Transmigrated to save a world

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 : The god’s gifts

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(I have made some changes to the chapter 7, you might need to read that first)


The woman hugged Yu Fei into her bossom. She cried and scold Yu Fei,

"Silly child, why do you have to take your own life?! Do you not want to see you mother died after you?!''

She was scolding him but Yu Fei only feel warm inside and put his hand on her back, trying to reasure his mother.

"I'm sorry mom. I was stupid, I made you all worried''

Unknown to him, he has been crying too.

"I'm sorry''

Yu Fei hold his mother and cried to his heart content. His mother putting her hand over his head, soothing his emotion.

After a while, both mother and son had enough crying, the mother told the son to lies back down and she herself went out, wanting to share the good new with family members.

He was smiling and looking around his room untill he feels something strange under his pillow.

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