Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 16: Chapter 12

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Calipso POV

"Chief, Ragnar is in the hands of the enemy." 

I stared at the totem in my hands in silence, the report given to me by one of my men stationed near the ambush site of the Mako Forest was something within my expectations but I expected more of a battle. I have after all given him 100 Fire Ants each of them equivalent of a 2-star mage. That should have given the Witch of Time quite a challenge.

The energy around the totem blinked the spiritual link was still open. He must be waiting for a reply. I breathe loudly, this news isn't a welcome one.

"What happened?"

"I don't know.. it was very strange.. the Fire Ants went out of our control and seemed to be following the companion of Freya." 

What? How could this happen?

My mouth went wide in shock. I have a bad feeling about this. We have been breeding and amassing the Fire Ants as they are the main army that's going to wreak havoc in the Empire. The Goddess won't be please about this. Still, I need to find out how she is taking away our control over the Fire Ants.

"Keep observing them.. make sure to keep your distance."

 I'm going to have to talk to her, see if we could come with some sort of agreement. I'd rather not have a 10-star mage as an enemy, even if I'm an apostle to the Dark Goddess.

"As you wish chief."

The link between our respective totems disappeared and I sat in silence pondering my next move. Ganbara Tribe has surrendered and we also have annexed the Gleam Tribe and finally the Raegeki Tribe. 

It's time to end this illusion of peace and ring the bell of destruction!


Aidan POV

I find myself in a familiar room. The familiar whitewashed ceiling with cobwebs at the right corner of the wall. My oversize wooden closet which I have been wanting to get rid of but didn't quite know how. It's too big and too awkward to bring it down the stairs and then where am I going to put it? Was I even allowed to just leave it outside the door? Do I need to call someone to remove it and pay for them for it? Anyway, I shouldn't be here.. Was it all just a dream? Did my overdose put me in a coma and somehow I've been dreaming about inhabiting some poor girls body and being abused by Freya?

Speaking of which. I looked around frantically searching for any sign of the black-haired woman but all I see is my old white duvet, pillows and my old bed which needs replacing as the springs are out of wack and hurt my back when I sleep. Sigh, I want a memory foam bed, those things are heavenly.

I got up and wandered around the room and smiled as I immersed myself in the wonderful feeling of nostalgia. I'm not exactly sure if I'm dreaming or have just woken up from a dream. I frowned slightly missing the presence of the woman who I thought I despise but have grown to tolerate over the coming days.

Suddenly a feeling of dread washes over me. If I'm here then she's here. The realisation that my ex could be nearby leave me shaking. My hands started trembling and my legs lost all their strength which sent me sprawling to the floor. Instinctively I reach out for my phone.

Black screen.

I know that a single tap on the screen will make the device come to life and would show me notifications if anyone has messaged me. I hesitated for a long time, I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Before I could I raised my reluctant finger towards the phone, I caught a glimpse of my reflection on its glassy surface. My own face greeted me. Small oval face, barely any facial hair. Jet black hair which hangs loosely on the side of my face and dark brown eyes. 

I look down on myself and felt my pants which made me smile as I finally got back my little junior again. I should be more ecstatic yet it was only fleeting happiness as this body feels strange to me. Like I'm putting on an old suit that doesn't fit anymore. It makes you smile for a second but the new suit is more your current taste, that's how it felt like at this moment.

Well, there's no time like the present I told myself. As the phone glowed brightly and the screen came to life. Then a strange phenomenon took place, a strange vortex like a whirlpool came into existence attaching itself upon the surface of my phone screen. I stood there perplexed and afraid. My mind shocked and terrified as a pale arm came out of the strange portal. Like a contortionist, the strange being dragged itself out of the tiny entrance.

"Miya..." I whispered in utter fear, I could feel my face turn numb as the young woman who now laid sprawled onto the floor, limbs folded into impossible shapes, slowly righted themselves into each of their respected places.

Her young naked form stood up unsteadily, each time she moves her body swayed like she was being controlled by a set of invisible strings. Her ginger fringe covered her eyes as she shakily made its way toward me. Her bones snapping into place filled the silence of the room. I stood there utterly mesmerised and petrified. Like this impossibility kept me rooted where I was. I held my breath as her shambling naked form was finally inches away from me.

Miya did not speak a word or even grunt in pain when her twisted bones and limbs snapped into place. No. She was silent and even though her eyes were covered by her hair, I could still feel her eyes transfixed unto mine. I know what her eyes look like. How could I forget? Those manic red pair of eyes that speaks volumes of her desire to own me, to control me. I will never forget her terrifying eyes. One that looks upon me with intensity and desire to consume my very flesh.

I took a step back involuntarily as her hand's, delicate yet strong brush against the skin of my cheek before her arms snap into place around me like a vice. Strong and inescapable. Her face leisurely came forward landing just an inch away from my face. I could see it now, her piercing red eyes, even with the hair in the way, she was close enough for me to see it. And she looked cold and angry. Her lips pursed into a thin line of silent outrage, threatening to burst and consume me at any second.

My voice hitched and I shuddered involuntarily.

"Aidan.." she finally spoke. Her voice neutral and quiet, like a whisper. The familiar scent of cinnamon, something that I always smell when she's close by. Its why I started hating cinnamon; or anything related to it. It reminds me too much of her.


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"Did you miss me?" she exhaled, her lips now pressed softly just at the corner of my lips. I shivered and I struggled to think. I know for a fact that I did not miss her. Freya's visage flickered for a second in my mind. I grunted in pain when I felt a sharp sting on the side of my stomach. I looked down and find Miya's hand holding onto something. I gasp in shock as I notice a knife stabbed deeply into me and Miya's hand holding tightly unto it, slowly plunging it deeper into me.

"Miya..!" I cried out in shock.

"You thought of her!" she said coldly. Her smile wild and erratic.

"You're replacing me with her!!" she shouted as she pushed me down to the ground pinning me in place as she straddled me. She unplugged the knife and raised it high for me to see. I grunted and cough. I could taste blood upon my lips. The knife now stained crimson from my blood and dripping heavily unto my white shirt. I look at her in horror afraid of what she was going to do next.

"I'll make you remember Aidan! It's been so long.. since I've marked you. It's probably why you have forgotten! You have always been such a forgetful little baby!" she cooed.

"No! Miya Stop!" I cried out.

Miya merely smiled sweetly at me, the knife place upon my chest as she menacingly places the tip causing it to cut the fabric of the shirt and nick my skin, leaving a trail of red lines across my body. It bleeds freely, the wound on the side of my stomach also began to flow heavily. I could feel consciousness becoming fainter and fainter from the blood loss.

"No. I own you remember. I can do what-ever-I-want-to-you!" she spoke menacingly enunciating every syllable of her last few words.

I struggled weakly trying to gather some strength into my arm to try and push her off, she glowered at me as she clicked her tongue in discontent. 

"IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN!!" she screeched!


She threatened as she opened her mouth and bite the flesh on my shoulders, her teeth latching on as it penetrated my soft flesh. She closed her mouth and pulled with her teeth taking my flesh along with it.

I screamed and I begged for this to stop! For this nightmare to stop! 




I feel a familiar voice calling me.

Freya? It sounded so much like her.. 

My mind went blank again with pain as I look up and saw Miya, her mouth bloody and covered in blood, she grinned and her teeth are stained red with strings of flesh hanging off it. I gasped in fear and had the sudden urge to puke.


Freya's voice penetrated my consciousness and I could feel her now shaking me violently, a tinge of worry upon her voice. I could feel myself waking up and absolute despair that took hold of me begin to ease up now knowing that this was merely a nightmare, before leaving the dream world, I cast a glance at Miya one last time, her eyes fixed on me, cold and manic. Her naked skin now covered in blood, almost all her body was covered in my blood. Then she mouths something that made my soul turned cold.


I see her say and within a second I was back. Freya was still shaking me and pinching me as she screamed my name over and over again. My eyes flutter quickly as I immediately dove towards her. I sobbed and cried, my body couldn't help but tremble and shake.

"Aidan! What happened? Talk to me!" she asked worriedly, trying to loosen my grip so she could see my face. I held on to her tighter and buried my head deep into the nape of her skin. The scent of her flesh helped calm me down slightly. At least it isn't the sharp smell of cinnamon.

"Aidan!" Freya called out to me once again.

But my trembling won't stop and tears just keep streaming down my face like waterfalls. That dream reminded once again of her, I convince myself to simply forget, a bad dream, a nightmare but why do I have the feeling that I will see her again. Freya having simply given up in getting me to face her as she opted on wrapping her arms around me like a protective shell. She strokes my hair soothingly as she hummed a melody that was unfamiliar to me. I relaxed completely closing my eyes once again and I breathe out heavily. I don't how somehow I'm sleepy again, it felt like my mind is heavily exhausted and I couldn't help fell victim to the lull of sleep once more. Before my consciousness faded, Freya kissed me softly on top of my head and that made me smile.

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