Transported into the Modern World

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: First Contact

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Hmm? There are people? So I guess this place isn’t a barren wasteland after all.




Two men dressed in a similar green uniform stand 20m away from me, pointing metal sticks in my direction. Both are of similar build and appearance, though one soldier is slightly shorter than the other. The shorter one shouts aggressively in a language totally foreign to me. They begin to raise their sticks to eye level.


Are those magic wands or something? It does look like they’re trying to threaten me with it. 


But judging by how the atmospheric mana here is untouched, it’s unlikely that they’re mages, or have any capability of using magic. Let’s start with trying to understand them…




Mana: 560 → 540


I activate the spell “Translate” allowing me to understand foreign languages and vice versa. 


“The next time you move I’ll really shoot you in the-”


“Hello hello? Can you understand me now?”




The two men looked at each other, confused.


“As in, do you comprehend what I’m saying? I’m trying to see if the spell worked successfully.”


“Spell? Are you drunk or something?”


Eh? Does this mean they have no knowledge of magic at all?


“May I know where I am right now? I pretty much ended here against my will.”




After pausing for a few seconds, the taller soldier finally speaks.


“We are not at liberty to tell you where you are at now. But more importantly, how did you get here? This is a restricted area. You do not look like a local either, and hence I will be unable to take the excuse that you accidentally wandered into the area.”




Looks like any excuse that I can come up with won’t be good enough for them. Guess I’ll have to skedaddle then.




Mana: 540 → 520


As I cast the spell, I felt my legs fill with new energy, providing me with enough power to sprint even faster than a Spotted Panther. I turned around and prepared to dash off, when I heard a loud






Instead of sprinting off, I fell face flat onto the ground. My confusion quickly wore off, as it was replaced by the sensation of a hot poker stabbing my thigh.


HP: 380 → 300


“Told you to stop moving didn’t I?”


“Nice shot.”


An unprecedented level of pain shot through my body. Never in my life had I felt such pain. 


If they are planning to kill me, then I'll have to kill them first.


“Summon Ice Wolf!”


“Summon Rock Golem!”


Mana: 520 → 170


A large wolf with daggerlike claws and a golem that towered over the two men materialised out of my shadow.






The soldier’s eyes widened in shock, as they stood there, rooted to the spot. It took them a few seconds before their fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. 


The shorter soldier chose to fight, which of course turned out to be in vain. He fired his QBZ-95, sending multiple rounds flying at the approaching golem. Other than chipping away at its hard body, the 5.8 x 42mm round was not strong enough to cause significant damage to the golem. His futile efforts were rewarded, with a quick death, as the golem send its fist crashing down on the soldier’s head.


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Although the taller soldier was fast, there was no way he could outrun the Ice Wolf, whose running speed could reach up to 80km/h. The wolf caught up to him effortlessly, and embedded two rows of razor-sharp into the soldier’s lower right leg. He shrieked in pain as he was sent tumbling to the ground, with his right leg still trapped in the jaws of the Ice Wolf. Certain that the man was unable to run away, the Ice Wolf released its jaws and proceeded to feast on his guts. He soon died screaming. 


Rock Golem has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!


“Calm Mind.”


Mana: 200 → 180


I cast “Calm Mind”, sending a wave of oxygen to my head, allowing me to think more clearly. 


Ok, it looks like the magic wand shot out a small projectile, which is currently stuck in my leg. I have to remove the foreign object first before healing my wound.


I pulled out a small knife, a bottle of Pure Water, and a H1 potion out of my item storage. I opened the bottle of Pure Water and dumped it on the small knife. Pure Water was normally used by healers to remove low-level curses, but can also be used to kill bacteria. Considering the price of each bottle, one would only do so as a last resort, and it doesn’t look like I have much of a choice right now,


I gritted my teeth and began to use the knife. The pain had subsided by a notch, but introducing another foreign object into the wound amplified the pain. It took a while, but I managed to locate and remove the small piece of metal lodged in my leg.




Once it dropped onto the ground, I immediately picked up the H1 potion and gulped it down. Relief flooded my body as the pain subsided. My wound sealed quickly, without leaving a single trace. Since it was a small wound, a H1 potion would suffice. 


I had always gone onto the battlefield prepared with various buffs and armor, making myself pretty much impenetrable, and hence the pain was something I had never experienced before. I did not expect those two to have such a powerful relic and did not go in prepared.


But strange, those two were unable to use magic, yet they had a relic that could launch such a small projectile at high speeds? With such accuracy? And based on how they attacked the golem, it seems that the relic is capable of a much higher launching rate. With such a weapon, non-armored creatures will be decimated easily, even if it was in the hands of a child! 


Anyways with the passive skill of Shadow Summon, I am able to confirm that these two indeed were human, and not some other kind of humanoid creatures. 


Back to the point, after that encounter, I am still unsure of where I am. Humans live here, but are in possession of powerful relics which makes the powerless powerful. I really wonder where I am right now.


Wait a minute…


I feel I familiar pull towards the two grisly corpses. Well, to call what’s left of the two “corpses” would be an overstatement. The shorter one is more liquid than solid now, having been flattened to the ground. The taller one is mangled beyond recognition. 


But this feeling…


“Soul Capture!”


Mana: 200 → 150


The shadows of the two remains slowly drifted towards my own shadow and were assimilated.


Soul Capture of Assault Weapon Soldier A & B successful.




I let out a shout of triumph. 


It must be due to the lack of magic usage! The humans here have much less magic resistance, if any, because they don’t use magic at all! Which means I am able to summon them after they die!


“Shadow Summon!”


Mana: 150 → 50


Two dark humanoid soldiers slip out of my shadow. Other than the fact that they are totally black from head to toe, like a shadow, they have the exact same figure as they had when they were alive, complete with the two relics that they hold in their hand. 


As I thought. Now time to ask questions.


“Is this the continent of Gaia?”


The two stare at me blankly. 


I guess they never heard of it. Which means I must be very, very far away. At this point, I might as well accept that I’m in another world.


“Ok then, time to test out your combat abilities. Shoot that rock over there.”


I point at a rock roughly about 50m away from where we are standing. 




Projectiles flew out one at a time, each with the deafening “BANG!”. However, out of the six shots in total…


“Only 4 hits? Man, your accuracy really did deprove.”


One downside to shadow necromancy is that the summons have only a fraction of their original strength. Because of that, many would rather be a beast tamer, where their summons are at 100% strength as compared to a shadow necromancer’s summon. Still, with enough kills/battles, the shadow summon can grow much stronger. 


“Nevermind, then, I’ll train you two to be much stronger. It’s not like the relic can only be used by you two, right?”


I eye the relic lying on the floor. The one used by the shorter soldier was already smashed to bits by the Rock Golem, but the one used by the taller soldier was still lying on the ground, slightly scratched but otherwise in good condition. 


“Let’s keep it until I find someone to show me how to use it. Item Storage!”


Item Storage (Lv. MAX):
Assault Weapon (Unidentified) x1
H1 Potion x98
M1 Potion x99
Rock Lizard Meat x20
Wooden Log x345
Compass x5

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