Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 23: Truth Behind Past Acts

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The air inside the imperial study room couldn't be more heavy and dark. Even so, General Huang Fei Hong is having fun watching the emperor's gloomy face.

It's been two weeks since Wu Zhang Wei left Xiu Ying's room that morning. He hoped that if he acted like he was hurt by Xiu Ying's act, the latter will come and apologize or maybe comfort him. But, he calculates it wrong. Xiu Ying didn't care about him at all. Wu Zhang Wei asked Guo Wei and Chang Ming did Xiu Ying acted a bit differently, staring in a daze or maybe talked about him. Guo Wei and Chang Ming just shake their heads.

Guo Wei and Chang Ming said Xiu Ying even looked happier as he thinks he already found what caused Concubine's Wen headache and he even has prepared the cure for it. Wu Zhang Wei feels happy when he heard that Xiu Ying has found the poison and has the antidote but then he turns sullen again.

'So, I'm lost to poison and its medicine?' He snorts.

"Stop being egoistic. If you miss him, just go to him," Fei Hong who can no longer watch his frowning friend finally said.

"B- But shouldn't he feel a litttttt- le bit guilty for pushing me away like that? I cared for him and is that how he should repay me?" Zhang Wei whines.

Fei Hong rolls his eyes. "Then, when you pushed him away before, avoiding him like a plague when he tried to care for you, don't you think about his feelings?"

Wu Zhang Wei fell speechless.

Fei Hong sighs. "Want me to help you?" Zhang Wei squints his eyes.

"I can help to improve your image in his eyes. Who knows when he heard about what you tried to do for him from someone else's mouth, he'll change his perception about you." Fei Hong shrugs his shoulders.

Zhang Wei stares at the great general and smirks, "Don't you think I don't know that you're not really want to help me. You just want to disturb that little servant of my consort, aren't you?"

"Wh- what are you talking about?" Fei Hong stutters.

"When we went to meet Xiu Ying, I saw your eyes stealing a glance at Xiu Ying's servant. Staring a hole at his face. And you think I didn't know, sometimes you secretly went near Zhongcui Palace and pretend to 'accidentally' bumped into him. Now you want to fool me?"

Both of them start the staring competition. Fei Hong breaks the silence with a chuckle. "Well, at least he didn't openly reject me. He didn't PUSH ME AWAY when I tried to help him carry something."

Looking at the emperor clenches his fist and gritting his teeth. Fei Hong laughs out loud then quickly exit the imperial study room. He feels satisfied when he gets to annoy Wu Zhang Wei.

Some part of Fei Hong feels that Zhang Wei deserves to be treated like that because of what he did in the past. But another part of him thought that Zhang Wei is still immature in love. He had been strictly trained since he was a child.

When the previous emperor was still alive, he can never live a carefree life. He didn't get to feel father's love. He can only meet his imperial mother once a week. Other days are filled with sword training, horse-riding training, martial arts training, and study.

Only after his imperial father has died, he can spend more time with his imperial mother and sister. But being an emperor had trained him to be strict and emotionless. He had watched how his father's concubines tried so hard to get rid of his imperial mother but luckily his imperial mother is not easy to be trampled on.

That is why Zhang Wei always goes against the idea of having a harem. When he met with the old Xiu Ying, he hated him so much for using Prime Minister Li to invited himself into the harem. Old Xiu Ying who always tried to get close to him, visiting him, prepared desserts and snacks for him, acting like he cared for him makes Zhang Wei despised him.


Because that's the same way how his imperial father's concubine did. Some of them drugged his imperial father so they can conceive his child. Luckily, the children born were princesses and some of the princes died when those concubines gave birth. Other people thought heaven is clearly protecting Wu Zhang Wei from future conflicts that will be caused by those princes.

When old Xiu Ying made those snacks and desserts, Zhang Wei unconsciously throws the plate away as he can't help but remembered how he accidentally saw his father losing control and embracing the concubine in front of his eyes. Zhang Wei was 12 at that time and he already understands what were they doing. He only knows about the drug inside the desserts after his imperial mother's spy told him and his imperial mother.

Being an emperor is destined to live in a tough life. Zhang Wei has been surrounded by 'snakes' since he was a kid. He thought after he sent away his imperial father's concubine, he doesn't need to face all of this anymore. But now, the problem occurred because of his own harem.

Huang Fei Hong does realize that Wu Zhang Wei started to fall in love with Li Xiu Ying when he saw that Xiu Ying has changed. Xiu Ying looks like a calm sea and people cannot predict the waves that will drown you. The new Xiu Ying acted like a scholar more than a concubine.

When Li Xiu Ying doesn't care for the emperor's attention anymore, he doesn't want to have anything to do with the ranks, position, and whatnot and the way he bravely glared back at Wu Zhang Wei made the emperor's heart thumping loudly.

When Guo Wei or Chang Ming came to report about their master, Zhang Wei's face changed 180 degrees. He's happy when he heard Li Xiu Ying is having a good time and he's frowning and worried when he heard someone is spying on him.

Huang Fei Hong can only wish him good luck from inside his heart and pray for his happiness. After what he has been through, he deserves to be happy even if it's just for a moment.

Huang Fei Hong head to the imperial pharmacy. When he entered, the first person he noticed was Jing Yi who diligently helping his master. Acting as cool as ever, Huang Fei Hong talks to one of the physicians, asking for ointments and some concoction that can help to regain energy fast.

While the physician preparing what he asked for, Fei Hong swiftly moves towards Xiu Ying, watching what he was doing... but more like stealing a glancing at the oblivious servant.

He fakes a cough, "My lady, I heard you already found out about the poison inside Concubine Wen and has prepared the antidote. Is that true?"

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Xiu Ying looks up, stares at him for a few seconds then answered, "Yeah. How My Lord knows about it?"

Fei Hong points at Guo Wei and Chang Ming that guarding outside the imperial pharmacy. Xiu Ying's mouth forms an 'O'.

"May I know, what kind of poison is it?" He inquired and at the same time stole a glance at Jing Yi.

Xiu Ying noticed his flash eye movements but choose to ignore it. "It is wolfsbane poison."

Fei Hong squinted. "Wolfsbane? I thought people usually use it for the poisonous arrow."

Xiu Ying nods. "Well, that's also true. But wolfsbane actually can be absorbed through the skin. This wolfsbane is a perennial herb often grown as an ornamental plant due to its attractive blue to dark purple flowers. They are used as herbs only after processing by boiling or steaming to reduce their toxicity, but if one use the raw plants, it can be very poisonous."

"Wolfsbane usually works fast right? But Concubine Wen only had a headache and not other symptoms."

Xiu Ying patiently explained more, "The perpetrator used in a very small quantity and already mixed with some other herbs to slow down the effect. If they mainly used wolfsbane only, they can be easily caught as they are the last person Concubine Wen met."

"Then the perpetrator must have eaten the antidote as they were fine even though they're also directly in contact with the poison." Xiu Ying nods repeatedly.

"What about the antidote? Isn't wolfsbane has no cure?"

"That's the case we should be glad the person who did this tried to hide themselves from being exposed so the concentration was lowered and it became a mild poison so I can just treat Concubine Wen with the antidote that I already created. If they decided to use real wolfsbane, nothing can save her."

Huang Fei Hong smiles faintly. "Never thought My Lady is well informed about medical practices. The imperial physicians are nothing compared to you, My Lady." He whispered the last part to not offend them.

Xiu Ying just shakes his head, "I may look idiot but my hobby is reading. The more you read, the more you know. Maybe My Lord should start reading from now. Who knows, it will be a great help to your army."

Fei Hong quickly shakes his head. "It's okay My Lady. I prefer to use my body to protect this country, having wounds all over than sit and read those long and difficult words."

Fei Hong saw Jing Yi smiles with his jokes. His heart is blooming in happiness. Their conversation was interrupted when the physician came back with the things Fei Hong asked before. He thanked him but no intention of leaving.

He turns back to Xiu Ying. "My Lady, can I ask you some more questions?"

"Sure My Lord. Feel free to ask anything."

"My lady... you... don't have anything to say to His Majesty?"

Xiu Ying's hand stopped writing. "Say? Say what?" He tilts his head.

"My lady... You do realize he was hurt when you pushed him away." Xiu Ying about to retort but Fei Hong raises his palm.

"Let me finish first. I'm a general but I also his closest friend. Besides me, Her Majesty and Her Highness, he got no one else. That's why I know everything happened to him." Fei Hong started to tell Xiu Ying about Wu Zhang Wei's past and the reason behind his rejection towards old Xiu Ying's approaches.

The story about the previous emperor and the concubine was no longer a secret but most people already forgot about it as it was a long time ago and people won't bring up such a bad story. Only certain people that close to Wu Zhang Wei or the royal officer that still clearly remember the incident.

When Xiu Ying heard it, he can't help but feel pity towards the emperor. How would you feel if you see your own father ravaging another woman like a beast in front of your eyes? If it's happened to Xiu Ying, he can no longer look at his father the same way again. But luckily, in this lifetime, he got faithful and kind parents.

Fei Hong feels a little bit relieved when Xiu Ying listened attentively without interrupting. He even saw Xiu Ying frowned at a certain part of the story. This means Xiu Ying is not totally heartless and emotionless towards the emperor.

"I leave to My lady's judgment. I said this not because I want to defend for what he did or side with His Majesty. I said this because I just want My lady to know why he did like that. It's not like he is arrogant or acting high and mighty when someone tried to care for him, but he just can't help to remember what had happened."

Xiu Ying lowers his head, fell into silence.

"His Majesty never had many people around him but the ones that close to him, he sincerely cared for them. I hope, My lady can try to get to know him first. If you think he's too overbearing, just tell him what he should change in his self. If one day, he becomes a little bit out of control and oppressive towards you, I promise, I'm the one who will take you out of this place." Fei Hong stands straight and looking serious.

Xiu Ying was surprised when the Great General promised him something like that. But that's mean, Fei Hong only tells the truth and not make a song and dance just to soften Xiu Ying's heart or to make Xiu Ying feels pity towards Zhang Wei.

Seeing Xiu Ying has no intention of saying anything, Fei Hong sighs. "Alright, My Lady. Thanks for your time and thank you too for telling me a lot about the poisons. I hope you think through about what I said."

Fei Hong takes concoction and ointment, then leaves the imperial pharmacy.

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