Trials As A Teenage Human In A Sexy Space

Chapter 1: 1

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Humanities first contact happened around 50 years ago. Basically, an alien ship stops by our system to get some solar energy and document the system due to it being an exploration. The first contact happened during the time when satellites were being fixed by the International Space Station. Supposedly, it was said that they picked up Voyager 1 while coming near the system and found weird signals that happened to be the satellites being fixed. Using their ship, they came to find one of the astronauts and thinking it was a robot, hijinks ensued. 50 years later, I was sitting inside a spaceship and becoming one of the first few humans in the world to be accepted for a chance to become an exchange student.


The spaceship itself was huge as with the inside big enough to house an apartment unit. Rows after rows of seats bigger than even the tallest human. My own seat is bigger than but still comfortable with some kind of memory foam seating.


“Do you have your knife? What about your sunscreen? Medicine? All of your hygiene products?” My father was worrying about me through the screen in front of me.


“Dad … don’t worry about it. I know how to protect myself and I’m fine.” I sighed.


“Alright son, take care of yourself. Send me a message once you get there.”


“Okay Dad, bye. Love you.”


“Love you too, son.” In an instant the screen turned black as I sat deeper into the comfortable, pillowy seat as I looked out the window to see the vast empty space of the universe. Well, the sight would have been beautiful if not for the blur of stars and other things passing by at the speed of light.


Suddenly, there was a notification on the screen as a person appeared.


“Hello Mr. Wazoski, I’m glad to see you are well.” On the screen was a woman with a beautiful face that looked honestly human if it wasn’t for the fact that she had the blackest skin to have ever existed, white hair, and no mouth.


“Uhm, thank you Ms. Gumi.”


“Now that we received confirmation from your government and consent from you and your parents, I would like to express my welcome to our institution. Becoming the first Human of your species to apply in our school. Although, knowing that this will be our first Cultural Exchange student after countless years. I hope you will love our school.”


Giving her a nod, “Thank you. I hope to learn a lot from your school.”


“And you will,” Her eyes smiling, “As we will be starting a new year and due to your species … physique, we might put you in the care of one of our dorm mothers.”


“Dorm mothers?” Tilting my head in confusion.


“I believe the definition should be someone who takes care of the dormitory.”


“Ah, I understand. But why is that?”


“Well, once you get here. You will find out why.” She mysteriously said.




“Then we hope to see you in a week.”

A few days later, the ship began to slow down as I could see out the window. A small green and blue planet like earth rotating slowly with. But as the spaceship entered the planet, I could see a giant city that reminded me of the anime I watched before getting on the ship and leaving earth.


The ship slowly came down inside the city as I could see out of the window, amazed at the sight.

“Please have your luggage ready for departure. Thank you for flying with Mimi’s Intergalactic Space Lines.” Said the speakers in a calm tone of voice. Causing me to stand up and with my luggage, I went to the entrance that led in and out of the ship.


As the door opened, I walked out with my luggage, with my eyes looking down at my new phone. Not paying attention, I hit something soft.


“Oh, sorry.” Before looking up and my mouth dropping. She was taller than me. Standing around 7 feet in height of buxom beauty. Round, giant breasts that looked soft and supple begging to bury my face between her valleys. Wide motherly hips and thick thighs that would be perfect to substitute as earmuffs. Even with her shirt, I could still see the outline of her nipples poking through her shirt. Soft, plush light red lips gave me a smile as her eyes stared down at me with a motherly gaze while I looked up at her with wonder. Glasses glinting in the light to reveal amethyst-purple eyes with cat-like pupils. At first, I might have confused her to a human goddess of motherhood if it wasn’t for the fox ears and two fluffy tails sprouting from her lower back, wagging in the air.

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She was a teenager’s wet dream come true. Specifically, my teenage sex dream came true.


“OH MY GODS!!! YOU’RE SO CUTE!!” She screamed out loud before I was carried from the floor into a great big hug. My face smothered between her voluminous valley, motorboating her tits as my blood began to rush into a certain limb in my lower body.


“Struggling” to escape, I couldn’t help but take in her flowery scent as my hands “pushed” back and gave her breasts a good squeeze or two.


I am saving this for later.” I thought to myself as I memorized this event for later at night.


“So adorable! I never believed humans would be this small, but I can’t help but feel happy that I was wrong! Oh, you’re such a precious little thing!” Said the voluptuous woman as she continued hugging me.


Trying to muffle a reply only caused the tall “alien” to giggle.


“Sorry about this young man.” Lowering me to the floor as I straightened my clothes. “I-It’s fine Ms?”


A small embarrassed look appeared on her face, “I’m sorry about that, Mr. Wazowski. I’m known as Bianca Ketria, but you can call me Bianca sweetie!~”


“Okay Ms. Bianca. I’m Micheal Wazowski.”


“Just Bianca dear.”


“Bianca then. Are you the person who’s going to take me to the school?” I asked her.


“Yes, I’m your Dorm Mother but sweetie. Don’t you know?”


“Know what?” I asked her.


“You’re already in school?”


“Really? Where?” I looked around. “Is it the buildings around here?”


“No sweetie, the planet IS the school.”


“... Huh?”


“Yup! Now come with me,” Grabbing my hands and picking up my luggage easily in her arms. “We have to drop off your things in my room before we go get you started!”


“Oh, then lead the way, beautiful lady.” Causing her to giggle happily as her wagging fox tails wagged faster then before.


As we continued to travel the vastly advanced city, I couldn’t help but suddenly realize what she said earlier.


Wait a minute, did she say her room?

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