Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 39: First Night

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The banquet and celebration went on until late at night. It was a rare occasion so people tend to enjoy it a little longer. However, the emperor and the empress have excused themselves and letting others to continue.

Zhang Wei feels a little bit tipsy. He has rejected the toast from those ministers but still, some of them insisted and Zhang Wei can't back down showing his weak side. He gulps down every drop. Thus, causing his condition now.

He's not fully drunk but not fully sober. Xiu Ying has to support him walking to their bedchamber. A few times they almost stumble on the ground. Xiu Ying barely can hold Zhang Wei's weight.

Before entering the bedchamber, Xiu Ying asks Jing Yi to fetch a glass of warm water.

Xiu Ying lays Zhang Wei down on the bed slowly. In just a minute, Jing Yi returns with the water. "Alright. Thank you, Jing Yi. You may retreat to your room. I'm sure the General is waiting for you there." Jing Yi blushed. He quickly leaves the imperial couple alone.

Zhang Wei groans attract Xiu Ying's attention back. He's massaging his temple, feeling dizzy. Xiu Ying quickly takes out his medical box and pulls out a small net bag, like a teabag in the modern world and dipped it into the warm water. It will produce concoction-like water but only suitable for simple illnesses, such as headache, flu, fever and cough.

"Zhang Wei... wake up for a second. Drink this. It'll help to ease your headache." Xiu Ying sits on the space beside Zhang Wei, helping him to get up. He brings the bowl to Zhang Wei's lips. The latter immediately knitted his eyebrows due to the bitterness.

Xiu Ying puts aside the bowl and wipes it off the corner of his mouth using his handkerchief. Soon, Zhang Wei dozed off. Xiu Ying takes off his shoes, headdress and also outer robe.

Going to the bathroom on the other side of the room, he takes a bowl of warm water from the water bath that the servant has prepared. He wipes Zhang Wei's face, neck, chest and arms. Done tending his drunk husband, Xiu Ying went to take a bath.

Inside the imperial bedchamber, there is a big bathtub that was separated by a large screen. The warm water released steam, making the place a little foggy.

Xiu Ying already takes off his headdress earlier and now he only wears an inner robe. He quickly takes it off and starts to dip his body into the water. Once his skin touched the water, Xiu Ying slightly moans. It is so refreshing. Xiu Ying scrubs his body all over, removing all the oil and dirt.

He feels like wants to sleep inside the bathtub. He reluctantly gets out of the tub after 30 minutes. He dried himself from top to toe, then wears the night robe.

When he steps out of the imperial bath, Zhang Wei is still deep in sleep. Xiu Ying sits in front of the dressing table continues wiping the remaining water on his hair. He did it until his hair fully dried. Only then, he blows out the candle and tucks himself under the quilt.

Xiu Ying just about to get a nice sleep but then an arm suddenly wrapping him tight. He heard a rustling sound from behind then suddenly he feels ticklish when someone's breath hit his nape.

"H-Hey... Why are you suddenly awake? You feel uncomfortable?" Xiu Ying taps on the arm around his tummy.

Zhang Wei nuzzles his nose on Xiu Ying's nape, inhaling his empress scent. He can never get enough of the addictive scent.

He hums. "Uncomfortable..." He mumbles.

"Still feel dizzy?" Xiu Ying looks over his shoulder. Zhang Wei still burying his face on his neck.

"Not. Not there. Here..."

Xiu Ying's eyes widen. Zhang Wei rubbing his erection at Xiu Ying's back. He can feel how hard....and big that thing is.

"Zh- Zhang Wei... le- let's just go to sleep. You're still sick. Get some rest."

Xiu Ying tried to remove the arm but he was pulled even closer until his back meeting the sturdy chest. Zhang Wei's hand still wandering on his tummy, up to chest then to his thigh. Xiu Ying feels a shiver on his spines.

"I'm not sick. Your medicine is great. I no longer feel dizzy."

"W- we can do it ot- other times... We still g- got plenty of times together." Xiu Ying stutters.

"But I've been waiting for so long. I've always wanted to do this with you but I don't want to force you. But now, you're my empress, my wife, sleeping together with you but can't do anything is such a torture for me. So please baobei..." Zhang Wei pleads. His patience almost reached the limit.

"........" Xiu Ying swallowing his saliva. It's not like he doesn't want to do it but people say it's gonna hurt very much during the first time. He's a little bit afraid of that.

" really won't let me do you?" Zhang Wei sounds dejected.


Receiving no answer from Xiu Ying makes Zhang Wei froze. He takes a deep breath then slowly pulls his arm away, sitting up. "I'll sleep in my study. Having you here, I'm afraid I can't control myself." He smiles faintly.

He pulls the quilt over Xiu Ying and turns to get off the bed. But his wrist was grabbed. "Yes?" Still with his soft voice. He can never get mad with Xiu Ying.

Xiu Ying looks down and mumbles. " ge- gentle"

Zhang Wei's widen. He was not sure he's hearing it right or wrong. "What?"

Xiu Ying bit his lips, feeling shy. "You c- can do it b- but be gentle! This is my fi- first time..."

Zhang Wei immediately pounced him until both of them laid flat. "Thank you baobei. Thank you so much. I can't promise that but I'll try my best!"

In a blink, Xiu Ying's night robe was unfastened and his fair skin is open for the view. Zhang Wei can't help but drool over it.

"Stop staring so much!" Xiu Ying pushes Zhang Wei's face to another side.

The emperor can only smile like a fool. "Sorry, baobei. You're too beautiful. I can't stop looking at you."

Xiu Ying rolls his eyes but blushes, "Idiot."

They stared into each other's eyes. Zhang Wei leans closer and Xiu Ying's heart thumping faster. Before he knew it, Zhang Wei slams his lips onto his. Once they are connected by the lips, warmth spread throughout their entire body.

Xiu Ying's heart keeps beating faster and faster. The kiss is different from before. It was too passionate and steamy. It makes his body react in a way he never felt before. Xiu Ying hardly had a moment to react before Zhang Wei pressed his tongue and with the grant of access, he probes inside Xiu Ying's mouth.

The kiss was a little bit sloppy as Zhang Wei is in rushed and can no longer hold himself back. Xiu Ying could smell a faint scent and even taste the wine in the intermingling breaths. From Zhang Wei's shoulders, Xiu Ying moves his hands, reached up and wrapping around Zhang Wei's neck.

Zhang Wei's hand wandering all over Xiu Ying's flawless body. When he reached the pink bud, he pinched it, gaining a moan. Zhang Wei breaks the kiss and moves lower. Kissing the neck, sucking the collarbone, biting the shoulder. Leaving his mark all over.

Moving even lower, Zhang Wei latched on the pink bud, sucking it hard.


Xiu Ying bites his lips, preventing him from moan too loud. But Zhang Wei keeps sucking it hard. Once he's done with the right nipple, he turns to the left. It was flat, unlike the girl but to Zhang Wei, it tastes so good.

After successfully making both nipples swollen, he moves to Xiu Ying's lower body. He spreads Xiu Ying's legs wide. Xiu Ying covers his face using his palms when Zhang Wei is staring at his semi-hard member.

"D- Don't stare!" He whines.

Zhang Wei chuckles. "Why not? It looks cute."

A ger's d**k is unlike a normal guy. It was smaller than the average size and it is quite pinkish. Even at the lower part, Xiu Ying is hairless and the skin is smooth.

Xiu Ying picks up the pillow on his side and throws it. Zhang Wei gladly received it using his face. He knows his wife is just too shy.

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Xiu Ying immediately clenching the quilt when Zhang Wei swallows his whole length, licking it all over. The pleasure makes Xiu Ying grips the quilt tightly and his toes curled.

Xiu Ying could die out of embarrassment. The slurping sounds when his length going in and out of Zhang Wei's mouth is too embarrassing! And his husband looks like he's enjoying something delicious, licking it roughly.

Seeing his wife shuts his eyes, enjoying his service, Zhang Wei pours some oil that he took out from the bedside table before, onto his fingers. A week before, he went to the imperial physician and asked for something that can be used as a lubricant during sex and then the Physician Chief gave him the oil.

Smearing his fingers with the oil, then he placed his middle finger at the back entrance. When he pushed it into the hole, Xiu Ying's eyes bulge. The presence of a strange thing in his back makes him feel weird and a little bit of pain.

Since it was just the first finger, the pain is tolerable. But when Zhang Wei inserts the second finger, he managed to do it halfway only as Xiu Ying's hands prevented him from doing so.

"H- hurts..."

Zhang Wei still didn't remove his fingers. He moves upwards and peppering his wife with kisses. "Shhh.... It's okay. You'll be fine. Just bear with it for a little."

He starts to deep kissing and at the same time pushes his fingers. After a while, he inserts the third finger and the pain is increasing for Xiu Ying. It takes quite a long time for Xiu Ying to get used to it.

Only when Xiu Ying no longer frowning and he starts moaning in pleasure, Zhang Wei take out his fingers. He breaks the kiss and they stare at each other.

"Can I put it in?"

Xiu Ying knows it's gonna hurt but he also knows he can never run away from this. He bites his lips and hesitantly nods.

Zhang Wei leans backward. He smears the oil all over his throbbing member. Xiu Ying saw it and suddenly he feels regret for saying yes. Zhang Wei noticed the panicked eyes. He chuckles.

"A- are you'll fit?"

Zhang Wei pecks on his temple. "Don't worry. It'll fit. Just...need a bit of time."

He holds both Xiu Ying's arms and makes him tangled them over his neck. He leans down, "I'm putting it in."

Zhang Wei brings his hardened member to the entrance. Slowly he pushed it in. Xiu Ying immediately shuts his eyes and scream. "Arhh! H- hurts!"

Zhang Wei swallowing his saliva and stops. He waits for a fine minute before pushed it deeper. The intense pain makes Xiu Ying dipped his nail into Zhang Wei's skin but the pleasure he feels right now makes him forget about any pain.

"Ahhh! W-Wei... Ta- take it out...It hurts..." Xiu Ying starts crying.

Again, Zhang Wei peppering him with kisses to coax him. "'s alright. It's alright. You'll be fine. Just a little bit okay. You'll feel better after this."

He kissed and tongued him. At the same time, he pulls out and then pushed it back in one push. Xiu Ying's loud moans were muffled by the kiss. Zhang Wei repeating the same pattern but in a slow manner.

Zhang Wei could feel the nail scratching his skin slowly loosened up and his wife is not tense up like before. He breaks the kiss. He fastens his movements. And now only moans filled the imperial bedchamber.

"Hmnn... haaa... ngh! Ahh! Haa..."

Zhang Wei teased his wife. Slowly then suddenly he pushed it deep. The sexy moans make him member lively and no sign of calming down.


Zhang Wei froze. Then he suddenly smiles widely. He pulls out then hits the same spot.

"Nghnn...ah! N- No.. Not th- there.."

Zhang Wei leans down, biting on Xiu Ying's nipples and sucking his neck. With Xiu Ying's nipple still in his mouth, he muffles, "Why not? Don't you like it there?"

"Fe- Feels.. weird..." Knees bent and toes curled. The pleasure is too much and he barely can bear it.

Zhang Wei ignores the plead cause he knows his wife is at the peak of pleasure. Zhang Wei thrusts hard and deep. Xiu Ying clenched him down there tightly and he had to stop moving. He groans. If he keeps on moving, he'll come immediately.

Zhang Wei removes the hand that covering Xiu Ying's lips and holds it instead. "Don't cover it. Let me hear your voice."

Xiu Ying whines. The bedchamber is filled with his moans only and for sure the guards who were on duty could hear it.

"Cu- cumming..."

Zhang Wei kissed him and whispers in a deep voice. "Yeah. Me too. Let's cum together baobei..."

He raises the speed and after a few thrusts, he released inside Xiu Ying and Xiu Ying cum on his chest. Zhang Wei lays on top of him. Both of them panting heavily.

"Are you alright?" Zhang Wei asked. Xiu Ying nods. He's still catching breath.

"Then...can we do it again?"

Xiu Ying's eyes bulge. "N- No. I'm tired..."

"But I'm...." He looks down, pointing to his member that has hardened again. Xiu Ying's eyes tremble in fear.

"H- how... You just came."

"Can't help it. My wife so sexy." Zhang Wei starts to nuzzle on his neck again and leaving marks.

In just one flip, Xiu Ying is straddling Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei puts his hands on Xiu Ying's hips. "Then, you move. Move at your pace."

Xiu Ying's fair skin turns red all over. Hugging Zhang Wei's neck, he lifts his hip and slowly lowered it, adjusting the big thing into his hole. He's still not used to the size so he keeps pausing.

The emperor groans. 'My wife really knows how to tease me.'

Tightens the grip on each side, Zhang Wei pushed down the hip and entered all the way into the hilt.

"Arghh!" Xiu Ying trembles. He leans his head on Zhang Wei's shoulder. "Y- You said... you'll let me move on my own.."

Zhang Wei pretends like he did nothing. He caressing Xiu Ying's side, coaxing him to move. It was hard at first but slowly Xiu Ying managed to make Zhang Wei feels heavenly. He gropes the butt cheeks tightly, helps Xiu Ying to move.

"Yes baobei... haa... so good... nghhh..."

Soon both of the climax for the second time. However, that's not even near enough for the beast emperor. He flips their position again and he's hovering Xiu Ying. Thus, they start their third round.

However, it doesn't end with that round.

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