Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 59: Reunion

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Yu Zhougong returns to his seat and pours himself a full cup of tea. He gulps down in an instant and pours another cup to soothe his thirst. He didn't know when he handled the servant just now, Xiu Ying slipped something in his cup.

Without being noticed, Xiu Ying's lips curved slightly.


While Yu Zhougong enjoying his time, the Wu Empire's troop has already arrived at the main entrance gate of the South Empire city. Due to the departure of half of the soldiers to the mountainous area and almost all guards were called to be on guard at the imperial palace, Wu Empire's soldiers face no to enter the city with no security.

The pedestrians scattered away when a large troop of unknown men passed through the market and capital city. Street sellers didn't even have time to close their shops. Hiding inside a tea house, parents pull their kids into their arms and shield them using their bodies. All of them squatting on the ground, trembling in fear.

However, Wu Empire's troop didn't bat their eyes on them. They got no intention to hurt innocent people and to siege the city. Their target is the old regent.

Wu Empire's troops marching and galloping straight to the imperial palace. Huang Fei Hong raises his right hand and they stop about half a mile away from the gate of the imperial palace. The main gate was shut and a few archers already waiting at the gate tower.

Around fifteen to twenty archers are waiting for them. They have pulled their bows and ready to release their arrows anytime.

Huang Fei Hong squints and he shouts, "Shield!"

About forty soldiers march to the front line, forming two circles and covering every part of the circle formation with their shield. The formation moves forward toward the gate tower. The South Empire's archers immediately release their arrows when they saw the approaching groups. However, their arrows couldn't penetrate the metal shield.

Once they have reached the strategic place, they stopped moving and distancing the shield a bit apart, leaving a tiny hole.

Even though they are Team 1, who carried swords or spears, some of them also carried bows and arrows.

Five arrows from each formation shoot directly towards the archers on the gate tower from the tiny hole. One by one, fall down. They only stopped attacking after all the archers drop dead.

No more hindrance, Huang Fei Hong leads the troops and moves forward. He knows, behind the large gate, the soldiers are waiting for them.

No one guarding the entrance to the capital meaning they are stationed at the most important place, the imperial palace.

"Climb over the walls and break the gate!" Huang Fei Hong commands.

In an instant, the guy who was at the back move forward. Some of them carried tall ladders and some of them carried a big long wood.

The one who has bows and arrows climbs to the gate tower but immediately squatting once they have climbed over to avoid being killed. Meanwhile, using the big long wood, they smashed the door gate. It takes quite a while for them to break open the metal gate.

As expected, behind the door gate, thousands of soldiers are waiting for them anxiously. A commander is standing at the front line, calmly watching them break open the gate. Seeing the commander's poker face, Huang Fei Hong smirks. He also approached them slowly. Wu Zhang Wei follows.

Huang Fei Hong didn't pass through the gate but staying on the outer side. "Just surrender if you don't want to be destroyed! It's still not too late to raise the white flag and stay alive." He shouted.

The commander huffs and smirks. "I'm willing to die rather than surrendering to you! We'll die with the honor of protecting our country!"

Huang Fei Hong laughs. "You're gonna die because your beloved regent is lusting over our Empress! What an honor to die for a perverted geezer!"

Can't holding back hearing the Wu Empire insulting their regent, their leader, commander of the South Empire launches an attack.

"Soldiers, attack!"

The soldiers of the South Empire run towards them. Won't back down, Huang Fei Hong and his soldiers charged straight towards the incoming enemies.

Intense fighting started. It is a dead or alive situation. If you lose, you'll be dead and vice versa. South Empire's army already lost their spirit after the naval army was totally crushed by Wu Empire.

Seeing Wu Empire managed to infiltrate the city, they could guess the situation at the mountain. They have lost and now, this is their last defense line.

The battlecry can be heard even from far outside the imperial palace gate. Being the Great General, Huang Fei Hong easily handled those weak-spirited soldiers. Wu Zhang Wei also fights alongside him. His skill is on par with Huang Fei Hong.

Left hand holding the shield to cover himself from the enemies' attack, right hand stabbing and injuring them and right foot back-kicking someone who tried to sneak attack on him. Even though it has been awhile since Wu Zhang Wei fights, his skills never rust.

"Seems like you still got it, Your Majesty." Huang Fei Hong managed to say it while slicing a guy's neck. Wu Zhang Wei scoffs but didn't reply.

Huang Fei Hong steals a glance at him. He sighs. "Go. Find your empress. I'll handle it here."

"You sure?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Wu Zhang Wei slightly smiles. He taps on Huang Fei Hong's shoulder before running towards the main palace. Wei Min, his elite guard and another three men help to clear the path for him.


Yu Zhougong who was having fun enjoying the desserts was disturbed by the clamorous outside the chamber. He rises and was about to ask what was happening but his steps halted when he heard swords clashing. Yu Zhougong froze.

He didn't expect the enemy to come so fast. He thought supposedly they are still fighting and the mountain. "N- No... It can't be..." He mumbles.

He turns his head towards Xiu Ying in a swift, making the other party flinched. In a fleet, Yu Zhougong grabs Xiu Ying's wrist. Xiu Ying tried to yank his hand but the old geezer was unexpectedly stronger than him, or maybe he has become weaker since he was pregnant.

Xiu Ying didn't give up. He keeps wriggling to release himself from the grip. He raises his knee and tried to hit Yu Zhougong's crotch but the old man managed to see through his trick and immediately distances himself and releases the grip on Xiu Ying's wrist.

Found the chance to slip away, Xiu Ying runs towards the door but he suddenly yelps. "Argh!"

His long hair was pulled hardly. The pain was unbearable. He feels like his scalp was almost torn off.

"Where are you going, darling? Shouldn't you stay with your husband?" Yu Zhougong keeps pulling Xiu Ying's hair in his grip. He shook his fist, making Xiu Ying's head shaken vigorously. Xiu Ying shuts his eyes and winces due to the pain.

"L- Let go!"

Ignoring Xiu Ying's pain, Yu Zhougong pulls Xiu Ying by his neck but still won't let go of his hair. Xiu Ying was choked. He hoped the elite army would come and helped him but they were nowhere to be seen.

The elite army won't let Xiu Ying be harmed, but before they came and rescued their empress, another group of men came out of nowhere and attacked them. Their skills were on par, making it difficult for them to handle the situation.

Right now, they are jumping here and there on top of the roof, unnoticed the deathly situation faced by their empress.

Back to Xiu Ying who was dragged by Yu Zhougong, he managed to grab a plate while passing through the dining table. With the spirit and wills to keep on living, he smashed the plate on Yu Zhougong's head.


Shocked by the sudden unbearable pain, Yu Zhougong in reflex pulls back his hand and Xiu Ying was thrown off, fell on the floor.

Hair almost pulled out, neck choked until almost out of breath and now thrown onto the floor. Xiu Ying's body has given out. Every part of him felt like was pricked with nails. But never once he forgot to cover his tummy and protect his baby.

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Blood flows down from the side of Yu Zhougong's head. He cupped the side of his head and saw his palm smeared with blood. He glares at Xiu Ying who can no longer move. He grits his teeth and smirks.

"You really dare to hit me, huh?" Slowly, he approached.

He leans forward and kneels with one knee.


The fair and smooth cheek reddened. Xiu Ying's eyes became a pool of water. It hurts really bad until the corner of his lips was bleeding.


Yu Zhougong slaps Xiu Ying's on the other cheek. Xiu Ying flops on the floor. No more energy to raise his body. But Yu Zhougong grabs his neck and pulls his head up.

"You're beautiful and I like you. But I hate defiant things. I guess I was being too lenient on you."

Xiu Ying can only grab the hand that choked him weakly. His face is bruised, his scalp hurts, his whole body is in pain. "Ba- bastard..." Xiu Ying mumbles.

"Ha!" Yu Zhougong tightens the grips on Xiu Ying's neck. "Since I'm a bastard then you could expect what I could do to you, right, My Xiu Ying?"

Yu Zhougong slips his hand under Xiu Ying's robe. He caresses the slim and flawless leg until the thigh. Xiu Ying's eyes bulge. He feels disgusted. Gathering his remaining energy, Xiu Ying shoves away the hand out of his robe and kicks on Yu Zhougong's chest. Unexpected that Xiu Ying still can move, the old regent was caught off guard and stumbles backward.

Xiu Ying scoots backward.

"Y- You!"

Yu Zhougong stands and is about to swing his hand but sudden dizziness hits him. He sways left and right and could barely open his eyes. He staggers toward Xiu Ying. "D- Did you do something to me?!"

Xiu Ying just shut his mouth and pray that the old man will pass out faster. He was wrong. He put the drug inside the tea too little, so the effect was delayed.

"You slu-!"


Before Yu Zhougong managed to lash out his anger, the door was kicked from outside. Their heads immediately turn to the door. Both of them froze.

'Fuck!' Yu Zhougong cursed.

Good news for Xiu Ying but extremely bad news for Yu Zhougong. Wu Zhang Wei walks inside accompanied by a few men.

"W- Wei-er....kugh!"

Yu Zhougong pulls Xiu Ying in front of him, making him a shield. He takes out a dagger from his waist and points it at Xiu Ying's neck.

Wu Zhang Wei's attention from the beginning until now is only on his wife. His wife's miserable state almost makes him go berserk.

Clenching his swords, Wu Zhang Wei glares at the old regent. "LET.MY.WIFE.GO."

Yu Zhougong feels the chills in his spine. His hand momentarily tremble and his face stiff. But he pretends that he was not threatened. "Good to see you, YOUR MAJESTY."

"Sorry that I keep your wife too long. He caught my attention the moment I laid my eyes on him. He's too stunning and beautiful. Even after looking at him every day, I still can't get enough of him." Yu Zhougong caresses Xiu Ying's cheek and sniffs on Xiu Ying's nape while glancing at Wu Zhang Wei.


Wu Zhang Wei's deafening voice makes all that was present in the chamber flinched and it was harder for Yu Zhougong to hold himself from fainting. He tried to shake off the pain but it makes him feel a little bit wobbly on his legs.

Xiu Ying knows the drugs have taken an effect so he tried to wiggle around but Yu Zhougong holds him even closer.

"You take your men and retreat. Only then, I'll return your wife." Yu Zhougong tried to make a deal as if he got the upper hand.

Wu Zhang Wei scoffs. "You even dare to negotiate with me? Don't you realize that you have lost? You are lucky I didn't kill right this moment."

"Of course you can't kill me. For sure you don't want your beloved wife to get hurt, am I right?"

The soldiers behind Wu Zhang Wei were about to take a step forward but immediately halted when Yu Zhougong shouted, "Don't move!" He pushed the dagger further into Xiu Ying's skin.

The dizziness hit him again but he tried his best to keep staying awake. However, he knows he cannot last any longer. He needs to get out of the chamber or makes the Wu Empire retreat.

Yu Zhougong takes a few steps backward while dragging Xiu Ying with him. "I give you time a burn of a joss stick. Take your men and get out of my country. If not, I cannot guarantee your wife's safety. And don't think that I'm kidding."

The dagger sunk a little bit too deep and when Yu Zhougong moves the dagger, it sliced on Xiu Ying's skin.

Wu Zhang Wei's eyes hardened and narrowed into slits as he watched blood trickled down Xiu Ying's cervical. His face contorted with rage. He grips on his sword hilt until his fist turned blue.

Yu Zhougong keeps moving backward, heading to the hidden room where he used to keep Xiu Ying before.

Looking at his husband getting further and further away from him, Xiu Ying called out softly, "W- Wei-er..."

Wu Zhang Wei snaps.

That's it. He can no longer look at his wife being taken away in front of his eyes. He shuts his eyes tightly and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes, he managed to glance at the window. His lips curved.

Wu Zhang Wei bravely approaching the two figures.

"I said don't move!" Yu Zhougong getting anxious when his warning being ignored as Wu Zhang Wei is getting closer. Yu Zhougong raised his dagger and intend to stab on Xiu Ying's shoulder.

Xiu Ying shuts his eyes tightly and waits for the pain but it never came. The grips on him slowly loosen and the body heat from the person on his back receding. He lifts his lids and was surprised when he saw Yu Zhougong already lying unconsciously on the floor.

He turns his back and saw an elite army was standing there. He guesses the elite army came at the right time.

Xiu Ying turns back his head to the front. Ignoring the pain all over his body, he runs towards his husband.

"Wei-er..." His voice muffled as he buried his face on Wu Zhang Wei's chest. The latter hugs him tightly. No words could describe how the couple misses each other so badly.

Wu Zhang Wei buried his face on top of Xiu Ying's head, sniffing his wife's scent.

The soldiers walked out of the chamber, giving a room for the couple.. The elite army took away Yu Zhougong's unconscious body.

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