Transmigration: Wake Up as an Annoying Concubine

Chapter 6: Going Home

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At a courtyard, inside Yonghe Palace (Palace of Eternal Harmony) Two ladies are sitting in a pavilion, having tea time together. From afar, people will see two beautiful ladies are enjoying their leisure time. But if they come closer, they can feel the tension in the air.

"Li Na jiejie...did you hear about THAT concubine? It seems like he has nine lives. How could he wake up after all that?" A girl in a mint-colored robe said.


Jiejie: older sister

Meimei: younger sister


"Li Na jiejie.... don't you worry if he is going to keep pestering His Majesty? What if- one day, His Majesty softens his heart and slowly accepts him?"

Noble Consort Li Na scoffs. "How could His Majesty soften his heart for that slut? His Majesty clearly hated when he's interrupting His Majesty's daily lives. Plus, will His Majesty rejects beauties like us for that kind of monster?"

"But- I heard all the servants said he's changed after he woke up. He became...prettier. So beautiful that people hardly recognize him. Besides, a few days ago, His Majesty came to Zhongcui Palace. Well- meimei didn't know what's the real reason but then yesterday, he came to His Majesty's study room and His Majesty let him in! Don't you think His Majesty has accepted him?"

Li Na's eyes twitch and she clenches her fist under the table. But she quickly covers it with a fake smile. "Hui Yin meimei... don't tell jiejie that, you're seriously worried about that concubine? It seems like you think of yourself too low until a mere concubine could win over you."

Consort Lin Hui Yin blinks her eyes nervously. "Not- that's not true...but..."

"No but. His Majesty came to Zhongcui Palace during the day, right? Maybe he came for a tea or a simple visit to not let people say His Majesty is cruel for not visiting his concubine who almost died. It's not like he stayed there overnight. And the reason for His Majesty let him in into the study room, maybe they do have something important to discuss." Her tone hides her rage.

Suddenly a female servant runs, approaching the two consorts. "Greetings Noble Consort Yu, Greetings Consort Lin."

"Rise. What's with the rush? Don't you see we're having a quiet time here?" Yu Li Na slightly glares at the servant.

"Pardon for my rudeness, My Lady. It's just... I have something to say about - " The female servant glances at Hui Yin.


"Con- concubine Li."

"What is it? Speaks up." Li Na sips her tea.

"It seems like Concubine Li has left the palace just now. From what I heard, he's going back to Prime Minister Li's house and staying over there for a week or two. His mother, Madam Feng was sick so yesterday, he asked permission from His Majesty to go home, thus His Majesty allowed it."

Li Na's mouth curves upwards. She waves her hand, signaling the servant to take her leaves. "See? What does jiejie say? He came just to ask permission to go home. It's not a big deal." She chuckles.

Hui Yin knitted his brows. "Li Na jiejie.... don't you think, Concubine Li also has changed? I saw him a few days ago. Even for just a few seconds, I could feel the air around him was different. The way he dressed was also different from the usual. Too bad, I could see his side face only. I'd like to see if he is as beautiful as the servants said."

"Okay, that's enough Hui Yin meimei. Rather than thinking about him, meimei should think about how to make His Majesty stay over at your room. I'm afraid that one day that concubine will beat you to that." Hui Yin grits her teeth.

"By the way, Jiejie thinks meimei should go now. Tonight, His Majesty has promised to have dinner with me. So, jiejie needs to prepare case...His Majesty wishes to stay until morning in my room." Li Na blushes when she imagines it.

Hui Yin scoffs. She bobs her head then quickly leaves the courtyard.


"Achoo!" 'Someone must be talking about me,' thought Xiu Ying.

"Young master, are you alright? Stop lifting the curtain. The cold air is hitting you. You'll catch a cold." Jing Yi quickly pulled down the curtain inside the carriage.

Xiu Ying pouts. 'Stop talking like I'm too weak. I'm a doctor. I know if I'm sick.'

"Stop worrying. It's steaming hot outside, what cold air?" Xiu Ying rolls his eyes.

It takes two hours from the palace to Li's mansion. Getting out of the prison-like place makes Xiu Ying breathe better.

Xiu Ying couldn't help but resent the owner of this body for taking his parents' kindness for granted. Now, he's going to meet them and treat them better on behalf of the real Li Xiu Ying.

The carriage stopped in front of a large mansion and the coachman said, "My lady, we're here."

When the main door of the mansion opens, it reveals Li Shizen with a wide smile on his face. "Father." Xiu Ying greets.

"Come. Let's go inside. Your mom anxiously waiting for you." Li Shizen holds on to Xiu Ying's hand and leads him inside the house.

No matter how old he gets, Xiu Ying always remains a baby boy to Li Shizen and Madam Feng. "Mo- mother.."

A woman in her 40s, who was busy serving the meals, slowly turns her head around. "Yi- Ying-er... My boy..." In tears, Madam Feng approaches her youngest son and sweeps him into a tight embrace.

"Ying-er...mother miss you so much. Are you feeling okay now? Did you feel hurt anywhere? Tell mother quickly if you feel uncomfortable. I'll call the physician immediately." She inspects Xiu Ying front and back, top to toe.

"Wife, calm down. Ying-er is fine. He's getting better than before." Li Shizen stops his wife from overreacting.

"Yes, mother. I'm already fine. I feel even healthier than ever." Xiu Ying reassures his mother.

"Hmn. That's good if you feel like that. Mother wants to apologize. When Ying-er was in a coma, mother wanted to go to the palace to visit Ying-er, but His Majesty...."

"Mother. It's fine. No matter what happened before, let's just forget it. The most important thing right now is, I'm back to health and I'm still here with you."

"Yes yes. Ying-er is right." She pulls Xiu Ying into her arms again.

Madam Feng breaks the hug. She caresses Xiu Ying's face. "My prettier. Mother... likes if Ying-er stays like this..." She mumbles the last part, afraid that she might offend Xiu Ying's heart.

"Don't worry mother. From now on, I won't use those face powder anymore. Even those weird robes, I won't wear it. I think I prefer to look simple as of right now."

"Hmn...up to Ying-er. Mother never forbids Ying-er to wear anything Ying-er wants. Mother just.... doesn't want other people to keep talking about Ying-er."

"Well, we just have to ignore them. It's not like we're living off with their money."

Madam Feng's eyes filled with tears. She glances at her husband beside Xiu Ying and Li Shizen nods with his mouth curved upwards. Both of them feel that Xiu Ying has changed for the better, in terms of looks, health, and even attitude and they feel so happy about it.

Madam Feng wipes the tears at the corner of her eyes, "Alright, Ying-er must be hungry. Let's eat. Mother has prepared all of Ying-er's favorites." She leads Xiu Ying to the dining room.

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A week had passed since Xiu Ying went home. Every day he'll spend time with his mother, shopping, tending the courtyard and garden, and cooking.

It's been a while since Madam Feng has a company at home so when Xiu Ying is there, she feels overjoyed.

Madam Feng is well-known as Prime Minister's wife. So, when she's out in the market, people will immediately recognize her. Thus, the news of Madam Feng having a beautiful ger son is spread all over the capital.

This is all because Xiu Ying always accompanies his mother to the market and those who are curious about his identity, bravely ask his mother.

"Oh..this is my youngest son, Li Xiu Ying." That's what Madam Feng keeps on saying whenever people ask her. Not enough with that, Madam Feng also bragged about how good Xiu Ying's cooking skills, how skillful Xiu Ying tending the garden and how wide Xiu Ying's knowledge on diseases and medication. The person who was being talked about, can't do anything to stop her mother.

Meanwhile, in the study room in the palace, one man stands straight nervously while facing the person who sits behind the table.

"So, how?" asked Wu Zhang Wei.

A person wearing black clothes from top to toe, revealing only his eyes said, "Nothing major happened Your's just...."

"What?" His low and deep voice makes the man in black flinches.

"It- it's just that Concubine Li has been the talk of the town. People keep on praising how beautiful he is, he is full of talent, smart, and so on. Then..." The man in black hesitates.

"Spit it out."

"There are also some men who wished to ask for a hand in marriage. B- but! That's because they didn't know Concubine Li has already become Your Majesty's concubine as before this Your Majesty didn't want to let the people know about it. And Madam Feng also immediately rejected them."

Wu Zhang Wei's eyes twitched. 'No wonder you still haven't returned to the palace after a week. Ha! Trying to seduce other guys... You must feel so happy to receive so much love and attention that you desperately want, aren't you?' He sneers.

"Is there anything else?"

"N- no. Nothing else Your Majesty." Even the trained and highly skilled guard couldn't help but shiver hearing his voice.

Wu Zhang Wei waves his hand, the guard bows then quickly makes himself out of the view.

Feeling the quietness, Wu Zhang Wei puts down the manuscript in his hand, closes his eyes, and massages his temple.

'What is wrong with me... I shouldn't care about that annoying ger. Sighs. Forget it. Forget it. Hey, brain.. please stop thinking about him!'


"Your Majesty, Her Majesty, Empress Dowager is here." A servant announces from outside of the study room.

"Alright. Let Her Majesty in." Wu Zhang Wei straightens his back.

"Zhang Wei." said Her Majesty, Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying.

"Mother." Wu Zhang Wei arose from his seat and approached his imperial mother. He holds his imperial mother's hand and leads her to take a seat.

"Mother, why would you want to come here and meet me today?" asked Wu Zhang Wei.

"Why? You don't welcome me for a casual chat?" The Empress Dowager side glances at his oldest prince.

Wu Zhang Wei chuckles. "It's not that Zhang Wei didn't welcome mother but Zhang Wei knows mother too well. If mother has something to say, mother will always come here instead of asking Zhang Wei to come to mother's courtyard."

Wu Jiaying scoffs. "Smart aren't you?"

"So, what is it, mother? Is there anything bothering your mind?"

Wu Jiaying sighs. "Yes. Your younger sister will come back in a few days. Seems like she is finally done traveling all the way to the south country."

"Hmn. That's good. Then, what's the problem?"

"Your sister has reached the suitable age for marriage. So, mother has been thinking of finding a husband for your sister. Do you have anyone in mind?"

Wu Zhang Wei sighs. "Mother, it is better to let younger sister find her own husband. You know how hard-headed she is. Zhang Wei thinks she'll never agree if we arrange a marriage for her. In the worst case, she'll run away to some other country again."

"Hmph! That girl only knows to travel and have some fun. She never cares about this country or anything related to this palace. When she is married she will be forced to tie down and stay. Only then, mother will feel at ease."

Wu Zhang Wei shakes his head. "Mother, let me think about this first, and please don't mention this to her when she comes back. Let me talk to her first. I don't want her to run away on the first day she arrives."

"Fine." Wu Jiaying stares at Wu Zhang Wei. "How about Zhang Wei? When will mother can hold my first grandchild?"

Wu Zhang Wei accidentally spits out the tea he just sipped. He quickly wipes off the tea stains on his mouth.


Before he could say anything, Wu Jiaying raises her hand, asking him to stop talking. "Zhang Wei, you know that you need an heir for the throne? Does Zhang Wei think an heir can be produced in one day, grow in one week, and trained in just one month?"

"Th- that's not what I..."

"It doesn't matter if Zhang Wei doesn't have an empress but an heir is a must! Don't you have a few consorts and concubines in the imperial harem? Just choose any of them that is good enough and suitable to carry your child."

"The problem is no one is good enough.." Wu Zhang Wei mumbles.

"Maybe you should consider...Noble Consort Li Na?"

Hearing the name, Wu Zhang Wei immediately frowns. "Mother does realize who she is right?"

Wu Jiaying hesitantly nods.

"Then, mother thinks, she really suits to bear my child?"

"Mo- mother just..."

"It's okay, mother. Please don't fret over this matter.. Sooner or latter, I'll give you the grandchild that you want to hold," said Wu Zhang Wei flatly.

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