Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 55: Fake Letter

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"Her Majesty was locked in a hidden room. I was lucky when I went there, those people were sending Her Majesty dinner so I found out the way to the hidden room." 01 was gripping his fist tightly when he remembered the condition of the small room.

How could an empress was locked in that kind of room?! Unforgivable!


01 puts aside his thoughts of torturing those guys for treating the mother of their nation like that. He turns to 06 who looks unbothered as always.

"So what did you found?" He asks.

06 clasps his fingers and puts his chin on top of them, with a captivating smile he says, "I found that no girl could deny my charms. With few sweet words and praises, those girls willing to say anything. Even throw themselves to me."

01 squinted. He lightly slams the table. "Be serious! Do you want me to report your behavior to His Majesty?!"

06 scrunched his nose and rolls his eyes. 'What a party-popper. Just say you're jealous that I'm more famous than you!'

Not wanting to anger the humorless man, 06's face turns serious and gets on the topic. "The rumors of Yu Zhougong has a new ger consort that he is doting so much has been spread wide all over the country. They thought Yu Zhougong might officially crown the ger consort as his empress regent."

All of them in the room emits a murderous intent. They couldn't accept their empress will be taken into someone else's harem.

"But no one knows the origin of the consort. They said he came from a neighboring country, some said he was a prince and was given to him as a diplomatic marriage. Except from certain people who served that consort in the palace, no one else ever seen his face. However, people guess that the consort was a great beauty that is why Yu Zhougong only keeps him to himself." 06 spits out everything that he heard from the courtesans in the beauty house.

"Anything else?"

06 takes a deep breath. "It seems that, just like His Majesty, that Yu Zhougong also dreams on take over Wu Empire. Right now, he is busy making his plan and forcing men to serve in the army."

"Any estimation of their numbers?"

06 shakes his head. "But it can be said that man wants to have more than ten thousand soldiers. But I don't think we don't have to worry so much about them. They are just making up the numbers without proper skills. With General Huang's training, one of our men could finish ten of them in a flash."

All of them in the room nod agreeing. That is why no other countries dare to try to attack them because they know their efforts will go in vain.

"But that old man seems confident in winning? Could it be he has something up in his sleeve?" 01 crosses his arms on his chest.

"Not trick but a mole that he has planted."

"A mole? Is it that person?"

06 shrugs his shoulders. "Not really sure about the identity but so far he's the only one that we knew. We must tell this to His Majesty as soon as possible. If not, everything will be ruined by him."

Right after they mention this, the Nicobar pigeon flies back to them. 02 lifts his arm and the pigeon lands on it. 02 untie the little note on the pigeon's leg and passes it to his leader.

01 unscroll the little note. 'Zhen's wife safety is your top priority. In six days, be by his side all the time. Make sure he and the baby are doing just fine. The plan will be carried out as decided before.'

01 passes the note to 06. "His Majesty just reminds us to take care of Her Majesty. In six days, we must infiltrate the palace and protect Her Majesty. The original plan will be carried out as we've discussed." He explains it to the others.

All of them nod in sync.


Late night, in the imperial palace of the Wu Empire, Wu Zhang Wei just received another letter from the elite members. He crumpled the letter as soon as he read it.

01 doesn't want to let Wu Zhang Wei knows about the "coronation of ger consort as empress regent". Letting him know that their empress is doing just fine is enough. But 06 insisted on reporting that matter.

Being a quite sadistic person, 06 can't wait to see the punishments that will be imposed on that old regent.

That's what caused Wu Zhang Wei's mood to plummet.

"Guards!" Wu Zhang Wei shouted. An imperial guard immediately came into the room.

"Tell General Huang, Zhen needs his presence, right NOW." The imperial guard saluted then runs quickly to carry out the order.

Meanwhile, inside the general's bedchamber, squishy sounds of two lips tangling added with heavy panting and loud moans filled the chamber.

Huang Fei Hong just getting out of the bath. Seeing his future wife, wearing a thin layer of night robe, preparing the table for his dinner, he decided to have a taste on his lover instead of dinner.

But his attempt was being interrupted by knocks on the door.

Huang Fei Hong reluctantly breaks the kiss. Grunts, he shouted in annoyance, "What?!"

The poor imperial guard shudders again. He had to face the gloomy emperor and now the Great General also in a bad mood.

"Pardon My Lord. His Majesty requested for My Lord's presence in the study room right now."

"Fine. You may go. I'll need to get dressed first." Huang Fei Hong didn't directly get dressed but takes his time, inhaling his lover's scent. He rubs his nose on Jing Yi's neck and gently sucks on it, leaving his marks.

He cupped Jing Yi's face, "If I'm late, go to bed first. Don't wait for me."

"You're not going to eat a little bit first?" Jing Yi asked worriedly. His lover always skipped meals. Either lunch or dinner. It was rare for him to have three times of meals in a day.

Huang Fei Hong shakes his head. "It's okay. Just leave it there. If I got time, I'll eat it later."

With heavy steps, Huang Fei Hong heads to the imperial study room. He thought it is better to solve this problem as soon as possible. In that way, his friend will be happy and his sweet times also won't be interrupted anymore.

He was a little bit surprised as he entered the room, Chief Eunuch, Qiu Li Jie also present. The latter bows to him.

"What's wrong?" Huang Fei Hong asks directly.

"We need to bring forward our plan. Do it tomorrow."

Huang Fei Hong raises his eyebrows, a little bit surprised. "Well... it's fine by me but...the reason?"

Wu Zhang Wei clenches his fist and grits his teeth. "That old geezer dares to enthrone my wife as empress regent."

Huang Fei Hong forms an 'O' with his mouth. 'Well, that's something not unexpected.'

"Alright then, I'll inform my men. Is there anything else?"

"Bring also the calligraphy master tomorrow. I'll let him live inside the palace until everything is settled."

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"Okay. As you wish. If there is nothing else, I take my leave first." Leaning back on the chair with eyes shut tightly, Wu Zhang Wei just waves his hand and permits him to leave.

Without looking at Qiu Li Jie, Wu Zhang Wei says, "Li Jie, is everything well-prepared?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good. Make sure no one knows our plan."

"Understand, Your Majesty." The Chief Eunuch also took his leave.

The next morning, as he was ordered, Qiu Li Jie went to meet Yu Chenyi along with an imperial decree. Yu Chenyi who didn't expect a guest, the Chief Eunuch on top of it, was a little bit surprised and nervous. It was a rare occasion for the Chief Eunuch to look for him unless it has something to do with the emperor.

"What can I do for you in this early morning, Chief Eunuch?" asked Yu Chenyi.

"Lord Yu, please kneels and accept a decree from His Majesty." Qiu Li Jie said directly.

Yu Chenyi was reluctant to do so but an imperial decree must be obeyed. He kneels and lowers his head, waiting for Qiu Li Jie to read the decree.

"It's God's willness and the emperor's command that Lord Yu Chenyi, who is a Minister of Revenue has been showing an excellent deed and such an exemplary to all ministers and officers in the royal court. So now, I will give a decree for Lord Yu Chenyi to go to the Yunhe Province to recoup silvers for the turnover of the state treasury. Respect that."

After a moment of silence, Yu Chenyi says, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

As soon as Qiu Li Jie stepped out of the chamber, Yu Chenyi eyeing his eunuch and the latter nods. The eunuch pokes his head over the door, looking left and right. After making sure, no one else is around, he closed the door.

"My Lord, are you really going to Yunhe Province?" The eunuch asked.

Yu Chenyi glares at him. "You think I could disobey His Majesty's decree?!" He slams the decree scroll on the table. Making the eunuch flinches.

"B- But, My Lord, what's with this sudden investigation on the silvers? It can't be His Majesty already found out about the short supply of silver? Or maybe His Majesty already knows that the silver ingot is-"

"Shut your mouth. If His Majesty didn't know, he could be informed because of your rambling!"

The eunuch lowers his head, apologetically.

People said, do right and fear no man. There is no need to feel afraid of anything when we have clear conscience. Thus, the eunuch's fear is just right as he knows how many crimes they have done.

"No. It is impossible for His Majesty to know about this. Even if he already knew something, he won't have time to care for this matter right now. His priority at this moment is the empress. Things that we have been doing for years, no reason for him to take action now. Let's just pack our stuff. We need to depart as soon as possible." The eunuch nods obediently.

Around wǔ hours, Yu Chenyi together with his eunuch departs to Yunhe Province. They brought along two servants and sixteen guards. It looks exaggerated with such a big escort and it attracts attention when he strides through the capital market.

The news of Yu Chenyi was sent away from the palace caused a tattle among ministers and officers. Usually, when someone was sent away when that person returns, the emperor will bestow him a reward, in terms of wealth or position.

Thus, a rumor that Yu Chenyi will replace Li Shizen as the prime minister started and spread all over the palace.


The journey to Yunhe Province will take about five days. Usually, they will book a room for a night before continuing the journey but too bad they're in the middle of a forest so they have to camp in the wildlife.

As they just about to set up their sleeping place, a group of men ambush. There are about a dozen of them, wearing night suits which reveal their eyes only.

Yu Chenyi's guard outnumbered them but their skills cannot defeat those men. Those men didn't kill but only knock them out.

While his guards keeping those men busy, Yu Chenyi took the chance and ran off with his eunuch and the two servants. However, middle-aged and untrained men can never shake off highly skilled assailants.

In no time, all of them have been knocked out and taken to somewhere they never know.

Meanwhile, inside the imperial study room, Wu Zhang Wei sits leisurely with eyes shut tightly, tapping on the table, waiting for certain news. Wu Zhang Wei opens his eyes immediately when he feels a gush of wind behind him. A low voice said from outside the window, "Your Majesty, it's done."

Wu Zhang Wei hums. "Good. Make sure they can never escape." Another gush of wind passed and the owner of the voice before gone.

The door of the imperial study room is knocked thrice. Huang Fei Hong came with a man in his fifties. The man looks dignified with his composed and imposing manner.

"Your Majesty, this is Zeng Gong, a well-known calligraphy master. He's the most talented in calligraphy in Wu Empire." Huang Fei Hong said.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. This humble servant only has average skills. Many others out there that is more talented than myself." Zeng Gong kowtows and folds his hands to the front.

"Sir Zeng Gong, have you ever tried copy a handwriting?"

Zeng Gong was a little bit surprised by the sudden question but he collects himself back. "Never, Your Majesty. But, I can do it."

Wu Zhang Wei smirks. "Good." He pointed to a corner of the study room using his jaw. Huang Fei Hong holds out his arm and asking Zeng Gong to take a seat at the corner where a table and a chair have been prepared.

Wu Zhang Wei stands in front of him and shoves two letters. "Copy these words" he taps on the first letter and then on the next letter, "using this handwriting."

Without any questions, Zeng Gong immediately did as he was ordered. In less than ten minutes, the fake letter is done.

Wu Zhang Wei picks it up and scans it. He smirks, "Nice. You really live up to your reputation."

Zeng Gong immediately stands and bows. "Thank you for the praises, Your Majesty."

"Li Jie, gives Sir Zeng Gong his rewards and sends him off. And Sir Zeng Gong, you must come here whenever I call you." Wu Zhang Wei folds the letter three times until it became a small rectangle.

Zeng Gong kowtows again, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I understand."

When there are only the emperor and the Great General inside the study room, Wu Zhang Wei gives the letter to Huang Fei Hong. Without any words exchanged, they could understand each other's mean.

Next two days, in South Empire, Yu Zhougong received a letter that says,

"My dearest cousin, Wu Zhang Wei will declare war in ten days. Most of the troops will come from the sea because he knows South Empire has weakness in the naval force. Plus, Wu Zhang Wei tried to send a peacekeeper to the State of Shu and offer to take in the princess of State of Shu as one of his concubines if the State of Shu agreed to lend their military force. It seems, the State of Shu intends to betray us and cooperate with Wu Zhang Wei. I will try to talk to Qi Pei Zhi about this matter and stopped him from going further. I will get back to you later.

-Yu Chenyi"

[Qi Pei Zhi: Prime Minister of State of Shu who met WuZhangWei at the border in chapter 45]

Yu Zhougong crumples the letter in his fist. "How dare they try to betray us! They thought they will gain benefits if they work with that immature emperor?! Ha! Let's see if you still can send your people after they have been destroyed."

Meanwhile, the emperor of the State of Shu also received a letter saying that the South Empire will help Wu Empire to destroy the State of Shu in return for taking away the empress.

They didn't know how Wu Empire doted on his empress so they thought losing an empress is not a big deal for an emperor which usually has hundreds of concubines and consorts in his imperial harem.. Therefore, they take it seriously the words in the letter.

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