Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 67: 67

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Chapter 67: Feeling Moved

By the time Lu Zheng finished washing his clothes and drying them on the bar, it was already half past six.

Chang Qing didn’t help much, he just sat on the sofa, played games for a while, and waited for Lu Zheng.

When going downstairs with Lu Zheng, Chang Qing looked back at the empty and bright corridor, and asked Lu Zheng, “Is there someone still working overtime?”

Lu Zheng said “Yes”.

Chang Qing glanced at him and noticed Lu Zheng’s reticence, so he didn’t continue talking.

The wind at night was a bit cold, and it seemed to have rained again in the afternoon. The ground downstairs was covered with dark water stains, and there was also a slight smell of dried water.

Chang Qing was wearing a round-neck sweater with a thin jacket over it and washed jeans underneath. His hair was finely draped over his forehead. He looked like a student.

Lu Zheng, on the other hand, was much more formal. He wore a straight gray suit and shiny leather shoes. His entire body was composed, and his hair was combed back to reveal his full and smooth forehead. He looked a few years older than his real age.

When Chang Qing walked through the glass door on the ground floor downstairs, he caught a glimpse of the shadows of the two of them reflected on the glass door, and realized that Lu Zheng was actually very suitable for wearing a suit. He was tall and has long legs and the suit also properly outlined his figure. The line around his waist was tight, showing off his thin waistline. His back was straight and tough, and there was a kind of leisurely confidence.

When he was beside Lu Zheng, he seemed to have become a foil, a dispensable presence. At least Chang Qing could only see Lu Zheng’s shadow.

Lu Zheng noticed that from time to time he glanced at the glass beside him.  He followed his gaze, only to find that he was looking at him.

Lu Zheng paused for a moment, then looked away before Chang Qing noticed. After a while, he glanced at him calmly. Sure enough, Chang Qing was still looking at him.

What was he doing?

Lu Zheng only questioned this in his mind, then he didn’t think about it. He turned on his phone and glanced at it. It was almost seven o’clock.

Shang Shu drove out Lu Zheng’s car. Instead of sitting in the back seat with Chang Qing, Lu Zheng followed Shang Shu to the front.

As soon as Qing got into the car, he took the initiative to fasten his seat belt without being reminded by Lu Zheng.

Shang Shu glanced at Chang Qing from the rearview mirror and was inexplicably happy. “Did you have a fight?”

Chang Qing said, “No.”

Shang Shu didn’t dwell on this issue either. He smiled and said, “By the way, my wife is here. If you’re bored, let my wife teach you how to knit a sweater-“

As he spoke, he twisted his strong body backward to show Chang Qing the clothes he was wearing, “-My wife knit this for me. How about it?”

Chang Qing’s gaze fell on the sweater that he was wearing. There was a fierce bulldog embroidered on it. He couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s very nice. Sister-in-law is quite skillful, you’re lucky.”

Shang Shu strongly agreed, “She knitted all my sweaters for me, as well as gloves and socks-“

Lu Zheng was afraid that he would take off his shoes and show off his socks, and so his tone was a little bit hasty: “Drive. You can show off your socks once we get back.”

Shang Shu didn’t intend to show off his socks, but when he heard Lu Zheng say that, he grinned showing off his white teeth, and said, “Let’s go.”

The car was driving fast down the road. The heating system and the elegant perfume smell in the car smelled very good. Chang Qing took a breath and turned his attention to the street lights that were lighting up outside one after another, as well as the traffic passing them by.

The atmosphere was inexplicably quiet, which Shang Shu wasn’t used to. He wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Lu Zheng say: “Drive the car. Don’t be distracted.”

Shang Shu couldn’t figure out what was going on with these two people, so he had to shut his mouth when he heard what Lu Zheng said.

Back at Lu’s house, Lu Hua saw Lu Zheng. She had a bad look on her face and said, “You still know how to come back.”

Lu Zheng fumbled in his pocket and took out a small box, “It’s for you.”

Lu Hua laughed immediately, “What is it?”

She took it and opened it to see that it was a pair of earrings in the shape of a bunny, sparkling and beautiful.

Girls were easy to coax. She was immediately happy. She looked at Lu Zheng and found this brother very pleasing to the eye. She said coquettishly, “Second brother, you’re so good to me.”

Lu Zheng frowned as if he had seen a ghost and said, “Straighten your tongue before you speak.1“

Lu Hua: “…”

Lu Hua was in a good mood and didn’t argue with him. “What have you been doing?” she hummed. “You’re so busy that you haven’t come home for so many days. It’s causing my skin to itch all over.”

Lu Zheng listened to the little girl’s words, and the corners of his lips curled up in a faint arc, “What? Are you scolding me?”

“That’s not it either, I just want to hear you talk to me.” Lu Hua twisted her body, put the earrings into her ears, and looked up at him, “Am I pretty?”

At this moment, Lu Zheng’s mind was no longer on Lu Hua. When he heard her asking, he said perfunctory: “Beautiful, you’re the most beautiful.”

Lu Hua didn’t care too much about his attitude, and jumped in front of Chang Qing and asked Chang Qing to take her picture.

As soon as Chang Qing took the phone, Lu Hua leaned over again, and instructed him how to use filters and how to retouch photos.

Chang Qing was flustered, and it took him a while before he took some satisfactory photos for Lu Hua.

Lu Hua posted the photo to her circle of friends, with the attached text: My second brother gave me earrings ~

Lu Hua has a wide social circle, and within a short time, more than ten or twenty people liked and commented on her post.

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As soon as Chang Qing sat down to eat, he was so frightened by Lu Hua’s howling that his chopsticks rolled to the ground.

These two Lu siblings, Lu Shi and Lu Hua have one thing in common, their voices were especially good at howling.

Chang Qing picked up his chopsticks and asked Lu Hua, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Hua stomped angrily, and said, “Third brother scolded me! He scolded me again!”

She also knew that Lu Zheng could back her up, so she ran up to Lu Zheng and showed him her phone, “Brother! Look at him, he scolded me!”

Lu Shi’s comments were particularly abrupt in the pile of compliments and praise. It was still the most lethal, “Ugly people make a lot of mischief2“.

Lu Zheng was silent for a moment, then lowered his head to see Lu Hua’s eyes. Lu Zheng paid little attention to Lu Hua before, but now when he looked at her face so seriously, she was unexpectedly dependent. Her eyes looked at him hopefully, as if she trusted him to help her.

Lu Zheng stretched out his hand and pinched Lu Hua’s face like Chang Qing did. It was soft, smooth and tender, and felt very good.

Lu Hua shouted: “Why do you like to pinch my face as much as Qing Qing! What if it gets swollen!”

She wasn’t really angry, she just pretended to be angry, expressing the seriousness of the situation and strictly refusing to be pinched.

Lu Zheng said unhurriedly, “It feels good to touch.”

Lu Hua rolled her eyes, a little frustrated, “Forget it, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Lu Zheng said, “He scolded you. I’ll help you teach him a lesson.”

Lu Hua was taken aback, and asked, “How are you going to teach him a lesson?”

Lu Zheng took her mobile phone, opened the chat window with Lu Shi.  His fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard and typed out a series of profanity-free expletives and sent them over. Then he immediately blocked Lu Shi.

Lu Hua was stunned by this operation, and Lu Zheng smiled at her, “Your third brother will be so angry that he will go to the emergency room, believe it or not?”

Lu Hua twisted a bit, and couldn’t help but be a holy mother for a while, “This is not too much, ah?” She could imagine the fire-breathing eyes of her third brother.

Lu Zheng pinched her face, “Treat others the same way that they treat you. Your second brother is taking care of the big things, don’t be a holy mother. It will only make others bully you more, understand?”

Lu Hua ate this set more than Lu Shi. She blushed. “Damn!” Lu Hua cursed, with stars in her eyes. “Second brother, you’re so handsome.”

At this time, she didn’t care about Lu Zheng pinching her face.

Lu Zheng talked to her in a good voice, “Where am I handsome?”

Lu Hua said, “Everywhere is handsome!”

Lu Zheng was in a particularly calm mood. He didn’t even look over at Chang Qing although he knew that Chang Qing was looking at them.

This is his sister, Lu Zheng thought.

Lu Zheng squeezed Lu Hua’s face again, and asked her: “Do you have enough money?”

Lu Hua rolled her eyes. Just when she was about to sell misery, she paused. Her gaze landed on Lu Zheng’s face. She hesitated for a moment then whispered, “What’s wrong with you, second brother?”

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, “What’s wrong with me?”

Lu Hua glanced at his face, “You’re so strange. You don’t scold me…”

Lu Zheng: “Do you want me to scold you?”

Lu Hua muttered, “I’m used to being scolded by you, so it’s strange that suddenly you’re not scolding me.”

Lu Zheng pulled up the corner of his lips and smiled faintly. “When I want to scold you, I’ll scold you again. So you’d better not give me this chance.”

Lu Hua looked at him with bright eyes, nodded reluctantly, and then said: “I don’t have enough money.”

Lu Zheng said calmly: “Then it will continue to be insufficient.

Lu Hua: “…”

Wasn’t he asking her in order to give her more pocket money? Fraud?

Seeing that she was wronged again, Lu Zheng smiled, and said softly, “I’ll give you another thousand yuan.”

Lu Hua’s eyes lit up, and the grievances on her face immediately dissipated. She couldn’t help jumping up and crashing into Lu Zheng’s arms. “Thank you, brother!”

Lu Zheng felt her face rub against his chest. His whole body felt covered in goosebumps. He couldn’t help but grab the back of her neck and pull her out of his embrace. His tone turned cold again, with a serious face, he said,”… How old are you? Do you have a goldfish brain? How many times have I told you? Don’t fucking hug me, even if I’m your brother. Don’t you understand human language?!”

Lu Hua: “………”

I’m sorry for being moved.


1.舌头撸直了说话。one should speak clearly or reasonably

2.丑人多作怪 -ugly people will do all kinds of weird things to get attention (idiom)

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