Trapped Married By Young Master

Chapter 65: My Future Wife Will Take Care Of My Wounds

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"Ider, why are you here? Does your head still hurt?" asked Luci. She then approached the two people who were still pretending to hug. Yet in their hearts, they were burning with anger.

"I? Umm…. ouch, still a little sore. Awh, I need to sit down now." Spider groaned while holding his head. Then slowly he sat down in his chair.

Both Max and Hans, gawked when they saw Spider's childish attitude just now.

'He's a terrible monster,' Hans thought as he shook his head. His face was still in disbelief.

"Have you checked with the doctor?" Luci pulled a chair not far from Max. After that, she sat on the chair, next to Spider who was currently sitting and pretending to be in a bit of pain.

"Ye – yeah, I checked it." Spider glanced at Hans with a strange look and Hans couldn't guess what he meant. He was asking Hans for help so that Hans would play the role that the little boy had seen him stagger when he entered his room.

"Is that true? What did the doctor say then?" Luci asked again. She gave her full attention to Spider to make his heart feel so warm and comfortable.

His hand reached out and almost touched her face, just like what he did last night. But he hastily restrained himself.

'Hold on, idiot! You're going to make Bee run! Hold on!' Spider ordered himself in his heart.

"Uhhh, that – that… yeah, the doctor said I just needed to pay attention to myself." Spider pursed his lips awkwardly. His cold and stiff nature instantly turned soft when he spoke to Luci.

'If people saw this, then they wouldn't believe what they're seeing right now,' thought Max looking in wonder at his boss.

"The doctor is right. You do have to take care of yourself. You even hurt your hand right? Let me see your hand!" Luci raised her hand to ask Spider to extend his hand which was sore from last night.

Blushed and flushed, Spider stretched out his hands.

'I swear, I'm about to throw up at Uncle Diamond's behavior,' thought Hans with a scornful face. Spider had a chance to see Hans' scornful face. But because Spider was so excited he didn't mind it at all.

Luci also frowned when she saw Spider's hands. It turned out that the pink hansaplast that she had put on his hand last night had not been removed and replaced.

"You didn't change the hansaplast? Why?" Luci sounded demanding.

Sometimes Luci did seem indifferent to other people. But when she found someone she already considered family, then she would become very talkative to that person. Especially if that person was so careless and couldn't take good care of his health.

Spider was now moving in confusion. Because he forgot that he had not removed the hansaplast. Yes, because the pain in his hand was nothing. But even if he remembered about the hansaplast, surely he wouldn't let it go either.

Even after arriving inside his mansion, Spider couldn't stop smiling and stroking the hansaplast non-stop. Until it made Matt and Tom confused endlessly.

"I… I forgot. Yes, that's right I forgot, Bee. Because… because I…. because I slept all day. Oh, my head is so dizzy today." Spider held his head again. Then he put on a very funny pitiful face.

Seeing Spider acting so adorable, made Luci even chuckle.

"Okay, I understand. Wait here! I will replace your hansaplast." Luci rose from his seat. She went out to go to the pharmacy and looked for medicine to clean the wound and a new hansaplast.

Meanwhile, in the hospital room where Hans was being treated, two men, Hans and Max, were gaping incessantly. Just like Tom and Matt, they also wondered how Spider could be so spoiled to Luci.

Because he felt that he was the center of attention, Spider cleared his throat and acted cold again.

"Come on, carry on with the agreement! Little boy, what do you want from me to keep you going to help me?" Spider lifted his face. His hands were folded over his chest. While in the back, Max was ready to type.

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"There is no. I agreed to help Uncle. I can't bear to see a whipped man who so wants to be my brother-in-law." Hans snorted as he raised an eyebrow.

"Uncle, please print the document right away so I can sign it right away! I still have a lot of work to do and I am very busy." Now Hans spoke to Max.

Max nodded obediently. Seeing that his power was being stepped over, Spider almost smacked him back. But in the end, he gave up his intention.

"You're seriously going to help me get Bee until we get married right?" Spider moved his face forward, as if afraid that Hans would quickly change his mind.

"I'm serious, Uncle Whipped," Hans chuckled. Max smiled a little.

"What's whipped?" asked Spider, frowning.

"A man who is madly in love with a girl," Max replied from behind.

Both Hans and Spider, quickly turned to Max who was already standing to print the document he had typed earlier.

Hans also laughed because he felt funny to Spider who didn't know the meaning of whipped, even though his subordinates knew.

"Hahaha, Uncle Whipped sucks. Ha ha ha ha!" laughed Hans.

While Spider was currently glaring at Max.

'Max should just pretend not to know to protect my pride in front of this little kid,' Spider whispered in his heart.

After they signed the agreement document, Max left. Previously, several people came to carry the printer and laptop equipment used by Max. The agreement document was made in two copies. One for Hans and one for Spider. And the originals were brought by Spider.

"Make sure Bee can't find your documents!" Spider ordered Hans, who by that time had kept the agreement documents in the drawer of his bedside table. The boy was now reading fairy tales again.

"I know. Now you can go, Uncle," Hans flatly said without paying any heed to Spider who was still there.

Spider almost exploded and wanted to smack the kid's head. In a lifetime only this time did Spider find a child who was not afraid of him.

'You don't even know who I am, Little One,' thought Spider.

"I have business with my future wife. Didn't you hear that she wanted to treat my wound?" Spider opened his palms to reveal the wounds. Hans looked at the wound on Spider's hand with a frown and contempt.

"Even a five-year-old child doesn't need treatment for minor injuries like that," sneered Hans. "Just say Uncle is trying to get the attention of Sis Luci," continued Hans while reading his fairy tale book.

"You can't speak condescendingly to an old man! Just because you haven't experienced the beauty of falling in love can you make fun of me? It is not good." Spider snorted in annoyance.

Hans took a deep breath as he closed his fairy tale book hard. He then looked at Spider.

"At least I know what made Sis Luci fall in love with my brother." And …. boom! Hans managed to give a surprise bomb to Spider because at this time Spider's eyes were shining and whining at Hans. It happened after Hans said that he knew the secret to make Luci fall in love.

"WHAT?" Hans glared because he felt uncomfortable being looked at with that whining look.

"My noblest Hans, I am your vassal. Help me to get your sister!" begged Spider to make Hans want to throw him up.


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