Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Making a Decision.

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Chapter 10: Making a Decision.

Three days had passed since Zeke's encounter with Maximilian. He sat on a bench in one of the academy's parks, lost in thought. On one hand, the opportunity to work with someone as renowned as Maximilian was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for someone like Zeke. The possibility of being a part of a research project that could potentially revolutionize magic was too tempting for Zeke to resist. However, on the other hand, Zeke couldn't shake the feeling that something about Maximilian's offer seemed too good to be true. He had become distrustful of people's intentions, and the fact that Maximilian had been searching for someone with Zeke's specific affinities for so long made him feel like the coincidence was too much.

Zeke glanced around at the other students milling about, lost in their own thoughts and conversations. He felt a pang of loneliness and longing for the simple life he used to have before he was accepted into the prestigious Elementium Academy. Back then, he had trusted everyone and assumed that they had good intentions. But now, surrounded by cutthroat competition and constant mockery, Zeke found it hard to trust anyone.

He sighed and leaned back against the bench, closing his eyes. He didn't have a clear answer to his dilemma, and the fact that he had been considering Maximilian's offer for days now without coming to a clear conclusion only added to his frustration. Zeke knew that he needed to make a decision soon, but he just couldn't seem to bring himself to trust the old man.

Zeke made his way across the sprawling campus of the Elementium Academy, his thoughts still preoccupied with the strange offer made to him by the eccentric old man known as Maximilian Bombastus von Hohenheim. Eventually though, Zeke arrived at his destination: a small, cramped classroom located in one of the older buildings on campus. He took a seat towards the back of the room, pulling out his textbook as he waited for the class to begin. As the minutes ticked by, more and more students filtered into the room, filling the desks around him until the room was nearly bursting at the seams. This was his blood magic class. Same as with his mind magic class, this class had a combination of students of all grades, as there otherwise wouldn't be enough students to fill a single class. All the other students Zeke had observed in class had a main elemental affinity and were treating their Blood affinity as an unwanted tag-along. In the middle of the classroom sat Theodore Steiner, the earth magic prodigy from the Steiner family.

Zeke observed Theodore from across the room as the other students vied for his attention. Theodore was a tall, broad-shouldered young man with brown hair and piercing green eyes. As a member of the renowned Steiner family, known for producing some of the strongest earth mages in the empire, Theodore was a prime example of their prowess. He exuded confidence and authority, which earned him the position of leader among the Earth Mage faction at the academy. Despite the other students' attempts to engage him, Theodore remained cool and aloof, barely acknowledging their presence.

Zeke turned his attention to the other students in the class as they chatted among themselves, awaiting the professor's arrival. Out of the corner of his eye, Zeke noticed a young man approaching him. With his mind magic, Zeke immediately sensed the man's ill intentions and became wary. Despite the man's outwardly polite demeanor, Zeke knew that something was amiss.

The young man approached Zeke with a sly smile on his lips. "Excuse me," he said, his voice dripping with insincerity. "Could I ask you to stay a moment after class? A friend of mine has something important to tell you." Zeke's instincts warned him to be cautious, but his curiosity overcame his caution. He nodded his agreement, his mind filled with questions about the person's motives.

As the young man returned to his seat, the professor entered the room and began the lecture. Zeke listened attentively as the professor spoke on the subject of passive healing through blood magic, but he couldn't shake the feeling of frustration growing inside him. He believed that the topics discussed in the lecture were basic and fundamental concepts he had already learned.

Zeke raised his hand and after the teacher nodded at him, asked his question: "When do we learn to use active spells with blood magic?".

The teacher looked at Zeke for a long moment before answering with a single word: "Never."

Zeke couldn't believe what he was hearing. All this time, and all they had done was just channel mana through their blood magic core and stimulate their own blood mildly to improve healing? This seemed too simple, he had somehow expected there to be more to it.

He raised his hand again, determined to get some answers: "But sir, is there no other way to use blood magic actively? Is it really just limited to passive healing?" Zeke asked, trying to hide the frustration in his voice. The teacher hesitated for a moment, looking around the room before finally addressing Zeke's question.

"Well, there are some advanced techniques that involve using blood magic offensively, but they are highly dangerous and not something that we teach here at the academy. It's important to remember that the proper use of blood magic is a delicate and subtle art, and it's not meant to be used as a weapon."

"I can't believe it," Zeke exclaimed, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over him. "You mean to tell me that blood magic is just a passive ability? That it's not meant to be the main focus of a mage's skill set?"

The teacher nodded solemnly. "That is correct, young mage. While blood magic is certainly useful, it is best used as a passive ability, working in the background to support your other abilities. If you were to try and use it actively, you would be too focused on maintaining it and would not be able to fully utilize your elemental abilities."

Zeke furrowed his brow in confusion. "But why not? Why can't blood magic be the focus of a mage's offense?"

"Because it is risky and barbaric," the teacher replied, his tone serious. "Manipulating your own body and blood in such a way can be dangerous and can potentially harm yourself. It is much safer and more effective to let the blood magic work passively, enhancing your natural abilities and providing a steady stream of healing."

Zeke's heart sank at the teacher's words. He had always been fascinated by the idea of using magic to fight, and the thought of there being an entire aspect of it that was off-limits to him was disheartening. But he also knew that he couldn't just trust in the wisdom of his teachers, as they were clearly biased against this school of magic, and that with time and practice, he could find a way to make Blood Magic work for him.

Zeke glanced around the room, taking in the expressions of his classmates. Some of them seemed just as disappointed as he was, while most appeared to be hanging on the teacher's every word. Zeke couldn't understand why they would be so interested in this.

As he sat there, his thoughts turned to Maximilian. The old man had been very clear on his thoughts about the Blood Magic classes at the Elementium Academy. In his opinion, they were a complete joke. The teachers, he had said, were incompetent fools who knew next to nothing about the true potential of Blood Magic, and those who did worked even harder to not have students realize that fact.

Zeke couldn't help but agree with Maximilian's assessment. If this was the best that the academy had to offer in terms of blood magic instruction, then he was better off learning on his own.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat, letting his mind wander as the teacher continued to talk. It was going to be a long afternoon.

As the final bell signaling the end of class rang, Zeke remained seated, his thoughts racing. Most of his classmates had already filed out of the room, eager to start their evening activities, but a few lingered, their gazes fixed on the door. Zeke couldn't help but wonder what was causing the delay.

A few minutes later, the door to the classroom creaked open, and two figures stepped inside. Zeke's eyes flitted to the man in front, who introduced himself as Samuel. Beside him, Zeke recognized the young woman, her head lowered, as Lilly, the same girl he had harbored feelings for until not too long ago.

Zeke felt a sense of unease wash over him. What could they possibly want with him? And why was Lilly here? He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, and he couldn't help but wonder what was about to unfold.

Samuel looked at Zeke with a knowing gaze, his lips curled into a sly smile. "I know you used to be good friends with Lilly," he said, glancing over at the girl who was still staring at the ground, her lips sealed tight. Zeke's heart skipped a beat as he tried to gauge what Samuel was thinking, but his mind magic was no match for the second-year student's natural aura that protected him from such probing. Still, Zeke couldn't shake the feeling that Samuel had ulterior motives. "I've got some good news to share with you," Samuel continued, the words dripping with false sincerity.

Zeke narrowed his eyes, his body tensing in preparation for whatever was coming. "I'm not sure if I believe you," he said, his voice laced with suspicion.

Samuel chuckled, his eyes glittering with malice. "Oh, you'll believe me soon enough," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "And you'll regret ever coming to this academy, you freak of nature."

Zeke was surprised by the venom in Samuel's voice. But the latter stepped back and raised his voice in preparation to make an announcement. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" he said.

Samuel continued, "I am Samuel Luftschloss, and in the name of my family, I have an announcement to make. This is Lilly, she used to be just a girl from a poor farmer's village outside the capital. Lilly has a talent for wind magic, and my family has decided to grant her the Luftschloss surname."

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He made a dramatic pause and waited for the people to react before continuing. The crowd remained silent, their expressions mostly that of confusion. It was a normal thing for a noble family to adopt a talented mage, but why make a big deal out of the announcement. Samuel seemed to sense the hesitation of the crowd and cleared his throat before continuing. "I understand that this may come as a surprise to some of you, but I assure you that this decision was not made lightly. My family has always been dedicated to the advancement of magic, and we believe that Lilly has the potential to make a significant contribution to the magical community. We have offered her the opportunity to receive proper training and guidance, and we hope that she will make the most of this opportunity."

Despite how things were between them at the moment, Zeke couldn't help but feel happy for his friend. He knew that this was a great opportunity for Lilly, and he was determined to support her in any way he could. He joined in the scattered applause as Samuel concluded his announcement.

As the crowd dispersed, Zeke made his way over to Lilly, a smile on his face. "Congratulations," he said, stepping up to her in order to give her a hug. "I'm so happy for you."

Lilly seemed panicked by his approach and looked around wildly. But before Zeke could even get close to her, he felt someone's hand on his chest, pushing him back. He looked up, confused, and was met with the ridiculing eyes of Samuel.

"Oh, and there's another bit of private news that I'd like to share with just you," Samuel said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Lilly has also agreed to become my concubine! That was the deal she accepted in order to be worthy of the honor to join my family. Now, Lilly tells me that I have you to thank for her coming here in the first place. Thank you, little Zeke. You've prepared a fine present for me."

Zeke's heart sank at the words, his mind racing with disbelief and anger. He had known right away that Samuel was a sleazy, spoiled brat, but he had never imagined that he would stoop so low as to call Lilly a present right to her face.

Zeke's fists clenched at his sides, his body tense with rage. He had always been protective of Lilly, and he couldn't stand the thought of her accepting a deal that would have her marry such a man.

"You can't do this!" Zeke shouted, his voice shaking with emotion. "Lilly deserves better than to be treated like a piece of property!"

Samuel sneered at him, his eyes narrowed in contempt. "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" he spat out. "Lilly has agreed to this arrangement, and I have the support of my family. You have no say in the matter."

Zeke refused to back down, his determination to protect his friend fueling his resolve. He stepped forward, his voice firm and unwavering. "I won't let you do this to Lilly," he said. "If your family wants to adopt her, then do so without adding any weird conditions."

Samuel's eyes narrowed, a cold smile spreading across his face. "You think you have a say in how my family conducts business?" he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a poor farmer's son, with no power or influence. You have no means or right to even get involved in this issue."

Zeke's anger simmered as he heard Samuel's words, his emotions reaching a boiling point. Despite the rational part of his mind urging caution, warning him that this was surely a trap, Zeke couldn't contain his rage. He shifted into a fighting stance, ready to defend himself.

But Samuel was one step ahead. As if he had been waiting for Zeke to make his move, Samuel unleashed a wind slash with his magic, the attack aimed directly at Zeke. The sudden attack left Zeke no time to dodge, and he braced for impact.

The moment before the spell made contact, a muscular arm appeared before Zeke and blocked the attack. It was Theodore Steiner. After blocking the attack, he retracted his arm. The small cut he had sustained was already closing with the use of his Blood Magic. It seemed to Zeke that the technique Theodore used was way more advanced than what they learned in class.

Theodore looked at Samuel for a long moment before speaking. "Who put you up to this, Samuel?" he said, his voice stern and disapproving. "I can see that you are playing some game here. But you can't just go around using magic to attack people whenever you feel like it."

Samuel sneered at Theodore, his eyes narrowed in anger. "Stay out of this, Steiner," he said. "This has nothing to do with you."

Theodore gave Samuel a look of disbelief before chuckling softly and standing up to his full height, towering a head over Samuel as he stepped right in front of the smaller man. Theodore's eyes became hard as he looked down at Samuel before saying, "WHAT - did you just say to me, little man? Since when does your pathetic Luftschloss family have the guts to talk to a member of the Steiner family like an equal?"

Samuel started shaking when he met Theodore's eyes. He realized his mistake a little too late. Not only was he no match against Theodore in a fight, his family was only a minor family. He had gotten too carried away while talking to Zeke and accidentally talked to Theodore like he would talk to a servant. Theodore smirked after seeing this and asked again, "Now you tell me, and you tell me right now, who told you to come here and make problems with that kid Ezekiel? I've been seeing you guys tormenting him for over a month now, and I know that someone is behind this. Who is it?"

Samuel's face paled at the words, his fear and guilt written all over his face. He looked around nervously, as if trying to find an escape route. But Theodore wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily. He grabbed Samuel by the collar and lifted him a foot off the ground, so they were eye to eye.

"Don't try to play dumb with me," Theodore said, his voice low and dangerous. "I know you and your cronies have been picking on that kid for some reason. And I want to know why. So you can either tell me who's behind this, or you can deal with me."

Samuel's eyes darted around, his body trembling with fear. He seemed to be weighing his options, trying to decide whether it was better to confess or face the consequences.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Samuel let out a sigh and said, "Fine. I'll tell you. It was Alexander. He's been pressuring me to prove myself, to show that I'm worthy of being one of his allies. And he said that if I could take down Zeke, it would be a sure sign of my strength and superiority."

Theodore's eyes narrowed as he glared at Samuel. "And you were foolish enough to listen to him?" he spat, his voice laced with contempt. "You're not a child anymore, Luftschloss. You should know better than to let your actions be controlled by someone else. If Ezekiel were to report you for using combat magic on him, a first-year student who isn't even in the combat classes, you might really get kicked out of school. I know that you guys have been lucky so far because he heals fast, which destroys all the evidence against you, but now you even dare to attack him in the middle of a classroom? Right in front of so many witnesses? Right in front of ME? The FUCKING GALL YOU HAVE!" Theodore started off calm, but seemed to get more and more enraged as he continued talking. At the end of his sentence, Theodore was basically screaming right in Samuel's face. Theodore ended his tirade by tossing Samuel on the ground like a used rag.

Samuel quickly retreated, practically running for his life. He only stopped once to grab Lilly and drag her with him as he left. Before he reached the door, Theodore called after him: "You guys have gotten away with your shit in the past, but word on the street is that Maximilian von Hohenheim has asked to see the boy personally, and I am not getting dragged into this mess if that old monster is involved. You can tell that pretty boy Alexander to fuck off as well. I don't know what this shit is about, but I'm getting real sick of him playing politics at school!"

Zeke watched as Theodore turned and gave him a look he couldn't identify before exiting the room, the sound of his footsteps fading into the distance. Zeke was now alone in the room, everybody else had left at some point without him noticing, the echoes of the conversation still ringing in his ears. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Lilly, his former friend, had agreed to marry a man like Samuel, an arrogant, entitled noble, just for the sake of gaining a title and status. And apparently someone named "Alexander" had been the mastermind of his suffering. Who could that be? The only Alexander that Zeke knew of was Alexander Feuerkranz, but how could it be him? Zeke had never even crossed paths with him in the hallway, much less talked to him. Zeke felt a sense of powerlessness wash over him. He had long since realized that the powerful and rich held all the cards in this world, but to see his friend succumb to their manipulation and coercion was a harsh reality.

He remembered the offer that Maximilian had made him three days ago- to adopt Zeke, make him a noble and teach him a new way to use magic. At the time, Zeke had been hesitant. But now, as he stood alone in the room, he realized that he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by accepting the offer. Since when had he become such a coward that he wouldn't dare to take a hand offered in friendship for the fear of betrayal? This was not the person he was, not the person he wanted to be.

Zeke's eyes regained their clarity, his mind made up. He would accept Maximilian's offer and gamble on the veracity of Maximilian's words. It was a risky move, but the gains were more than equal to the risk.

He made his way to the location that Maximilian had specified, his determination growing with each step.

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