Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 13: A Night Together

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In the study room,

"Qiu Li Jie, have you prepared what Zhen asked you to?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qiu Li Jie comes forwards and holds out a scroll. Unfolds the scrolls, Wu Zhang Wei frowns, followed by heavy sighs.

"Your Majesty, is there anything wrong? I've arranged the turns based on their ranks. Should I change it?" Receiving no approval from the emperor makes Qiu Li Jie thinks he made a mistake in arranging the bedchamber turns.

"Yu Li Na, first three nights of the week;

Lin Hui Yin next two nights;

Wen Qian next one day;

Li Xiu Ying.....the last day." Wu Zhang Wei mumbles.

"No, it's okay. Let's just....proceed. Please inform all of them about this list." Zhang Wei kneads his temple.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qiu Li Jie bobs his head and leaves the room.

Zhang Wei sighs. "This is all for you....."

The news of bedchamber turns had been made, making all the concubines feel all over the moon, especially Yu Li Na, who got the most nights to spend with Wu Zhang Wei.

When she saw the list, her cockiness leveled up. "Hmph! In the end, His Majesty still chooses me over you," she stares at Xiu Ying's name. "All those smart-like acts, showing off your knowledge about medical is useless if you don't have even half of my beauty and curves. Do you think His Majesty wants to sleep with someone flat and skinny like you? It's better if he sleeps with a log!" She laughs out loud and even her servants join her.

Meanwhile, Xiu Ying only shrugs his shoulders when he saw the roster. Then, he put it aside, acting like he saw nothing important. Jing Yi becomes frustrated on his behalf. He keeps on babbling, "How can His Majesty do this to you, Young Master! It's too unfair! Shouldn't you go and consult about this with His Majesty?"

Xiu Ying raises his eyebrows and frowns. 'Seriously this kid?? I'm finally getting the chance to make that guy stay away, now he wants me to ruin my plan?'

"Yo- young master... Why are you looking at me like that? Isn't what I said is right? His Majesty should be fair. He can't treat Young Master like this. This is like His Majesty openly declaring that young master is the least favorite of him!"

"I wished I didn't even enter that favorite list." Xiu Ying mumbles.

"Listen here, Jing Yi. Can you stop worrying? Before this I even decided to leave this place, so now why would I care about those useless rosters?" He scoffs.

"Really..? Young Master didn't take it to the heart?"

Xiu Ying chuckles. "I wish I could delete my name on that list." Hearing this, Jing Yi breathes a sigh of relief.

Jing Yi didn't exactly hate the emperor. He just dislikes the way the emperor treated his young master before. He doesn't want Xiu Ying to suffer again just because of his unrequited love towards the cold man.


Tonight is the starting of the bedchamber turns. Wu Zhang Wei will start to spend the night in Li Na's room. The latter has been spending all day, busying herself decorating her room, and making herself look presentable.

She takes a long milk bath that will help her skin look fair and smooth. The water is also mixed with essential oils that could help her to relax her stiff muscles and have a nice body scent.

With such preparation, Li Na hopes the emperor is willing to spend the night with her and let her carry the next crown prince in her womb. Around Xū hours (7-8 pm), the eunuch announced the emperor's arrival. When Wu Zhang Wei entered the room, his eyes twitched.


Because he was greeted with a shameless woman, wearing a red robe that hugs tight her curvy figures and it almost reveals the upper part of her body. Wu Zhang Wei takes a sniff and scents of aromatic candles filled the room.

For a mere guy, if he inhales this scent for hours, slowly it can make him turn on. This kind of candle is usually used as an aphrodisiac but it works very slowly so it won't be too obvious. However, for the country's monarch that is used to various kinds of poison, this low quality of drugs won't affect him.

Wu Zhang Wei quickly returns to his poker face, hiding the detestation against the other person. He acts normally, taking a seat then directly eating his dinner. Trying to be attentive, Li Na serves Wu Zhang Wei in a graceful manner.

"Is the food to Your Majesty's liking?" She asked.


No matter how much Li Na tried to engage in a conversation with him, Wu Zhang Wei only hums, and even if he answered it is not more than three words.

When they're done with the meals, Li Na asked her servant to bring out a jar of wine. "Your Majesty, this is a special wine from the Shang Empire. This wine is really good and hardly found anywhere except the Shang Empire. My uncle gave me before as a gift so I'd like to share this special wine with a special person." With a faint flush on her face, she pours the wine and gives it to Wu Zhang Wei.

Wu Zhang Wei stares at the cup for a while then he picks it up, swirls the cup a few times. He sniffs it and then takes a sip. He immediately frowns. 'Damn this girl. What a strong wine! Is she trying to make me drunk so she could take advantage of me? Ha! In your dreams!'

"Concubine don't drink?" Wu Zhang Wei glances at the woman beside him.

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Li Na keeps on serving Wu Zhang Wei and didn't drink even a drop of the wine. Her eyelids slightly tremble when the emperor asked her the question. "We- well, I've drunk this a lot before this so this one I specially saved for Your Majesty."

Wu Zhang Wei smirks. He takes the empty cup and pours the wine into it. "It's not fun to drink alone. Since Zhen is in Concubine Yu's room, shouldn't Concubine Yu accompany Zhen? If Zhen drinks alone, it's better to drink at Zhen's room, right?"

She smiles stiffly. Wu Zhang Wei stares at her, making sure she gulps down every drop. Once she emptied the cup, Wu Zhang Wei pours another full cup. On the third cup, Li Na already feels tipsy but Wu Zhang Wei keeps pouring more wine.

After seven cups, Li Na fell unconscious. Her head is laid on the table and she keeps on mumbling. "Yo- Majes *hiccup* ty... you...*hiccup* I...wa- want to....carry...yo- your child *hiccup*"

Wu Zhang Wei looks at her in disgust. "You think I'd ever touch you? Not only in this lifetime but in next next lives, I'd never hold you."

"Wei Min," Wu Zhang Wei called, and out of nowhere a figure in black night clothes came out.

He kneels, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Carry her to the bed and take off her outer clothes and makes her hair looks disheveled." Wu Zhang Wei still sitting at the dining table, enjoying the tea.

In a flash, Wei Min throws Li Na onto his shoulder then puts her on the bed. Trained to have strong wills and perseverance, Wei Min feels nothing when he takes off the outer robe, leaving her with the thin inner clothes that faintly see-through. Then he takes off all the hairpins, letting her hair falls loose.

"Just throw her clothes on the floor." Wu Zhang Wei raises from the stool then approaches the bed. He looks down on the half-naked woman on the bed but he feels nothing.

"Good. Let's go." Together with Wei Min, Wu Zhang Wei leaves the room through the window. It's not a problem for someone like Wu Zhang Wei who possessed strong skills in martial arts.

Wu Zhang Wei returns to his study room without anyone else noticing, except his hidden personal bodyguards. Inside the study room, there's another hidden side that has a bed. It is the usual place Wu Zhang Wei will sleep if he's too busy to return to his own bedroom.

Wu Zhang Wei sleeps inside the study room. On Mǎo hours (0500 - 0600), Wu Zhang Wei wakes up then he returns to Li Na's bedroom.

He feels heavily reluctant but he still needs to do it to make people believe. He takes off his clothes on the upper part then throws them on the floor. Then, he quietly slid under the quilt, lying next to the unconscious concubine. He shuts his eyes, pretending to sleep.

An hour later, Wu Zhang Wei could feel small movements beside him but he continues his act. " head..." Li Na winces due to extreme dizziness. After a moment, she sits up and slowly opens his eyes. Her eyes bulge when she saw the naked emperor sleeping beside her.

"Oh my,....di- did I...we....did it....last night? It- it can't be...." She mumbles.

"But if we didn't do then why...His Majesty lying nakedly on my bed? A- and both of us....looking like this..." She cupped her mouth, trying to cover the obvious sneer.

Couldn't bear to hear the girl's imagination anymore, Wu Zhang Wei groans, acting like he's just waking up. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles gently, "Oh? You're up?"

'Damn man! I can't believe I could act this good!'

"Yo- your Majesty..." Her face flushed when she saw the sexy man lying naked with the seductive smile, like a full course being served for her eyes.

"Your last night...did we..." She asked for a confirmation.

"Hmn. We did. Isn't that what we are supposed to do when we're together?" Zhang Wei said nonchalantly.

"Re- really?! B- but...Your majesty...I...don't..." Her words were cut off.

"Of course you didn't feel anything. Zhen was extra careful when Zhen held you last night. Since it was your first time so Zhen didn't want you to get hurt." He sits up, revealing the finely toned abs.

Seeing the girl still in her dreamland, Zhang Wei rolls his eyes secretly. "Alright. Rest up some more. Zhen needs to attend the morning court." He gets off the bed, wears his robe then quickly leaves the room. The servants who were waiting outside feels shocked and happy at the same time when they saw the emperor coming out of their lady's room plus with their lady's condition when they entered the room.

The servants quickly prepare warm water for their master. They keep teasing and congratulating Li Na. The latter couldn't hide her happiness but at the same time she feels.....weird.

'Why I didn't remember anything? It feels like nothing happened. No numbness, no pain. Well, even though I'm not a virgin, it's been so long since I did it. Did we really do it? But His Majesty won't lie to, isn't he? And there's no reason for him to do so..' Li Na can't rid of these thoughts but still, she tried to comfort herself and ignore them.

Meanwhile, as soon as Zhang Wei left the Yanxi Palace ground, he emitted cold and dark air. Staying on the bed with Li Na, even just for a while makes him feel disgusted. He takes a bath and keeps on scrubbing his skin.

It's just a day. He didn't know how long he can keep doing this. But thinking of that certain person, he needs to be patient. He needs to do everything to make that person HIS.


News of The Emperor having spent the night with Concubine Yu spreads all over the palace. Concubine Lin Hui Yin feels envy but she can't do anything to get on Li Na's bad side. She tells herself to wait patiently until her turn in a few days. She's confident she can make the emperor sleep with her too.

At Zhongcui Palace, Jing Yi ran at the fastest speed to tell his young master about what he just heard. "Young master, everybody already knows about this and now they even thought that Concubine Yu will be enthroned as the empress!" Jing Yi said between his heavy breath.

"It's still morning and everyone already knew? Wow! You guys here are even faster than my internet connection. No wonder you don't need wifi here." He mumbles the last part.

"Young master? You....really don't care? Don't you know, if Concubine Yu become the empress, she won't let you live quietly? She'll disturb your life until either you're out of this palace or....dead." Jing Yi feels worried on behalf of his relaxed young master.

"Let her be. Let's see how far she could go. I dare her to play with me.." Jing Yi suddenly feels a shiver in his spine when he saw the wicked sneers on Xiu Ying's face.

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