Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 42: The Empress Was Attacked?

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The disturbance at the port, farm and riots at the border gate where people coming in and out of the country keeps on increasing. Almost every day, the judicial court receives complaints and reports. The governor in every province has been called by the emperor to the palace a week ago. Wu Zhang Wei had asked them to make a record of every case report and complaint.

A detail of the offender, victim and flow of the incident must be recorded. Every week, the report must be handed to Huang Fei Hong, who will cooperate with Lord Li Shizen to analyze the pattern and style of the person who dared to create all the chaos.

This idea was suggested by the emperor's beloved wife. Even though Xiu Ying didn't attend the morning court or meeting with all the ministers, Zhang Wei always discussed the problems in his study room or their bedchamber.

Xiu Ying once wanted to attend but Zhang Wei immediately rejected. He doesn't want to expose his beautiful beloved to others. Xiu Ying just laughs out loud when Zhang Wei spoke out his inner thoughts and he complied with his husband's demands. He did everything to help Zhang Wei behind the scenes.

Zhang Wei too, never said all the ideas came from him but instead boasted how the empress who gave the ideas. Some ministers praised the empress' intelligence and feel grateful but some just smile stiffly.

However, before they could solve the current matter, another problem arises.

Some people came to report that the mountainous area was set on fire. No one knows what is the cause. Half of the forest was burnt. For herbalists or businessmen who sell herbs, it was a great loss as the forest is their only source of herbs. Naturally grown herbs are more effective than the ones they planted. When the forest was burnt, the source of herbs also will be reduced, thus their daily lives also will be affected.

The kneeling guards who came to report the incident, tremble in fear. The emperor didn't utter any words since they informed His Majesty. No words are scarier than the emperor going on rage.

Both Prime Minister and the General look at Wu Zhang Wei, then they sigh. Those fingers were clenched into tight fistball and the veins popping out, they knew the emperor trying hard to hold back his anger. This matter is intolerable anymore. A peaceful country suddenly got too many problems within a short period is too suspicious.

Zhang Wei tried to use the mildest methods to solve the problems. He doesn't want to use any force or spill any bloodshed. He did everything that his empress advised. Even though some of the matter did reduce and solved, but other problems keep arising.

They're no longer lack of veggies and fruits source. Pirates no longer showing up but then lots of illegal merchants tried to smuggle stuff from the palace and sell it outside. Some of them even kidnap children and tried to sell them for slaves or brought up as prostitutes.

Handling the chaos, Zhang Wei only slept for two or three hours for the past three days. Xiu Ying worried about him and insisted to keep him company but he was carried back to their bedchamber by his husband.

Zhang Wei doesn't want Xiu Ying to have sleep deprived and feel lethargic. He needs Xiu Ying to feel fresh so he can re-energize himself when he is with Xiu Ying.

Right now, it is almost chǒu hours (01:00am) and Zhang Wei is still in his study room. The never-ending work is taking his time with his wife.

Leaning back on the chair, eyes shut tight, Zhang Wei rubs his temple. He sighs. More memorials need to be read and analyze. If he continues tomorrow, the workload is just getting more. But now, it's already so late. He takes a deep breath and tried to pick up the memorial again. But then, the study room's door was kicked open and a guard barged in.

Zhang Wei frowns but he didn't get mad as he knows the guard won't do that if it's not urgent.

"P- Pardon, Your Majesty. It's... H- Her Majesty! Someone sneaked into Her Majesty's room and tried to hurt him!" The guard said while breathing heavily.


Zhang Wei shot dagger eyes. Without saying anything, he storms out of the study room and heads to the imperial bedchamber. He no longer cares about protocol or whatnot, Zhang Wei runs so fast.

When he pushed open the door, his eyes are reddened in anger. All guards and servants immediately knelt. Jing Yi is kneeling while holding unconscious Xiu Ying on his lap. His eyes are teary, worrying about his master.

Zhang Wei quickly went to Xiu Ying and carries him to the bed.

"Where's the physician?! Call them now!"

Zhang Wei roared. While checking for any injuries on Xiu Ying's body, Zhang Wei asked with his deep low voice.

"Jing Yi, what happened? Tell me. IN DETAILS."

Jing Yi swallows his saliva. Clutching on his robe, he said in a trembling voice, "I was just returning from the kitchen when I heard Her Majesty's loud voice. He said 'who are you?' Then I heard sounds like people struggling and teacups broken to pieces. Even the guards heard the same thing. I and the guards knocked few times but no answer from inside so I pried it open. Then I saw Her Majesty already laid unconsciously on the floor."

Only then, the Physician Chief running in panting heavily. Zhang Wei immediately gives him a way to check on Xiu Ying, but he still didn't leave his side.

The Chief checks Xiu Ying's eyes, temperature, pulse. His eyes widened and he went speechless. His expression didn't miss from Zhang Wei's eyes.

"What's wrong with Zhen's empress?"

The Physician Chief immediately stands straight and slightly bows, "Your Majesty, Her Majesty didn't suffer any injuries. He's fainted due to a little shock and the struggle exhausts him. Right now he is a little bit weak and easily gets tired as he's carrying a baby. Congratulations, Your Majesty." Despite the tense atmosphere, The Physician Chief ends his report with a big smile.

"B- Baby? Zhen's wife is pr- pregnant?" Zhang Wei stuttered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Her Majesty is 8 weeks pregnant."

"Oh my-" Zhang Wei lost for words. He immediately leans forward and plants a kiss on top of Xiu Ying's forehead.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty will easily get tired. His morning sickness might start soon. If he didn't feel it in the early first trimester, he might have during the end of the first trimester towards the second trimester. His pregnancy is still in a fragile state so he needs to be extra careful. I'll prepare all the tonics that will help to help him gains energy back. His meals also need to be supervised and only nutritious meals are allowed. More fruits and vegetables." The Chief explains.

Zhang Wei is beyond happiness. He got this indescribable feeling. Excited, happy, anxious, nervous. All mixed at once.

After dismissing the imperial physician, Zhang Wei turns to Jing Yi who is still standing inside the room.

"Jing Yi, all of Zhen's wife's meals will be supervised by you. From the earliest preparation until the meal is delivered to this room. METICULOUSLY. No matter what happens, you're the only person who can bring his meals. Understood?" Zhang Wei said sternly.

He knows Jing Yi can be trusted. That's why Zhang Wei passed the meal preparation supervision to him. He doesn't want anything else to happen to his beloved empress.

Jing Yi kowtows, "Yes, Your Majesty." Then he quickly leaves the bedchamber, letting the couple having their private time.

Zhang Wei tucks himself under the quilt. He lays beside Xiu Ying, holding him in his arms. He planted a few kisses on Xiu Ying's face.

But then, his smiles suddenly ceased and replaced with a murderous expression. "I'll make sure to give back tenfold to the person who tried to harm you. I'll give a slow and torturous death until he'll beg me to kill him." He tightened his embrace, securing Xiu Ying in his arms.

The next morning, Xiu Ying lightly groans and tried to move but his body is being held tight. His lashes tremble and slowly lifts his lids.

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"Are you awake?" A husky voice asked.

Xiu Ying lifts his head and smiles when his husband is looking down at him dotingly.


Zhang Wei tucks strands of his hair behind his ears and caressing his face. "Are you feeling alright? Didn't feel nauseous?"

Xiu Ying shakes his head. But his head suddenly thought of Zhang Wei's last words. Nauseous. Why would he feel nauseous?

When he's still in a daze, Zhang Wei pulls him closer. "After this, you need to be extra careful. Don't do any heavy work. If you want anything, just ask me, or if I'm not around, ask Jing Yi to get it for you. You need to eat a lot, don't skip meals. Now, you're eating for two so it's fine if you eat more."

Xiu Ying looks at Zhang Wei, blinks repeatedly.

"E- Eat for t- two?"

Zhang Wei pinches his nose bridge. "Yes, baobei. You're eating for two." Zhang Wei caresses Xiu Ying's flat tummy. "Inside here, there's our love token. Our baby."

Xiu Ying's mouth open and closed, no words coming out of his mouth. It's hard to accept the fact there is a living thing growing in his tummy and he's going to give birth to a baby. For a guy from the 21st century, it is hard to accept this news.

Seeing Xiu Ying's weird expression, Zhang Wei thought Xiu Ying didn't like that's carrying their child. He lowers his head dejectedly.

"I'm sorry. I- I know you're not ready for this. I wasn't careful enough and impregnated you. But! I promise I'll take good care of you so pl- please... don't hate this child."

Xiu Ying's eyes widen then he shakes his head vigorously.

"No. No. You thought wrong. I don't hate this child nor I hate that you make me pregnant. It's just... I was too shocked by this news. I never thought I'm going to be a parent soon. It's just... I'm afraid I can't be a good one."

No matter how weird this matter is, Xiu Ying still feels glad he's carrying Zhang Wei's child in his tummy. He's going to cherish and dote their baby so much.

Zhang Wei unconsciously releases a sigh of relief. "Don't worry. Let's take a step at a time. We can always ask mother, father and imperial mother for advice. I'm sure they'll be more than glad to help us take care of their grandchild," Zhang Wei pulls Xiu Ying into his embrace, holding him tightly, swaying left and right.

Xiu Ying hums. He enjoys the warmth from his husband. They stay like that for a few minutes before Zhang Wei breaks the hug and makes Xiu Ying face him. His face turns serious with knitted brows.

"Baobei, can you tell me what happened last night? Who came into this room?"

Xiu Ying dislikes when Zhang Wei breaks the hug, so he snuggles back into Zhang Wei's embrace. The emperor's lips curved.

"I don't know. That guy wearing all black from top to toe. I could see his eyes only. I can tell he's a Kung fu master, not just a random thief or burglar. I didn't even hear his footsteps when he came into our room. I just awaken when I felt like someone closing in. I thought it was you but when I saw it was some stranger, I quickly woke up."

Xiu Ying pulls down his sleeve, showing his bruised wrist. "He tried to pull me harshly. I yanked my hand and kicked him on his stomach. He's quite a tough fellow and I had to wrestle with him. When Jing Yi and the guards knocked on the door, he was startled so he pushed me and then jumped out of the window. I didn't remember anything else after that."

Holding both bruised wrists, Zhang Wei grits his teeth. Even his hands are slightly trembling from holding his anger.

"Don't worry. I'll tighten the security. From now on, more guards will come with you wherever you go. Never be alone. Understand?"

Xiu Ying is about to say he's fine and there's no need for more guards protecting him but looking at Zhang Wei's eyes, he can only nod obediently.

"Good," He kisses on top of Xiu Ying's head. "Anyone out there?" Zhang Wei shouted.

Jing Yi immediately walked inside. Seeing his master has regained his consciousness, Jing Yi felt relieved.

"Jing Yi, prepare the water. I'm going to take a bath with my wife." Zhang Wei said shamelessly.

Jing Yi who is already used to the public display of affection just nods and leaves to prepare the water.

Both of them take a bath together. Zhang Wei behaves himself despite the tempting pale and sexy Xiu Ying's naked body in front of him. He could barely hold himself back, but thinking of Xiu Ying's weak state, he tried to ignore his excited little brother down there.

When they're bathing, Zhang Wei keeps caressing the bruises on Xiu Ying's wrist. His worried expression makes Xiu Ying's heart melted.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. It's just because my skin is quite pale that's why it looks like it is painful. I'll just apply some ointment later on." Xiu Ying reassures. He's happy that Zhang Wei truly cares but he doesn't want Zhang Wei to keep worrying about a small matter like this, which will disturb his mind.

Zhang Wei sighs. "Alright. Tell me quickly if you feel hurt anywhere, alright?" Xiu Ying nods.

After the morning bath, they have breakfast together. However, before Xiu Ying can bring the food to his mouth, the food's smell makes him feel nauseous. He immediately runs to the bucket behind the screen and vomits.

Zhang Wei was also startled. He froze for a moment, feeling lost. Doesn't know what to do. But then, he follows Xiu Ying, rubbing his back. After Xiu Ying has done, he wipes off his mouth using a handkerchief.

Zhang Wei holding Xiu Ying on both sides, helping him walk back to the dining table but before he could take a seat, Xiu Ying runs to the bucket again.

Xiu Ying hasn't eaten but he has already thrown up twice. He feels weak and his complexion has become paler. Zhang Wei carried him to the bed and laid him gently.

"Jing Yi, please prepare the tonic that Physician Chief had given and bring a congee for Her Majesty," Zhang Wei ordered. Since Xiu Ying can't smell anything at the moment, a plain congee is the best choice to fill his stomach.

A moment later, Jing Yi came with two bowls. One is congee and another one is a tonic to ease the nauseous. Zhang Wei feeds Xiu Ying the congee first. Then he makes Xiu Ying drinks the bitter tonic.

Looking at his wife in this state, makes Zhang Wei's heart hurt. Xiu Ying just smiles at him. "I'm fine. This is normal during pregnancy. Don't worry."

Zhang Wei caresses his face and then leans down, leaving a kiss on his forehead, nose and a little peck on his lips.. As soon as he stepped out of the bedchamber, his murderous aura makes the guards stayed a little bit further from him.

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