Trickster’s Song [A LitRPG Portal Fantasy]

Chapter 96: 6.1 – Between the Lines

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Robin grimaced as he wrapped a bandage around the bleeding bite-wound on his left arm. He was a few miles outside of Noviel, deep in the Livris Wood, fighting off gorge-rats. The things weren’t dangerous by themselves, but they tended to move in colonies and it was impossible to weed out all of the little blighters without taking a few nips and bites.

‘I want to eat that one,’ Rerebos pointed with his tail at a gorge-rat at least ass big as he was. Considering the little dragon was about the size and mass of your above-average house cat, that was no little meal he was insisting upon.

If he actually planned on eating the thing, that is.

‘Help yourself,’ Robin said. ‘But I’m not carrying it for you.’

Rerebos hissed his displeasure but flitted over the carcass and began tearing into it.

Little bastard went for the soft parts first.

Robin glanced away from the gruesome repast. At least that was another benefit to this little side-quest. Not only did he get the chance to score some points with the librarians of Noviel, but Rerebos got a free meal or three.

The Livris Wood was used almost exclusively to sate the ongoing appetite of the Library of Noviel for paper. The trees here were swift-growing, and actually thrived on regular trimming of their branches. To provide the necessary materials the librarians desired.

Gorge-rats gnawing at their roots, however, was another thing. Too much damage and the tree would die, and because they were a renewable, self-replenishing resource it was a huge loss to the library whenever one did. Especially as they were not native to the area, so growing new ones to replace the old was a slow, costly proposition.

Robin winced as he flicked through the gestures of [Legerdemain]. He wanted to clean off a bit of the blood and grime before wading in to see if there were more gorge-rats about. Rerebos was still eating, anyway. He settled himself against the trunk of the closest tree, large support roots arcing out over his head, and opened his interface.

It wasn’t the first time he’d looked at the details of this particular quest, and it wouldn’t be the last.

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Quest: [Secrets Chained in Ink]

You have found hints of more detailed knowledge of the Church of Rhyth and their secrets in the Great Library of Noviel. Follow the trail to uncover this information and gain its insight and power for yourself!

So far you have discovered you need to achieve the following:

1 - Acquire a permit to access the library and its resources. [Completed!]

2 - Win the goodwill of the Head Librarian.

3 - Gain Access to the Restricted Section!

4 - Locate the sources in question.

5 - Unlock the secrets, riddles, and spells which may conceal the information from the uninitiated.

Reward(s): Access to a set number of spells and peculiarities commonly employed by, or unique to, the Church of Rhyth and other practitioners of advanced illusion magics.

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