Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 16: "Sleeping Beside You"

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After the first visit, Wen Qian will come and spend time with Xiu Ying every two or three days. Even if she's not being pressured by the emperor, she'll come on her own. That's because she feels so comfortable around Xiu Ying.

The latter treats her like a sister and Wen Qian treats him like a brother...even though the feelings of love have become slightly deeper than just a brother. But, Wen Qian knows her limits. She knows Xiu Ying is someone that is out of her reach. Therefore, she buried her feelings deep down in her heart. She treasures her friendship with Xiu Ying more than anything and she won't ruin it just because of her useless affection.

Just like Wen Qian, Xiu Ying also feels happier when Wen Qian came and visit him. He does prefer to be alone but a good companion is always better. Jing Yi is a good friend but he's too strict with those protocols and won't dare to act too carefree with his young master and that makes Xiu Ying slightly frustrated. So, Wen Qian's presence filled a part of his boring day.

Wen Qian is now being highly respected. The thought of Wen Qian has the potential of becoming the Imperial Noble Consort or even the empress caused many servants tried to be nice to her. But too bad for them, Wen Qian who has been alerted by Xiu Ying ignored and dismissed them. She doesn't need someone who is loyal to position and money instead of the person herself.

The closeness between Xiu Ying and Wen Qian makes the other two concubines restless, Yu Li Na especially.

Lots of stuff have been smashed onto the floor and shattered into pieces every time her servant reported that Xiu Ying and Wen Qian will always meet up on the day the emperor comes to Wen Qian's room. Little did she know that actually, it was the emperor who eagerly met with Wen Qian just to know the latest information about Xiu Ying.

"Damn you useless bi**h! How dare you take away His Majesty from me... " Her fist trembles from holding her rage.

"I was wrong.. I should have tried to kill you and not the ugly slut. Ha! Pretend to act so naive and innocent but you're the real whore!" Li Na keeps smashing everything her hand could reach.

It's been two weeks since Wu Zhang Wei last came to her room as he said he was busy. But the emperor can make time to go and visit Wen Qian no matter how busy he was. That's what makes her furious!

"You wait! I'll make sure you can never go near His Majesty anymore. His Majesty is mine! I'm the one who will carry the crown prince!"

All the servants didn't dare to go near her. They're starting to despised their master. Before this, no matter how bad Yu Li Na treated them, they hold it in. First, because of Yu Li Na's position which is the highest rank compared to other concubines. Next, they thought the emperor started to like her when they knew the emperor and Yu Li Na spent the night together.

But now, it seems like the emperor clearly avoiding her and she's falling out of favor. The servants want to ask for a transfer to another palace or assigned to another work but it cannot be done unless someone is willing to swap their job. Too bad, no one wants to serve hot-tempered concubine. It is better to work in a stable and clean the shit.


More than a month has passed but never once Wu Zhang Wei had the chance to spend time with Xiu Ying, even just a dinner. Therefore, Wu Zhang Wei decided to visit Zhongcui Palace ahead of the scheduled night. Xiu Ying who is about to have his dinner was surprised by the announcement, "His Majesty has arrived." Xiu Ying and Jing Yi look at each other, dumbfounded.

The door was opened, revealing Wu Zhang Wei in a black robe. Xiu Ying quickly raises up from the stool to greet him, "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Wu Zhang Wei walks straight towards Xiu Ying. He stops when they're about a meter away. Xiu Ying remains bowing with his hands folded to the front.

"Rise," said Wu Zhang Wei.

Xiu Ying straightens his back but head still looking at the floor. "What's with the sudden visit Your Majesty? Is there anything this servant can do?"

Wu Zhang Wei stares at the shorter guy in front of him, then he glances at Jing Yi who is standing at the corner of the room. He flicks his sleeve, asking Jing Yi to leave them alone. Reluctantly, Jing Yi bows and leaves the room.

"Zhen wants to have dinner with Zhen's concubine. Is that wrong?" He said flatly.

"No. Of course not. It- It's just...the meals tonight is to my liking and very simple so I'm afraid it might not suits Your Majesty's taste."

"No need to worry. Simple or not, it's still food and it is edible. So, let's just eat." In a swift move, Zhang Wei takes a hold on Xiu Ying's hand and drags him to the dining table. Xiu Ying was too shocked to react.

Xiu Ying asked Jing Yi to bring another bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks. Xiu Ying serves Wu Zhang Wei as how a concubine should do but the way he did out of formality.

Both of them having dinner in silence. Xiu Ying's eyes never remove from the meals and his own bowl. Meanwhile, Wu Zhang Wei keeps on glancing at him.

"Xiu have you been doing lately?" Wu Zhang Wei breaks the silence.

"Good, Your Majesty. Thank you for asking." Wu Zhang Wei hums.


'That's it?! Shouldn't you asked the same thing to me?!'

Feeling the heated gaze, Xiu Ying inwardly sighs. "Th- then... what about Your Majesty? How are you doing lately?"

"Good but a little bit busy. But Zhen thinks your father has it worse. There's a country that wants to pledge for peace with our country and Prime Minister Li was busy handling it. Zhen wants to give him some people to help him out but he said he prefers to do it on his own. That's why he looks thinner lately." Talking about his father, Xiu Ying finally shows some reaction.

Seeing the pout and worried expression of Xiu Ying's face, Wu Zhang Wei's lips curved. "Don't worry. Zhen will make sure he won't push himself too hard. Zhen will ask General Fei Hong to help your father. He's the only person that your father trusted and also my most trusted aid. So, cheer up and stop worrying." Without he realize it, Wu Zhang Wei lifts his hand and gently caresses Xiu Ying's cheek using his thumb.

Xiu Ying turns stiff. 'What is......happening? What is he doing right now? What's with this sudden act of affection? Wait.....don't tell me...he came do that?! No...No...No...'

Wu Zhang Wei retracts his hand and continues his dinner. After the servants take away all of the empty bowls and plates, both of them enjoy the tea.

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"Tonight, Zhen will stay here."

"Pffttt!!" The tea accidentally spits out of Xiu Ying's mouth. In an impulse, Wu Zhang Wei takes out a handkerchief and wipes off the corner of Xiu Ying's lips. For the second time, Xiu Ying froze.

"What's so shocked? Isn't it normal for Zhen to sleep here?" He shamelessly said.

"B- but...Your Majesty, tonight Your Majesty is supposed to spend time with Concubine Wen Qian. So, I think...." His words were cut off.

"It's okay. Concubine Wen won't mind. Zhen never missed visiting her so if Zhen missed a day or two, she won't care. Rest assured." Wu Zhang Wei looks at Xiu Ying with his charming smile.

Xiu Ying bits inside his mouth, 'Is it fine? Won't Wen Qian think I'm trying to steal away this guy from her? Seems like she really likes him. Gosh! The guilty are killing me!'

Wu Zhang Wei raises from the stool and walks towards the opened window. He stands near the window, staring outside. Xiu Ying was just awake from his thoughts found the emperor already out of his sight. He quickly stands up and approaching the emperor but maintain a fair distance between them.

Eyes admiring the crescent moon and hands on the back, Wu Zhang Wei asked, "Usually what Xiu Ying did before going to sleep?"

"Ah? Oh... Usually, I read some books regarding herbs. That's all." Xiu Ying steals a glance at the emperor's broad back.

"You really like anything related to medical, aren't you?" Wu Zhang Wei turns around and leans over the window.

"'s might be a lot of help one day." Xiu Ying shrugs his shoulders.

Wu Zhang Wei tilts his head and stares at Xiu Ying. "You....wanna help out at the imperial pharmacy?"

Xiu Ying abruptly lifts his head, eyes beaming. "Im- imperial pharmacy?"

Wu Zhang Wei nods and he can't help but smiles looking at the beautiful face gleams. "B- but... is it really okay for me to help them out there? Isn't it a bit improper for a concubine like me? What will other people say when they knew?"

Still smiling, Wu Zhang Wei answered, "Don't worry. Imperial pharmacy's matter is under the inner palace care. Zhen will ask Imperial Mother to allow Xiu Ying to help out there. Imperial Mother for sure will allow it as she also impressed with the way Xiu Ying handled Prince Yang's matter."

Xiu Ying's lips curved. It's been so long since he wished to go to the imperial pharmacy. He wants to learn more about ancient and traditional medication. Even though he already read a lot in his past lives but still it is not the same with experience it on his own.

Absorbed in his own thoughts, Xiu Ying didn't realize the other person in the room already took off his outer robe and laid on the bed.

Wu Zhang Wei puts his hand behind his head, closes his eyes, pretending to sleep. Hearing the even breathes brought back Xiu Ying to the real-time. His eyes bulge when he saw the emperor lying on the bed like it was something he used to do.

Slowly approaching the bed, Xiu Ying crooked his neck, peeking on the other guy. In a low voice, he calls, "Your Majesty...? Are you asleep?"

Quietly he climbs onto the bed, one knees already on the mattress. He still peeking over. Xiu Ying waves his hand in front of Zhang Wei's face. "Your...Majesty?"

Xiu Ying gasps when his hand suddenly was grabbed and he was pulled to lie on the bed, next to the emperor. He quickly pushes the emperor on his chest to distance themselves but Zhang Wei holds him firmly, not letting go. Zhang Wei holding Xiu Ying using only one arm but it is strong enough. Zhang Wei lies flat and Xiu Ying's chest facing his arm.

"Yo- your Majesty... Le- let me go...please..." His voice slightly trembles.

Zhang Wei opens his eyes and looks at the guy in his embrace. Fear clearly shown on his face.

"Are you afraid of Zhen?" He sounds...dejected and sad.

"N- not really b- but...I'm n- not used to get close like this to other people besides my family." Xiu Ying blushed.

'He's too innocent....and cute,' Thought Zhang Wei.

"Don't worry. Zhen won't do anything to you. Zhen just wants to sleep beside you. That's all." Zhang Wei lifts his hand and gently caressing the long soft hair. Xiu Ying looks upwards. When he saw that Zhang Wei had close his eyes, Xiu Ying wiggles to remove the hand that wrapping his body.

"Stop moving around. Sleep now or else...Zhen won't let you sleep at all tonight." Xiu Ying automatically stops moving. His body turns rigid.

Xiu Ying's body feels a little bit numb as he's forcing his body to stay still so he can't lie comfortably. He wants to wait until Zhang Wei fell deep into the sleep and will slip out from the strong arm.

However, before Xiu Ying could carry out his escape plan, he gradually drifts off while waiting.

Feeling the body in his arm slowly falls willingly on his arm and head on his shoulder blade, Wu Zhang Wei smiles widely. Wu Zhang Wei half-opened his eyes, glancing at the sleeping beauty. He pecks on top of Xiu Ying's head and whispers, "Night, love."

Both of them sleep really well until the next morning.

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