Traveling Merchant in the Apocalypse

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Let me sleep…

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"Bip...Bip... Bip..."


I hummed dissatisfied while moving my hand around, looking for my phone. Finding it, I slipped my finger a few times, but the bipping didn't stop.

“Bip... Bip…”

Moving my finger around, and even slapping the phone, still didn't work. I put my head under my pillow to muffle the sound and try to go back to sleep, but to no effect.

"Bip... Bip... Bip..."


I feel like crying.

‘It’s the only day I can wake up late… So why won't this sound stop!’

“Bip... Bip... Bip…”

Already impatient, I sat up in the bed, trying to look around for its origin. To my surprise, the first thing I see is a blue floating screen in front of my face, brightening my room. It said:


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