Trickster’s Song [A LitRPG Portal Fantasy]

Chapter 27: 2.8 – Secrets of Wyndham Wood

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‘So,’ Eli drawled as he strolled over to look over Robin’s shoulder at the illusory display of text, ‘you’ve been holding out on me. You can read this?’

Robin stood there, his hands suddenly clammy on the cool stone surrounding the control runes of the panel. His neck pricked with small droplets of sweat, in spite of the chilly air of the tower. His mind fumbled for an answer, an explanation, a lie, something but all that he came up with was a less-full version of the truth.

‘Somewhat,’ he said, ‘I can’t understand it all, but some—’

‘And you thought it was a good idea to keep it a secret, sneak behind my back—me, the person who showed you this place and has more claim to it than anyone else?’ Eli’s eyes flashed. ‘You thought it was worth lying to me?’

‘I—no, that’s not—’ Robin stammered. Why was he so on the back foot here? ‘I don’t know you, and—’

‘No. You don’t. And it’s becoming increasingly clear that I do not know you, either.’ Eli’s voice could have frosted a glass of lemonade.

Why was he thinking of lemonade? Robin did not handle confrontation well. His mind kept latching on to distractions so he wouldn’t have to focus on the uncomfortable situation he was in.

‘Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?’ Eli demanded.

Robin flushed. He tried—and failed—to speak a number of times. Was it hot in here? Why was this bothering him so much? His mind swam, his stomach cramped, and the pressure only kept increasing.

And as quickly as it began, it was over.

‘I’m just giving you a hard time,’ Eli said with a laugh, the fierce look melting away like snow in springtime. ‘I’ve known since you tricked Cherry that you had to have some sort of ability that gave you affinity with unknown languages.’

‘I’ll give you a hard time if you’re not careful,’ Robin shot back, relaxing a bit with the realisation that Eli was just teasing.

‘Is that a promise?’ Eli’s gaze caught Robin’s, suddenly intense.

Robin froze. The moment stretched out, seemingly to infinity, before Eli relaxed slightly and winked at him.

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‘I’ll take that as a maybe.’ The cleric pointed at the illusory display. ‘But now it’s out in the open, want to tell me what you’ve found? I might be able to help contextualise it for you.’

‘I figured out how to make the scrying function work,’ Robin said. His emotions were in turmoil. First Eli’s joke, then that flirtatious exchange, all on the heels of discovering that he’d been left behind by the people he knew best in this world (for whatever that was worth). It was a lot. Speaking of…he quickly spun the illusory mirror away from the Sisters Sharp. ‘My friends made it out of the wood.’

‘That’s great! They’re free of Cherry’s influence.’ Eli glanced at him and then moderated his tone. ‘I know it’s not great that you’re still stuck here in the wood, but at least they’re alive and free.’

‘Yeah,’ Robin said grudgingly, ‘that’s true.’

‘And we’ll win our own freedom soon, too.’ Eli tapped a finger on the control panel. ‘Especially now you’ve sussed out the scrying mirror on this thing. I had no idea there was so much powerful magic bound up here! And that it still works? Astounding.’

‘What does the scrying mirror have to do with our freedom?’ Robin had a couple of ideas but he wanted to hear Eli’s explanation.

‘I need paints to complete my masterpiece.’ The cleric pointed to the misty mirror. ‘With that, we can scout out the ingredients I need to make them, make sure the way is reasonably safe, nip out, grab the things, and be back before Cherry can nab us again.’

‘And then you’ll have the Grace of Vané back—’

‘—along with all my magic, yes.’ Eli nodded. ‘Then I can deal with those infected wounds you have, and possibly find a way to break the spell on these woods that keeps us from finding out way out.’

New Quest: [Paint the Forest Red]

Aid the priest, Eli, in gathering ingredients so he might complete his masterpiece (and incidentally, heal you before that infection really sets in)! Do so without being caught once again by Cherry or her pixies for a bonus reward!

Reward: +1 Crafting rank (if you pay attention to how he creates his paints).

Bonus Reward: +1 rank in either Stealth or Survival.

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