Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 21: Chapter 19: The Duel Approaches.

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Chapter 19: The Duel Approaches.

Ezekiel stood ready as the ogre charged out of the cave and straight at him. Zeke didn't move, his staff in hand, as the ogre lunged at him with both arms outstretched, clearly trying to grab him. But before it could reach him, the ogre crashed into an almost invisible wall, created by Zeke using his space magic, and fell to the ground.

As the ogre tried to get up, dazed and confused, it soon realized that it could barely move. The ogre felt as though it were at the bottom of the ocean, and every tiny movement took an incredible amount of effort. Zeke stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the ogre, who was still on his knees.

Raising his staff high, Zeke brought it down on the ogre's head with all his might. The force of the impact deformed the beast's skull, killing it instantly. Zeke stood there, panting and covered in the creature's blood, but victorious. He approached the ogre's lifeless body with a determined look on his face. He had been sent on a mission to prove his proficiency as an adventurer, and he could not return to the guild without some sort of trophy. He brandished his knife, and cut off one of the creature's long, gray ears. Afterward, he returned to the guild, the ear tucked inside the trophy bag on his belt. As he walked through the doors, the receptionist looked up in surprise.

"Ezekiel," she said. "You're back so soon? Most people take their time with a rank up exam, days or even weeks of preparation." But Zeke just smiled and shrugged. He had been well-prepared, and he had been confident in his success.

The receptionist was surprised by such a confident demeanor in someone so young, but handled the paperwork quickly and efficiently. After congratulating him on his success, she added him to the bronze rank. Zeke smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He had done it, this was truly a great achievement for someone his age. Most Adventurers didn't advance past bronze or maybe iron rank in all their life, and here Zeke was, not even 15 years old, and already a bronze rank.

Zeke stared down at the fourteen pieces of silver in his hand, a reward for his successful mission to kill the ogre. He thought back to the days when he had been living in poverty, doing odd jobs in the crafters' quarters just to make ends meet. He remembered the struggles of not having enough money to pay for necessities. Back then, it would have taken him weeks of hard work just to earn this amount of coin.

He couldn't help but smile as he realized how far he had come. He could pay the rent for half a year at his old place with what he had earned this afternoon. It was a small fortune, and a reminder of how much his life had changed since he had become a mage and started working with the guild.

With his new rank secured, Zeke said his goodbyes and made his way home. He couldn't wait to tell his mentor, Maximilian, all about what had happened today. As he walked through the door, Maximilian looked up from his book and smiled. "Zeke," he said. "Welcome home, tell me all about your exam."

Zeke recounted the events of his battle with the ogre, the thrill of victory still fresh in his mind. Maximilian listened attentively, nodding in approval. "That was smart of you, Zeke," he said. "The ogre was a perfect matchup for you. The magic resistant skin of the ogre is useless against your magic because you don't attack the ogre directly, but freeze the surrounding space. Also, the skin might be strong against slashing weapons like swords or knifes, but it doesn't protect against blunt weapons, such as your reinforced staff."

Ezekiel felt a sense of warmth spread through him at the words of his mentor, but as he listened to his mentor's words of encouragement and guidance, he was reminded of the events that had transpired before his mission.

"Martin came to me with a smirk on his face, taunting and belittling me," Zeke said, his voice filled with anger. "He's now part of the powerful Feuerkranz family, known for their mastery of fire magic. But I couldn't understand why they would adopt someone like him, who lacks a strong Fire affinity."

Maximilian nodded, signaling him to go on.

"I accepted his challenge for a duel," Zeke continued. "It's set to take place in a week's time. I need to be prepared for this, I can't afford to lose to someone like that."

Maximilian listened attentively, a look of contempt on his face as Zeke spoke. "I have a pretty good idea about why the Feuerkranz family adopted that little brat, if I am right, then this move is probably targeted at you." He said. "You must be prepared for this duel, their fire magic is not to be underestimated."

Zeke sat in confusion, trying to understand why the Feuerkranz family had targeted him. He had never had any conflicts with them before and couldn't understand their sudden hostility. "Maximilian, I don't understand. Why would the Feuerkranz family want to duel me? We've never had any issues before. What's going on?" he asked with a hint of frustration.

Maximilian sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Are you aware that the four great families are suppressing other forms of magic within the empire?" Maximilian asked, a hint of concern in his voice. "The Feuerkranz have a particular hatred for blood mages, and it seems they have set their sights on you. That family has a long-standing feud with the leading family of the Kingdom of Valor, the Bloodsword family," he began to explain. "The Bloodsword family is known for their mastery of flesh and blood magic, which makes their bodies almost invincible. But their power also inspires fear and jealousy. They've had many enemies over the years. And the Feuerkranz family is no exception. The former patriarch of the Feuerkranz family was killed by Tristan Bloodsword on the field of battle."

"But I don't understand, what does this have to do with me?" Zeke asked, confused.

"The Feuerkranz family hates blood magic, and by extension, they hate all blood mages, they see it as a threat and an abomination. I am almost certain the Feuerkranz family is the main reason why there is next to no blood magic taught at Elementium. They will not let a blood mage rise through the ranks of the empire if they can help it. They tolerate the other blood mages because of their weak affinity, but you have a perfect blood affinity, Zeke, exactly the same as Tristan Bloodsword. I believe they adopted Martin because he was on bad terms with you for many years already, and it wouldn't look strange if he were to target you openly."

"I'll show them that I'm not some easy target," he said through gritted teeth. "I'll show them that my power and abilities are to be respected."

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Maximilian gave him a small smile and nodded. "That's the spirit," he said. "But remember, it's important to also consider the political situation, the Feuerkranz family have many allies, it's best to be careful. I'll see what I can do to get you some support."

Zeke sat in contemplation, his mind racing as he thought back to the previous encounter he had with Samuel. Samuel had targeted him, attempting to bait him into a fight. He had claimed that someone called 'Alexander' was behind it. At the time, Zeke had been confused and unable to understand why he was being targeted, but now, as he thought about the recent events with the Feuerkranz family, it seemed clear that 'Alexander' was none other than Alexander Feuerkranz.

His thoughts turned to Theodore Steiner, and how he had come to his aid back then. The situation with Theodore had always seemed strange to him. Why attack Zeke right in front of the leader of the earth mages faction? Was it to force Theodore to pick a side? And now, as he thought about it more, he couldn't help but wonder if that was the reason why Theodore had said that Alexander was playing politics at school.

Zeke's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzle. Could it be that the Feuerkranz family was trying to test the waters in order to find out how openly they could move against him? Forcing the existing powers to choose sides? Was that why they had targeted him more openly as time went on?

He knew that he needed more information, and he was determined to find out what was truly going on. He would not let himself be used as a pawn in someone else's game. He would not let the Feuerkranz family take out their grievances with the Bloodsword family on him, just because he seemed like an easy target for their anger.

Zeke sat lost in thought, trying to piece together the puzzle of the Feuerkranz family's motives. His mind was consumed with questions and suspicions, but he was interrupted when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Maximilian, looking at him with a stern expression.

"This is not the time to get lost in thoughts, Zeke," Maximilian said, his voice firm yet kind. "I think, it is high time that you and I have a duel."

Zeke was momentarily confused, not understanding the purpose of Maximilian's proposition. But then, it dawned on him that his mentor was a fire mage, and he remembered that he would need experience in fighting against fire mages if he was to stand a chance against Martin and the Feuerkranz family.

"You're right," Zeke said, determination in his voice. "I need to be ready for this duel. I need to know how to fight against fire mages."

"Listen closely, Zeke," Maximilian began. "Fighting against fire mages requires a level of precision and strategy that you may not have encountered before. It's important to understand how they think and how they use their magic. They will try to predict your movements and strike when you're vulnerable, so you must always be one step ahead.

"But don't just rely on your magic alone. Quick thinking and adaptability are key in battle. Use your surroundings to your advantage. Look for sources of water or obstacles that can shield you from their spells if you can. Remember, every situation is different, and you must be ready to adapt to any scenario.

"Most importantly, don't let their arrogance get to you. They may underestimate you, but use that to your advantage. Stay focused, stay calm, and stay one step ahead."

Zeke listened intently as Maximilian began to explain the intricacies of fighting against fire mages. He taught Zeke how to predict their spells and how to use his own magic to neutralize their attacks. He instructed Zeke on the importance of quick thinking and adaptability in battle.

A week quickly passed as Zeke trained every day, honing his skills and preparing for his duel with Martin. He spent every waking moment studying and practicing, determined to be as ready as he could be for the duel.

On the day of the duel, Zeke woke up early, his stomach a jumble of nerves and excitement. He went to his classes as usual, but he could feel that something was different. His classmates seemed to have heard about the duel, and he could hear them whispering about it all morning.

During lunch break, Zeke made his way home and put on his armor, he was as prepared as he could be. Afterward, he went to the arena for first-years, expecting to find Martin and his friends there. But as he reached the arena, he was not prepared for what he found there, the place absolutely packed with spectators.


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