Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 53: Empress' Location Detected

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"Maybe it is true that the emperor has been bewitched. If not, why would His Majesty so crazy for that ger? Harming the citizens' lives just for a ger. What a nutcase!"


Those useless officers keep 'discussing' and intended to talk about this matter with the emperor. However, none of them dare to convey it directly to Wu Zhang Wei.

They decided to ask for help from Yu Chenyi.

"My Lord, it seems like some of the officers wanted to ask you to talk with His Majesty about those soldiers. People keep saying that His Majesty wants to attack the country that took away Her Majesty," Yu Chenyi's eunuch reported.

"Does the emperor really knows who kidnapped that ger? If yes, why he didn't take action towards me?" Yu Chenyi pondering.

"My Lord, is it possible that all of that was just an act to lure the perpetrator? If Lord Huo told the truth, I don't think His Majesty still stay calmly in the palace. This is just my opinion. I think, His Majesty is just pretending. Looking at his condition, crazy over the ger, he won't waste any time here anymore." The eunuch tried to resonate and stopping Yu Chenyi from taking unnecessary measures which could expose themselves.

Yu Chenyi hums. After a minute of deep thought, he says, "Alright. Let's not mention this to His Majesty. If those guys want to bring this up during morning court, let them do it. I won't shoot myself in the foot and inviting uninvited troubles."

The situation inside the palace becomes a little bit gloomy but everything still going on as usual. Except for the disappearance of the emperor during morning court and the prime minister took over the task, there is nothing else change.

Even though the imperial palace never gives out any statement regarding the empress, it cannot stop the citizen from talking about it. More imperial guards patrolling the capital city day and night and more imperial army has been dispatched outside the city. With some people going in and out of the palace, it won't be long before the news of the empress becomes the talk of the town.

Some people think the emperor has fallen ill due to grief so he cannot do anything but some others thought the emperor didn't care much about the empress so he has no effort in finding the empress and soon will have someone else wearing the title.

Even Jing Yi is deadly worried about his master. Every day he will ask his soon-to-be husband about their progress in finding the empress.

"Is there any news regarding Her Majesty?" That's the same question every time Huang Fei Hong returns to their room after done his work for the day. They are practically living together in a chamber prepared by Wu Zhang Wei for both of them.

When the first thing that came out of his beloved's mouth is about the empress, Huang Fei Hong smiles helplessly. He pulls Jing Yi into a tight embrace and pecks on his forehead.

"Seems like someone cares about his master much more than his lover. His lover going out early in the morning, training too hard, missed lunch, but that someone never asks about his well-being." Huang Fei Hong says dejectedly.

He knows Jing Yi cares about his master who is also his benefactor but he cannot help feeling jealous when Jing Yi almost to the point of abandoning him.

"Am I just a general that was ordered to find the empress to you? Do I have no place in your heart?"

Jing Yi immediately feels regret with his attitude and words.

Feeling like the person in his arms froze with no response, Huang Fei Hong sighs and loosens the hug. He faintly smiles and strokes Jing Yi's locks. "I'm taking a bath first."

He walks to the wardrobe, taking a set of comfortable night robes and heads to the tub on the other side of the chamber.

As he was training the imperial army today, he needs to wear armored suits. Done taking off the lamellar armor that had been put aside, Huang Fei Hong still needs to take off two layers of clothes.

Before he could untie his suits, a beautiful fair hand reached out from both his left and right side. The beautiful hands carefully untie the suit, pulling it down and throws it into a rattan basket. Huang Fei Hong letting Jing Yi tends him.

When Huang Fei Hong left with only an undergarment on him, he mutters thanks and directly soaks into warm water in the tub. Spreading his hands on the tub and leans back, Huang Fei Hong shuts his eyes tight enjoying the bath.

But he opens his eyes in shock when he hears the water splashing and the water level increase. He even more surprised when in front of him, Jing Yi stands with nothing on and his hair was let loose until it reaches his nice round buttocks.

It has been a while since both of them get intimate due to the current situation. Huang Fei Hong swallows his saliva and barely holding himself back. He is about to lose his sanity when Jing Yi walks towards him in a slow manner and suddenly leans forward.

Jing Yi circles his arms around Huang Fei Hong's neck, straddling him.

"I'm sorry," Jing Yi says.

Huang Fei Hong blinks repeatedly, doesn't know how to respond. He doesn't know what Jing Yi was sorry for.

Knowing what in his future husband's mind, Jing Yi continues, "Sorry for neglecting you. I was too busy and keep dwelling on Her Majesty's missing. I keep pushing you and forget about your state. Not caring whether you're exhausted physically and mentally but I still asking about that matter. I'm sorry. I'm not a good lover." Jing Yi's voice cracked. His eyes start watery.

Huang Fei Hong hugs his lover tightly and caresses his flawless back. "Don't worry. I'm not mad. I know Her Majesty is someone who is very important to you. If he didn't save you back then, we won't get the chance to meet and like this right now. But you don't have to worry so much. Everything is under control. I just want you to spare some attention for me. Even if you cannot do it every day, sometimes is also enough for me. Is that alright?"

Hearing Fei Hong's words make Jing Yi wants to cry harder. He doesn't deserve a great and loving person like Fei Hong.

Jing Yi pulls away and cupped Fei Hong's cheeks with his thumb caressing the handsome face. Jing Yi leans closer and covers Fei Hong's lips with his. Fei Hong's eyes widen. Jing Yi rarely initiates any intimate action, even a hug. What's more, a kiss.

But he gladly welcomes the soft lips on top of him. Fei Hong pushes his tongue, tries to invade the tiny mouth. Their tongues dance in sync and fight for dominance. However, the winner is always Huang Fei Hong.

The ambiance of seduction and lust fill the whole room. Fei Hong wants to go further and continues on the bed but he afraid of rejection. He just said he doesn't mind if he only got a little bit of attention but now when he was given an inch, he wants to take a mile.

Fei Hong breaks the kiss when Jing Yi starts to moan louder and breathless. He gently rubs the now swollen lips with his thumb and keeps staring at them. He wants to do it again.

"Thank you, baobei. But that's enough. More than this, I'm afraid I cannot hold back anymore."

Jing Yi unconsciously grips on Fei Hong's shoulder blades when he feels a long rod, standing proudly touching his back entrance.

Fei Hong was about to push Jing Yi away but the latter hugs his neck again. Jing Yi whispers, "Why need to hold back? I want you too. So, please..."


The sound of Fei Hong's last string of sanity breaks. With no warning, Fei Hong cupped on Jing Yi's buttcheeks, holding them firmly and stands. Jing Yi yelps with the sudden movement and tightens his hold on Fei Hong's neck.

Water splashing all over the floor. Fei Hong didn't have time to care to dry themselves first. He struts towards the bed and gently lays down his lover before hovering on top of him.

Jing Yi wants to say that they should wipe themselves first as the bed is already wet but he flinches when he sees the man on top of him looking like a wolf eyeing its prey.

Fei Hong staring down at him with a sparkle of horniness in his eyes that is hard to miss. His breathing turns heavy and Fei Hong keeps licking his lips while staring at the unblemished collarbone that seems inviting him to bite it.

Jing Yi grips on Fei Hong's nape and pulls him down, closer until their lips touched. Both of them savor each other's taste. Tongues tangling inside the locked mouth.

Fei Hong's hands do their work, roaming all over Jing Yi's body.

The left hand holds on to Jing Yi's back of head, deepens the kiss while the right hand at the left nub and gives a gentle pinch.

"Ah... Hmph!"

Jing Yi's moans were blocked by the intense kiss. The sudden stimulation on his sensitive part almost makes him released.

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Fei Hong's insistent mouth was parting Jing Yi's shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves, evoking from him sensations that he hasn't feel for a while.

The glistening string of saliva connected their lips when they break the kiss. Impatiently, Fei Hong moving lower and peppering Jing Yi's neck and collarbone with kisses and sucks it hard, leaving his mark.

Satisfied with his work of art, Fei Hong teasing the pink cherries that turn stiff when he plays it with his tongue.

"Hmnn.. Ahh.. F- Fei...Hong.. Ahh!"

The little cherry was bitten hard.

Fei Hong changes his target to the hardened rod that's leaked with pre-cum. Open his mouth wide and gulps it down.

Moving his head up and down, Fei Hong feels satisfied pleasuring his lover. Jing Yi's back arched, toes curled.

"Ahh.. H- Hong.. L- Let go.. Cum.. Hmmn.. Gonna cum.. Ahh... "

Jing Yi tried to push Fei Hong's head in between his thighs but the pleasure was too much and took over his strength.

"Hmmnn.. C- coming... Ahh!!"

Fei Hong swallows everything and didn't let even a drop fall out. He inserts two fingers inside Jing Yi's mouth. Letting his licks it all over, making it wet.

Using the wet finger, Fei Hong inserts it one by one at the back entrance. He slowly stretches it apart until three fingers fit in it.

Jing Yi grips on Fei Hong's arms, "Th- That's enough."

Fei Hong removes his fingers. He leans forward for a kiss and at the same time positioning Fei Hong's junior at the twitching hole.

"I'm coming in."

Jing Yi nods.

"Hmmn.. Ahh.. arghh!"

Fei Hong fully entered in one thrust. The tightness almost makes him come as soon as he entered.

He stays still, taking a deep breath. Haven't done it over a week makes Jing Yi's hole tighter like during his first time.

Fei Hong slowly pulls out and pushed it back into the hot carnal. His movements increase its pace and Jing Yi's moans also become louder and louder.

Jing Yi's heart almost jumped out when Fei Hong groans right beside his right ear. He feels some kind of satisfaction when thought he's the one who gives Fei Hong such a good feeling.

After a few minutes of vigorous movements, Jing Yi cum smeared on his body and some on Fei Hong. Meanwhile, Fei Hong filled Jing Yi to the brim.

Both of them drown in pleasure and stops after the sixth round. Fei Hong wanted another round but Jing Yi already passed out.

Fei Hong carries Jing Yi to the couch and cleans him. Then he cleans himself before changing the sheet on his own.

Usually, the servants will change it in the morning but he doesn't want Jing Yi to sleep on dirtied sheets.

Fei Hong lays his lover on the new sheet and lays right beside him. He kissed on Jing Yi's temple.

"Night, love."


Four days passed after Wu Zhang Wei's elite army depart to South Empire. Group 1 (black-clothed) should have arrived and Group 2 (noble-clothed) still on the ship and will arrive the next day.

Group 1 changes into normal clothes, looking like a normal citizen. They went to a tea house and book a room and decided to wait for nighttime before making their moves.

When the sun out, Group 1 didn't delay any more longer and immediately heads towards the imperial palace of the South Empire.

Their sneaky light movements make no one could detect their presence. They separated and tried to find the empress.

However, even after a few hours they still couldn't find the empress. But somehow they're a little bit relieved when they found that Yu Chenyi didn't drag their empress to go anywhere he went, treating their empress like his consort.

Group 1 continues keeping an eye on the main hall, inner harem chamber and Daxing palace. For them, it's not hard to find where is the regent's bedchamber.

Too bad the windows were shut so they can't sneak into the chamber. They can only rely on their acute sense of hearing.

Right during midnight, they are on high alert as they heard sounds of two people conversing.

"Stop going to the imperial garden. I don't want you to 'accidentally' meet His Majesty. People have been talking about you two lately." A middle-aged man's voice said it.

"You already locked me up in this place. Now you want to forbid me from going to the only place that I could step on? Ha! Why don't you just kill me instead? Isn't it just the same as a dead person anyway?"

Two of Group 1's eyes widened. How could they not recognize their empress' voice.

"Stop talking about death when you don't really mean it." The male voice said sarcastically.

"Why would say I don't mean it? It's not like you know what I felt or what I'm thinking."

"I know. I do know that instead of wanting to die, you're desperately want to get out of here and going back to your EX-HUSBAND."


Teacups shattering on the floor. Group 1 settled their hands on the sword hilt, getting ready to barge in.

"HUS.BAND. NOT EX-HUSBAND. When I say I will get away from here that's mean I WILL GET AWAY FROM HERE. Nothing can stop me." Xiu Ying clenched his fist.

Yu Zhougong scoffs and turned to leave but before he says, "Say whatever you want and try to leave if you can. Sooner or later you got no other choice than have to obey me. Who knows, one day you'll present yourself willingly to me." Yu Zhougong leaves the hidden room and slams the door.

Group 1 looks at each other and nods.. They jump away from the tiles roof and return to the house to send the report to the emperor.

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