Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 20: Huo Clan

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Huo Clan

After shooing away the City Lord, the group of four only needed to fly for a few more minutes before they reached the Huo Clan Mansion.

Xue Bai looking at the Huo Clan Mansion, could see that it was noticeably worse than either the estate where he lived or Li Huo's Mansion. But the Huo Clan were trying their best with where they lived now and their financial situation.

Huo Chen noticed the look in Xue Bai's eyes, so he didn't try to brag about this clan home.

Huo Chen lived during the era when the founder was around, so he also experienced the pinnacle of housing. So having been evicted from their luxurious home and given only a mansion in Frontier City was a hard adjustment. Thankfully he lived in the Duke Estate and didn't have it as bad as his cousins and their children, who had to live there permanently.

As Huo Chen was reminiscing, Xue Bai saw the melancholy look in his eyes, and to somewhat comfort the man, Xue Bai patted him on the back and said, "Things can only go up from here, Commander!"

Not expecting to be comforted by a child less than a tenth of his age, Huo Chen could only laugh awkwardly.

After dismounting, the Wang Twins also noticed the poor-looking home in front of them. Astonished, Little Wang unconsciously said, "Commander, don't tell me you come from this backwater place?"

Hearing his little brother say something so blunt, Big Wang smacked him on the back of his head before rephrasing it. "Commander, what he meant to say was that we know you game from a better background. So why is your Clan living here?"

But surprisingly, Huo Chen wasn't angry at Little Wang's comment and replied simply, "It's because my Huo Clan isn't strong enough."

Ignoring the thoughtful looks on their faces, he turned to Xue Bai, still on the mount, and said, "Young Duke, you can jump off the mount now. I'll help you land."

While it wasn't as tall as Xue Feng's mount, the one that belonged to Huo Chen was still almost 4 meters tall. So Xue Bai needed help getting on and off the thing.

Xue Bai nodded and jumped off before being caught with a gust of wind that Huo Chen conjured. Landing safely, Xue Bai patted off any fur that had stuck to his clothes, then looked at Huo Chen and asked, "Commander Huo will you show us in?"

They had landed just outside the Huo Clan manor, and a small crowd had gathered around them. While being the center of attention was nice, Xue Bai was getting really weird stares from some of the men, and he wanted to leave.

"Give me one moment, Young Duke. I'm waiting for my cousin to come to greet us." Huo Chen paused for a moment before continuing, "When someone as important as you come to a household of lower importance, their head should come to greet you at the door."

"No, commander, I know about greeting etiquette, but I'm getting some very disturbing gazes from the crowd. So I'd rather not stay in the open much longer."

Hearing that, Huo Chen immediately spun and released some aura at the crowd. "The Young Duke is bothered by your stares. Leave!"

With the pressure of a Law Manifestation Realm cultivation being unleashed on the crowd, the people quickly scattered. The strongest people in this town were the Patriarch of the Huo Clan and the City Lord, and they were merely in the early Law Engraving Realm. The people in the crowd had even lower cultivations. No one in the group could withstand Huo Chen's pressure, and they ran away to not further anger the powerhouse protecting the small androgynous-looking child.

Right after Huo Chen scared off the crowd, the gates of the Huo Clan mansion swung open. The person who opened the door was dressed in luxurious robes branded with a flame symbol. He looked similar to Huo Chen, but their temperaments were different. Huo Chen walked with a ramrod straight spine he learned from his military training. But the man who opened the door walked out hunched over in exhaustion. Adding on the greying temples, though he and Huo Chen were the same age, he looked almost 20 years older.

And after seeing Huo Chen, the man gained some energy he didn't have before and laughed happily, "Cousin Chen is it that time of year already? Come inside. We already had prepared a feast that would await you when you sent the message."

Seeing his cousin, Huo Chen broke into a smile before replying, "Cousin Ming, I've always told you guys that you can see me as another member of the family."

"Cousin Chen, you are one of the mighty ten commanders under Duke Xue. How can we not give you the treatment you deserve? If anything, we feel like we don't give you big enough a welcome." The man called Huo Ming replied.

As the two were talking happily and giving each other hugs, Xue Bai on the side thought to himself. 'Leave to the protagonist to have a completely conjoined family. Commander Huo is a whole Realm above Huo Ming, and they speak so nicely with each other.'

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Commander Huo wouldn't even bother to visit his Clan if this was any other family. But as the uncle of the protagonist, not only did he visit annually, but he wanted his cousin to talk to him equally.

After hugging for some time, Huo Ming finally noticed Xue Bai and the Wang Twins and asked, "Cousin Chen, who are the people with you?"

"Cousin Ming, you know how I work under Duke Xue, correct?" Huo Chen, not wanting to say directly, asked back.

"How could I not? You are the pride of our Clan!"

"And you also know how the Duke birthed a son a few years ago."

"Yes, how could I not know that the legendary Duke of Snow birthed a son, but what does that have to do with the beautiful Young Miss you brought?" Huo Ming replied, not knowing he was talking about the son of the legendary Duke of Snow.

Huo Chen, not expecting his cousin to so badly guess, was floored. He had so obviously implied who it was. So why couldn't his idiot of a cousin guess?

Thankfully Xue Bai was too far to hear their conversation. So Huo Chen only pulled Huo Ming over before whispering, "That's the Young Duke himself, and while he isn't bothered much by people misgendering him, I am a commander, and my family won't misgender him. Also, tell our Clan that anyone who does so will face the paddle."

Huo Ming nodded heavily. 'Thank the heavens the Young Duke didn't hear me.'

After some more small talk, Huo Chen waved over Xue Bai and the twins to enter the Mansion.

Entering the gate, Xue Bai saw that most of the Huo Clan were gathered around the entrance for a formal reception. Obviously, Huo Ming, as the Patriarch, ordered this grand reception to welcome Huo Chen. Because if he had known Xue Bai was coming, every Clan member, young or old, would've come out to greet him.

However, even without mentioning his status with how Huo Chen and Huo Ming looked so respectful to him, the Huo Clan quickly noticed that there was a guest even more important than Huo Chen that had visited.

"Whose that beautiful child with the Patriarch?"

"How would I know? But even Uncle Chen is being respectful to her, so don't try to antagonize her."

"Maybe she is from the Dukedom and is out for experience?"

The Huo clan all had various guesses. However, neither Huo Chen nor Huo Ming bothered to explain and walked to the main hall where the banquet was being held.

The Main Hall was built just like the one at the Duke Estate. However, since the Huo Clan was much better off than the Dukedom, it was less grand.

But currently, it wasn't set up for a meeting but instead had dozens of Kang tables in preparation for the banquet. They were all set up to face the back of the main hall, where two tables were set up for Huo Chen and Huo Ming to sit and eat at.

However, now, with not enough tables with Xue Bai and the Wang Twins joining in, Huo Ming ordered some clan members to bring in two more tables for them.

After Xue Bai and his group took their seats, the rest of the Huo Clan also sat down at their tables. And with everyone sitting down, Huo Ming clapped his hands and called for the maids and servants to bring in the food.

After the dishes were served, Huo Ming stood up and announced, "While there have been some more guests to join us, the banquet is starting, my Clan members. You may eat!"

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