Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 25: Emperor Is Awake

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Inside the royal bedchamber, the emperor is lying unconscious. Two days had passed. Wu Zhang Wei had passed the critical stage. His complexion is still paler than usual but his condition is getting better.

Xiu Ying takes very good care of him. Other than it is his obligation as "Divine Doctor", Xiu Ying also owes the emperor. If it's not because of him, Xiu Ying is the one who will lays on the bed.

Yu Li Na and her servants have been detained by Huang Fei Hong. However, the punishments will be decided by Wu Zhang Wei himself after he has fully recovered.


Taking advantage that there are only him, Huang Fei Hong, and Jing Yi inside the room, Xiu Ying turns to the great general.

"My Lord, I think you should do a thorough search inside Yanxi Palace." Xiu Ying asked with a low voice, not wanting the people outside the room to hear their conversation.

Fei Hong squints his eyes. "Search? What do you want to search?"

Xiu Ying takes out a small teacup from inside his robe. He slams it on the table. The teacup was the one that Wu Zhang Wei used to drink. Xiu Ying secretly hides in his sleeve when he's about to leave the Yanxi Palace. Yu Li Na who already can't think straight, for sure won't notice it.

"I've checked on this teacup. The problem doesn't lie in the tea but this teacup. If she puts the poison inside the tea it will be harder to avoid suspicion as she needs to drink the same tea. So, she smears the poison around the rim. In that way, no matter how many people check using a silver needle, it won't turn black." Xiu Ying raises the teacup and observes it with a smirk on his face.

"Do you know what kind of poison it is?"

Xiu Ying nods. "It's Tancha powder. A very strong poison."

"Tancha? Strong poison? Then... how could His Majesty still be saved?"

Xiu Ying explains everything he knows. Tancha powder is a very strong poison. Colorless and odorless. If someone puts it inside the normal drinking water, no one will ever notice. But, the way to fully utilize its power is by measure the exact amount that you want to use based on the victim's physical which is height and weight, and also the period for the poison to take its effect.

Yu Li Na already measured and fixed the poison based on Xiu Ying's physical and also the time when she wants Xiu Ying to die, therefore Wu Zhang Wei who has totally different features from Xiu Ying still could be saved. Added with Wu Zhang Wei's body that immune to several types of poisons, that makes he's still breathing until now.

Fei Hong knitted his eyebrows. "Alright. I'll go now but how to recognize it?"

"I think she not only has this one type of poison but many more, so just find any weird or suspicious-looking box. This Tancha powder might look like salt but with a finer texture."

Without delay, Huang Fei Hong gets his men to search inside Yanxi Palace and also take the perpetrator behind the bars.

[End of flashback]

Xiu Ying sitting on the couch opposite the bed, reading a book. Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying had ordered Xiu Ying to always stay with Wu Zhang Wei. At this moment, she can only trust Xiu Ying to save her son so Xiu Ying must always present at the imperial bedchamber until Wu Zhang Wei regains his consciousness.

At some point, Wu Jiaying was too worried and asked Xiu Ying to sleep in the imperial bedchamber. This is to make it easier for Xiu Ying to tend him in case Wu Zhang Wei shows some reaction in the middle of the night.

However, Xiu Ying politely rejected the idea and promised he'll come as fast as he can at anytime if something occurs.

Xiu Ying puts down his book when he heard rustling sounds. Slowly he approaches the emperor who starts to wake up.

Eyes still closed and knitted eyebrows, Wu Zhang Wei slowly lifts his eyelids. When the bright light enters his view, he shuts his eyes back, tightly.

"Your Majesty?"

Hearing the soothing voice, Wu Zhang Wei trying to open his eyes again. Slowly and slowly. The figure starting from blurry and now it is clearer. The beautiful person is looking down at him with some worried expression on his face.

"Your Majesty? Can you hear me? See me?" Xiu Ying asked.

Zhang Wei hesitantly nods. He can't believe the first person he saw as soon as he opens his eyes is this person. The person that he's willing to risk his life for.

Seeing the emperor could hear and see him, Xiu Ying breath a sigh of relief. He takes hold of Zhang Wei's wrist to read his pulse. Done analyzing the pulse, Xiu Ying raises to call Huang Fei Hong and Empress Dowager, but his robe was grabbed.

Xiu Ying looks down at the hand grabbing his robe then looks up at the emperor's puppy look. "St- stay here. Just for a while. Please." An emperor should never beg or asking towards his servants but now he doesn't care about all that. If it is Xiu Ying doesn't matter how many times he is willing to beg, as long as the other person will stay with him.

The pitiful sight of the emperor only makes Xiu Ying sighs. "Alright. I'll stay with you." Xiu Ying steps back then sits on the empty space that Zhang Wei has reserved for him.

They are not talking or lying intimately but just having Xiu Ying beside him already makes Zhang Wei feels contented.

Breaking the silence, Xiu Ying asked, "Your Majesty, why did you drink the tea? You do know that Consort Yu intends to poison me, but still..."

Zhang Wei faintly smiles. "Yes. Zhen does know but how can Zhen let you drink it? You're the most capable compared to imperial physicians so if you're poisoned, who can save you? Zhen drinks it because Zhen fully trusts in your skills."

"But Your Majesty...." His words were cut off.

"Not only that. Consort Yu's uncle, Lord Yu Chenyi has a strong backup from the country in the South. Regent from South country is a relative of Lord Yu Chenyi. If I punish Consort Yu severely just because of another consort, Yu Chenyi won't tolerate it. But, when the victim is Zhen, Yu Chenyi doesn't have any right to argue my decision."

Xiu Ying's mouth forms an 'O' and he slowly nods, understands.

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But suddenly Xiu Ying looks at the emperor and squints his eyes, "How did Your Majesty know that Consort Yu invited me to her courtyard?"

Zhang Wei turns his head away, avoiding Xiu Ying's gaze.

"Your Majesty sent your men to spy on me?" Xiu Ying asked sternly. The emperor has no choice but, to tell the truth.

"Actually, Guo Wei informed Zhen's men. Zhen worried something might happen so, Zhen asked Guo Wei to inform Zhen anything about Xiu Ying. Zhen doesn't mean to invade Xiu Ying's private life, Zhen just..." Zhang Wei chokes on his words when he sees the beautiful smile.

"Hmn. I'm not really angry. It is Your Majesty's right to do anything and because of it also I was saved. So... thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you for what you did for me. I can never repay for what Your Majesty has done."

Looking down at the hands that were placed on the mattress, Zhang Wei hesitantly takes hold of it. Only when he senses no rejection from Xiu Ying, he tightens the grips. "Th- then...stay with Zhen? Let Zhen get to know Xiu Ying better so we can get closer...can we?"

Xiu Ying lost for words. He can't say yes but how can he says no after he just mentioned the "debt repayment". Zhang Wei tightens the grip on Xiu Ying's hand, it's like he's begging Xiu Ying to say yes.

Xiu Ying is about to open his mouth but someone knocks on the door and pushed it open. In reflex Xiu Ying yanks his hand away, unaware of the sullen looks of the emperor when the air hits his empty hand.

Xiu Ying rises from the bed and greets, "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying and Huang Fei Hong came to check up on Wu Zhang Wei. Seeing her son looks towards her, Wu Jiaying cries and embraces her son. No words needed to show how relieved and happy a mom is when her son is 'revived'.

"Mother... I'm fine..." Zhang Wei wipes off the tears that stain all over his mom's face. Wu Jiaying nods and smiles at him. Then she turns around and approaches Xiu Ying.

She grabs both Xiu Ying's hands, "Li Xiu Ying, thank you. Thank you so much for saving my son."

Xiu Ying smiles, "No need to thank me. It is my responsibility, Your Majesty." Xiu Ying takes a few steps backward, "I'll leave first. I have something to do at the imperial pharmacy. Your Majesties can take your time to talk with each other." Xiu Ying bows and turns to leave.

Wu Zhang Wei can only watch the latter walking further away and out of the room. He sighs. Huang Fei Hong also excuses himself, leaving the mother and son to be alone and quickly runs after Xiu Ying.

Hearing the sounds of fast footsteps behind him, Xiu Ying halts his steps and wait for the other person. "Wanna meet up with Consort Yu?" asked Fei Hong. He deliberately stops slightly behind Xiu Ying, exactly beside Jing Yi.

Xiu Ying shakes his head. "No need. No reason for me to meet her. Let His Majesty handle her. What about the poison?"

"We've found a box that was hidden well. Luckily my men turn Yanxi Palace upside down and no place was missed. My lady is heading to the imperial right? I'll bring it to you later."

"Alright. Thank you, My Lord. I'll wait for you at the pharmacy." Xiu Ying bows and walks ahead.


Huang Fei Hong came to the imperial pharmacy with a black box in his hand. But only Jing Yi stands inside the pharmacy and Xiu Ying is nowhere in sight. Approaching Jing Yi, Fei Hong asks, "Where is your master?"

"Young master is inside, decocting some herbs for His Majesty."

"Oh okay. Then, I'll wait just for him." In a swift move, he pulls a chair and puts it beside Jing Yi, making the latter flinches.

"Don't you feel tired standing? Come, sit here." Fei Hong pats on the empty chair near him. Jing Yi only shakes his head, with no intention of sharing a table with the Great General.

Fei Hong bends his head to one side and supports it using his knuckles, staring at Jing Yi. He stares without saying anything and he has no intention of hiding his gaze. After a while, Jing Yi can no longer stand the heated gaze, speaks up, "My L- Lord... is there anything wrong?"

"No. Nothing is wrong." He shamelessly said.

"Wh- why My Lord...looking at me like that? Did I wronged you in some way?" Jing Yi playing with his fingers. He feels it is better to be beaten black and blue by guards or concubines than to face someone like Huang Fei Hong. He can never read his mind.

"I just want to look at you, can't I? And yes, you wronged me. You avoided me. Not only just now but also before this. Why?" Fei Hong leans back and crossed his arms, looking like he's interrogating.

"Because there is no reason for me to stay close to you, My Lord. I'm a servant. If other servants saw me getting close with another superior other than my master, they will have bad assumptions. It will do no good for your reputation, My Lord." The several times he got helped from Huang Fei Hong already received many leering eyes. If they were seen together more frequently, it will cause lots of rumors.

Fei Hong inclines his head and smiles, "So, Jing Yi is worried about me?"

Jing Yi flatly replies, "Well, it's not good for you to involve in any rumors. Plus, the girls who want to get close to you won't like the idea of a mere servant like me standing next to a great general like you, My Lord."

Fei Hong stares unbelievably with his jaws open. 'Is he that dense or oblivious or he just pretends not to know why I'm OPENLY flirting with him?!'

Fei Hong wants to straighten the facts inside Jing Yi's head but Xiu Ying's voice interrupts, "Oh, My Lord? You're here? Why didn't you call me?"

Fei Hong clears his throat, side glances at Jing Yi, and rises from the chair. "It's okay. I don't want to disturb you. Here, the box we found. We didn't touch anything inside, afraid that it might be dangerous."

Xiu Ying thanked him and takes the box. He opens the black box and as he suspected, everything inside the box is poisonous. The remaining wolfsbane that was used on Wen Qian and the Tancha powder are also inside the box.

Xiu Ying noticed on the bottom of the box, there is a bottle wrapped with a yellow cloth.. Slowly he unwraps it when he sees what inside, his eyes bulge.

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