Transmigrated Into Anime World as Kiyoko Shimizu’s Older Brother

Chapter 43: Chapter 43

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To Hiroyuki and the other's surprise, they didn't go to any restaurants. Instead, they went straight to a luxurious apartment. Ebata didn't wait for them to enter as he left already right after they get off the limousine.

"I forget their father is the owner of the best hospital in Japan. This is even better than what I used to live." Kiyoko muttered beside him. Hiroyuki suddenly remembers that Kiyoko also lived in luxury when their father was still alive. But before he could say anything, a voice is coming from behind, snapping his attention.

"Ara, you are early. I thought you will arrive in five to ten minutes." When Hiroyuki and the others turned around, they could see a playful smile from the eldest quintuplets. It looks like she just comes back from the convenience store. Hiroyuki just shrugged at the answer.

"Blame Nino and Ebata-san for that. Your sister didn't say the specific time, and Ebata-san left us right after we got off his limousine." He could see a twitch threatening to spread on the corner of her mouth.

"Well, shall we go in?" They nodded as Ichika let them enter her apartment. To the three's surprise, they were greeted by a completely chaotic situation in the middle of the dining room.

"Megumi-san and the others will be here in five minutes, move faster! Yotsuba, clean those trash from your snacks!"


"Miku, close your phone and help me set the table!"


"Itsuki, put your book away and save it for later, help us prepare the room! And stop sneaking the food!"


"Ichika, where are you? Stop lazying around and help us here!" She looked around just to see Ichika in front of the door giving her an amused smile as the other three just look at her flabbergasted.

"Nino sure knows how to take control of her sisters, right?" Megumi muttered as she smiles at the girl. The one mentioned just blushed as she replied with a shutter,

"M-Megumi-san! Yuki-san! Kiyoko-san! Why have you arrived? I thought you would come with Ebata-san in five minutes! I am sorry it is still messy!" She moves quickly in panic. Hiroyuki has to calm her down as she started to mess up what she did.

"Don't worry, Nino. We can wait here. Just take your time." He gives Kiyoko and Megumi a signal to join them to sit in front of a big television. There, he could see Itsuki is still trying to read her mathematics book as she cleaned the table.

"Hello, Itsuki-chan. How have you been?" Kiyoko greeted, gaining her attention.

"Kiyoko-san! I am good! It is good to have you here. Look at this! Now, I can solve this quadratic equation with the method you showed me last week!" Itsuki lets out an excited squeal.

"Good! I know you can do it by yourself, and I am proud of you. You will find it easier as you practice more. Keep it up!" Kiyoko gives her a warm smile that resulted in a blush on Itsuki's face.

'It seems Kiyoko and Itsuki have had a lot of chat that they are this close even though this is just their second meeting. Well, it's good for them.' Hiroyuki thought inwardly. Suddenly, he could feel a hand patting his shoulder. When he turned around, there are Yotsuba with her cheerful smile and Miku who didn't even look into his eyes.

"Hello, Yuki-san!" Yotsuba greeted energetically, making Hiroyuki smile at how cheerful the girl is.

"Well, hello to you too, Yotsuba-chan, Miku-chan. How are you and your sister?" The latest just gives her a small nod and sits beside her sister. Yotsuba's eyes shine as she started to answer,

"We are good! Nino went crazy after she learned from your café, but she has been cooking very good food after that. Itsuki also couldn't stop talking about Kiyoko-san and her study. Miku is still being a super shy girl like always, and Ichika has fun too. All in all, we are good!" Hiroyuki sweatdropped at how chatty Yotsuba is.

"Yotsuba! I didn't talk a lot about Kiyoko-san!" Itsuki screamed at her sister with a blush on her face.

"Eh, but you talked about her every night. You even taught us what you learned from Kiyoko-san with a smug face." Yotsuba said that with an innocent face, making Itsuki blush even more.


The cough from behind managed to gain their attention as they turned around. There, they could see Nino looking at them with an annoyed face and Ichika with Megumi smiling in amusement.

"What the hell are you three doing? Don't annoy Kiyoko-san and Yuki-san and help us here!" Nino scolded, making them smile sheepishly.

"Maa.. Don't scold them too hard, Nino. Besides, we are done preparing the food here. Come on, let's eat together." Ichika gives her sisters a smile as she invited them to the dining table.

Hiroyuki and Kiyoko followed them and suddenly, they could smell spicy food there.

"Wow, the smell is good. What do you make, Nino?" Hiroyuki asked curiously. Nino just puff out her chest as she smiles smugly and said,

"It is Indian Curry Bread." She said as started preparing the plate. "Ichika helped me buy the Naan as the bread in the convenience store. But I am the one who cooked the curry. I cooked chicken breasts at high temperatures for a while, then I put them on a plate as I cooked the spices like onion, garlic, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cayenne, and many more in the same fry pan as before.

After that, I put the chicken breasts back into the frying pan with the spices that I have prepared. With more seasoning and waiting, voila! We have the homemade curry and Indian bread for the dinner." She finished her explanation with a smug face, resulting in claps from her sister.

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"Wow, the smell is very good, Nino! I cannot wait to eat it!" Itsuki as the avid foodie exclaimed.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Itadakimasu!" Yotsuba clapped her hands and started pouring the curry on top of her bread. After she took her first bite, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, it is really good, Nino!" Yotsuba said as she stuffed more into her mouth, resulting in a stern gaze from Ichika.

"Yotsuba, don't speak while you eat." Yotsuba gives her an apologetic smile as she stopped talking and focused on her bread.

"But Yotsuba is right," Kiyoko said in amazement. "The bread is so soft and fluffy, and the curry is so strong, so spicy, and full of flavor. It would be hard to harmonize two very different things into one kind of food. But you have done it well enough. Good job."

Nino blushed a little after she heard what Kiyoko said and muttered, "Well, it is not my original recipe as I just copied it from those guys on Youtube." However, her sisters didn't care about that as they keep praising her for the curry.

They keep chatting for a while until they finished their eating. That was when Hiroyuki asked the most important thing,

"So, what do you want to talk about?" The quintuplets winced a bit after they heard Hiroyuki's question.

"What do you mean, Yuki-san?" Yotsuba tried to act ignorant, but she did it terribly. Hiroyuki narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Your wince before was enough for me to confirm that you wanted to talk. Megumi-san and I have a suspicion about it, but we want to hear about it from you. So, are you going to talk or not?" The quintuplets looked at each other before Ichika sighed defeatedly.

"Indeed, we want to ask for some advice from you three. But if I could ask, what is your suspicion?" She asked curiously.

"Well, it is probably about your choice in high school. All of you might want to enter different schools but didn't want to get separated. Am I right?" Only Ichika didn't react to his question. As for the rest of her sisters, they were gaping at Hiroyuki.

"As expected of you, Yuki-san. Indeed, we have those kinds of trouble. But one thing you guessed wrong is we were already accepted by the best private school in Tokyo." What Ichika said left Hiroyuki and the other two with him in surprise. But before he could say anything, Ichika added something that makes them freeze.

"Our father paid a lot so we could enter the school." Hiroyuki took a deep breath before he asked,

"Did he force all of you?"

"Indeed, he is." Ichika replied calmly. Hiroyuki is disturbed at how calmly she answered about her father's deeds.

"What did he say about that?" He asked cautiously.

"Just something usual like how we better keep our score to maintain his face or we have to leave the Nakano name as no Nakano heiress were allowed to be stupid." There are silence following Ichika's answer as her sisters just bowed their heads and didn't dare to face Hiroyuki and the others directly.

"What do you mean by usual?!" It seems Kiyoko is the first one who snapped. "How often did he threaten you?" She demanded interrogatively.

"Kiyoko.." Hiroyuki warned her sister that she is going too far. Kiyoko seems to notice what he means as she saw the wince on the quintuplet's face. She huffed and decided to sit again, trying to calm herself.

"We are sorry, girls. It is just, what Ichika said is surprising us." Megumi took over as she said it softly, calming the quintuplets down. "Now, can we ask you some questions?" Ichika didn't speak anything, but she also didn't wear her usual fake smile again. Instead, it is just a blank poker face that nobody knows what she thought at the moment.

The quintuplets looked at each other for a moment as if they communicate telepathically before Nino nodded hesitantly.

"Thank you, dear." Megumi gives her a warm smile, trying to assure them that she didn't mean harm. "Now, you don't have to answer all of our questions. You can shake your head if you don't want to talk about what we asked. Do you understand?" The four sisters nodded simultaneously as their oldest sister just looked at them blankly.

Megumi took a deep breath as she started to ask, "Did your father often threaten all of you like what Ichika said?" They looked hesitant to answer before Nino said,

"Well, it was not a threat. He just talked bad about us a lot of times, and sometimes his words hurt."

"I see.." Megumi sighed. "Did he ever hit any of you?" This question froze the four sisters before Yotsuba, without saying anything, just cried and hug her oldest sister.


Author note:

You can also read:

- Transmigrated Into Anime World as Kiyoko Shimizu's Older Brother up to chapter 50

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