Trapped Married By Young Master

Chapter 89: Spider In Love

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In the big mansion belonging to the mafia clan The Crown

It was the first time in fifty years that the mafia clan would hold a New Year's celebration party.

Previously, during Mike J. Diamond's tenure, New Year's celebrations or parties of any kind (except those celebrating the success of their mission) were abolished.

Mike Diamond, who is none other than the adoptive father of Spider, thinks that celebrating such a party will only make the sensitivity of the clan members decrease because of the false happiness they can get on something impulsive.

"I wonder why Sir Stephen (Spider) suddenly wants a party," Matt spoke to Tom. The clown-faced man was currently making up a room which they would use to celebrate the new year's party.

"I don't know. Maybe Sir just misses those days," Tom replied as he assembled the colorful lamps on the floor.

Both Matt and Tom had been looking forward to such a party. Especially since they were young they have served in the mafia clan The Crown. It happened because a member of the mafia clan The Crown used to save Matt and Tom's life on the road. So for the sake of returning the favor, they seemed to perpetuate themselves in the mafia clan.

"Didn't Sir Mike have a party like this long ago?" Matt said as he hung up some of the colored paper he'd drawn a moment ago. There was a conical hat attached to his head.

"What I mean is that before Sir Stephen came here he was just like us, right? He lived in the outer environment, not in this clan. The only difference is that Sir Stephen was taken directly by Sir Mike."

Matt nodded and kept on thinking about it.

"But somehow I like it when Sir Stephen is willing to throw a party like this. That way at least I feel like a normal human being." Matt said as if he was the most suffering man in the whole world.

Tom sighed and also glanced at Matt. "When do you think we live like normal people? Our lives will never be normal here. But it's better than me dying on the streets. Good thing Mr. Fark helped me."

Mr. Fark is a member of the mafia clan The Crown who used to help Tom on the streets. Mr. Fark had died before Mike J. Diamond because he lost in a battle between mafia gangs.

"Don't talk about that, Tom! That's a very sensitive topic for me," Matt snorted, clutching his chest. It was as if Tom had hurt his deepest heart.

Tom also had time to roll his own eyes bored.

After all, they were more than thirty years old. Even their age is above Spider. But they are still like children.

"When did you not feel sensitive or something? Even if you saw a clown laughing you would cry out of joy." Tom mocked Matt matter-of-factly.

Matt was holding his chest even more excitedly as if he had just felt severe heartache. His face grimaced and was made as if he had been crying.

Again Tom rolled his eyes in boredom.

"I'll go crazy if I continue to be friends with him," Tom whispered to himself.

Not long after that Spider appeared from his room, shining with a very bright smile. Beside him stood Lev who looked so dignified.

Several times Spider was seen laughing with Lev.

"So I challenged him to set me up with Bee. Then the little boy didn't move." Spider laughed at Lev. The head of the mafia clan The Crown was discussing Hans helping him to get Luci.

Lev seemed to be nodding from a distance and laughing along.

Matt sighed as if he was watching his grown son. Though Matt was not married. Tom is the same. They were decided not to get married.

"Look at our growing sir, Tom! It's as if only yesterday he came in with terrified, crushed eyes and a slender build. But now he can be that brave. Plus he's in love. I feel like I've succeeded in being a father," Matt snarled ruefully. eyes on Spider.

Tom frowned and looked at Matt with disdain. Then Tom smacked Matt on the head hard.

"Watch yourself, you idiot! Who do you think you are to think of Sir as your son, huh?" said Tom.

But it wasn't until Matt answered that Spider was already screaming furiously at them both.

"What are you guys doing? Why don't you hurry up and get to work? Neither to do with missions nor to decorate rooms, you're doing nothing but wrong!" Spider beaver with eyes that bark like a stray dog

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A chill and dread immediately spread to Tom and Matt's bodies. By now they were kneeling on the floor to apologize.

"Pardon, sir! Have mercy on us, sir." They said in unison with a gesture like worship and were shaking half to death.

But in fear and Matt and Tom's efforts to apologize, Spider also said something unexpected.

"How about it, Lev? I'm pretty dashing aren't I? I heard Bee has clients crazy over her. I have to beat them in one fell swoop." Spider's eyes were like that of a happy puppy.

Lev laughed politely again. "Hahaha, of course, sir. You are the most dashing. But you still need to receive a lot of training from me. After all, I have conquered many women on three continents."

Then Spider and Lev walked away chatting and laughing again. They're talking about tricks to win over a woman's heart in one fell swoop, even left without saying a word to Matt and Tom.

Tom breathed a sigh of relief that he had finally survived Spider's rampage. While Matt looks squinted and very seething.

"How did he do all this to me? My son!!!!" Matt shouted excitedly and clutched his chest excessively again.

Tom finally couldn't help himself to be patient in dealing with Matt's excessive behavior. As a result, Tom kicked Matt in annoyance until his partner rolled on the floor several times.

"Tom, how could you be?" Matt shouted at Tom. But Tom didn't care at all about Matt's screams.


On a highway

"You must have complained to dad, right?" Clara slapped Vivi, slapped her assistant on the cheek in annoyance. Clara's face, which was covered in glamorous makeup, grimaced in anger.

"Sorry, Miss. But Master told me to call immediately if there is a problem," Vivi bowed worriedly. Her cheeks twitched after being slapped by Clara earlier.

Vivi couldn't stand working in Edward's family anymore. However, because Vivi's adoptive family was very indebted to Edward's family, she wanted to return the favor.

'The Hudan family is tough and violent. If Edward's greedy and arrogant family unites with the Hudan family, this world will be destroyed,' Vivi thought.

"You think I can't solve this problem on my own? Huh?" Every time Clara spoke when she was angry, she would slap Vivi's face back. Even though Vivi's age is three years older than Clara's age. Vivi is the same age as Evan.

"You think I'm a kid who still needs to be watched, huh?" Clara slapped Vivi on the cheek again. Right now they were both in the car and heading to the Edward family's residence.

"If you complain to dad then I will make sure your history will be finished." Clara pushed Vivi's head so that she fell backward and hit the car window.

Vivi grimaced sadly, could only hold the tightness in her chest because of Clara's cruelty.

'Does the Hudan family know about Miss Clara's true behavior? I don't think they know,' Vivi thought, her eyes red and puffy.

Suddenly Clara's car almost hit another car. The reason was that the other car was overtaking a nearby vehicle until it went out of control.

"Shit!" cursed the driver of the car on the other side. The car swayed and sped away as it escaped, while Clara's car screeched and spun like an attraction.

Clara and Vivi were tossed around in the car while Clara's car driver put all his efforts to save the lives of the passengers and the car he was driving.

Many cars almost collided but luckily it was under control. As a result, accidents could be avoided.

"Hosh! Hosh! Hosh!" Clara gasped violently. Her heart exploded and went mad. For a moment her face was pale but after a while, it burned with anger.

"Report that driver to the police? I want him in jail! QUICKLY!" snapped Clara with the order shown to Vivi.

Stuttering because she had just survived an accident, Vivi immediately grabbed her cell phone and called someone.


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