Troll Immortal

Chapter 7: Chapter 7. Shi Kun

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"Shi Kun of Shi clan greets the Su clan's  Patriarch." the 5-6-year-old boy beside the elder snake also greeted.

The elder look like a human, but one could see various scales shining on his body. He also has slitted eyes, and when he spoke his forked tongue could be seen. Su Chen felt somewhat strange inside him. 

This world really does have people from the snake race too. He had seen some demi-humans before in Su Clan but he was never in this close contact with demi-humans. He naturally felt some uneasiness inside him.

He suddenly felt a hand patting his back as if telling him not to worry. He looked at the hand patting his back, it belong to his father's older brother Su Zhongtian. When Su Chen saw his mother handing over him to Su Zhongtian, he almost jumped in fright.

Isn't there suppose to be some enmity between father and uncle? why are you giving him a hostage? but it seems their relationship is not on that level where they would oppose each other every time.

He then shifted his gaze towards the elder. He saw the snake elder giving a letter to his father. Su Yichuan didn't immediately open the letter. The letter vanishes from Su Yichuan's hand, disappearing in his storage ring.

Su Yichuan looked at the elder snake with an indifferent expression. "When did the imperial court order you to deliver the letter?" his gaze looked like it could penetrate his soul. Su Chen had never seen his father this indifferent. 

So, this is how the father acts toward the outside world, and especially enemies.

Elder snake replied "20 days ago, Patriarch Su."

"Ohh, you are certainly slow for a snake." Su Yichuan replied in a mocking tone.

Everyone present sneered at elder snake's words. 20 days, hmphs, anyone could have delivered all the letters within 4 days. They were cultivators, they could cross mountains and rivers within few seconds. They deduced that the court have given a deadline of 20 days, and this elder snake deliberately waited till the last day to deliver the letter to the Su clan. One could truly see the deep hostility between Su and Shi clans. But no one exposed him, they were clearly used to this type of politics. 

"I was also supposed to deliver letters to princes and kings and other clans, So it took a little more time to deliver letter to the Su clan. I apologized if it somehow angered Patriarch Su." Elder snake replied hurriedly. He didn't get angry at Su Yichuan's mocking words, or rather he didn't dare to. If had the power to contest with Su Yichuan he wouldn't be acting as a postman.

Now that the elder snake had brought princes and kings into the conversion, Su Yichuan didn't continue to argue. If he continued to argue with the elder, others will see him as challenging the status of the royal family. Princes and kings of the Dynasty were scattered throughout the lands

You are from the duke family, but you want to receive the letter before the royal family's princes and king. Presumptuous! Su Yichuan could imagine how his enemies would react if this matter got out.

But who was he?

He was a Patriarch of the Su clan, he had dealt with countless situations many times more difficult, and not only dealt but make his opponent eat dust.

"Ohh  I see. You have truly done a good job then." Su Yichuan paused and continued with a slight smile. "I will surely bring up your deeds in court as a reward."

"Thank you for your generosity, Patriarch Su." while the elder snake was thanking Su Yichuan on the surface, inwardly he was cursing him. Didn't they say this Su Yichuan was amiable and scholarly, he is clearly a cunning fox.

On the surface, it looked as if the Su clan was praising the elder snake for doing his job, but the officials will notice it had taken him 20 days to complete a simple job. It would mostly take 10-12 days for any other messenger to deliver letters to everyone including princes and kings. The court officials clearly didn't like incompetent people. Elder snake's prestige would surely take a hit, indirectly hindering the Shi clan. And rather than causing a ruckus, the Su clan instead praise the elder snake for doing his job, which will surely increase the Su Clan's reputation in court.

Su Chen's head couldn't help but start spinning.

Aren't these guys suppose to be blockheads, and start fighting for no reason. Shouldn't the scene be "Junoir, you dare?" or "Courting death." 

Why are they using their heads instead of fighting? I hope not every cultivator is like my father.

 I must quickly learn more about this world, its customs, its way of living, its hierarchy, and other traditions. 

Su Chen felt that this world was familiar yet foreign. It felt familiar because this world was very similar to that of ancient China, sharing a similar language and culture. But at the same time, it felt foreign because this was a world of cultivation that didn't quite match with the Xianxia cultivation novels he had read. Like his previous world, this world also had laws, government, etc. It was not a completely lawless world.

Of course, he knew if one were strong enough, they could completely disregard the law. This rule applied to both worlds, the only difference was, in his previous world, it was mainly money that could buy power, but in this world, you would also need strong cultivation. If you only have money then any cultivator with a higher rank could rob you.

In this world, power was mostly concentrated in the hands of the royal court and great sects. The stronger one was, the greater power and authority one would be able to amass. He could only deduce this much information based on events happening around him and listening to conversations of everyone, He still needs to find more about how the royal family works, how to cultivate, cultivation ranks, etc.

He was not worried about those things, he still had plenty of time to figure things out and with 'Kids learn faster than adults!' skill, he would need less energy and could amass more knowledge.

His thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitch voice."What are you looking at?" 

Su Chen was in Su Zhongtian's arms look down and saw a little boy with black hair with dark eyebrows, Su Chen had completely forgotten about this little kid. Hmm, What does this little kid want? Can't he see elders talking? 

"Is there anything you want young master Shi?" Su Zhongtian asked his gaze indifferent.

"Of course not, I was just trying to speak with young master Su" Shi Kun replied with a bow. Despite being only 5 years old he was already well versed in ethics. Su Chen was surprised to see that a boy only 4 years older than him was this well-mannered. I don't even remember what I was doing in my previous when I was five.

The children from major clans always nurtured their younger generation with rare herbs and whatnot. Su Chen was only able to grow quicker because of one eye goat's milk and the medicinal bath he took every day. Other children from normal backgrounds were not lucky enough to experience this type of luxury.

Su Zhongtian didn't say anything further, he was from the older generation, and both Su Chen and Shi Kun were of younger generation. In the cultivation world, it was rule that the older generation will not interfere in matters of the younger generation.

Of course, he will intervene if there was any chance of someone harming Su Chen or any other younger generation of the Su clan.

"What do you want?" Su Chen asked. he was uninterested to talk with kids.

"Nothing, I just wanted to congratulate the young master for successfully completing the naming ceremony." Shi Kun replied. He already knew his clan's relationship with the Su clan. He clearly wanted to cause some trouble.

Shi Kun then took out a red cloth that looked like a handkerchief. "Young master, please accept this gift, I was only informed about the ceremony this evening so I couldn't attend. This handkerchief is made of fine silk obtained from 12 eye spider and personally crafted by Shi clans tailors."

Does this world name the beast based on its external feature only? wondered Su Chen

Shi clan will of course not give any pills, herbs, or treasure. who would help their enemy? but giving something of low quality will make them a laughingstock, so Shi Kun decided to give a handkerchief made from 12 eye spider, it was a rare rank 6 beast. This gift was cleary expensive but it was useless. You can use recovery pills in battle but what handkerchief will be useful for?

Su Chen couldn't possibly accept the gift from above so Su Zhongtian accepted the gift and passed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen could feel the softness of the handkerchief. Wow, this is so silky.

"Young master, I just wanted to know how many meridians were open when you were born.....?" Shi Kun took the opportunity to start his plan.

Others immediately understood what Shi Kun was trying to do, It was public knowledge that Shi Kun had opened 8 meridians at the time of his birth. Su Chen had opened only 4. He was clearly trying to mock Su Chen. Although Su Chen was a child and might forget everything the onlookers can not. Shi Kun could proclaim that he humiliated Su Chen on his naming ceremony. 

Su Zhongtian was about to say something when Su Chen opened his mouth. "Wow, it's truly soft, I could use it to wipe my ass."

"Yes, young master it is made....." Shi Kun was about to accept Su Chen's compliment when his face turned ugly. Wipe ass! with my Shi clan's handkerchief. YOU DARE!

[You have successfully trolled Shi Kun for 200 troll points!]

[You have successfully trolled elder snake for 100 troll points!]

Su Chen didn't feel the slightest bit of happiness when he saw points coming.

This elder is talking to my father but his attention sure is this side.

In fact, not only elder snake but Ning Qian, Su Yichuan, Ya Lan, and even the silent Su Tiesheng were paying attention to his side.

"Ah, Thank you for your permission" Su Chen said.

[You have successfully trolled Shi Kun for 200 troll points!]

I was not giving you any permission!!. he yelled in his mind.

"Ohhh meridians, I have opened four, what about you?" Su Chen said in a cute voice while wondering why Su Tiesheng was still there. Don't you have a wife, why are you still here standing there like a rock? everyone present also shared his thoughts. Su Tiesheng was still head of the second branch so they just couldn't ask him to leave.

"Yes, Yes. so young master has opened 4 meridians, haha as expected." Shi Kun replied he didn't know how to respond to Su Chen's wiping comment but now it was Su Chen who initiated the talk about meridians, he could continue his plan.

"But this Kun has only opened 8 meridians" he said in an arrogant tone and looked up to see Su Chen. he was expecting a shocked expression on Su Chen's face. But he was about to be disappointed. He saw that Su Chen was looking at him with same expression, there was no shock.

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"8 meridians uhh. Okay." Su Chen replied. he would couldn't care less if Shi Kun opened 8 meridians or 100. he knew opening the meridian determines the flow of Ki in one's body, the more one opened the more Ki could pass their body resulting in an increase in the speed of cultivation.

"uhh. Okay? no more?" Shi Kun asked dumbfounded. Shouldn't he be shocked? and cursed at his fate for opening only 4 meridians.

"More what?" Su Chen replied. he was starting to get annoyed by this brat.

"More What!!!" Shi Kun yelled. "You should be shocked and get angry. Curse your fate for opening only 4 meridians."

[You have successfully trolled Shi Kun for 600 troll points!]

He was only 5 years old. His plans were getting thawed by Su Chen again and again. He could withstand it anymore, and his hidden thoughts were brought out.

"Elder snake, what's the meaning of this?" Ning Qian said in a cold voice. Now that Shi Kun is exposed, she had to intervene.

"S-sorry madam, young master is still a child." he bowed one-eighty. he couldn't care less about his reputation now, he just wanted to defuse the situation.

"Shi clan needs to give an explanation." Ya Lan also joined. Both ladies were unleashing torrents of abuse at the elder snake. he could only bite his lips and endured. 

Damm this brat, making me take all abuses.

Su Chen was now truly annoyed at this Shi clan's brat. he started wriggling in Su Zhongtian's arms. He needs to be taught a lesson.

"Don't move or you will fa....." Su Zhongtian couldn't complete his sentence when his mouth suddenly stopped. Everyone in the room stared at Su Chen with wide eyes. Even both women stopped cursing the elder snake stared at Su Chen. Servants nearby forgot to take a breath.


Su Chen had pulled down his pant and shot a thin stream of water in Shi Kun's face.

Ahhh~ feels nice to drench someone.

Elder snake hurriedly made his way toward his young master. He immediately pulled Shi Kun from the waterfall. Shi Kun was still dazed, he couldn't fathom what had happened. 

Shi Kun woke up from his dazed when elder snake pulled him. He immediately exploded with anger, shame, and humiliation. 

"Y-You bastard.. whhhaat have you dd-done." He couldn't speak properly due to how humiliated he was. He was the young master of the Shi clan but today he was drenched in the piss of a child.

[You have successfully trolled Shi Kun for 999 troll points!]

[… 999 Rage points! … 100 Rage points! … 100…… 100… 100…]

Su Chen blinked at the sudden series of messages. he was also quite shocked to see this many troll points at once. 

Young master Shi, Let's wash the pis...water on your face first" elder snake wanted to say ‘piss’, but changed his words as he remembered how angry his young master was. He was looking here and there for something to wipe his young master's face.

"Elder snake, here" elder snake looked up to see Su Chen offering him a cloth with a cute face. This brat doesn't seem that hateful, it's just young master got unlucky and got drenched.

When he took the cloth, he was stunned. Ohh this cloth is quite silky. When he took a look at the cloth closely he trembled with fury.

[You have successfully trolled elder snake for 500 troll points!]

It was the same red cloth Shi Kun had gifted him. When Shi Kun again yelled. "You still trying to humiliate me further. I will Kill you bastard."

[You have successfully trolled Shi Kun for 999 troll points!]

"Young master Shi, you are crossing the line. don't blame me for being rude." Su Yichuan said and a powerful aura descended on both the elder snake and Shi Kun. 

He was holding back because Shi Kun was from the younger generation, but since Shi Kun dared to threaten his son on the Su clan's territory he could naturally use this as justification and act. 

"Patriarch Su, please be magnanimous" Elder snake's face paled. Suddenly a huge amount of blood spurted out of his mouth and nose. He was seriously injured. Since he also had a responsibility to protect Shi Kun he didn't move and took the attack from Su Yichuan directly. Shi Kun was unharmed, One could see a transparent barrier shining around him. Though the elder snake took the attack directly, Su Yichuan was still 2 ranks above him, Even the simplest aura attack had left him seriously injured.

Still, some of the aura from the attack reached Shi Kun, the jade pendant on his neck immediately shone, and a transparent barrier formed around him. Shi clan will obviously not send one of their young masters without any treasure.

Su Chen also looked at the jade pendant on his own neck. It seems I also have some life-saving treasures.

He was still shocked to see his father personally acting to deal with elder snake. He just wanted to do some trolling and teach that Shi brat a lesson. he never expected this matter to blow up like a volcano.

There won't be any war because of me, right?

Su Yichuan's expression didn't change a bit. he had expected such a result. His target was always elder snake, as for Shi Kun, he didn't even place him in his eyes. Even with treasures, he was sure that he can kill Shi Kun with just one finger.

Before anyone could say anything, Su Tiesheng ran towards elder snake and ordered the nearby servants. "What are you doing, Go and prepare water for elder snake."

The servants didn't move, instead, look at Su Yichuan. They knew who was the boss. They could afford to offend Su Tiesheng but they wouldn't dare to offend Su Yichuan.

"Su Tiesheng what are you doing, helping our enemies." Ya Lan asked with a cold tone. Su Zhongtian's expression also turned cold.

Su Tiesheng knew he has acted impulsively but he still remained calm. "What are you saying second madam, I would never dare. elder snake is still imperial envoy, we have to give him some face."

"Yes Yes. I am an imperial envoy. Does the Su clan plan on rebellion? attacking an envoy in front of many people." elder snake remembered he was still an imperial envoy, and attacking anyone from the court could count as rebellion.

 "The court doesn't grant permission to any official to threaten anyone. much less one of the eight great clans. Are you using your position to settle a grudge on behalf of someone or..some clan? Using an official position for benefit of a third party is a crime punishable to death" Su Yichuan retorted. he purposefully stressed on last words. If he attack an envoy he naturally have methods to back him up from future trouble.

Before the elder snake could reply, he again spurts out a mouthful of blood. He was seriously injured, if he could retain his cultivation of rank 7 was unclear. he might even become crippled.

Su Yichuan nodded at servants, he didn't want the imperial envoy to die in his Su clan. The servant immediately left to carry out tasks, Su Tiesheng help elder snake stand up.

"Patriarch Su, should I bring elder snake to the medicinal hall?" Su Tiesheng asked. Everyone understood that he had close relationship with elder snake.

Su Yichuan nodded. he also order the servants to bring young master Shi to the washroom. He couldn't keep Shi Kun drenched in his son's liquid, could he?

Su Zhongtian was looking at Su Chen, seemingly thinking about something, he then let out a slight smile on his indifferent face.

Su Chen was in no mood to pay attention if someone was staring at him or not. He just couldn't get his head around the situation.

They were at each other's throats just now, accusing each other of rebellion and crime, but why did father order to bring that snake bastard to the medicinal hall? Is this Su Tiesheng really from the Su clan?

Su Chen racked up his brain but couldn't come to any conclusion and sighed. I can only gather more information and ask all my doubts to mother. I must also deal with the Shi clan in the future. 





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