Qing hadn’t investigated, then he wouldn’t have made such a bad plan at all.

From the age of 17 or 18 to now, not to say things had all been smooth sailing but he hadn’t encountered any major setbacks. His experience was perfect and seamless, able to deal with the average person, but couldn’t withstand the investigation of a power like the Lu family.

If he doesn’t hurry, he will soon be completely investigated by Lu and the others. When the time comes, he will be the one in a passive position.

Qin Lang thought of Chang Qing’s beautiful eyes stained with hatred. He sighed slightly and asked Fatty Wang, “Fatty, do you think there is such a thing as a soul in this world?”

Fatty Wang said grumpily: “What the hell, don’t give me feudalistic superstitions.”

Qin Lang smiled slightly and said, “It would be great if there is. In that case, if I die, I wouldn’t be really dead and could still live on.”

Fatty Wang ignored his nervous words. He was under great mental pressure at this time. Qin Lang wanted to reconcile with Lu Zheng, but he wanted to kill Lu Zheng directly.

With the death of Lu Zheng, Qin Lang will be saved.


Lu Zheng knew that neither Lu Hua nor Chang Qing had come back on the night of Lu Hua’s school celebration.

Before he could call Chang Qing, the bodyguard he’d arranged for Lu Hua, Zhongyi called him and said in a hurry: “We can’t find Miss Lu or Mr. Chang. We’ve investigated the surveillance video. They have already left the school.”

Lu Zheng hadn’t reacted yet. “Didn’t Chang Qing call you?”

Zhongyi replied, “No, we didn’t get a call from Mr. Chang, but the makeup artist hired by Miss Lu deliberately pointed us in the wrong direction. I suspect ……”

He didn’t go on. It was indeed their dereliction of duty. On such a big day, they all relaxed their vigilance.

Lu Zheng hung up the phone and dialed Chang Qing’s number. The call was connected, but the voice on the other side… wasn’t Chang Qing’s.

Lu Zheng, who was asked to pay the lion’s share of 40 million yuan and told not to report to the police, was sitting on the sofa with his eyes lowered.

Mother Zhang didn’t understand the situation. She brought him a cup of honey water to moisten his throat. “Haven’t Qing Qing and Xiao Hua come back yet?”

Lu Zheng didn’t say anything. However, looking closely, his hands had been clenched into fists, and his whole body was filled with a violent aura that was intensely repressed.

As soon as Mother Zhang finished speaking, she noticed the change in his mood. She opened her mouth in surprise. After a while, she asked, “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Lu Zheng didn’t answer. He sprang to his feet and strode upstairs.

“Zhongyi, go check the roadside surveillance. Don’t let go of the cars parked around Nanzhao. I want to see who it is!” Lu Zheng said to the person on the other end of the phone while suppressing his anger.

Kidnapping? He hadn’t heard the word for many years. Unexpectedly someone dared to kidnap the Lu family! Lu Zheng gritted his teeth, and his nose gushed with a thick smell of blood.

“Also, check the people Lu Hua hired! Check to the end!”

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Lu Zheng called Shang Shu again, “You can fly a helicopter, right?”

Shang Shu said, “Yes, I’m best at tanks…”

Lu Zheng interrupted him. He took a deep breath and said, “Contact your company for me. I want to borrow one hundred people.”

Shang Shu: “…100 people? What do you want to do?”

Lu Zheng hung up the phone. He threw down his cell phone, and the violence in his blood shot to his head, making him unable to think calmly. After kicking a desk, he managed to regain his rationality.

He calmed down for a moment, bent down to pick up his cell phone, and made another call to Chang Qing’s cell phone.

The line was soon connected. A somewhat hoarse voice answered, “Hello.”

Lu Zheng recognized that it wasn’t the same voice as before. He licked his lips and said in a low voice, “I promise you, but I want to hear my sister’s voice.”

There was a moment of silence and he said, “She’s still sleeping. This can wait until she wakes up.”

Lu Zheng suppressed the gloom in his eyes, “Okay, I’ll prepare the money. “

The man on the other side told him, “Mr. Lu, as long as you give the money, we won’t kill a hostage. But similarly, you can’t call the police. It’s good for us all.”

Lu Zheng hung up the phone. From the beginning, he was too arrogant.

 Even with the bodyguards around Lu Hua, it was Chang Qing who had proposed them. And then he’d only given Lu Hua five.

It was because he was too arrogant. Too arrogant, and too kind, which made others feel that the Lu family was still easy to bully.

Lu Zheng’s long and narrow eyes were as dark as the deep sea, with bone-biting coldness and hatred.


The makeup artist brought them bread and water. Chang Qing had no appetite so he only ate a few bites, but Lu Hua ate all the food sent by the makeup artist.

“You have to eat it too.” Lu Hua said to Chang Qing, “If we run away and you don’t have the strength, won’t you be holding me back?”

Chang Qing was persuaded by her and filled his stomach with bread and water.

Lu Hua found a gap and asked the makeup artist, “How many people outside are there?”

The makeup artist hesitated, and replied, “There are nine people in that group. There are me, Jenny, Qin Lang and one other in our group. There are four people in total. You’re not trying to run, are you? They all have guns. So to be on the safe side, you’d better stay here honestly.”

Lu Hua was speechless.

After the makeup artist left, she angrily said, “What do you think they want? It took so much effort to catch us. If they were rounded up by the police, they would all be in jail for the rest of their lives.”. “

Chang Qing said: “The ransom is 40 million yuan, which is equivalent to more than five million US dollars, remember? The makeup artist said they were all millions in debt.”

Chang Qing no longer expected them to defect. “They all owe money. There’s nothing easier than kidnapping you for ransom. If they were deceived by Qin Lang before, by now they’re probably about half willing and half unwilling1 to continue in order to get the ransom.

In this way, they still appeared innocent and guilty. Chang Qing felt speechless.

Lu Hua was so anxious that she paced in a circle, “What should we do? They have guns!”

Chang Qing lowered his eyes and said, “You must always try. You can’t just sit back and wait for death.”

Lu Hua stopped, “… You rest, I’ll do it.”

Chang Qing had been using the diamond hairpin to grind out a pile of sawdust from the wooden barrel. He carefully put them into his trousers pocket. When he heard Lu Hua’s words, he smiled and said, “Forget it. I’ll do it. Your hands are delicate and will get scratched.”

Lu Hua said: “I think you’re laughing at me.”

Chang Qing: “What am I laughing at you for?”

Lu Hua looked at him without saying anything, and after a while, said: “If you can run on your own, run alone, ok? Don’t worry about me.”

Chang Qing paused and looked up at her, “How could I leave you alone? You’ll die if you stay here.”

His tone was serious and he didn’t look like he was joking at all. Lu Hua’s tears dripped out. She pursed her lips, and still with a trace of naivety said, “No, it’s a legal society now. How can I die so easily?”

Chang Qing sighed and said, “Did you hear what he said? He’s a lunatic. A lunatic isn’t bound by the rule of law. He won’t talk to you about the law, he won’t talk to you about morality. You can’t expect any humanity from him.”

After a pause, Chang Qing lowered his voice. “Listen, Lu Hua, wait for noon. At noon, everyone will feel sleepy. This is the best time for us to escape.”

Lu Hua glanced at the door and muttered, “I don’t know…”

At this time, Chang Qing was finally able to hold Lu Hua in his arms. He hugged her, patted her on the back, and said softly, “You’ve always been a fast runner and they’re still waiting for the ransom. They won’t shoot you. They’ll just chase you. All you have to do is keep running. Don’t be afraid, okay?”

Lu Hua grabbed his collar and took a deep breath in his arms, “… Mm-hmm.”

Chang Qing stroked her hair, “You must run. Your second brother won’t be at the mercy of others. As long as you wait until your second brother comes, you’ll be all right.”

Lu Hua raised her face to looked at him, “What about you…? Aren’t you going to run?”

Chang Qing said in a more serious tone, “If you run away, I’ll be saved. As long as you run out, that’s enough.”

Lu Hua didn’t speak. Her tears came as soon as she tried to speak and she let out a choked “Mm-hmm” sound.

Chang Qing relaxed his expression and stretched out his hand to rub her hair. “You haven’t washed your hair for days, and your hair stinks. “

Lu Hua: “…”

Lu Hua couldn’t hold back and hit his chest with her head. “Your hair stinks. I just washed my hair yesterday.”

Chang Qing laughed too. He held her head and sniffed,”… well, it’s not that bad.”

Both of them laughed, and the atmosphere finally eased a lot.

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