Transported into the Modern World

Chapter 8: Chapter 4: The Operation

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Twip! Twip! Twip!


The loud rotors of the helicopter could be heard as the 4 helicopters made their way to their destination. On the screen inside the helicopter, the soldiers could see where their targets were marked. Tango A was moving at a speed of a car southward, while Tango B was moving very slowly westward. Major Chen, onboard Helicopter 1-1 gave the general plan as they moved closer to their target.


“Listen up. We will drop off 5 kilometers from where Tango A will be soon. Our plan is simple, keep shooting till the thing dies. We’ll start off with marksmen and snipers, if that fails, we’ll move on to machine guns and our rifles. 


All the intel we have on Tango A is that it is a large wolf, capable of leaping up to 10 meters. It has sharp teeth and claws, so watch out. Also, it has a thick fur coat and hence we’ll aim for vulnerable areas like the eyes.”


As the helicopter landed, most of the soldiers began taking their positions, while a handful remained on the helicopter and prepared to man the mounted heavy machine guns.


“Target spotted! 800 meters, 8 o’clock!”


The soldier wielding the QBU-203 sniper rifle exclaimed as he sighted a giant wolf trotting. Its silky white fur was matted with red, from the innocent villagers that it had slaughtered earlier. 


“It is moving much faster than expected…” Chen muttered under his breath.


Chen relayed the information to the helicopters, as all the men pointed their weapons toward the wolf’s direction. 


“Suppression of Tango A, operation begin!”




Multiple shots were fired as the marksmen took aim and pulled the trigger. They were experts in their field, with countless successful hits in the firing range. The rounds flew straight toward the wolf’s face at subsonic speed. However…


With a speed far exceeding their expectation, the wolf whipped its head around, protecting its face. The rounds it home, but on the wolf’s body rather than face. Blood spurted out where it got hit, but it didn’t stop the wolf at all.




The wolf let out a cry of anger as it rushed toward the direction of the shots. 


“Enemy incoming! Open fire!”


As soon as the command left Chen’s mouth, the area was lit up with the scent of gunpowder as they sent hundreds of bullets whizzing through the air.


The wolf had already arrived at the predicted area much faster than planned, and now it was exceeding their expectations once again. It flew through the air, leaping and running toward the soldiers and changing directions every few seconds to avoid being hit.


But no matter how fast it could go, there was no way it could avoid the hail of bullets raining down on it. Red clouds of blood popped it whenever the bullets made contact with the wolf. 


But it didn’t give up. It continued running, in an attempt to dodge the bullets and get closer to the soldiers. 


Suddenly, the wolf dug its paws into the ground and kicked the dust into the air, creating a smokescreen. Although blurry, Chen could see that the wolf was still facing their direction as it took a deep breath. Shivers were sent down Chen’s spine as he had a bad premonition. 



The soldiers took a second to comprehend their commander’s order, before holding their fire and running in opposite directions.


His order would prove right, as an icy cold blast of air hit where they were a few seconds ago. Unfortunately, those who were too slow weren’t spared completely. The shockwaves created threw the slower soldiers onto the ground violently, knocking them unconscious. The tiny icicles formed flew, hitting nearby soldiers as well. 


The icy breath was formidable, but it also signaled the final attack by the wolf. As it unleashed the blast of cold air, it had to stand still, which gave the helicopters a chance to fire their heavy machine gun, sending multiple 12.7 x 108mm rounds into the wolf’s skull. It died instantly. 


The wolf collapsed and dematerialised, its body turning darker and melding with the ground beneath it. It soon disappeared without a trace. 


“Enemy down! I repeat, Tango A is down!”

The soldiers manning the heavy machine gun on the helicopter reported their success to Major Chen. 


“The corpse?”


“Negative, sir. The body disappeared as soon as it died. But we’re sure it died, cos we did hit it quite a few times in the head.”


“Good job, but stay alert. We’re dealing with an unknown enemy, so we cannot be sure that it is vanquished until we see its dead body.”


“Roger that.”


Chen heaved a sigh of relief. Based on the report by Helicopter 1-2, it indeed did seem like the wolf was killed. He took a few seconds to think, before announcing his next plan.


“Heli 1-1, you guys will bring the injured back to base. Heli 1-2 and those uninjured, you guys will stay with me. We’ll wait out here for another hour in case the wolf comes back. If it doesn’t appear, we can safely say that Tango A is neutralised. Understood?”


“Yes sir!”


Battle against Ice Wolf: Dead: 0; Casualties: 10



The sound of machine gun fire could be heard as the soldiers spammed bullets at the golem.


“This thing is unstoppable!”




Captain Xiong was getting annoyed. They had been shooting at the target, but it didn’t break from its consistently slow pace.


“Prepare the rocket!”


“Back clear…”, muttered the soldier, as he aimed his PF-98 rocket launcher at the moving mountain and pulled the trigger.




The rocket flew straight at the golem. It would have decimated the golem if the rocket had managed to score the direct hit, however, the golem had decided to use its left arm to tank the hit.




A loud explosion could be heard as the rocket made contact with the creature's left arm. The arm broke off, and now it was only left with one working arm.


“Nice!, prepare for another hi-”




A second boom was heard as the golem flung its broken arm toward one of the helicopters. Unable to pull away in time, the 2-meter-long stone arm smashed through the helicopter. The men onboard were unable to do anything as they died in the explosion.




Stunned, the soldiers stopped firing and watched helplessly as the fireball that once contained their comrades crashed down. Xiong was the first to come back to his senses.


“Wait are you guys waiting for? Fire!”

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The soldiers regain control of themselves as they scrambled to continue firing.






This time, the rocket hit the golem square on its chest, and it was destroyed. Bits of rocks rained down around where the golem once stood, and it soon turned black and melted into the ground.


“Tango B is down!”


Soldiers shouted with relief, as their nightmare was finally over. They allowed themselves a minute of celebration, before they returned to their somber mood over their comrades’ demise. 


Battle against Rock Golem: Dead: 5; Casualties: 3




I stretched out my arm as I woke up from my nap.


“That was a good rest. Hmm, what’s with the stream of updates?”


Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has killed a human!

Ice Wolf has leveled up (6 → 7)!

Ice Wolf has been killed!


Rock Golem has killed a pig!

Rock Golem has killed a cow!

Rock Golem has killed a chicken!

Rock Golem has killed a human!

Rock Golem has killed a human!

Rock Golem has killed a human!

Rock Golem has killed a human!

Rock Golem has killed a human!

Rock Golem has been killed!


Hmm? Looks like my summons has met their match. And Ice Wolf has leveled up! 


I remember it was level 10 for an upgrade, wasn’t it?


But it seems like this world does have some pretty dangerous creatures, I’ll have to watch out for them.


As for my 2 AWS… I guess they still haven’t met anything. Also my Death Hawk…


Death Hawk has reached Lv. 6 time limit! Returning to shadow…


Every summons has a time limit, capped by their skill level. Mine is level 6, so my summons last 60 minutes untouched. Anyways time to check on the progress of my base…




I had expected a humble shack to rest, but a two-story stone building next to the oasis greeted my eyes. And there were Dwarfs still constructing the third story.


“Wait, wait.”


As I said that, the Dwarfs paused their work and stared at me.


“I said I wanted a TEMPORARY base right? Why did you guys build such a… Nevermind.”


I entered the building. The dining area and kitchen dominated the first floor. It was big enough to fit 10 people at the dining table, and many more if they sit on the floor. A fireplace also ensured that I could heat up the house should it get too cold. 


I took the stairs up to the second level. The second level contained 6 rooms three on each side. The rooms were identical, each containing a bed frame and a small wardrobe. 


Wait a minute… Isn’t this just an inn?!


As I was wandering what to do with the extra space, one Dwarf approached me and beckoned me to follow him. He brought me to the first level, where he opened a trapdoor leading to an underground basement. And of course, the Dwarfs built a cellar down here, even if they can’t eat or drink.


“Haiz… What did I expect. At least space isn’t an issue now. But I’ll have to get people to do the cleaning though, it’s too big for me to do it myself. Anyways, I have to start my planning.”


I needed to make a plan on how to get back to my world. I have already accepted that I’ve somehow been transported to another world, one with no knowledge of magic. But in return, they are able to create highly advanced relics, that do not use mana, that are very effective and can be used by anyone. 


So my main goal is to return back. First I need more info about this world. I’ll have to visit a village or city to find out about the general geography of the area, and dangerous monsters. And about their currency as well, if I have to stay here for a while. Afterwards I need info on other worlds, so I guess I need to visit this world’s equivalent of a library. Then finally I need to complete the spell or whatnot to get myself back. Putting that into writing:


  1. Find a village
  2. Get to nearest city
  3. Obtain currency for trading
  4. Find out more about creatures in this world
  5. Learn the geography of this world
  6. Visit a library, get info on other world
  7. Get back


I write these goals on a piece of paper. I believe I’ll start with mission 1 tomorrow.


I go to the kitchen and take out food from my item storage. It’s a good thing that I’m a merchant, if not I wouldn’t have so many provisions with me. But I guess all those contracts that I can’t fulfill… my reputation would take quite a big hit.


I start preparing my dinner — grilled rock lizard skewers, when the Dwarfs gather in the first floor, having finished their job. I return all of them, and proceed to summon Vampire Bats. 


Mana 800 → 400


4 bats materialise in front of me. They’re vicious when in a swarm, but when they’re in such a small group, I’ll say that they look rather cute.


“You four will fly out and find nearby villages. Or if possible a city. Return before the sun rises though, it’ll be a pain to resummon you guys if you die to sunlight.”


They let out a small squeak, before flying off in various directions. I begin to tuck into my now fully cooked dinner, after which I went up to check out the third level.


Wait… Isn't this another bedroom?


 The third level was yet another bedroom, but this time one that took up the entire floor. I guess this is the master bedroom. I pull off a mattress and pillow from my item storage (my apologies to its intended recipient) and decided to take another long rest. All that summoning has made me quite lethargic. 


As a close my eyes, I wonder what will I see tomorrow…


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