Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow

Chapter 9: 9

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Chapter 9: No pain

Soon it was Sunday, Lu Xuan and Chang Qing’s unspoken date.

In the morning, the two of them dressed up quietly and went downstairs for breakfast together.

For some reason, the rebellious young man Lu Shi, who used to show all his displeasure on his face, often appeared in places where Chang Qing would appear. He no longer avoided them even when they were having dinner. He was very proactive as he sat opposite Chang Qing. His eyes were always staring at him, as if he wanted to catch him.

This morning, Lu Shi had already sat down at the dinner table. He saw Chang Qing coming. His critical eyes turned on him, and saw that he was wearing clothes that covered his skin and exposed only his collarbone and arms. He asked in a hoarse voice, “Hey, why don’t you wear your old clothes? I think you look good that way. “

Chang Qing didn’t think that Lu Shi would talk to him, so he didn’t respond.

When Lu Shi didn’t hear him answer he patted the table with dissatisfaction, and said, “Why don’t you answer me when I talk to you? Is it because I didn’t call you sister-in-law?”

He was just talking nonsense. On his left side Lu Zheng suddenly poked him.

Lu Shi turned his head and looked at him. “What are you doing?” He asked doubtfully.

“Shut up” Lu Zheng warned.

Lu Xuan said, “If you don’t like it, just call him brother.”

Chang Qing smiled and nodded. “I don’t care. It’s just a title.”

Lu Shi suddenly felt that he had regained some ground and was a little proud, “Really? Sister-in-law and so on, it all refers to women. Although two men can marry, men aren’t women. Don’t you think it’s strange? Others probably have opinions on it too.”

“By the way, why aren’t you wearing your old clothes? I think they look better than what you’re wearing now. It’s a pity not to wear them.”

Chang Qing: “Really?”

 Lu Shi couldn’t hide his disgust. “Yeah, I don’t even recognize you with those clothes on. It used to be better.”

Chang Qing: “…”

This kid deserves a beating.

But he didn’t respond. Lu Zheng, who was sitting next to Lu Shi, suddenly moved. He grabbed his head and slammed it on the table. Lu Shi’s entire face was pressed onto the omelette in front of him.

“Lu Zheng!” Lu Xuan shouted sternly at Lu Zheng.

Fortunately, the omelette was left out for a while, so it wasn’t scalding hot, otherwise Lu Shi’s face would’ve been scalded.

But this was enough for Lu Shi to be angry. He shouted angrily, “Lu Zheng, are you sick?”

Lu Zheng said, “I’m full.”

He got up and left.

How could Lu Shi watch him run away after bullying him? He rushed over to take revenge.

Lu Zheng dodged his fist, reached out and squeezed his wrist again, and apologized insincerely: “I’m sorry.”

Lu Shi accused him, “Are you crazy? You hit me at every turn, are you still my brother? Do you deserve to be my brother!?”

Lu Zheng said, “Wipe your face and eat your meal. But if you are disrespectful and elder brother doesn’t beat you, I’ll beat you.”

Lu Shi: “…”

Lu Shi widened his eyes in disbelief. “You’re defending that vixen?”

The term “Vixen” made Chang Qing blink. He couldn’t help but glance at Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan lowered his eyes and his expression revealed a sense of heaviness. “Alright, stop making a fuss.”

When he said that, Lu Zheng and Lu Shi turned to look at him. Lu Xuan met their eyes and said, “If you don’t want to see us, Chang Qing and I will move out in a few days.”

Lu Zheng’s face changed, “No way!”  

Lu Shi also froze, “…going so far? You’d really move out?”

Lu Hua didn’t say a word. Her eyes looked between Lu Xuan and Chang Qing.

Lu Xuan said, “We discussed it. If you don’t like living together, we will move out.”

Lu Shi didn’t say anything. Lu Zheng said, “No, you can’t go.” When he finished, he grabbed the back of Lu Shi’s neck like he was a chicken and lifted him up to Chang Qing, “Apologize to him.”

Lu Shi said stubbornly, “I didn’t say anything.”

Lu Zheng kicked the inside of his knee and said sharply, “Apologize! “

Lu Shi gritted his teeth and didn’t speak.

Chang Qing said, “Forget it, this can be understood as a child’s rebellious period. However, the only people who can tolerate you are your family. If you are so outspoken outside, I wonder how many legs you’ll break throughout the year.”

Lu Hua opened her mouth: “People only have two legs. If they break two, they won’t have any more to break.”

Chang Qing: “Your sister understands the truth, do you understand?”

Lu Shi didn’t say a word, and looked at him with a hint of stubbornness.

Chang Qing said: “Forget it, it’s not a big deal. Let go of your brother. Don’t fight for me. If you get hurt then blame me again how wronged will I be?”

Lu Zheng looked at him. The clear and open-minded appearance dyed those beautiful, black and white eyes more and more beautiful.

Was he like this before?

Lu Zheng suddenly hesitated, and his grip on Lu Shi loosened slightly, and Lu Shi broke free.

Lu Shi took a few steps away from Lu Zheng. He looked at Lu Zheng and Lu Xuan. At last, his eyes fell on Chang Qing and he said reluctantly, “I’m sorry.” Then he turned and ran away quickly.

He just ran to the door, paused again, turned his head and shouted, “Brother, don’t move! If you want to move, I’ll jump off the building!”

Afraid that Lu Zheng would come and beat him, Lu Shi dropped this sentence and ran away immediately.

Lu Xuan had nothing to say. He was just saying it casually.

Chang Qing lost his appetite. He took a sip from the water glass and said, “Old Lu, let’s go out for breakfast while the weather is still cool.”

Lu Xuan was a little concerned about this address, but with both Lu Zheng and Lu Hua here he couldn’t ask, so he refrained from saying anything, “Okay.”

Lu Zheng asked behind them, “Brother, when will you be back?”

Just as Lu Xuan was about to answer, Chang Qing turned his head and said, “We won’t come back today. We’ll spend the night outside.”

Lu Xuan: “…”

Lu Zheng watched them go out of the door. It was not until their backs had disappeared that he looked back and sat down at the table.

“Second brother, why did you speak for the fox spirit?” Lu Hua asked, blinking her pair of round and cat-like eyes.

Lu Zheng glanced at her and said, “You’re not allowed to call him a fox spirit in the future.”    

Lu Hua frowned, “Why can’t I call him that? He is a fox, and he admits it himself.”

Lu Zheng said, “He is your older brother’s wife. If you scold him, you scold elder brother, and if you scold elder brother, you will scold me. I’ll be very upset if I am scolded. Do you understand?”

Lu Hua was silent for a moment before she let out a “bah” and said, “Everyone is fascinated by him! I won’t call! I won’t call him anything! Anyway, I won’t talk to him. I hate him. “

Lu Zheng didn’t speak. He was a little distracted.

On the other side, Chang Qing and Lu Xuan left the Lu house by car. Lu Xuan remembered what Chang Qing called him just now, and asked, “Why did you suddenly call me Old Lu?”

Chang Qing said, “Nickname, how was it?”

Lu Xuan was a little unable to evaluate, and after a while he asked, “Do you think I’m old?”

Chang Qing: “…I didn’t mean that.”

Maybe a little? Chang Qing asked, “Do you care?”

Lu Xuan emphasized: “I’m only five years older than you.”

Chang Qing wanted to laugh, “It’s just a title. Don’t worry about it.”

Lu Xuan said, “I’m not worried.”

He was also a little unreasonable.

Chang Qing said, “Then you can also give me a nickname.”

Lu Xuan thought for a while, lowered his eyes, and called out the name he had always wanted to call: “Qing Qing.”

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Chang Qing applauded, “That’s good, fresh and refined.”

Lu Xuan curved his lips, “Qing Qing.”

Chang Qing thought for a while, “If you don’t like Old Lu, I can call you Xiao Lu, or maybe Big Lu.”

Lu Xuan said, “… Old Lu.”

Husband is fine too.

Lu Xuan was startled by the words that he’d just thought, and his cheeks instantly turned red.

Chang Qing always paid attention to his expression. Seeing his quietly blushing face, he asked suspiciously, “Why is your face… red?”

Lu Xuan’s voice was a little hoarse, “It’s nothing.”

He let the young driver roll down the window and let the early morning breeze blow on his hot face.

Chang Qing saw that he didn’t say anything, so he didn’t continue to ask.

He suddenly smiled and said, “You didn’t seem to blush so much before.”

Lu Xuan was very embarrassed. He turned his head to look out the window, and refused to look at Chang Qing.

Chang Qing also asked the driver to roll down the window next to him and stretched his hand outside to feel the cool breeze.

After a long time, Lu Xuan felt that the temperature on his face had cooled then  he leaned back and said, “…Why did you tell Lu Zheng that we weren’t going home tonight?”

Chang Qing countered with another question, “Do you want to go home?”

Lu Xuan didn’t speak.

Chang Qing said: “It’s like this. I want to sleep in the couple’s suite in a hotel. I haven’t been there. I’m curious about what it’s like there.”

Lu Xuan said hoarsely: “…That’s it.”

Chang Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled, “If you want to go home, I’ll sleep in a hotel and you can return.”

Lu Xuan said, “No.”

Chang Qing teased him again, “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you want to go home?”

Lu Xuan grabbed his hand, a little shy, and the end of his eyes were a little red, “You can’t talk anymore.”

Chang Qing saw that he couldn’t stand it and immediately stopped talking.

After a while, Chang Qing asked him, “Have you never done it?”

Lu Xuan: “…”

Chang Qing said, “Me too. What a coincidence. We’re both virgins.”

Or a couple of virgin husbands who have been married for two months.

How can something like sex be such a hard thing to talk about for a man?

But for a serious person like Lu Xuan, yes, he probably hasn’t said anything obscene in his life.

The thin redness on his face spread to his ears, even his neck was a little red,  and fine beads of sweat seeped out of his forehead, giving him a very embarrassed look.

The little driver who felt that he had heard a great secret hurriedly put down the window and drove the car with his head down as if he was invisible, and didn’t hear anything.

Chang Qing teased him enough and said, “I’m joking with you.”

Lu Xuan turned his face, as if he didn’t want to talk to him. Just as Chang Qing wanted to apologize, he heard Lu Xuan say softly: “It’s just a joke?”

Chang Qing: “Huh?”

Lu Xuan said: “…Are you ready now?”

Chang Qing understood what he was talking about. The original owner liked Lu Zheng, and lied to Lu Xuan about not being ready yet. So, the two had never even kissed.

He said in a relaxed tone, “I can be ready or not. It’s up to you.”

Lu Xuan stopped talking.

The driver parked the car in the busiest commercial street in the city, gave the key to Lu Xuan, and ran away quickly. It’s always awkward and embarrassing to be a light bulb.

Lu Xuan got out of the car, looked at Chang Qing, and walked over to him. Then unnaturally but determinedly took the initiative to reach out and hold Chang Qing’s hand.

Chang Qing squeezed his palm, smiled slightly, and said, “Let’s have breakfast somewhere?”

Lu Xuan looked ahead, but he didn’t look at him. “En.”

Chang Qing asked him, “Are you hungry?”

Lu Xuan said, “I’m not very hungry.” He couldn’t help turning his head to look at him, “How about you?”

Chang Qing smiled showing his white teeth, “I’m hungry. Just eat something to fill your stomach.”

Lu Xuan then made a decision, “There’s a restaurant over there. Let’s go there to eat.”

Chang Qing had no objection and went with him.

After entering the restaurant, they followed the waiter to a seat and sat down. Chang Qing looked around and smiled, “If it weren’t for you, I would still be working as a waiter.”

Lu Xuan also thought of the past, and the corners of his lips curved in an arc.

Chang Qing blinked when he saw the smile on his face. He reached over and gave him the menu and said calmly, “You can order, I don’t know French.”

Lu Xuan ordered two beef braised in red wine, bao bing, truffles and foie gras, and two types of desserts, all of which Chang Qing was accustomed to eating.

After the waiter left, Lu Xuan suddenly asked, “Where’s your ring?”

Chang Qing still didn’t wear it on his hand.

Chang Qing saw the disappointment on Lu Xuan’s face. He couldn’t help laughing. He picked up the red cord around his neck and said, “I was afraid I’d lose it again. So I’m wearing it on a cord around my neck.”

Lu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, “It looks good on it.”

He picked up the small box in his pocket, analyzed the atmosphere, felt it wasn’t suitable, and put the box back into his pocket.

Chang Ching picked up the ring he was wearing on the red cord on his neck and hung it clearly below his collarbone.

Soon the waiter served their dishes.

Chang Qing wasn’t very hungry, but the beef tasted good, the bao bing were just right, and there were foie gras and desserts, and he actually ate his plate clean.

Lu Xuan ordered exactly the amount that Chang Qing could eat..

He was really attentive and considerate in this regard.

After eating a hearty breakfast, the two walked out of the restaurant, “Next, let’s go to the movies.” Chang Qing said to Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan touched the box in his pocket, a little annoyed.

He can’t always tell when romance is in the air. He should have given it when they were eating, but it was always put off until the end.

Lu Xuan’s mood dropped. Chang Qing noticed it, hesitated, and asked, “Don’t you want to go to the movies?”

Lu Xuan: “…No.”

Chang Qing: “What’s the matter?”

Lu Xuan looked at Chang Qing, moved his fingers, and finally took out the small box in his pocket and said, “The new one has been ordered…”

Before he could finish speaking, someone suddenly bumped into him from behind him, knocking him down towards Chang Qing.

“Are you okay?” Chang Qing quickly supported him and asked with concern.

There was a sudden burst of screaming around him, and an atmosphere of panic filled the air. Only Chang Qing hadn’t noticed it. He noticed that Lu Xuan’s body was getting heavier, and he couldn’t support him, causing Lu Xuan to kneel down on the ground.

“Why are you… ?” Before Chang Qing could finish his sentence, his sharp eyes saw the blood on the ground. Drop by drop, as if it would never end, pooling into a pool of blood under Lu Xuan’s feet.

The box in Lu Xuan’s hand fell to the ground, and the two rings of the same style fell to the ground with a “ding dong” and tumbled several times on the ground, finally lying in the dust at Chang Qing’s feet.

“… it doesn’t hurt.” Lu Xuan hissed and smiled at Chang Qing. “It doesn’t hurt very much. Don’t be afraid.”

The author has something to say: I was wrong. I should have told him to hang up earlier. I wrote too much, I was wrong (crying in the toilet)

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