Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 51: Young Emperor X Li Xiu Ying

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Wu Zhang Wei's words make all the guards' faces twisted. They felt nothing but repugnance towards the so-called loving father.

Who would have thought, the person who never has any scandalous relationship and famous for being the 'Father of The Year', was actually slept with the same person that his son slept with.

Wu Zhang Wei leisurely turns around and returns to his seat. Crossing his legs, he stares menacingly, "Stop wasting Zhen's time. The matter about your mistress, we could suppress it from the knowledge of your family and other people. Zhen also won't interfere if you want to arrange a marriage between your daughter to a noble of State of Shu. Zhen can also overlook your embezzlement on the trading transaction, as long as you return the money and tell the truth right now. Stop the pretense. Zhen has investigated all your family's activities. If you think you want to continue working as a minister, you return whatever you took and spit out, WHERE IS MY EMPRESS?"

Wu Zhang Wei sounded impatient. He spoke more than he ever did during morning court. Even his best buddy, Huang Fei Hong blinks repeatedly, can't believe what he just heard. This shows the emperor is slowly losing his cool.

Huo Qubing couldn't stop the quiver in his body. He did embezzle some of the money from the trading activities. He also mixed some low-quality products with high-quality products but sell them at a high price. Besides, he did receive bribes from some black market traders to allow them to smuggle illegal products.

Huo Qubing did all of this just to let his family live in luxury. Even though his lower half sometimes craves some pleasure from others, he still cares and loves his family. He never thought of harming other people. But the matter regarding the empress, he was driven into the corner. He needs to carry out what has been ordered if he wants his family to be safe.

Huo Qubing takes a deep breath and releases a heavy sigh. Slowly he raises his head. "I can tell the truth Your Majesty but before that, I need to ensure the safety of my family first."

"General Huang, send a dozen of your men to protect Huo's mansion. Make sure everyone safe and sound," Wu Zhang Wei said. Huang Fei Hong immediately commands his men to guard around Huo's mansion.

After a while, someone came reported that everyone is still living safely inside the mansion and every corner of the mansion is tightly guarded. Listening to the report, Huo Qubing breathes a sigh of relief.

"Alright. First of all, pardon this servant's wrongdoings. Whatever I did just to protect my family from being killed and... prevented my hidden activities from being exposed."

Huo Qubing swallows his saliva and steals a glance towards the emperor who gives him a 'Like-I-Care-For-Your-Reason' look. He directly says, "H- Her Majesty has been taken far away from this empire. Right now, Her Majesty is in S- South Empire."

The underground cell fell into silence and only sounds of the armrest of a chair being tightly gripped could be heard.

"What's the reason? Are the South Empire trying to provoke Zhen?"

His voice makes them feel like the season has turned to winter. Huo Qubing forcing himself to speak even though he can feels the shiver in his spines.

"No. They are not trying to provoke Your Majesty. It's j- just... the Regent of South Empire h- has taken a liking to Her Majesty and wished to h- have Her Majesty."


The chair he was seated on just now can no longer be used. Wu Zhang Wei slams the chair to the wall. All of them were heart-struck and some of them accidentally cursed loudly.

Stood in front of him, the emperor unsheathes the sword that he brought along. The desire to kill and destroy a person filled him.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Sounds of the sword poking the cement ground. Wu Zhang Wei taps the ground using his sword while taking a step closer towards Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing got nowhere to hide or move as he is being tied to the chair. He only shuts his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to come.

But after a minute passed, nothing was done to him. Slowly he lifts his eyelids. To his surprised, the emperor is back to the place where he is seated just now, but the difference is he's standing.

"Tell Zhen the details. How's that old man could set sight on Zhen's empress? When did he meet Zhen's wife? Who else involved in this matter?" Wu Zhang Wei said calmly even though he is suppressing the raging fire in him.

For the nth time, Huo Qubing swallows his saliva. "Actually, the main cause for all these commotions is... Lord Yu Chenyi."

"Lord Yu secretly invited his distant relative, who is also the Regent of South Empire, Yu Zhougong to Your Majesty's wedding. Lord Yu knew that Yu Zhougong was obsessed with beauty, so he purposely asked Yu Zhougong to witness the wedding ceremony. When Yu Zhougong saw Her Majesty, he immediately falls for Her Majesty. He even asked a painter to paint Her Majesty."

"Why Yu Chenyi suddenly did that? He wants to pay back for what I did towards his niece?" said Wu Zhang Wei in his trembling voice.

"Y- Yes, Your Majesty. Lord Yu still holding a grudge against Your Majesty because his niece was sentenced to death. Besides, Yu Zhougong promised to help him to... t- take over the throne if Lord Yu helped him to get Her Majesty."

"One, overestimates his own ability. The other one thinks too highly of himself. No wonder they are family," Wu Zhang Wei mumbles.

Huang Fei Hong takes over the interrogation session as the emperor lost in his thought.

"Huo Qubing, since when you guys started to plan all these? Did the fire at the East palace also part of your plan?"

The one who is being interrogated nods twice. "Not only that. It was actually started with the pirates attacking our merchants and traders. Next, the commotion at the port and also the damage at the West farm. All of these were Lord Yu's plan to distract Your Majesty. Lord Yu also cooperate with the State of Shu to make Your Majesty leaves the palace, so he could carry out the plan to bring Her Majesty away from here. Lord Yu offered me to set up a marriage for my daughter with a noble from the State of Shu, so I immediately agreed to lend a hand."

"So, you're the one who responsible to bring Her Majesty to South Empire?" Huang Fei Hong added.

Huo Qubing shakes his head. "People from Yu Zhougong sent people from South Empire. The fire at the East palace also was their doing. After they took Her Majesty from the imperial bedchamber, I hid them inside my servant's chamber. Lord Yu knows imperial guards and soldiers won't search through the palace and choose to cast around outside the palace. I gave them sets of clothes to change into, including Her Majesty. Right after the dawn break, those kidnappers sneaked out during the imperial guard shift changing hour. After that, I know nothing. Lord Yu didn't tell me anything. He just said soon, I should prepare for my daughter's wedding. So, I guess... H- Her Majesty already arrived in South Empire."

Huo Qubing keeps looking at the ground while talking. He didn't dare to meet the emperor's eyes that full of killing intent.

"That's it? Is there anything else that you didn't say?" Huang Fei Hong said.

"No. I've said everything I know. When I voice out my disagreement with this plan, Lord Yu started to doubt me. He won't spare me any details, other than what I supposed to do."

Huang Fei Hong turns to Wu Zhang Wei. The emperor just raises his eyebrows as a sign that only the Great General could interpret.

"Alright. That's all for now. Guards, take him back."

The prison guard untied him and pull him up. When he's about to be dragged away, Wu Zhang Wei warns him, "Remember, Zhen sent people to protect your family, meaning Zhen's people also the closest to your family at the moment. In case Zhen found out that you were lying, you know what will happen. Zhen hopes you already spit out everything you know. If you dare to hide something from us..." The emperor clicks his tongue thrice and swings his sword.

Huo Qubing immediately kneels and bumps his head to the ground, "I swear, Your Majesty! I swear everything I said is true and I won't dare to hide anything from His Majesty. Please spare my family, Your Majesty!"

No time to listen to those meaningless excuses, the emperor waves his hand asking the prison guard to take him away.

The Emperor summons Li Shizen and Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying to the imperial study. Right now, they need to plan out the best strategy to crush the South Empire and bring back the empress.

Meanwhile, far in South Empire, the empress is strolling around the private garden in the Daxing Palace (Palace of Great Prosperity). It was the palace where the regent resides. The garden covered a huge area comprising pavilions, a lake, flower gardens and water fountains.

The news of the regent took in a ger as a concubine spread all over the palace. The presence of a new concubine was not such a big deal. But what surprised all the people inside the palace is the way their regent treated the ger.

The so-called 'new favorite concubine' is never allowed to wander around the palace except for the bedchamber and the private garden. Those who haven't seen him are all curious as he was rumored to be the beauty of a celestial being. That's why the regent is so fond and possessive of him.

Xiu Ying is unbothered by those gossips. He could care less about what they want to say. Every day, his mind is occupied with his husband who is far away from him. His pregnancy nearly reached the third month. Luckily his stomach still could be hidden with layers of robes.

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With the crazy state of mind of the regent, he's afraid the regent would try to kill his unborn baby. If the baby's father was some other random guy, maybe the regent would allow him to give birth.

However, the father of his baby is the Emperor of the Wu Empire. Meaning the baby in his tummy could be the crown prince and the heir of the throne. Xiu Ying hundred percent is sure the perverted regent won't let the fetus be born.

Xiu Ying doesn't know know what to do or where to go but he doesn't want to coop up in the room all day. Alone in an unfamiliar place. No family, no Jing Yi... and no husband.

He keeps strolling aimlessly. His mind is wandering and he didn't realize someone is heading towards him. Xiu Ying stops his track and flinches as he heard the servants that tailed him greeted the person in front of him.

"Ah..? Oh. Greetings, Your Majesty." Xiu Ying said in flustered.

The young emperor stares at Xiu Ying without saying anything.

"Yo- Your Majesty?" Xiu Ying feels uncomfortable with the stare. It's not lechery or perverted like the regent's but the young emperor seems like there is something he wanted to say.

"Physician Li, right?"

"Yes, I am, Your Majesty."

"Ca- Can I talk to you for a second?" The young emperor asked timidly.

Xiu Ying frowns but he immediately eased his expression. "Sure, Your Majesty."

Both of them sit in the nearest pavilion. The young emperor waved his hand asking the servants and palace guards to leave them alone.

"Your Majesty, is there anything that you would like to ask me?" Xiu Ying initiates the conversation.

After a few seconds, the emperor holds out his wrist and puts it on the table. "C- Can you please check my pulse? I- I'm just curious."

[The young emperor use informal way to address himself]

Xiu Ying set aside hundreds of questions in his mind and proceed to check on the young emperor's pulse.

"It's just like what I said before, Your Majesty. There's a problem in your heart or stomach. Seems like... there is poison in your body."

The young emperor pulls back his arm and lowers his head. Xiu Ying wants to ask what happened but then he gives it up as it is none of his concern.

The young emperor suddenly lifts his head. "You're actually the empress of W- Wu Empire, right? Then, are you fine with all these? With what Lord Yu Zhougong did?"

Xiu Ying chuckles. "Are you silly, Your Majesty?" Xiu Ying won't care about his manners.

"Of course, I'm not okay. Every day I've been thinking of my husband. Especially with my current condition, I'm in dire need of my husband at my side," Xiu Ying strokes his little bump.

Somehow, he feels he could trust the young emperor. So he didn't mind telling him about his pregnancy.

The young emperor's eyes bulge. "Yo- you're pregnant?!" Xiu Ying smiles faintly and nods.

"Did Lord Yu knows about this?"

Xiu Ying shakes his head. "Your Majesty is the only person in this country that knows about my pregnancy."

"Wh- Why did you tell me? Don't you afraid that I might tell this to Lord Yu?"

Xiu Ying scoffs. "Before this, in front of Yu Zhougong Your Majesty didn't dare to say anything but now Your Majesty wanted to talk to me privately. From what I see, Your Majesty is inferior to Lord Yu and Your Majesty wanted to use me to face him. Am I right, Your Majesty?"

The young emperor awkwardly smiles. "You really live up your name as the empress of Wu Empire."

Xiu Ying just shrugs his shoulders. "So, what kind of help do you need from me? Just to let you know, every wish comes at a high price."

Xiu Ying flips his hair pushed it all onto his right shoulder, revealing the left side of his neck. With the sunlight slightly shine at the back of his head, Xiu Ying truly looks like a celestial being who just descended from the sky.

The 15-year-old emperor momentarily mesmerized by what he just saw. But he immediately throws his gaze to another side.

Timeline after Abduction

1 day after the abduction

- Two guards went to the border

4 days after abduction

- Two guards arrived at the border

- Emperor immediately return to the palace

8 days after abduction

- Emperor arrived at Capital

- Searching through the palace

- Apprehend Huo Qubing

9 days after abduction

- Interrogation

So, it's just 9-10 days after Xiu Ying kidnapped.

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