Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 80: 80

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Chapter 80: Mothering

The tail end of December was swept away, and it would soon be New Year’s Day.

The place where Chang Qing lived was close to a road. He could hear the sound of car horns, the music of sprinklers, and vendors hawking their goods. Just by going downstairs he could solve the problem of eating.

However, Chang Qing can cook himself, so it’s okay to live alone. He cooked by himself every day, and the taste was pretty good.

At noon, Lu Hua called, and Chang Qing answered it. As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Hua couldn’t wait to say to him: “Qing Qing, can you come back on New Year’s Day?”

Chang Qing hesitated, glanced at the time and casually asked, “Don’t you go to school at night?”

Lu Hua harrumphed: “I’m a day student! I don’t have to go to school. How about you? You said you’d move, but you didn’t tell me. You should be happy that I’m so quick to forgive you. Are you coming back or not!”

Before Chang Qing could speak, Lu Hua continued: “I just want to hear an answer. If I hear an answer I don’t want to hear, I’ll … I’ll pluck out all your hair.”

Chang Qing laughed, “What about your brother?”

Lu Hua: “Which brother? My third brother? He’s also a day student. Did you forget?”

Chang Qing gave an “oh”, and then heard Lu Hua laugh cunningly. She said to him, “I put a dress on third brother, hee hee. It looks pretty good too. Have you seen my WeChat moments?”

Chang Qing paused, “I haven’t seen it yet.”

Lu Hua said excitedly: “I kind of want my second brother to wear a skirt too. I have a large berry-colored red dress, which is super beautiful, but I can’t wear it. Just by eyeballing it I think second brother can wear it.”

Chang Qing: “… …”

What a weird hobby.

Lu Hua whispered: “Why don’t you come back? I’ve tricked my third brother into wearing a dress for a day. You can feast your eyes when you come back.”

Chang Qing asked, “Are you sure he won’t become angry?”

Lu Hua said: “No, you come back for New Year’s Day, ah! Aren’t you from the Lu family? Come back if you’re a Lu family member.”

Chang Qing sighed, “Okay, I’ll come back.”

Lu Hua said: “This isn’t any fun. I have to call if I want to do something with you since you’ve moved out.”

Chang Qing smiled and didn’t continue speaking. After hanging up the phone, he glanced at the dishes on the table and missed Mother Zhang’s craftsmanship a little bit.

He ate his fill with some displeasure, washed the dishes, and lay back on the bed.

After all this time, he was still alone, it was rather boring.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Chang Qing arrived at Lu’s house.

Lu Zheng was home too. Chang Qing pushed the glass door of the living room open and saw water splashing in the swimming pool outside. He walked over to take a look and realized that it was Lu Zheng.

Swimming on such a cold day? Chang Qing felt cold just looking at him.

Taking a closer look, the tall and well-proportioned figure was obviously Lu Zheng.

He was wearing a pair of black swimming trunks, his hair was messy and dripping wet. He came out of the water, wiped his face with his palm, then noticed Chang Qing’s presence.

Chang Qing took a step back and took a hesitant attitude towards Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng looked away and sank back into the water again.

Lu Hua didn’t know when he was coming. As soon as Chang Qing arrived, she came down from upstairs. When she saw Chang Qing, she smiled and was about to rush over.

But Chang Qing put his hands on her chest, blocking Lu Hua’s attack.

Lu Hua stopped in front of his arm, pouted and hummed, “What time is it? You’re just coming over now.”

Chang Qing didn’t say anything. He looked at Lu Hua’s face carefully, hesitated for a moment, and asked, “Are you wearing makeup?”

Lu Hua touched her face and grinned: “You can see it! I’m wearing men’s make-up1, but not even my second and third brothers can tell.”

Chang Qing thought to himself that they must be blind if they couldn’t see that you were wearing makeup.

Lu Hua smiled and shouted behind her, “Third brother! Come down quickly!”

 As soon as Lu Hua finished speaking, Chang Qing saw Lu Shi walking down wearing a pink princess dress.

Chang Qing: “…”

Shouldn’t mention it but he’s pretty good-looking, oh.

There was heating in the room, so it wouldn’t be cold, and wearing short-sleeved clothes was fine. So, Lu Shi could also wear dresses in this weather without pressure.

He obviously didn’t care much about wearing a dress, and his acceptance was much better than Chang Qing’s. When he went downstairs and saw Chang Qing, his expression changed slightly. Then, he snorted coldly and walked past him to sit on the sofa.

Lu Hua said: “Don’t keep snorting, are you a little pig?”

Lu Shi retorted: “You’re a pig.”

Lu Hua said: “Forget it. I don’t want to quarrel with you, so hurry up and call Qing Qing.”

Lu Shi didn’t say anything. Lu Hua let out a sigh and stomped her foot. “You’re so… Ahhh, I’m so worried.  What did you promise me before? You’re so… If you keep doing this, I’ll ignore you.”

Lu Shi’s complexion changed, “You didn’t say he was coming back today! You knew he was coming back and you still let me wear a dress?

“You look good in a dress,” Lu Hua said matter-of-factly.

Lu Shi looked much better when he heard this, and said proudly, “I look good in everything, it’s just a skirt, it’s no big deal.”

Lu Hua nodded, “Yes, you’re a hanger, you look good in everything.”

Lu Shi loved to hear other people’s praise. His hair was smoothed down at once, and he said happily, “Well… Chang Qing, I have no problem with you coming back, but you can’t talk back to me in the future. What I say is what I say. Specifically, I also wrote a contract, and you can come back after you sign it.”

Lu Hua was a little anxious, “This kind of contract has no legal effect. Do you think you’re a domineering president? Don’t be stupid, okay?”

Lu Shi frowned, and said unhappily, “There’s always a process, right?”

Lu Hua was speechless and she looked at the ceiling. Just as she was about to speak, Chang Qing opened his mouth and said softly, “I don’t plan to move back, so you can keep the contract for yourself.”

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Lu Shi: “…”

He looked at Lu Hua, his eyes were full of “I’ve already softened, it’s none of my business if he doesn’t eat this set.”

Lu Hua glared at him bitterly, then looked at Chang Qing again, and said coquettishly, “I’ve already trained him. He won’t bother you anymore. Can you move back? It feels so cold with just you outside.”

Lu Zheng pushed the door and came in at this time. His eyes fell lightly on Chang Qing and he said, “You’re back?”

Chang Qing hummed and his gaze couldn’t help but fall on Lu Zheng’s naked upper body. Water droplets slid down from his beautiful and firm muscles and sank into his black swimming trunks. His mermaid line was clearly visible, a few inches dipping down into his swim trunks and the rest was clearly exposed, there was a bit of sexiness and temptation.

Chang Qing looked away after only a few glances. At this time, he couldn’t be as focused as before. He already had distracting thoughts, and his eyes and thoughts were no longer pure. That’s why he always feels like he’s carrying a bit of heat in his gaze, which he really shouldn’t be.

Lu Zheng said: “Come back and stay for a few days, there’s no rush to go back, right?”

Chang Qing responded, and Lu Zheng told Lu Hua: “Go and ask Mother Zhang to cook some more dishes, and then make some Dangshen chicken soup2.”

Lu Hua responded and went to find Mother Zhang.

Lu Shi snorted coldly: “Hurry up and get dressed. Don’t you just have six-pack abs? I have it too, I don’t know what you’re showing off.”

Lu Zheng: “Hehe.”

Lu Shi blushed from the ridicule, and hummed: “Forget it, I’m not talking to you anymore.”

Lu Zheng took a towel, wiped off his face, and then wiped the water droplets off of his body.

Chang Qing saw his movements from the corner of his eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable. He poured himself a glass of water from the coffee table and took a sip, only to find out that it was still hot.

Lu Zheng actually changed his clothes directly in the living room.  

Lu Shi also said somewhat uncomfortably, “Be careful. I’m not the only one here. There’s also that guy. He likes men. How can you change your clothes in front of him?”

When Lu Zheng heard this, he said without raising his head: “If you don’t want to see don’t look.”

When Chang Qing heard this, he really looked away and only looked down at the teacup which had a faint white air floating out of it.

Lu Zheng quickly put on his clothes. He was wearing a loose-fitting gray turtleneck sweater and a lighter-colored pair of trousers. He was dressed casually at home, which made his entire aura seem gentle and harmless, just like the boy next door.

Chang Qing waited for him to get dressed before raising his eyes to look at him. Lu Zheng’s eyes weren’t on him. He looked at Lu Shi’s dress as if he didn’t know what to say.

Lu Shi looked at his expression, and his face became bad, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Lu Zheng smiled slightly, and praised: “It’s pretty.”

Lu Shi asked, “Does it really look good or are you lying?”

Lu Zheng nodded, “Really.”

The tension on Lu Shi’s face disappeared. He didn’t seem to be very confident about whether he looked good or not. Seeing that Lu Zheng also said he was good-looking, he laughed, “I am indeed a clothes hanger. I can easily handle wearing women’s clothes.”

Lu Zheng smiled slightly, “Yes, if you can develop your own interests in this area, it’s not all bad.”

Lu Shi: “Eh?”

He looked up proudly and said, “The video of me wearing a skirt has 200,000 fans on Station X. If you’re interested, I can let you be my agent and debut in women’s clothing.”

Lu Zheng: “…”

Lu Zheng started laughing.

Lu Shi’s hair exploded3 slightly and he said, “Laugh again, you laughing like that always makes me feel like you’re laughing at me.”

Lu Zheng said sincerely, “Very good. I’m sincerely happy for you.”

Lu Shi’s hair softened, “Someone asked me to take on an advertisement before, but I didn’t. I’m not short of money, but Lu Hua is right. When I have more fans, I’ll be worth more, and it’ll be easier to ask for a price.”

He’s planning to make his own money.

Chang Qing also glanced at Lu Shi in surprise.

Lu Shi noticed Chang Qing’s gaze. He glanced at him, and felt the surprise and envy in his eyes, and raised his tail even higher, “If I want to make money, I’m no worse than you. It’s just that with you in the Lu family, I would be at a loss if I didn’t lie down and enjoy myself. Now, if I can make some money on my own, I can contribute to the bricks and tiles of this home. I’ll cover all the snacks and tea at home in the future.”

He tilted his head slightly, and turned to look towards Chang Qing, ”Some people need to think clearly, there’s so many benefits to coming back. If you don’t think it through carefully and just refuse they’ll be the one who suffers.”

Chang Qing smiled and said nothing.

Lu Zheng glanced at him, and said, “Why don’t you say anything?”

Chang Qing was stunned for a moment, “Are you talking to me?”

Lu Zheng nodded slightly, and asked in a low voice, “Are you in a bad mood?”

Chang Qing felt flattered. He looked at Lu Zheng and said, “I’m okay. I just don’t know what to say.”

Lu Hua came over, and heard what he said. She pushed Lu Shi, “You have to talk well, don’t always talk about bad things.”

Lu Shi: “…I didn’t say anything.”

Lu Hua sat next to Chang Qing and asked, “You’ve been outside for so long, how are you doing? Do you miss me? Without you around, that strawberry seedling froze to death. Neither Ding Bo nor I  could take good care of it.”

Chang Qing paused, “The weather is bad, so it’s not easy to raise. Let’s put it aside for now and wait until next spring.”

Lu Hua said: “This spring, on New Year’s Day I’ll be one year older. I’m 14 years old this year.” Turning to look at Lu Shi, she said earnestly: “Third brother is also 18 years old. He’s an adult, so he can’t be so ignorant anymore. Do you understand?”

Lu Shi: “…Oh.”

He wasn’t sure when it started, but recently Lu Hua had become very fond of mothering him and her tone was full of earnestness and full of meaningful words, it was confusing,


1.男妆- male makeup

2. 党参鸡汤-poor mans chicken soup

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