Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 32: In-laws Become The Counselor

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Xiu Ying spent the whole evening with his mother, while Zhang Wei with Li Shizen. As usual, no matter how he wanted to relax, he can't help but talking about work when he's with the prime minister.

Since they are at, Li Mansion, it will be safer for Zhang Wei to ask Li Shizen about the matter that he asked to take care of. They keep on talking until dinner time and only break their conversation when Xiu Ying called them for a dinner.

During dinner, Zhang Wei being his playful self again when he's with Madam Feng. Madam Feng also likes how easygoing Zhang Wei is, even he is an emperor. He's not a party pooper, acting all strict and solemn when he is clearly at someone else's house and not the palace.

Having a wide knowledge and experience, Li Shizen noticed that something happened between the emperor and his son. Zhang Wei keeps on talking with his wife, unlike what he did when he just came, acting all clingy and only paid attention to Xiu Ying. Now, he totally ignores Xiu Ying's existence.

Meanwhile, Xiu Ying lowers his head, sometimes stole a glance at the emperor then bites inside his mouth when the guy didn't turn his head to him, not even once. From the way Xiu Ying looking at Zhang Wei, Li Shizen knows. His son...likes the emperor.

He sighs.

What Zhang Wei told him before seems incorrect. Xiu Ying does like him but his ego doesn't let him admit it. Maybe, after being rejected and ignored by the emperor before makes Xiu Ying feels scared or hesitant to accept Zhang Wei's feelings.

Right after dinner, Li Shizen said, "Ying-er, come with father. I have something to talk about with you." Xiu Ying nods.

"That's good! Then, Zhang Wei, let's have a walk around the garden with mom. The night breeze at the garden is so refreshing!" Madam Feng excitedly said. Zhang Wei nods repeatedly.

In the garden, two figures walk side by side in silence before Madam Feng breaks the silence. "How is it? Do you like the air here?"

Zhang Wei nods. "It's really refreshing and... it's so calm here. It feels like I can forget all of those problems at the palace." Zhang Wei looks up at the sky and smiles.

"Zhang Wei...can I ask you something?"

"Sure mom," Madam Feng smiles hearing the word 'mom'.

"Zhang Wei and Xiu Ying...are you guys alright? Don't lie to me. Even at a glance mom knows something happened between the two of you."

Zhang Wei smiles faintly. Madam Feng letting Zhang Wei take his time to open up his mouth. "The truth was me. I was the one who caused it. I've told Xiu Ying about my feelings and asked him to give me a chance to prove it. He never rejected me seriously and just follow my lead. But at the same time, he still denies his feelings for me and won't accept me. I think he thought I was just playing around."

Zhang Wei glanced at the side and Madam Feng is paying attention to every word he said.

He continues, "Before lunch, I asked him to call me by my name since we're outside the palace and I want to be closer to him but for the hundredth time he asked me to stop playing around. *sighs* I guess, whatever came out of my mouth sounds like a joke to him. I felt dejected and a bit sad when he said that. So...that's caused me treating him like what mom saw during lunch and dinner." Zhang Wei rubs his nape, feeling guilty.

"Do you ever feel up?"

Zhang Wei chuckles. "If I said no, it was a blatant lie. I think I'm the one who was played around by Xiu Ying. Despite being a Son of Heaven, I downgrade myself, ignoring all the rude remarks or behavior Xiu Ying did towards me. It's all because... I really love him."

"Then, what makes you decided to keep on fighting for your love?"

"Because he still didn't give his heart to anyone else."

"Th- then... if Xiu Ying... loves someone else?" Madam Feng stops her tracks and stands in front of Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei lowers his head and slowly nods. "I... will let him go."


Zhang Wei smiles faintly. "Simple. Because I love him and I wish for his happiness. If he will be happy with another person, then I won't stop him."

"What about you? Your feelings? Your happiness?"

"I'll be happy if he is happy. As for my feelings, I'll keep it safe in my heart. As an emperor, I just need someone to give birth to an heir to me. If I already have an heir, I'll live alone with my son and send the mother of my son to somewhere else. It might sound cruel but... I won't accept anyone else other than Xiu my empress."

Madam Feng's eyes become watery. She could see how Zhang Wei deeply in love with his son. She raises her hand and gently caresses Zhang Wei's arm. "Mom will pray for your happiness and mom will pray to God so Xiu Ying will open his heart for you. Don't worry. Mom always supports you." Zhang Wei mutters thank you.

In the meantime, inside the study room. Li Shizen and his son are sitting opposite to each other. Xiu Ying feels nervous because he knows if his father asked to talk to him alone, it means serious business.

"Ying-er, do you know why father wanted to talk to you?" Xiu Ying shakes his head.

Li Shizen sighs. "Then, let me just say straight to the point. Do you like His Majesty?"

Xiu Ying's eyes widen. "Wh- why...father suddenly asked like that?"

"That's not the answer I want to hear Ying-er. Is it yes or no?" He looks straight into Xiu Ying's eyes, making the latter shrinks his body.

"I- I'm not sure..."

"Fine. Let me ask you this. Do you think you're okay when His Majesty is getting close to another concubine? I mean acting intimately with them?"


"Then, what about His Majesty kiss another woman or ger in front of you? Can you look at that scene without feeling nothing? Heartache? Or your chest feels tight?"


"Alright. Since you keep pushing His Majesty away, father thinks you're alright with His Majesty sleeping with another concubine right? As he needs an heir for the throne but you're unwilling to give it to him. So, it's fine right if he did it?"Without saying anything, Xiu Ying's eyes become watery.

"Wh- why...father as- asked me som- something like this?" He stutters as he tried to hold his tears."

Father just wants to make sure whether you love him or not. If you don't want to share him with other people. isn't that mean you love His Majesty? And if you love him, why would you keep pushing away?" Li Shizen folds his arms over his chest and leans back on the chair.

"B- but! Father! Don't you remember how he treated me before? He rejected me. He ignored me. Wh- what if he just takes an interest in my look? Not the real me?"

For the nth time, Li Shizen sighs. "Father admits father's son is so beautiful, more beautiful than other girls out there. But, if His Majesty is someone that cares about appearance only, why he never touched ex-consort Yu Li Na? She's a beauty too. Even though her attitude is zero but her looks is praiseworthy. Of course, His Majesty will try to sleep with her if he only cared about outer appearance. But did he ever do that?"

Xiu Ying hesitantly shakes her head.

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"See? He never sleeps with any of his concubines. By the way, I'm not sure if you know, but his hate towards any concubine was because of what happened to his father. So, try to forgive his past acts. Everyone did a mistake but they deserve a second chance. You used to act so carefree and rebel towards me and your mom. But, God gives you a second chance and lets you woke up from the coma and after that, you treated me and your mom better. You changed your lifestyle, you throw away your bad habits and started to indulge in the study, which is something you hate before. If you can be better, why not His Majesty?" His voice is so low, comforting and persuading Xiu Ying.

"Ying-er... Don't deny your own feelings just because of your ego. Treasure what you have right now before he's gone from your life. At that time, feeling regret is useless."

Playing with his fingers, Xiu Ying said, "But, I'm afraid, father. I don't want it when I already let him into my heart then he suddenly had a change of heart. I don't think I could take it. It is better to step away before falling too deep in love."

"Then makes him won't leave you. Makes him can't live without you. Makes yourself his everything. I'm not asking you to bewitched him. I'm asking you to make him feel like you're a part of his life and heart. If you're gone, then half of his life and heart also will follow. With that, even if you run away to the end of the world, he'll find you."

Xiu Ying lowers his head, hiding his blush. Thinking about how to make Zhang Wei possessive of him makes his heart beating fast and he feels embarrassed.

Li Shizen rises and walks towards Xiu Ying. He gently caresses the top of Xiu Ying's head. "My son is smart right? You know what to do. Cherish him. Father can give my words that he really loves you. So stop worrying about useless things and go to him."

Xiu Ying rises from the chair and hugs Li Shizen. Hiding his face on Li Shizen's chest, he mumbles, "Thank you, father."

Then he quickly runs out of the study room. He walks really fast heading to his room. But as soon as he arrived in front of his room, he stops for a while. Takes a deep breath then slowly pushed open the door.

However, the person he wants to see is nowhere to be found inside the room. Xiu Ying waits for awhile then he decided to take a bath first.

When he was getting out of the bath and drying his hair, Zhang Wei just entered the room. Both of them froze and stare at each other. Zhang Wei is the first one who breaks eye contact. He closed the door behind and walks towards the wardrobe where his clothes were placed.

Holding a clean towel and a set of night robe, he walks towards Xiu Ying, "Can I take a bath?"

"Ha? Ah.. yeah... Sure. The water is still warm." Xiu Ying quickly lowers his head as he realized he has been staring at Zhang Wei since he came in.

Right after Zhang Wei went into the bath, Xiu Ying pacing back of forth, biting his nails. He's too nervous and doesn't know what to do. He had thought of so many things to say before but as soon as he saw Zhang Wei's face, everything has gone from his mind.

He stands in the middle of the room, thinking. But the sounds of the door being pried open jerked him out of the trance. Xiu Ying reflectively runs to his bed and tucks himself under the quilt. He wanted to fake asleep but it seemed impossible to fall asleep in such a short time. So, he just laid on the bed, looking upwards, lost in his thoughts.

Zhang Wei side glances at him but he didn't notice it. He hangs the wet towel after dried his hair. Slowly he approached the bed, "I'm sorry but can I sleep here tonight? Just tonight. Tomorrow I'll go back to the palace alone and you can continue staying here for a little longer."

Xiu Ying slides to the right side of the bed, leaving space for Zhang Wei. Xiu Ying bites his lips. Zhang Wei decided to stay away from him. He can't deny he feels sad when Zhang Wei mentioned he'll go back first.

Before they came here, Zhang Wei was eager to come and wants to stay as long as he stayed. But now, Zhang Wei wanted to leave as soon as possible.

On the bed, Zhang Wei laid on one side, his back facing Xiu Ying. He left Xiu Ying dumbfounded.

The confidence and motivation to talk to Zhang Wei immediately crumble. He also laid on one side, their back now facing each other.

But Xiu Ying can't sleep. As long as he didn't get to talk to Zhang Wei he feels restless. He keeps tossing around on the bed.

"Are you that uncomfortable with me here?" Zhang Wei's deep voice stops Xiu Ying from moving. When Xiu Ying didn't reply to him, Zhang Wei heaves a heavy sigh. He sits up and about to get off the bed.

"Wh- where are you going?" Xiu Ying unconsciously tugged on Zhang Wei's sleeve.

"I'll sleep somewhere else. If there's no room, I think I'll just go back to the palace tonight."

Xiu Ying quickly grabs his wrist. "N- No! Don't leave. I- I have something to say..."

Zhang Wei sits back on the bed. "Hmm. What is it?" He didn't turn to Xiu Ying but his voice still gentle even though there's a hint of sadness.

"Do you- ...hmm... Can I- ...." Xiu Ying didn't know what words he should use or what exactly he needs to say. Zhang Wei still waits patiently. In the end, Xiu Ying sighs. "I- I'm sorry..."


"For keep pushing Your Majesty away and... for always taking a joke on everything Your Majesty did for me. I'm sorry," Xiu Ying lowers his head but his hand holds on Zhang Wei's wrist tighter.

Slowly Zhang Wei turns his body to face Xiu Ying. He removes the hand on his wrist but then holds it instead. "Well... I'm sorry too. I know I was quite forceful and selfish. I didn't care about your feelings. I should ask you before did all that. I'm sorry."

Xiu Ying shakes his head. "Well... Your Majesty already told me your feelings and even I didn't reject Your Majesty's approach so it is reasonable that Your Majesty thought I didn't particularly hate it." Zhang Wei hums.

"Xiu Ying..." Zhang Wei calls. Xiu Ying lifts his head and staring into Zhang Wei's eyes. He can see the love and care.

"Do you... really don't have any feeling for me?" Zhang Wei's expectant eyes make Xiu Ying feels like he has lost his breath.

"If- don't like me... Maybe we could- ... I will-..." To say those separation words is like killing himself. But before he could say it, Xiu Ying cuts him.

"No. I don't dislike you but I'm not sure about my feelings. What I know, I don't want you to treat other concubines like how you treated me. I don't want you to get close to another woman or ger. And- I... hate if you sleep with someone else."Zhang Wei gaped and his eyes widen. He feels like it was a dream to hear something like that out of Xiu Ying's mouth.

"Ca- can Your Majesty...give me time before I can say 'that' words?"

His expression softens and gently smiles. Pulling Xiu Ying into his arms, planted a kiss on top of his head, "I'll wait no matter how long."

Xiu Ying raises his hands and returns the hug. They stay in each other embrace for a few minutes. Then, Zhang Wei breaks the hug. He cupped on both Xiu Ying's cheeks. "Let's go back to sleep."

"Hmn!" Xiu Ying said with a slight blush.

Once they're lying flat on the mattress, Zhang Wei scoops Xiu Ying's body until no gap between them. He puts his arm under Xiu Ying's head and another arm holding his waist. Xiu Ying feels embarrassed but he didn't remove it. In fact, he feels like over the moon.

"Xiu Ying..." Zhang Wei whispers. Xiu Ying looks up to meet Zhang Wei's eyes. His round eyes look so cute. Zhang Wei almost lost control but he quickly holds himself back.

"Can you call me by my name? Please..?"

Xiu Ying blinks repeatedly then hides his face on Zhang Wei's chest. The muffled voice still could be heard, "Zh- Zhang Wei.."

The person whose name is called chuckles due to the extreme cuteness from the ger. He tightens the hug and pecks again on Xiu Ying's forehead. "Thank you, Ying-er.. Good night."

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