Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 10: Chapter 8: A Ray of Hope.

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Chapter 8: A Ray of Hope.

Ezekiel sat in his mana Control class, trying to pay attention to the lecture. It had been three more weeks since the day of the evaluation, marking the beginning of the seventh week of the semester. He had been struggling to keep up with his classes, especially since he was the only tri-affinity mage at the academy and had three times the amount of specialized classes compared to his classmates. Ezekiel also had the feeling that the lectures for the classes in his three affinities were not as well-thought-out as he might have expected from the best academy in the empire.

Often, the teachers couldn't answer him when he was asking seemingly basic questions. This was in stark contrast to the teachers of the general classes that all students had to attend, such as the one on mana control that he was in now.

The teacher was explaining how a mage was supposed to handle the flow of mana inside their core in order to improve their overall control. The class was quiet as the instructor, a seasoned war mage with a no-nonsense demeanor, began to speak. "Mana control is the foundation of any magical practice," he began, pacing back and forth at the front of the room. "Without proper control, your spells will be weak and unstable, and you risk damaging yourself and those around you. That's why it's essential that you learn to control the flow of mana within your core." He paused, eyeing the students intently as they tried to complete his exercises.

The teacher continued explaining, the key to effective mana control was in the manipulation of this flow of ambient mana through the body and core. It was a delicate balance, as too much mana could overload and potentially damage the core, while too little would result in a weak and insufficient supply of magic. It was a skill that took years of practice to truly master, and even then, it was different for every individual, as each person's core was unique in its affinity and purity.

The students sat with rapt attention, taking notes as the teacher demonstrated different techniques for manipulating the flow of mana. Some mages used visualization, seeing the flow of magic in their minds as a stream or river that they could direct and control. Others used physical gestures, such as hand movements or even dance, to channel the magic to where they needed it.

Ezekiel listened intently, trying to absorb as much information as he could. He knew that his secondary affinities would always put him at a disadvantage in combat compared to those with primary affinities, but if he could excel in his control of mana, it might just be enough to give him an edge.

As the lesson went on, the teacher called on different students to demonstrate their control, offering tips and guidance along the way. The class sat in silence as the instructor demonstrated how to cast a neutral affinity spell. He held out his hand and a small, glowing ball of mana appeared in his palm.

"This," he said, "is a neutral affinity spell. Every mage, regardless of their affinity, should be able to cast this spell. The key is to guide the mana through your body without attuning it to your core." He paused to let his words sink in before continuing. "This may seem simple, but it is actually quite difficult. It requires a high level of control over your mana and the ability to separate it from your core. That is why we practice this exercise regularly. It is not just about the spell itself, but about strengthening your control over your own magic."

The instructor looked around the room, making eye contact with each student. "Now, I want you all to try something. Focus on forming a ball of neutral mana in front of you and try to guide it through your body without attuning it to your core. Remember, this is a test of pure control. Do not worry about the purity of your core at this moment."

The students all took a deep breath and focused on creating a ball of mana in front of them. Most struggled at first, but with a little bit of practice, they all eventually managed to guide the mana through their bodies without attuning it to their cores. Nobody managed to create any kind of mana construct in front of them, but it was still a step in the right direction. It was a small victory, but it was one that would pay off in the long run as they continued to hone their skills and control over their magic.

When it was Ezekiel's turn, he took a deep breath and focused on the flow of magic within him. He visualized it as a river, with himself as the source and his core as the dam. With a steady hand, he directed the flow towards his outstretched palm, ignoring his core completely, and a small ball of light appeared, hovering just above his skin. The teacher nodded approvingly, and the other students looked on with a mix of awe and envy. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. And as he returned to his seat, Ezekiel couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his accomplishment.

"At least little Zeke can find work as a lamp now," somebody said from among the students. At those words, Ezekiel couldn't help but feel a sense of dejection wash over him. It seemed that no matter what he did, he couldn't escape the ridicule and mockery of his classmates.

Martin had told his classmates that Ezekiel only allowed his close friends and family to call him Zeke. Ever since that day, "Zeke" was what everyone always called him. Now, even his once-beloved nickname had been twisted into a mocking caricature of the symbol of closeness it once was. But at this point, Zeke was way past caring about such small things. He even thought of himself more as 'Zeke' rather than as the Ezekiel he once was.

Ezekiel tried his best to focus on the lesson, determined to at least excel in something. But the whispers and snickering behind him were a constant distraction, making it difficult for him to concentrate. He couldn't even escape the teasing during lunch breaks or after class, as it seemed that everywhere he went, there was someone there to remind him of his perceived inadequacy.

Ezekiel threw himself into today's lessons, determined to become the best mage he could be. He may have been called "Zeke the Lamp" by the end of the class, but he was going to shine bright and prove everyone wrong. Zeke couldn't suppress a small smile at his own terrible joke as he was on his way to his mind magic class. He was getting a little excited for this class.

This was his favorite subject, not just because there were fewer students, but also because the students themselves seemed to be more mature than those in his other classes. Zeke theorized that it had something to do with the mind affinity itself, as it passively increased the level of intelligence and perception. He didn't have any close friends in this class either, but he was treated with a measure of respect by his classmates, which was something he had learned to appreciate.

He entered the classroom and took his usual seat towards the back, pulling out his notebook and pen as he waited for the teacher to arrive. Professor Thompson began the lesson by explaining the basics of mind magic once again, which involved perceiving the thoughts and emotions of others. Zeke listened intently, taking notes as the professor spoke. He had become fascinated by the concept of Mind Magic and couldn't wait to start learning more about it. It was truly a shame that the scope of what the academy was allowed to teach on the subject was so limited, but that didn't keep Zeke from consuming all the available knowledge with a voracious hunger. The three main branches of mind magic were "Mind reading", "Telepathy", and "Telekinesis".

"Mind reading" referred to the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others. It is less effective on mages, who are protected by their own mana, but can be easily used on regular people by a skilled Mind Mage.

"Telepathy" referred to the ability to communicate mentally with others, essentially using the mind as a means of communication. This can be done over short or long distances depending on the Mages proficiency, and can even be used to communicate with multiple people at once.

"Telekinesis" referred to the ability to move objects with the power of the mind. This could be used to perform feats of strength or precision, such as lifting heavy objects or manipulating small objects with great care. Zeke had learned that [Telekinesis] was a spell that used neutral Mana to provide the kinetic force and Mind Magic to dictate the direction and shape of the force applied. It was supposedly one of the more difficult spells to pull off effectively. But according to his teacher, all three branches of mind magic required a high level of control and proficiency to be an effective tool.

Zeke listened intently as the professor demonstrated how to clear one's own mind and focus on the thoughts of another person. It was a difficult skill to master, requiring a high level of concentration and control over mana as well as one's own thoughts. Despite Zeke's years of experience doing something similiar with the meditation technique he had developed, he still struggled with the exercise. But Zeke was determined to improve and threw himself into the exercises with gusto. In the past weeks, Zeke found that his mind reading abilities had slowly improved. He was still far from proficient, but he could now catch glimpses of the thoughts of those around him if he focused hard enough. It was a strange sensation, almost like overhearing a conversation in a crowded room. Of course, he was talking about regular people and not other Mages and certainly not other Mind Mages. Zeke had learned that Mind Mages were almost immune to the tempering of their own kind.

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As the class ended, Zeke packed up his things and headed out of the classroom, his mind racing with all the new information he had learned. He couldn't wait for the next mind magic class and was determined to continue learning and improving his skills. But before he made it all the way to the door, he heard someone call out to him in his head.

"Have a good evening," he could hear a girl's voice saying. "Perhaps we can have a chat when you're not in such a rush."

Zeke was caught off guard by the unexpected telepathic message, spinning on his heel to identify the source. There, a few rows back, stood a young woman who had caught his attention before. With flowing golden locks and piercing blue eyes, she was one of the most beautiful individuals Zeke had ever laid eyes on. A year his senior and rumored to be a top student with a powerful Mind affinity, he had seen her around the academy but never mustered the courage to approach her.

Zeke wavered, uncertainty writhing within him as he considered how to respond to the girl's telepathic message. Not only was he uncertain as to why she had contacted him, but he'd never attempted to use telepathy on another Mind Mage before, and wasn't certain he was even capable of it. Nevertheless, Zeke summoned his courage and resolved to try. Perhaps this girl would be his first friend at the academy, a notion that was more appealing to him than he cared to admit.

He focused his thoughts, directing them towards her. "I'm not in a hurry," he sent. "I just have another class to attend in a bit." The girl's smile was his reward, and as she rose from her seat and approached him, Zeke couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

As the young woman came closer, Zeke was able to get a better look at her. She was a slender girl with long, flowing hair. She had a gentle, friendly face with a small nose and full lips. Despite her delicate appearance, she exuded a strong, confident aura that probably came from her mastery of two affinities. She was dressed in the second year's uniform, a black and white robe adorned with silver emblems representing her affinities of mind and water. As she introduced herself to Zeke, she smiled warmly and extended her hand in greeting.

"Hi, I'm Sophia Geistreich. It's nice to meet you." She said out loud, "I just wanted to talk to you for a moment." Zeke was a little surprised that she was speaking to him out loud now, but he supposed it made sense. Telepathy was useful for private conversations, but it could also be tiring to use for long periods of time. "I saw you in the Mind Magic class today, and I was impressed by how well you seemed to understand the material," the girl continued. "What's your name?" Zeke felt a little embarrassed by the compliment, but he was also flattered. He introduced himself and the two of them struck up a conversation. Sophia was very knowledgeable about Mind Magic and was happy to answer any questions Zeke had. He was grateful for the chance to talk to someone who seemed genuinely interested in helping him learn.

After realizing how much time had already passed, Zeke quickly said goodbye to Sophia, apologizing for having to rush off. He knew he was already running late for his blood magic class, and he didn't want to risk getting in trouble for being tardy. As he made his way through the crowded hallways of the academy, he couldn't help but notice the surrounding commotion. Students were standing in groups, their faces pressed against the windows as they tried to catch a glimpse of whatever was happening outside. Zeke could make out the outline of a giant airship approaching the academy's air docks. Had Zeke had the time, he would have loved to take a closer look as well.

But Zeke didn't have time to stop and ask what was going on, he only heard snippets of conversation as he passed by. Someone mentioned a famous person visiting the academy, but Zeke didn't know who it could be. Apparently someone from the von Hohenheim family. Zeke had never heard of them before. He was more focused on getting to his class on time. As he approached the door to the blood magic classroom, he could hear the instructor's voice inside, lecturing on the history of their affinity. Zeke quickened his pace, hoping to slip into the back of the room unnoticed.

He pushed open the door and stepped inside, trying his best to blend in with the other students. He took a seat at the back of the room and pulled out his notebook, ready to take notes on the rest of the lesson.

Despite the distraction of the commotion outside, Zeke was determined to stay focused and learn as much as he could about his affinity. Just after Zeke had settled down in his seat, a staff member entered the room and whispered something to the professor. The professor made a strange face and looked at Zeke.

"Ezekiel, you are expected in the headmaster's office." Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him as the professor called him out in front of the class. He had never been called to the headmaster's office before, and couldn't think of any reason why he would be summoned now. As he gathered his things and followed the staff member out of the classroom, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. His mind raced with possibilities, each one worse than the last. Had he done something wrong? Was he in trouble for something he didn't even know he did? He tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the present, but it was hard to shake the feeling of unease.

As he approached the headmaster's office, Zeke took a deep breath and tried to steel himself for whatever was to come. After knocking for the third time on the headmaster's office, Zeke started to think that he was doing something wrong, as there was still no response yet. Should he just enter? Zeke hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was appropriate to enter the headmaster's office without being invited in.

He looked to the secretary, hoping for some guidance, but she simply rolled her eyes and made a pushing gesture with her hand, indicating that it was okay to enter. Zeke took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door one last time.

When no one answered, he tentatively pushed it open and stepped inside. The office was empty except for a pair of old man, one dressed in strange clothing that Zeke had never seen before, the other the headmaster of the academy, Victor Windtänzer that Zeke had met briefly at the evaluation ceremony. The men looked up as Zeke entered, and he noticed the gaze of the stranger was fixed on him. His piercing blue eyes, seeming to look straight through him. Zeke stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

"Can I help you?" The headmaster's voice carried a touch of amusement. Zeke's mouth opened to speak, but no words emerged. He was unsure why he was summoned to the headmaster's office and growing increasingly apprehensive. However, before Zeke could do anything, the stranger interjected. "What do you mean, 'Can I help you?' Victor? Weren't we the ones to call the lad here? Get lost and let me have this private chat." The stranger playfully pushed past the headmaster and approached Zeke.

The headmaster merely grinned mischievously and, after nodding to Zeke, exited the office through a hidden door that likely led to his personal chambers. The man stopped before Zeke, inspecting him from head to toe. Despite feeling self-conscious about his gaunt appearance, the stranger seemed pleased with what he saw. He spoke with a confidence that Zeke had never before encountered, "Just as I was informed! You truly are remarkable, my boy!" Zeke didn't understand what was so remarkable about him, and his confusion must have been apparent as the stranger continued, "I've had observers monitoring you since your evaluation results came in. And I am truly impressed by the strength of will you have displayed over the past weeks. You have no idea how far I've traveled to meet you."

Zeke was confused by the old man's words. He had been monitored, yet he hadn't noticed anyone. But more importantly, why had the man in front of him gone through so much trouble, and even traveled from far just to meet with him here? Zeke questioned the man, his voice filled with uncertainty and a hint of mistrust. "Who are you? And why did you want to meet me?"

The stranger was undeterred by Zeke's tone. With a grandiose gesture and a small bow, the man introduced himself. "I am Maximilian Bombastus von Hohenheim, and I have come to see you because I have an offer for you."

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