Trapped Married By Young Master

Chapter 96: Hug And Don't Ignore Me!

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"Are you okay?" Luci said while following Evan who was already sitting in front of the TV and turned it on. "You're mad? Because of the lump and your lip that I have bitten huh?" continued Luci.

She sat on the floor while Evan sat on the sofa. On many occasions, she preferred to sit on the floor rather than on the sofa. After all, it's also clean because people who visit her flat must take off their shoes, except for Grand Lady last night. Luckily her shoes weren't bleeding due to kicking rats and the floor was still clean.

'Ah, looks like I'll need to mop the floor later after this young master returns home,' she thought as she watched the floor of the flat.

Meanwhile, Evan did not respond at all. His face was still sour at the thought of Luci wanting to dump him.

"Erm, you haven't finished eating your sandwiches yet. Do you want me to bring it here?" Luci still hadn't given up. There was no point in giving up because she had to quickly talk about meeting with Grànd Lady in two days. The meeting was rushed like seconds on a bomb ready to explode.

If not prepared properly then everything will be ruined. The biggest possibility was that they would be found out. And if that's the case, Grand Lady can bring Luci's name to the surface on charges of fraud. Although all of this was planned with the grandson of Grand Lady herself, namely Evan Robert Hudan.

"Ehemm, so… how are we planning for the meeting with Grand Lady in the next two days? So…"

The TV volume was increased by Evan drastically until Luci's voice drowned and was not heard. She couldn't even hear her voice. Only then she did know how childish Evan was when he was angry.

Even his gesture was almost like a five-year-old child who didn't get the toy he loved. Luci shook her head in disbelief. For a moment she watched Evan who was in front of her with a patient gaze and tried to understand. However, because the volume of the TV didn't turn down, she couldn't hold herself back anymore.

"I'd better go to the kitchen and make an unfinished client schedule," Luci said to herself. Again her voice drowned under the volume of the TV.

Then she went to the desk drawer that was in front of her room. After taking the client's schedule that was in the drawer, she went to the kitchen somewhat annoyed.

"So childish. Even though this is where I live," Luci snorted.

Evan quickly turned his head when Luci's figure had left him. His face grew more and more scowling like a child.

"I'm mad at her but she can't leave me like this," he protested, turned off the TV, and followed Luci to the kitchen.

"What were you doing?" Evan's face hardened, funny, and hideous at the same time. His seemingly muscular body swayed and sat on the chair right next to Luci.

Then his sharp eyes found various sheets of paper as well as rulers on the table in front of Luci. It says "Schedule Clients" on the sheet. Evan's face twitched mercilessly. While his sandwich was still left, just ignored.

'She's even prepared a blatant affair in front of me.' Evan's fingers clenched tightly. His anger almost exploded at that very moment.

"I? I didn't do anything." Luci also continued to calculate the time and date for the meeting and so on.

Every stroke of the engraved pen would cut Evan's patience to the end. At its peak, when Luci wrote the point of 'discussion of intimate plans', Evan had exploded wildly. He grabbed the paper and crumpled it into a shapeless shape. Even he tore all the paper into tiny, gruesome shards.

"Huh? My schedule….huh! What are you doing?" Luci's beautiful eyes widened perfectly. Her consciousness was completely snatched away when she saw that the schedule she had worked so hard to make had now been destroyed. Even Evan trampled the schedule innocently.

"Why did you destroy it? Do you know how much effort I put into making it?" Luci's hands trembled to pick up the rest of the schedule paper that couldn't be saved. Evan's feet, wearing house slippers, have now dominated and destroyed the schedule sadly.

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"What's your problem!!!!" Luci's anger gushed out immeasurably and had been harboring anger since her meeting with Evan a few days ago. How Evan's arrogance and cruelty had grown a bitter grudge in her heart.

Even Evan who was shouted at did not accept it. 'She snapped at me for the sake of her mistress! She thinks I'm a slut?' Evan thought.

"You think you have the right to yell at me for them huh?" Evan banged on the table. His feet trampled on the schedule that Luci had made until it completely crumbled and fell apart.

"This is where I live, so I have the right to do anything." Luci also shrugged. Several times she had to look up because she was shorter than Evan.

"I am your client whom you should love and care about!" Evan didn't want to lose either, moved his chair forward, and prepared for the third-world battle with Luci.

"Do you think I didn't? You asked for a sandwich. I already made it. You don't even eat it all but I don't mind. If you're my boyfriend then I'll break up with you right now." Luci didn't mean anything by giving a boyfriend parable in between her fight with Evan.

At that time only the boyfriend was on her mind. Because Luci has never had a close family so far. At least with her boyfriend, Luci can act according to her personality.

Evan's eyes widened. After hearing the words 'boyfriend' and 'break up' he grabbed a sandwich on the table and devoured it without waiting. In just a few chews the sandwich was gone and moved to his stomach. However, because he was in such a hurry to eat, he choked.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Water, hah, hah, water!"

With nurse instinct, Luci immediately slid to the refrigerator to take the bottle of mineral water in it. Then she gave it to Evan. After Evan was able to relieve his cough, Luci was nagging again.

"If you don't want to eat it then don't eat it! You want to put me in prison on charges of trying to choke you?" Luci glared and sat back down in her chair. There was still paper left to make a new schedule, so she also intended to make a new one.

"I ate it because you wanted to break up with me, I – I mean because you said I didn't appreciate you. I've shown a good attitude. But what's your response?" Evan wiped his sweat and took another gulp of water. It felt like he had almost lost his lungs.

"I'm not forcing you either," Luci answered nonchalantly. Her eyes were already on the ruler and also the pen she was moving.

Evan drew closer again. He checked what Luci was making. And how boiling he was when he saw that she made a new client schedule.

With emotions soaring up to his head, Evan grabbed all the papers on the table. Even Evan grabbed the ruler and pen in Luci's hand, then stomped on all the stuff until it was crushed and shapeless. His anger seemed to swallow him over and over again.

'She wants to dump me! She's going to dump me!' Evan said in his mind as he stomped on all of the stuff shattered.

Luci immediately got up to stop Evan. She managed to grab Evan and drag him towards the corner of the kitchen.

"What do you want, huh?" snapped Luci again. Everything she had done fell apart. Since yesterday, Evan had deliberately made her burn with explosive emotions.

The urges and emotional outbursts had eaten away Evan's self-esteem. There is no prestige left. Finally, his consciousness was fragile and had disappeared.

Evan loudly shouted, "HUG! I WANT TO GET A HUG! DON'T IGNORE ME!"


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