Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 57: First Win

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The journey to the South Empire went on smoothly. 10,000 naval armies had departed separately passed through the Yangtze River. 100,000 infantries and 60,000 calvaries followed Huang Fei Hong's lead. Another 10,000 soldiers were left to protect the capital city.

The elite armies have been informed that the troop has departed. This is the hint that they must go to the palace and protect the empress. The troop will arrive in three days. Huang Fei Hong used the shortest way to reach the South Empire, even though it was a bit dangerous. But for a strong 160,000 men, nothing is too dangerous for them.

The battle between the South Empire and the State of Shu is almost reached its end. The result is obvious. South Empire is almost got their victory. More than half of the State of Shu's soldiers have been killed and they suffer from great loss.

South Empire holds their attack for three days and gives time for the State of Shu to choose. Either surrender and be a part of the South Empire or they'll be completely destroyed. If they raise the white flag, this means the emperor of the State of Shu will lose his throne and can no longer rule the country.

Yu Zhougong gave some mercy and will allow the emperor of State of Shu to be the prime minister or any position in the royal court, but the country's monarch will be him.

Those options were like burning in hell or drowning at the bottom of the sea. Neither of them is good for the emperor of the State of Shu. Either die or lives in insult. The emperor of the State of Shu cares about his people. He doesn't want to let them be killed just like that, but how could he face his people and ancestors when he is dethroned and has to work under someone else.

Yu Zhougong is in a good mood knowing that he'll successfully make the State of Shu one of the South Empire territories. He is totally unaware that a big troop is heading towards South Empire.

The naval army arrived one and a half-day earlier than the infantries. The naval army of the South Empire was shocked when they saw hundreds of thousands of boats and small ships sail towards them.

They immediately blow the horn as a warning to start preparing for battle. Yu Zhougong who was leisurely drinking tea while enjoying the beauty in front of him, slams the teacup on the table, creating a crack on it.

Yu Zhougong frowns when he saw Xiu Ying's face beams in happiness when he heard they were under attack. He knows his husband is coming for him.

Yu Zhougong scoffs. "You think you can meet him? Dream on it! I'll show you how I crush him in front of your eyes." He flicks his sleeves. "Guards! Drag him back to the room. Don't ever let him come out no matter what excuses he gives."

Knowing that his husband is coming, Xiu Ying struggles to release himself from the guards' grips. How he wished he could run outside and meet Wu Zhang Wei as soon as possible. However, he knows that this battle won't be a small matter.

With his condition, if he went to the battlefield he will only be a hindrance and causing more trouble. Xiu Ying collected himself and stay calm. He trusts his husband. He'll wait patiently for Wu Zhang Wei to pick him up and they will return to their home together.

Xiu Ying was locked inside his usual hidden room. Three guards who are guarding in front of the bedchamber didn't realize the presence of a few men on the rooftop, looking out the person inside the hidden room.

Group 1 stayed near Xiu Ying and will come out at the right time while Group 2 is somewhere else inside the palace but near enough and could come to aid when needed.

In the main hall of the imperial palace in the South Empire, the young emperor sitting on his throne like a puppet. He didn't utter any words and watched Yu Zhougong says his piece.

"How far they're right now?" Yu Zhougong asked one of the commanders who came to inform him.

"They will arrive near our port in half a day but it seems like they're waiting for us to come out and not intended to attack us at the port." The commander said.

"How many of them?"

"More than hundred thousand but only a few thousands of big ship and the others looks like small boats."

Yu Zhougong laughs out loud. Some other ministers who like to suck up to him laugh along.

"Small boats? I guess that the bratty emperor lost his mind after losing his wife. How could he think of facing our gigantic ships with small boats? He thought depending on quantity will help him out? We got quantity and quality!"

His words were followed by praises and flattering words by the ministers who admired his leadership.

More than half of the royal court ignored the presence of the young emperor.

"Since he's waiting for us, we'll gladly welcome him. All the naval army, prepare to meet our guest!"

Before the commander could kneel and accept the order, the young emperor clears his throat loudly, turning the attention of the royal court to him.

Yu Zhougong pretended to look sorry. "Oh my, Your Majesty. I'm sorry for not consulting with you first. But I guess, my decision is the most appropriate and suitable for our current situation, am I right, Your Majesty?"

He's not asking permission or asking questions but he's stating the fact that he's the one who is in control.

The young emperor grips his fist. He takes a deep breath and gathers his courage to speak up.

"Lord Yu, isn't it better if we send someone to negotiate or deal with them? If it's possible, l- let's avoid a war. The troop from the State of Shu is still not returning. How about we delay until they come back? Zhen afraid- "

"What? Is your Majesty afraid that we'll lose the battle? Or Your Majesty secretly wished we'll lose it?" Yu Zhougong staring a dagger at the young emperor.

His expression clearly said "know your place" to the young emperor.

"N-No! Of co- course not! This is my country too. How could I hope for something like that."

Yu Zhougong shrugs his shoulders. "Who knows, Your Majesty secretly joining hands with the emperor of Wu Empire to bring me down so you could rule this country on your own."

The young emperor shakes his head. "Zhen just don't want more people to die. If we could reach a settlement without any blood spilled, I'm more than happy."

"Your Majesty, the soldiers were trained to protect and serve the country. At times like this is where they should be used. Live and death are unpredictable. But if the man already decided to be a soldier, that means he's ready to sacrifice himself for the country's sake. No need to be too emotional, Your Majesty."

Yu Zhougong whispered the last part but still could be heard by the young emperor.

The young emperor can only clutch on his robe tightly. He got no strong backup, no power. An emperor only in name.

However, he cares for his people, his country. How could he let someone else brings disaster to his country? If he could avoid the war, he'd do it. But now, nothing can stop Wu Empire from attacking them.

Ignoring the young emperor, Yu Zhougong continues commanding his men and send them to their position.

This battle was ought to happen on the water. The people will be undisturbed but it will be hard for the soldiers to fight on an unbalanced surface.

But for South Empire who has mastered the seamanship has no problem in facing the waves. In order to make the ships more stable, the ships were tied together. In this way, the soldiers also won't feel seasick.

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South Empire naval army departed and in just half a day, they are just two miles away from Wu Empire forces. However, they didn't take action and wait for Wu Empire to start the attack.

Meanwhile, the land forces that keep on moving have almost arrived at South Empire. Without taking a break, they move swiftly across the thick forest.

Around sì hours (9-10pm), the wind starting to blow stronger. The big waves also make the boats and ships rocking. South Empire fell at ease as they have tied the ships together so the strong wind barely affected them. All of them smile smugly.

Their smiles cease when they saw the small boats of the Wu Empire started to move towards them. All of them pick up their weapon getting ready to bump heads.

"Archers! Aim to the enemy!" The commander of the South Empire commands all the archers to stand at the front of the ships.

When all the bows have been targeted at the moving small boats, the commander shouts, "Attack!"

Too bad for them, the blowing wind prevented the arrows from flying far and high. From thousands of arrows, none of them reached the small boats. But the commander didn't give up.

"Again! Aim to the enemy!" They did again but the result is still the same. The wind stops their arrows and all of them fall to the sea.

The commander clenches his fist. He can do nothing about the weather. "Seize the arrow! We'll for them to arrive and we'll fight head to head with them."

All of them wait patiently until the small boats reached so close to them. But their eyes widened when they saw there is no one boarded the small boats. There are only strawmen stand in front of the boat.

Plus, only the small boats came to them. None of the big ships head towards them.

The naval soldiers of the South Empire were once again surprised when hundreds of glass filled with oil, fired using big slingshots and landed on their ships. Next, hundreds of fired arrows fly and hit the small boats, causing all the small boats to go up in flames.

When the small boats that are covered in flames hit the big ships that were covered with oil, the big ships immediately burn together. Due to the oil that was thrown at them, in just seconds, the fire spread out to all hundred thousands of ships.

The thing that complicates their problem further is their "tied ship". Their own plan backfired. Instead of saving, it destroys them more. In about half an hour, the naval army that the South Empire was so proud of turned to ashes by a few small boats.

The soldiers who tried to save themselves by jumping into the water were surrounded by the naval forces of Wu Empire.

Wu Empire won't let anyone escapes and return to the imperial palace to inform Yu Zhougong. They intend to let Yu Zhougong deluded in his imagination and think that they've won the battle.

In the meantime, Yu Zhougong is one-sidedly enjoying his time at the garden with Xiu Ying. He's enjoying his wine while enjoying the beautiful sight in front of him.

"Come on, drink!" He's pouring Xiu Ying a cup of wine but Xiu Ying left it untouched.

Xiu Ying crosses his arms on his chest and turns his eyes to another side. Not wanting to see the old geezer's face.

Yu Zhougong who felt annoyed after being ignored, pinches Xiu Ying's chin and turns it to him. "Look at me! Don't you dare ignore me!"

Xiu Ying immediately slaps his hand away and wipes off his chin like something dirtied it. "Don't touch me with your filthy hand." He said in disgust.

"Filthy? Ha! This hand that will be finished off your pitiful ex-husband and this hand also will touch all over. Outside...and inside you..." He whispers the last part.

Xiu Ying feels shudder when he heard it. He doesn't want to retort to not anger the old geezer more. He only wished he can return home right this time.

Yu Zhougong continues to drink and getting drunk even though Xiu Ying ignored him. His heart feels happy and excited as his long-time dream to unite all countries under his rule is almost become reality. He is sure that once he has become the Mighty Emperor of those countries, Xiu Ying willingly falls into his arms.


The next day, besides he had to take hangover soup, Yu Zhougong woke up in a good mood. He directly went to the main hall to meet the royal court.

"How is it? Any news about them?" He asked the messenger who supposedly to wait at the port to report anything that happened in the battle.

The messenger immediately knelt. "Pa- Pardon, My Lord. When we went to check on the situation, we only found remains of our ships floating and... most of our men di- died."

Murmurs filled the main hall.

"What did you say?" Yu Zhougong asked.


"Are you trying to say that we've lost?" Not just lost but TOTALLY LOST?!" Yu Zhougong shouted, making all the ministers shut their mouths.

"Sorry, My Lord. I'm very sorry, My Lord. We also don't know what happened. Even if they lost, supposedly someone will come to inform us, but none of them return. That's why we went to check on them. We were shocked when we saw all the dead bodies belonged to our army and no South Empire's soldiers."

"No way...How could this happen? Impossible. This is impossible!"

Another minister interrupts and asks the messenger a question. "Wu Empire clearly outnumbered. How could they kill all of our soldiers without getting killed? Are you sure all of them are our army? Even the ships?"

The messenger slowly nods.

Yu Zhougong was about to say something but a soldier runs into the main hall. He panted heavily and saluted between the heavy breaths.

"P- Pardon for disturbing this meeting. M- My Lord! Wu Empire is marching towards us! They have reached the mountains and just half a day to arrive at our border!"


All the ministers and officers started feeling anxious. Yu Zhougong lost for words and the young emperor also slumps on his throne.

No time for consulting and seeking opinions from the ministers, Yu Zhougong makes a decision in haste.. "Gather all of our soldiers and prepare for the battle!" He shouted while walking out of the main hall.

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