Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 35: General's Way Of Courting

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As Zhang Wei promised, he almost never leaves Xiu Ying alone except when the time he had to go to morning court or did his work. But once he has done, he'll quickly go to find his loved one.

Besides from can't be apart from Xiu Ying, Zhang Wei also want to separate Jing Yi from his master, to let Fei Hong approached him.

Xiu Ying is sometimes oblivious but not too dense in expressing his feelings or get the love signs he sent to him.

However, Fei Hong got to fall in love with someone that's TOO CLUELESS about love. No matter what he did, Jing Yi never took Fei Hong's intentions other than "kindness" or "common sense". It feels like the word 'love' never exists in his dictionary.

That's why Zhang Wei decided to lend a hand.


Zhang Wei and Xiu Ying are cuddling on the bed. They're about to sleep but Zhang Wei suddenly said, "Love, can I ask you something?"

Xiu Ying lifts his head and smiles, "Sure. What is it?"

"Hmm... Did Jing Yi had someone he loves?"

Xiu Ying frowns. "Jing Yi? No, I don't think so. He always with me so he won't have time for love. Why you suddenly ask?"

Zhang Wei pulls Xiu Ying's head, hiding it in his neck, "Actually, Huang Fei Hong kinda like him. So, he wants to approach Jing Yi. But your servant ignored him. That's why I asked. I thought he already has someone else in his heart."

"Ohh..." Xiu Ying snuggles closer and said, "Jing Yi is indebted to me because I saved him before. All this time he's thinking of serving me well. Things about love or marriage never crossed his mind. It's not because he doesn't want it but he feels like no one would ever want him. He always discredits himself and has very low self-confidence. That's why, no matter what General Fei Hong did, Jing Yi will think that Genera is just being kind to him and not because he likes him."

Zhang Wei sighs. He planted a kiss on top of Xiu Ying's head.

"Can you help me, love? Please try to ask Jing Yi what did he think of Fei Hong. I really wanna help them because I can see he really likes Jing Yi."

Xiu Ying nods. "Let's help them until they're together!"

Zhang Wei smiles when he looks down at Xiu Ying that already thought of becoming a matchmaker.

"Really? You wanna help too?"

Xiu Ying pouts. "Of course! He's my servant but also my best friend. I want to see him happy."

"Alright then... Starting tomorrow you can't leave my side. Always have to be with me so that Jing Yi will leave us alone then Fei Hong can come to him." Zhang Wei smirks. This plan benefits both him and Fei Hong.

"No way! How can I not leave your side? What about morning court? Your meeting? I don't want to come along. For sure those old ministers gonna glare at me like I owe them money."

Zhang Wei laughs out loud. He peppering Xiu Ying with kisses. "Don't worry baobei. I won't let you come with me during the morning court and meeting. I also don't want those old geezers, well except my father-in-law, to look at what's mine. What I mean is other than my working time. When I'm working, Fei Hong also with me, so how can we set them up?"

Xiu Ying just hums. The words 'baobei' just now makes him blush.

Zhang Wei tilts his head to look at the Xiu Ying who suddenly said nothing. "Ying-er? What's wrong?" Xiu Ying shakes his head.

"How can it be nothing. Tell me what's wrong. Baobei?"

When he said the words 'baobei', Xiu Ying turns even redder and of course, it didn't miss from Zhang Wei's eyes.

"Hmm.. Someone is getting shy because I call him baobei..." Zhang Wei teased. Xiu Ying lightly punches his chest.

"Oh my God.. Why my baobei is so cute!" He hugs Xiu Ying tighter and another session of passionate kiss started. They only stopped when Xiu Ying out of breath.

-End of flashback-

Zhang Wei being the shameless one drags Xiu Ying to the courtyard and pulls him onto his lap. Xiu Ying about to push him away, but when he saw Jing Yi slowly stepped back to leave them alone, he let the emperor did as he wishes.

"Jing Yi, you're free to do your own work. It's okay to leave me for awhile. His Majesty is here with me." said Xiu Ying.

Jing Yi blinks his eyes repeatedly. He nods then leaves. But, he doesn't know what to do. All this time, he only follows orders so he never has anything particular that he likes to do.

Jing Yi stands in front of the doorway, thinking hard about what to do.

"Jing Yi?" A deep voice brings him out of his thoughts.

Jing Yi quickly bows, "Greetings, My Lord."

"Why are you standing out here? Where's your master?" asked Fei Hong.

Jing Yi points inside and stutters, "In- Inside.. wi- with His Majesty..." Somehow he feels like he was openly telling the emperor and his master are doing something intimate. He feels embarrassed.


'That guy really did what he said, huh? Well, I guess he also got more time to be with the future empress.'

"Then, what are you doing here?"

Jing Yi fidgets. "My master I'm free to do whatever I want but I- I don't know what to do."

"Then, want to come with me? I'll take you to a good place."

Jing Yi frowns. "B- But.. I can't. What if my master suddenly needs me?"

'I bet that guy won't let his man go until tonight...or not...until tomorrow morning.'

He quickly smiles, "Don't worry. His Majesty wants to spend more time with your master. Even if they need help with something, there are other servants here. So, let's go." Fei Hong is about to hold Jing Yi's hand but he quickly pulls his hand back.

After a minute of hesitation, Jing Yi agreed.

Fei Hong brought Jing Yi to the stable. A lot of imperial army hanging around there. Their big builds slightly scared Jing Yi. He scooted closer to Fei Hong.

All those armies saluted Fei Hong when he walks past them and they keep glancing at Jing Yi.

A guy not so manly, not too girly, not too beautiful but somehow quite attractive, hanging around their general, for sure it brings much curiosity to those armies.

"General, who is he?"

"General, your partner?"

"Come on my lord! Introduce us!"

Fei Hong just shakes his head. "Mind your own business if you don't want me to triple your training."

Those armies quickly shut their mouth and curse him. One session is exhausting enough. If it's triple? Their soul will leave their body.

Fei Hong went to a special stable. It only placed two majestic horses.

Fei Hong approached a black shiny horse. He gently caressing it. "This is Zhurong. My horse. This guy is a tough one. He's the one who accompanied me in every war." He pats on Zhurong proudly.

Jing Yi slowly approached. "Ca- can I touch him?"

Fei Hong takes Jing Yi's hand and puts it on Zhurong's head. The male horse neighed happily. He even rubs his head on Jing Yi's palm.

'Nice one bro! You really know how to help your master. Thank God you didn't kick him like how you kick others when they come towards you,' thought Fei Hong.

Jing Yi noticed another horse in the next stable. "Whose horse is that?"

"That belongs to His Majesty."

"Come, let's pick a horse for you." Fei Hong already walked in front of him but Jing Yi stayed in the same place.

"What's wrong?" He turns when he found Jing Yi didn't follow him.

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"I don't know how to ride a horse. Before this, it's either I rode a carriage or walk."

Without saying anything, Fei Hong pulls Zhurong out of the stable. In one swift move, he's already riding Zhurong. Then, he stretched out his hand, "Come, ride with me."

Jing Yi looks between the hand and the owner of the hand. Fei Hong wait patiently.

"It's okay. You'll be safe with me."

Slowly Jing Yi raises his hand and puts it on Fei Hong's big hand. Without he noticed, he already sits on the horse. His back is facing Fei Hong's chest.

"Hold on tight," said Fei Hong.

From behind, people can't see two people are riding the horse. Fei Hong's big built fully hides Jing Yi's petite figure.

Galloping across the grassy field and the wind hits his face, somehow, it makes Jing Yi feels free. His lips unconsciously curved.

Fei Hong pulls the rein, makes Zhurong slowed down. Fei Hong tilts his head, "You like it?"

Jing Yi nods repeatedly. "Where is this place?"

"This is already outside of the palace compound. The forest we passed just now is usually the place for a haunting festival or competition. People rarely came here because as you can see, there's nothing interesting here. It just a bare land."

"But it's calming.." Jing Yi mutters but still can be heard.

"Right? That's why I brought you here. If you ever feel down or miserable, feel free to tell me. I can take you here. Seeing nature can give you a calming sensation and ease your mind."

Jing Yi lowers his head and mumbles, "Th- Thank you, My Lord."

Fei Hong smiles. "No worries."

He pulls the rein to the right side, "Do you want to see the waterfall?"

Jing Yi turns his head and asks excitedly, "There is a waterfall here?"

Fei Hong hums. He turns speechless after saw the puppy eyes.

"Then... C- Can you take me there, My Lord?"

Fei Hong rubs his head, "Sure. Anything for you."

Thus, both of them head to the nearest waterfall. They need to ride past the other side of the forest only then they finally saw the waterfall.

Fei Hong gets down from the horse and without waiting for Jing Yi's words, he already carries the guy and takes him down.

Jing Yi gasped when he is suddenly being carried by the great general. He quickly removed his eyes from looking at the handsome face that's just a few inches away.

Trying to hide his blush, Jing Yi runs towards the downstream. He squatting and runs his fingers through the cold water.

"Careful. It's quite slippery there." Fei Hong approached him from behind.

Jing Yi admires the untouched nature. He keeps playing with the water with his hand.

"Wanna soak your leg? It's refreshing." Fei Hong suggested.

"Can I?"

"Of course you can. You can even take a bath here if you want."

Jing Yi takes off his shoes and socks. Slowly he dipped his legs. When the cold water touched his skin he shivers a bit but then slowly it becomes refreshing. Jing Yi rolls his pants until his knee. Unaware of the prying eyes.

"Thank you, My Lord. For bringing me here. I like it so much!"

Fei Hong takes a seat beside Jing Yi, "No worries."

Fei Hong fakes a cough, "Jing Yi, if your master has become the empress, are you gonna continue serving him or...return to Li Mansion?"

"Of course I'm going to continue serving my master. I owe him so much so I'll never stop serving him till the day I die." His legs dangling in the water.

"Then, what about your own life? Don't you ever thought about...getting married? Or having a partner?"

Jing Yi smiles faintly. "A low-life like me doesn't deserve to think about marriage and so on. Even if I want, no one would want someone like me. A servant, ordinary look, no money, no nothing. I could never give happiness to someone else."

"Marriage is about two different people completing each other's life. If someone lacks in something, his partner can complete it." Fei Hong comforting him.

"But... What about me? I lack in so many things. No one would want to complete it and be with me. I'd be their burden instead."

Fei Hong takes a deep breath. "I can. I can accept all of your flaws. You're not gonna be my burden. I still wanna be with you regardless of what you just said. Let's complete each other's life, hmn?"

Jing Yi's eyes bulge and his mind stopped working. "Wh- What... "

"I like you, Jing Yi. I seriously like you."

"B- But.. My Lord.. You're a Great General a- and I'm just a servant. Th-"

Fei Hong holds both Jing Yi's hands. "That doesn't make any difference to me. I like you the way you are. I don't care about status or whatsoever."

Jing Yi lowers his head. Those pleading eyes and begging voice makes his heart thumping hard.

Seeing Jing Yi keeps avoiding his eyes, Fei Hong sighs. "I know it was too sudden for you but just for your information, I've fallen for you for a long time but I didn't dare to say anything because I know your priority is your master. But now, your master also had found someone he loved. So, isn't this your time to care about your own happiness?"

Jing Yi slowly raises his head. "Wh- why me? There are more people that suit you, My Lord. Someone like me is not good enough to stand by your side."

Fei Hong smiles gently. "Other's opinion is not necessary. I know who is good enough. And that person is you. No need to care about what other people will say. We are not living for them. We're living for ourselves. And you don't have to worry, I'm gonna protect you with all my life. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Jing Yi looks here and there. Trying to find the right words to say.

He bites his lips, "Can you let me think about this? This is the first for me so I need to think thoroughly."

Fei Hong nods, "Sure. Take your time. I've been waiting for a while so waiting a little bit longer is not a problem for me. Just tell me your answer whenever you're ready, okay?"

Jing Yi nods repeatedly.

"I think it has passed shēn hours (3-4pm). Wanna go back?"

Jing Yi nods again. Fei Hong rises from his seating, "You wait here for a while."

Then he went to Zhurong and takes out a cloth from the saddle pocket. He sits again beside Jing Yi.

"Give me your leg."

Jing Yi obediently pulls out his legs from the water. He jolted a bit when Fei Hong holds his legs and wipes them.

"It- It's okay.. I can-"

"No. Just let me do this for you. Sometimes when I saw His Majesty pampering your master, I feel jealous. How I wish I have someone that I can pamper and spoil."

He chuckles. "It's just a silly dream of mine so please let it slide for this time, okay?" He continues drying Jing Yi's leg.

After that, both of them return to the palace. Fei Hong sends him off to the imperial bedchamber.

Jing Yi mutters thank you. Even though Jing Yi didn't accept him but at least he's considering and that's good enough.. Fei Hong gently caressing his head before walked away with a big smile plastered on his face.

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