Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha

Chapter 1: Transmigration

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Sasuke's eyes flashed open, they had been closed for the last hour as they waited for their team leader to get here, he looked to Naruto who was trying to balance a pencil standing upright on his nose, while Sakura was bust fawning over him, only gushing as she noticed him staring at her.

He continued to watch her, his eyes seeing through her, the weird thing is it only made her blush more. He shifted a bit in his seat before speaking out. ''Sakura, are you on a diet?"

"Y-you noticed? Yes! I have to keep my figure sl-''

''Stop the diet."

"W-What? Why? Do you not like skinny girls?"

"It's not about what I like, it's stupid. You're a ninja now, you'll need the energy and the calories. Civilians need to worry about staying slim, but you will be burning chakra, you will be jumping from roofs, running faster than horses, able to run up buildings. Do you think eating less food will make that easier for you?"

Sakura stopped with her little meltdown, of course, many teachers, and even her own parents had told her this many times before, but now it was Sasuke of all people, the most he's ever spoken to her, and it was genuine advice, from a team mate.

She seemed to be struggling with her own choice. Sasuke decided to simply meet her with a deal. ''Sakura, stop the diet, ask Iruka for a proper diet plan for a Ninja, if you see results of it becoming easier for you to move, as well as an improvement in your overall performance, I'll take you on a lunch date."

That seemed to steel her resolve, unsure of what the inner Sakura might be saying, his eyes shifted to Naruto, who was now looking at him with a glare, his teeth grinding. As their eyes met Naruto spoke out loudly.

''What do you want!"

Sasuke continued to watch Naruto, thinking how he would word this to give the biggest impact before he finally spoke.

''Congratulations Naruto on passing the exam somehow, even if you struggle with the clone jutsu, you are tenacious. We're Ninja's now so we'll be making money quite easily, you should look into getting a proper diet plan as well from Iruka."

Naruto was taken aback by the praise, unsure of how to feel, he had always had a sense when people meant him wrong, their bad intentions, or the emotions that followed them, but he bit back quickly.

''Why should I listen to you!"

"If not me, then Iruka, he may be only a Chunnin but he is one of the best Chunnin, through hard work, dedication, and knowing when to ask help. Humor your new team member and ask Iruka."

Naruto ground his teeth, whereas he couldn't feel negative emotions from Sasuke unlike usual, he still felt like there was something there, but he couldn't quite understand, just like when he was dealing with the Old man occasionally.

Naruto, despite his shortcomings, was right. It was manipulation. Subtle, but not because he meant harm, but because he meant him to do better.

Instead of looking into it, Naruto simply turned around with a huff.

Seeing that no more conversation needed to be had, Sasuke closed his eyes once more. Delving into himself in meditation.

Meditation was one of the many ways to help increase chakra quantity, control, and quality. It was by no means as effective as more active training, but for now, it was helped pass the time

The other form of training he was attempting was to use chakra to hold his back to the back of the chair while lifting himself slightly, slowly. Not only was it working on abdominal muscles but it was working on control of said muscles.

Also even if not that much helping with his chakra control.

Neither Naruto nor Sakura noticed his small shifts, but someone did, as he had watched the talk between the three graduates.

It was Kakashi that had been watching them for a while now, he wanted to see how they interacted with each other, at first he was disappointed.

The revenge-hungry aloof Sasuke who couldn't be bothered.

The Fangirl Sakura who could be doing any number of things, but was watching Sasuke do nothing, was worse than her doing nothing.

At least Naruto had been training balance, even if in a stupid way, but he noticed a shift in Sasuke's facial expression, and when he had opened his eyes he felt something changed, something that had taken himself years to even get close to accomplishing, even as he was now he wasn't quite there.

But he watched it happen right before his eyes, then he heard the conversation.

Would it be worrying that Sasuke was so blatantly manipulating his team? If it was anyone else, sure. But they were ninja, manipulation was a part of their job, at least Sasuke was doing it in a way that helped them and in quite a large manor.

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Even when his conversation moved to Naruto, Kakashi noticed as Naruto despite his unwillingness, was deeply thinking over the implications a proper diet would do, after all, Naruto ate ramen noodles near constantly, rarely moving from that diet, and even then it was only for sweets.

He watched a bit longer, only to be slightly surprised by Sasuke's very subtle training method. He was no longer just preaching about his revenge against his brother, but now he was actually making the proper effort to surpass him.

A slight smile worked his way under his mask, he had worries about this team originally... But maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

He opened the window, all three heads turning to look at him as he crouched in the window, his classic eye smile.

''Hello, I am Kakashi Hatake, your Jonin Instructor, from what I have seen... You three have promise, meet me on the roof for introductions." He then vanished in a puff of smoke.

Sasuke didn't say anything and simply moved to stand, walking out of the classroom. Naruto was just happy to finally get moving, and Sakura was just happy to follow Sasuke.

At the roof, they were sat on a stair before Kakashi. ''So, introductions."

Sakura spoke up ''You say introductions, but what are we supposed to say?"

"Something simple, name, likes and dislikes, dreams and ambitions."

Naruto threw his hands into the air. ''I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant cup ramen, but I really like the Ichiraku ramen that Iruka treats me to! I dislike the waiting it takes for instant noodles to cook, and my dream is to become the Hokage!"

Sakura went second since she was next to Naruto. "My name is Sakura Haruno! What I like... I mean who I like is... My dream is..."

Kakashi raised a brow. ''Your dislike?"

''Naruto!" The mentioned blond took it like a physical blow, suddenly leaning back and gripping at his chest.

"What about you, Mr. Uchiha?''

Sasuke opened his eyes to look forward, not bothering to look to the ones next to him. ''I like Tomatoes, training, and Dango. I dislike loud sounds, heavily greased food, and people who spend their time trying to get my attention instead of doing something productive."

The struck at Sakura, a blunt way to say he didn't like how she acted.

"My dream is to one day rebuild my clan slowly over time in hopes that it can one day become what it once was, and better. To become the police force once more to protect Konoha from inside, and outside threats... I have an ambition, to seek out my brother and receive the answers to the many questions I have for him, even if it means I must beat them out of him."

Kakashi raised his showing brow, interested enough to ask. ''I heard you wanted to kill him?"

"I did, and still do to a point... But I realized how stupid I've been, my brother was a genius, loyal to the village, and smart... Smarter than I will most likely ever be, he must've had a reason to do what he did, so I plan to seek out the reason, a proper reason. Not the half-baked one the village elder council try to tell me while attempting to steal my family's home from beneath me."

Kakashi smiled beneath his back to that, it seemed Sasuke actually meant it, Kakashi had his own suspicions, but he had been too busy with Anbu work to ever try and look into them... That and if he did, would he even have the strength to change anything? He didn't before, why now?

''Well, with introductions out of the way, meet me 7 AM tomorrow at training ground 7, there we will have a survival training.''

"Survival training?" Naruto asked, confusion written across his face, but before Kakashi could respond. Sasuke skipped a majority of the questions at once.

''To see how far we've come as individuals so he knows how to train us to be better, while also testing us on how far we can go as a team. It's a 'Second' test so to speak, there was a Practical, and a written test of course, but now this is a 'Life-Action' test. To see if we need to be sent back to the academy to train more."

Kakashi grinned further, seemed Sasuke did his homework, always a good thing for a ninja.

Naruto released a loud sigh, though Sakura was actually using her brain, thinking about it. ''Another test! When will they end?!''

"Well, I'll see my lovely students tomorrow... A parting grace to my new students, don't eat breakfast... You'll throw up.'' With that, Kakashi vanished in another poof of smoke.

With that, Sasuke stood, turning his head slightly to look down to Naruto and Sakura. ''Naruto, take us to that noodle shop, I'll pay for it."

Naruto leaped into the air, his love for ramen easily surpassing his suspicion as he hollered. ''YAHOO! I love free ramen!"

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