Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 19: Imperial Pharmacy & Personal Bodyguards

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Today is the first day Xiu Ying started to help out in the imperial pharmacy. Witnessed the excellent skills shown by Xiu Ying, all the physicians welcome him happily. The chief or leader of physicians, showing Xiu Ying around the pharmacy. The imperial pharmacy is also the place where they treated patient just like a hospital or clinic.

Besides the physicians, there are also other helpers in the pharmacy like storekeepers, herb preparers, and some scholars that interested in learning medication. Experienced herbs preparers will chop, grind, fry, and slice dried herbs according to the prescription given by the physicians.

As expected, even though imperial pharmacy is the biggest pharmacy, it still lacks of many types of equipment and medicine compared to hospital in the future. They only got acupuncture needles and various sizes of knives.

No stethoscope, no X-ray, no MRI, no sterilizer. Xiu Ying inwardly sighs. But he didn't give up. If they don't have it, then he just needs to create one!

Xiu Ying is like a primary school kid having a field trip. Looking so excited. He keeps asking on every single thing that falls on his eyes.

"If you want to cut the wounds, you just cut it directly? Without any preparation did on the knife?" Xiu Ying asked.

The physician leader blinks his eyes. "Well... we just passed it through the flame of a candle."

Xiu Ying rubs his chin, 'At least you know how to sterilize it but still what about your surroundings? Operating in this kind of place, you're literally killing the patient rather than saving him.'

"Then, if the patient has wound on the chest or on his back, which might be really hurt, do you have anything that can make him lose consciousness? Or maybe things that will lessen the pain?"

"For that, we combine wine with a herbal concoction called mafeisan, literally a cannabis boil powder. This will make the patient lose consciousness. The duration of how long the patient will sleep depends on the thickness and amount of decoction used." Xiu Ying nods understood.

'Thank God they got anesthesia. I can't imagine being cut open when you're wide awake.'

The leader of the physician continues explaining about the herbs and its function. Mostly, the decoction used will be mixed with licorice (gan cao), astragalus (huang qi), aconite (fu zi), rhubarb root (da huang), cinnabar (zu sha), and ginseng. These six herbs are widely used as it can help to cure many diseases.

It takes half a day to explore the whole pharmacy. Xiu Ying was given his own place in the pharmacy where he can do whatever he wants.

Can't get rid of his love for books and thirst for new knowledge, Xiu Ying started to read books regarding the medicine. Immersed in his reading, Xiu Ying didn't realize someone secretly came just to take a look at him.


A few days had passed and the same routine keeps going in a circle. But Xiu Ying feels happy. At least, he got something to do.

Xiu Ying always returns to his room when it is almost dinner time. He takes a quick bath and changed into nightclothes.

However, when he stepped out of the bathroom, he immediately froze.

"Gr- greetings, Your Majesty." Xiu Ying folds his hands to the front and bow. His wet hair flowed down to his side as he lowers his head.

Looking at the glowing fair skin with a slight flush on the face, those wet hair, adding with the nice smell from the fragrance water bath, Zhang Wei having a hard time controlling himself. His Little Zhang Wei almost says hello but he quickly had to think about morning court and Yu Li Na to make Little Zhang Wei calms.

He clears his throat, "Rise." With a flick of his hand, all servants leave the room. Slowly...he approaches the beautiful person in front of him. It was like he was bewitched. Walking unconsciously. His gaze solely focuses on the other guy.

Zhang Wei takes the towel from Xiu Ying's hand then he put it over his head, bring much surprised to Xiu Ying.

"Yo- your Majesty..?"

"Stay still. You need to dry your hair or you're gonna catch a cold." Zhang Wei gently wipes off the remaining water until it becomes damp. Xiu Ying just let Zhang Wei did it.

Done drying the hair, the towel was thrown aside. In a flash, Xiu Ying's hand was grabbed and he was dragged to the dining table. "Come. Let's eat." Zhang Wei did everything smoothly.

In between meals, Zhang Wei asked, "How's your day at the pharmacy? Is everything alright?"

Xiu Ying nods a few times. "Hmn. Everything is fine. Th- thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhang Wei's lips curved. He hums, "Just tell Zhen if you need anything for the pharmacy or... for your own self." Xiu Ying hesitantly nods.

"By the way, did anyone come and harassed you lately?" Zhang Wei feels concerned. News of Xiu Ying being promoted to Noble Consort might cause someone not to sit well.

To be honest, Zhang Wei only asked his mother to place Xiu Ying in the pharmacy. He never thought his mother takes a further step to give Noble Consort title to Xiu Ying. It's not like he hates it but he doesn't want any harm to fall on Xiu Ying.

Xiu Ying tilts his head then slowly shakes it. "No. No one."

"That's good. Zhen will assign personal bodyguards for Xiu Ying."

"No! It's okay, Your Majesty. I'm really fine. There's no need for personal bodyguards. I've always stayed inside the palace ground so there will be royal guard everywhere, so..."

Zhang Wei puts down the chopsticks and turns to Xiu Ying, "Now, Xiu Ying is Noble Consort. More people are aware of you, so you need to have more protection. No more discussion."

Xiu Ying hangs his head low. With a sulking voice, he asked, "Then, can I at least choose my own personal bodyguards?"

The emperor squinted. "Do you someone in mind?"

Xiu Ying nods. "Th- they are Guo Wei and Chang Ming."

"Why them?"

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"I've met them before and I can see both of them are men with integrity. No matter how other people looked at me before, they didn't do the same. I'm sure they can be trusted."

Zhang Wei sighs. "Alright. Tomorrow Zhen will inform General Fei Hong about them. But in case, they're not capable enough to protect you, Zhen will replace them."

Xiu Ying scrunched his nose and pouts. Zhang Wei noticed the guy is annoyed with his forceful acts but he doesn't care. Other things, he can tolerate but not things related to Xiu Ying's safety. Zhang Wei didn't mind curse or swearing at him, as long as Xiu Ying is safe and sound.

The next day, before Xiu Ying went to the pharmacy, as usual, Huang Fei Hong came with Guo Wei and Chang Ming.

"Greetings, my lady," said Huang Fei Hong.

"My lady, from now on, Guard Guo Wei and Guard Chang Ming will come with you, wherever you go. Anything happened, just tell them. Don't worry. I've tested them and they're formidable enough to protect My Lady."

"Alright. Thank you, General."

Fei Hong bows and turns to leave, but he managed to steal a glance at the silent guy behind Xiu Ying.

Feeling like being stared deadly, Jing Yi feels shivers in his spines.

Guo Wei and Chang Ming move forwards and bows, "My Lady, from now on, please let us take care of you."

"Hmm... Both of you, didn't mind when I'm making you guys as my personal guard?" Xiu Ying doesn't want them to feel like they're being forced while doing their job.

Guo Wei and Chang Ming look at each other then turn to Xiu Ying, shake their heads. "No, my lady. We're glad to be given this opportunity to serve my lady." Chang Ming said sincerely.

"Thank you. If you guys have any problem, feel free to talk to me. If can, I don't want us to be too formal. Please act more carefree. It's fine to act formally if it's in the crowd but when there are only us, just treat me like a friend or...younger brother."

"B- but My Lady....H- how can we..." Guo Wei's words were stopped when Xiu Ying raised his palm.

"I insist. I don't want us to have a gap. It feels kinda lonely you know, having many people around me but no one really treated like a friend and I have no one to talk to." Xiu Ying faintly smiles.

Guo Wei and Chang Ming lower their head, feel pity towards their new master.

"Since My Lady said so....we can't say anything else. But if it's possible, My Lady please don't act too casual or close with us. We're afraid...His Majesty won't like it if he knew." Chang Ming rubs his nape.

Before they came here, Huang Fei Hong already brought them to meet Wu Zhang Wei. They have been reprimanded to take a good care of Xiu Ying and treat Xiu Ying the best they can. Other than that, Zhang Wei warned them...

"Remember this... Zhen knows Consort Li is a nice guy and he always treated people around him like a friend or family. But! Don't get too comfortable and know your position. Zhen doesn't want both of you to take advantage of his kindness. If Zhen ever catches any one of you, harbor even the slightest unnecessary feelings towards MY CONSORT, you guys have to face my wrath. Do you get it?!"

The cold voice and the dark aura of them emperor sends a shiver down their spines. Guo Wei and Chang Ming didn't dare to think about the consequences if one day, they failed to protect Xiu Ying in any unexpected situation.

"No need to worry about His Majesty. He won't know. Even if he knows, he won't care. So, let's just ignore him and do whatever we want. Okay?" Xiu Ying said with a wide smile, unaware of their complicated feelings.


Xiu Ying only went to the pharmacy for five days and the remaining two days, he used it to rest or spending time in his garden. Wen Qian takes this opportunity to visit Xiu Ying. She kinda misses him since Xiu Ying has always been busy at the pharmacy. She didn't want to do and disturb him at the pharmacy, so she waited for Xiu Ying's free time to meet him.

"Xiu Ying, you look happier lately. Is it so fun working there?" asked Wen Qian.

Xiu Ying nods repeatedly. "Hmm. It's really fun as I really like learning about medication. You know, it's kinda giving me some satisfaction feeling to know the causes of certain diseases and how to cure it."

"Well, I'm happy for you too. And it seems like... your relationship with His Majesty also getting better." Wen Qian's question makes Xiu Ying froze.

He automatically lowers his head, "Wen Qian... I- I want to apologize. I know you're close to His Majesty and I feel guilty when His Majesty came to my room when it was supposed to be your turn. I- I'm sorry! Next time, I'll ask His Majesty to go to your room more often. Okay?"

'Good that he always goes to your room. Somewhat it saves me from hearing his babbling about you the whole time.' The smile on her face betrayed what Wen Qian actually felt.

"No need to worry Xiu Ying-ah. I don't mind. It's not like His Majesty totally forgot about me. He still makes time to visit me. So, stop worrying over a tiny matter like this." Wen Qian gently pats on Xiu Ying's hand on the table.

When night turns in and the light has been put off, Guo Wei quickly walks away from Xiu Ying's room, heading to the imperial study room.

Knelt on one knee, Guo Wei said, "Consort Li spent his time whole today in the courtyard. Concubine Wen came to visit him during lunch and they're together until evening. That's all."

The person behind the desk didn't avert his gaze from the book he's holding but his ears pick up everything being informed by Guo Wei.

"Then, did you see anyone stalking around Zhongcui Palace?"

"Hmm...well, when Concubine Wen about to leave the courtyard, I did see a male, not sure whether he's a servant or a guard as he's not wearing any of the uniforms. But in a flash, he disappears from the sight. Forgive this servant, Your Majesty. I failed to see the identity." Guo Wei bows even lower.

Zhang Wei hums. "It's fine. Just keeps your eyes open. Sooner or later, the other party will show himself. Protect your master well. I won't tolerate if anything happened to Consort Li."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Wei waves his hand and Guo Wei leaves the imperial study room.

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