Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 126: Chapter 115

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If one could ever make a lasting impression on the tribe of Pegasus, there was no doubt, Naell Beryldot had just done so; as stairs made of ice magic glimmered amid the forest’s light.

Yet unlike the normal stairs, multiple radial crystals hovered around the air as his foothold, and upon his ascend with every step, the previous stairway would disappear.

That was why only the gasps and memories of those who had seen it could ever confirm the magic’s existence.

As although the young master of Beryldot’s [ Ice steps ] left no mark, the fleeting magic had left a deep impression on everyone.

By the time Naell arrived and stepped atop the moving wooden bridge, what greeted him were the astonished faces of Kent Freide, and his relatives.

Owly, who was quite used to his "innovative spells" only shrugged and then spoke, “You’re late, HOOT!”

To which Naell who seemed paler than usual replied, “It’s not a magic I’m really comfortable with.”

His knees were wobbling a bit while he spoke yet because of his unfazed demeanor most misunderstood it as just a sign of fatigue.

Afterall, mages were known for their lesser stamina. Not to mention, they did just spend an entire day walking and investigating the forest.

Yet little did they know, it was simply because of the height he climbed.

“Thank you for your time Naell and forgive me, I should have flown you with me.” Kent who was now awake from the initial shock said apologetically.

“It’s fine, I never did intend to do that.”

Naell quickly dismissed the idea as he knew that would surely scare him even more. So when Kent heard it was okay, he couldn’t help himself but ask out of curiosity, “What was that then?”

“Uhmmm, what?”

Naell on the other hand was confused by his question. Hence Kent asked once more, “The flying magic you used.”

With an oh Naell then briefly explained. By using his crystalized snow (which he showed by flicking his fingers at the tribe) he could use it as a temporary foothold that was carried by aerial magic.

“I can also fly with it but the distance is something I haven't tested yet.” Added Naell which immediately made the atmosphere quiet.

All of them except Owly were really in disbelief. It was common knowledge afterall, that no human nor any other beings (excluding the dragons and winged-beasts) had the ability to go up in the air that far, even more so fly.

Levitation was a type of magic that gave mages the ability to float, and with enough experience, one could even navigate multi-directionally.

Yet it was limited in distance. Hence, if one used levitation, they would only reach halfway up the towering trees.

Likewise, martial artists could more or less jump and perhaps climb the trees with their aura and strength. Yet as flying was impossible for them, reaching the forest itself was still impossible.

Additionally, the tribes of Pegasus ancestors happily settled in the land, as it gave privacy with its tall thickets and its neighboring mountain.

Thus without any of the tribe's permission, no one was allowed to enter that territory. It truly was perfectly suited for no other being than winged-beasts.

Yet there they faced a young mage who climbed their heights with ease, and so after much silence, the one who then spoke was Tucker Freide, the father and the chief of the Tribe of Pegasus, "Why don't you test it for flight then young lad? It's nice magic afterall."

He arrived not so long ago and also witnessed Naell's magic. He then added, "Forgive me for my late introduction, I'm Tucker Freide."

Immediately, Kent greeted his father, likewise Owly who flew then said, "Uncle Tuck, HOOT!"

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Naell Beryldot.” He introduced himself while doing a noble bow. Truth be told, he was quite stiff as it had been months since he last performed one.

Considering he had no one to practice his noble bow with, as his circle of friends were higher nobility that would get mad if he attempted to be formal, he truly believed that was the only reason, and not because he was still shaken from how high up he was.

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Yet those were merely excuses as Owly knew, Naell was just really awkward regardless of the reason.

Soon enough they all promptly entered the chief’s home. Upon stepping into the entrance, the warm glow of mana-filled lights methodically drew their eyes onto each section of the house.

On the ground or the first floor, there was a wide-open space used as the living and dining area. Placed in there were luxurious-looking paintings, sculptures, and a long table at the center.

Above that floor, were large nest-like rooms, wherein no railings, stairs, or ladders led to the high platform. It was easy to see how it was specifically built for beings of flight.

Naell admired the unique structure of the chief’s home, as it reminded him of treehouses back on earth. Only this time, it was far more intricate and spacious than that of a child’s play area.

Soon, they were all seated on the first floor. Although Naell and Owly were offered tea, it was only the young master of Beryldot who opted for one.

And he didn't regret it as upon tasting the tea, Naell immediately knew it was unordinary; while the fragrance was subtly calming, the taste was bitterly sweet leaving only an addicting aftertaste.

Seeing how satisfied his guest was, Tucker didn’t diddle any longer and spoke. “Just like I was saying Naell, that spell would certainly be useful.”

Like his son, he was really curious about the young mage's magic a while ago.

“Ah yes, it did save me a lot of hassle.” Replied Naell not realizing the chief was inspecting him.

In truth, the tribes with their innately keen eyes were able to distinguish that Naell did indeed possesses white mana. Tucker and Kent did learn about it a while back with the report, yet seeing it up close was quite an experience.

“Then why don't you test it then?” Again, Tucker said the words he uttered a while ago.

His eyes were looking for a telling reaction yet Naell only look at him cheekily, enjoying the tea as he said, “I’m afraid of heights.”


Almost all at the table couldn’t believe it and wanted to say he was lying, yet when they saw Owly nodding, they accepted his words as fact.

“And It’s quite a drag, to be honest, I’d rather use levitation to float than to walk up.”

That was when their impression of Naell turned upside down.




Not much had happened after their dinner. Naell had just discussed how important it was to prune the forest.

“So that’s why our ancestors did those things.” Said Tucker while immediately commanding the management of the forest thereafter.

Naell was appreciative that the tribe was easy to talk to. Now, what they needed to know was where the heat came from. He then thought, ‘It could be the sun, but… it is better to observe it after tomorrow.’

Yet immediately Naell dreaded the idea as he knew, he would spend some days there working.

On the other hand, he thought, ‘It couldn’t be helped, I guess.’ Especially seeing Owly was truly enjoying his time there amongst his winged friends.

“What are you looking at noob, HOOT?”


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